AKRON, Ohio — Police say a 14-year-old girl was dancing topless at an Akron strip club when they raided the bar and arrested four exotic dancers.
The girl has been placed in protective custody.
Akron police vice officers served a search warrant Friday night at the Playhouse bar.
The bar's owner and manager were charged with illegal use of a minor in a nudity performance and child endangering.
Police Lt. Rick Edwards says officers saw some dancers have contact with customers, but not the 14-year-old. He says the club is not licensed as a sexually oriented business.
The girl has been placed with Summit County Children Services
Do you think that this is common? Should TUSCLers worry about legalities? Should we check ID's?
Any topic about under age dancers, for me, would be incomplete without mentioning that Shotgun Geniez in Hamburg, Iowa had a trial based around the fact some underage girl, who eventually ended up a dancer there (once she turned 18), was there and whether it was a "theater" under Iowa law.
uscue13 is closest to the truth. Houston Dolls has been busted several times for having 17 year olds dance. Several other clubs in Houston have been busted for it. My OTC gal tells me one of her closest friends started at 16 in a black club.
Thing about these events is, that we the mongers are in the most dangerous position. It's like the ol' statutory rape conundrum that they tell you about in high school to scare you: it doesn't matter if she was telling the truth or lying about her under-age status, or even if you "knew or should have known" about her minority or to the contrary that you had every good reason to believe she was of majority. What you know, should know, didn't know, could or couldn't have known, DOES NOT MATTER. Generally, across nearly all Western jurisdictions, if you do it (sex? lappers? look at her naked? go into the building where she is wearing a bikini?), and she is too young, you're guilty. The only differentiations among jurisdictions are, (a) what constitutes "do it," and (b) what constitutes "too young."
So, really, if you're concerned that your area has this sort of problem, then you need to hit up "reputable" clubs that have a good motivation to keep their noses clean. Clubs where you can "trust" that bouncers and management really DON'T want to be caught with under-age girls. Very very few girls are such movie-star producers that a major club will keep 'em for the income even if the club knows the girls are at risk of being under-age, or drug-addicted. If there's any one attitude that's prevalent and consistent across club management across the country, it's that girls are disposable and easily replaced, especially the young flighty hard-to-handle unpredictable ones. So, as long as you're not in a location where girls are hard to find, where the clubs are desperate and so poorly run that they let all sorts of shit happen despite their own best interest, or where the pimps and drug pushers really are in charge of which girls get to perform ...
... then, are you OK? I dunno.
Me, I'm gonna take a bar exam in 2 years. I no longer get near the under-age-looking girls, and I have eliminated visiting (what used to be my favorite) the place called "Barely Legal" on Bourbon Street mostly because of the name, but also because of the "youthful" appearance of the dancers. I don't want to be near the trouble. Visions is fine by me, even if the girls are most of them "experienced." The few who aren't, are also easy to spot, because they're getting kicked out for lack of responsibility, usually. (Comments refer to New Orleans, BTW.)
Oh yeah, PS. "It was not a raid, just an ID check" ... for what? Is that legal? I see Fourth Amendment violations all OVER that one. If I were in there I'd be cooperative -- "sure officer, here's my driver's license, just trying to be helpful, I hope I wasn't doing anything wrong, and if I was, then let me know and I'll knock it off right away and head home." But I'd call a lawyer in the morning if they said, "You have to give me your ID or I'll arrest you. And everyone in this building has to sit around and do nothing for an hour while we check all their IDs and run them through the computer, and anyone who wants to leave will be arrested."
(Unless there's something specific about the officers having a right to demand ID being established when the entity gets its license to sell liquor, run adult performances, or what-not. But even then, I smell "arrest by implication" violations.)
Yikes is right. I've turned down dancers for LDs that looked too young, even though I was sure they were over 18. I don't like the school age girl look, I can't imagine what some of these underage girls look like.
Wouldn't want to be in the wrong club at the wrong time (whether you were "with" the girl or not).
14 years old is just too young. That's wrong. Whoever let her dance there without checking the ID is an idiot. Club should be shut down. Owner facing prison and fines.
I would be willing to bet Book Guy that it has to do with the liquor license. I worked in bars in college and employees always got checked before a single customer. Once you show ID, I'm pretty sure they can run it through the computer if they so choose.
So here's the thing, then. Are strip clubs that do NOT serve alcohol, actually at a GREATER risk for the customer? You'd think that going to a tea-total place would be more of a "moral" act, according to the Puritan-ists ...
I once met a girl in a strip club, had an OTC encounter with her, and later some bitch pretending to be her mother calls me and says that this girl is only 16. I didn't fall for the attempt to extort me. And the girl called me again a year later. By the way, she had the biggest nipples I have ever seen--at least four inches in diameter.
Underage is a true taboo. That's something that's not even worth joking about. So I hope the manager of the club in question gets maximum punishment upon conviction.
