
Ever had a dancer bite you on your thigh?

Tuesday, May 12, 2009 5:02 AM
I didn't know why she was doing that but it didn't feel good. I still have some bruises. I've met some dancers at times that liked to bite and I do have body parts that don't mind getting squeezed but not the tight skin on my legs. I'm not sure why some dancers bite in various places. I once had a porn star appearing as a feature entertainer bite down on my dick through my shorts but that didn't hurt since she wasn't biting hard. The way she was doing it felt good. One dancer who just made me think vampire or goth look actually bit me on my nose when I went to tip her. That didn't feel good either. She didn't draw blood or leave any marks but I just didn't get why she did that. Is biting some type of foreplay with a few dancers?


  • casualguy
    15 years ago
    I don't remember who but I remember one night a long time ago one dancer told me to relax, she wasn't going to draw blood. Those were probably strange words to hear from a dancer.
  • shadowcat
    15 years ago
    No but I did have one bite my nipples and another bite my dick. They both hurt and I told them so. They were apologetic. They thought that they were just being playful. It was followed by some gentle caressing and dick sucking. No harm done. They are still both favorites.
  • steve229
    15 years ago
    No, but have gotten playful nips on the earlobe before. I think it was meant to show affection. I didn't mind it, but that was before my dentist told me there were 600 different kinds of bacteria in the typical human mouth.
  • JerseyJack
    15 years ago
    A dancer pinched my arm one night and it left a reasonably large bruise after a couple of days. Plus, it fuckin' hurt when she did it. She apologized, but I don't know what possesses a chick to do that to a stranger. Managed to keep it out of sight of the Mrs. for a while but eventually she saw it. Had to make up a good story, but she bought it. If I feel any dancer is going to leave a mark (e.g., a hickey or something that wouldn't be hidden by clothing), I'm usually quick to pull back and tell them to cool it. After a while, marks like that just raise suspicions, and I don't need (or want) that. Thankfully, it doesn't happen very often.
  • Dudester
    15 years ago
    A onetime ATF used to leave bitemarks on my shoulders and hickies on my neck, but it was before she quit drinking. After that, "I don't do those things anymore".
  • MisterGuy
    15 years ago
    "Ever had a dancer bite you on your thigh?" Nope, but I did used to have an ATF that could cum just from me sucking & biting down on & around her hip bone, which was odd. The last time that I got a set of LDs from a gal at the Foxy Lady in RI, she thanked me for the tip that I gave her by giving me a small "rasberry" kiss on the side of my neck, which was kind of funny. Hickies are a usually a bad thing all-around...SOs from both the dancer's & the customer's end don't appreciate them at all...
  • lopaw
    15 years ago
    I've been bitten just about everywhere by now. I was beginning to feel like a chewtoy with some of the dancers that I encountered. I don't think I look like I'm into S&M, but