On the list of things to worry about getting in trouble over at a strip club, I believe this has to rank pretty low. Sure, theoretically, just being in the wrong club at the wrong time could mean facing charges that would ruin your life. But that's just as true for any number of LE issues that don't involve underage dancers: extras clubs, clubs w. drug activity, etc. etc. I'm not aware of many cases where customers get charged when a club gets caught employing the odd 17 or 16-year-old dancer. I'm wrong here please set me straight.
If you don't think 18-20 year old strippers are hot, that's another matter, but if you do (& I do), I don't see any reason to avoid them to keep your nose clean.
Years ago, cops found a 16 year old girl working as a dancer but they said they were not able to do anything about it. Sixteen is the age of consent in this state.
Age of consent is a completely different issue. It's the age at which a girl can be fucked without exposing you to statuatory rape charges. In a lot of states, the age of consent is 16, and yet it's illegal to employ a stripper under age 18. In other words, you could have consensual sex with a 16 or 17-year-old girl without breaking any laws, however, if you got a lap dance from the same girl (or possessed pornography that shows her), you could get the book thrown at you. So, I'm not sure what those cops in the above post were talking about.
Where I live there is a group of individuals or organizations known as agents who service the strip club and stripper community. These agents act a as a screener for strip clubs. They make sure that the strippers applying for a job have all the proper paper work and look the part. By that I mean that they are not over weight or ugly.
For the strippers they provide two main services. First if they are under age they provide very credible and accurate phony identification. The other major service they provide is that they will verify employment and income for strippers looking to get a mortgage or car loan. This is how many underage strippers find employment and how strippers who make a cash only income can get a home or car. Since they can provide the proper identification to the strip club there is usually no liability to the strip club if they get caught.
I suspect that this is the case for most areas. Most people don't know that they exist and most strippers do not talk about them for obvious reasons.
last commenthttp://www.iowa.gov/government…
Any topic about under age dancers, for me, would be incomplete without mentioning that Shotgun Geniez in Hamburg, Iowa had a trial based around the fact some underage girl, who eventually ended up a dancer there (once she turned 18), was there and whether it was a "theater" under Iowa law.
Thing about these events is, that we the mongers are in the most dangerous position. It's like the ol' statutory rape conundrum that they tell you about in high school to scare you: it doesn't matter if she was telling the truth or lying about her under-age status, or even if you "knew or should have known" about her minority or to the contrary that you had every good reason to believe she was of majority. What you know, should know, didn't know, could or couldn't have known, DOES NOT MATTER. Generally, across nearly all Western jurisdictions, if you do it (sex? lappers? look at her naked? go into the building where she is wearing a bikini?), and she is too young, you're guilty. The only differentiations among jurisdictions are, (a) what constitutes "do it," and (b) what constitutes "too young."
So, really, if you're concerned that your area has this sort of problem, then you need to hit up "reputable" clubs that have a good motivation to keep their noses clean. Clubs where you can "trust" that bouncers and management really DON'T want to be caught with under-age girls. Very very few girls are such movie-star producers that a major club will keep 'em for the income even if the club knows the girls are at risk of being under-age, or drug-addicted. If there's any one attitude that's prevalent and consistent across club management across the country, it's that girls are disposable and easily replaced, especially the young flighty hard-to-handle unpredictable ones. So, as long as you're not in a location where girls are hard to find, where the clubs are desperate and so poorly run that they let all sorts of shit happen despite their own best interest, or where the pimps and drug pushers really are in charge of which girls get to perform ...
... then, are you OK? I dunno.
Me, I'm gonna take a bar exam in 2 years. I no longer get near the under-age-looking girls, and I have eliminated visiting (what used to be my favorite) the place called "Barely Legal" on Bourbon Street mostly because of the name, but also because of the "youthful" appearance of the dancers. I don't want to be near the trouble. Visions is fine by me, even if the girls are most of them "experienced." The few who aren't, are also easy to spot, because they're getting kicked out for lack of responsibility, usually. (Comments refer to New Orleans, BTW.)
Your thoughts?
(Unless there's something specific about the officers having a right to demand ID being established when the entity gets its license to sell liquor, run adult performances, or what-not. But even then, I smell "arrest by implication" violations.)
Wouldn't want to be in the wrong club at the wrong time (whether you were "with" the girl or not).
If you don't think 18-20 year old strippers are hot, that's another matter, but if you do (& I do), I don't see any reason to avoid them to keep your nose clean.
For the strippers they provide two main services. First if they are under age they provide very credible and accurate phony identification. The other major service they provide is that they will verify employment and income for strippers looking to get a mortgage or car loan. This is how many underage strippers find employment and how strippers who make a cash only income can get a home or car. Since they can provide the proper identification to the strip club there is usually no liability to the strip club if they get caught.
I suspect that this is the case for most areas. Most people don't know that they exist and most strippers do not talk about them for obvious reasons.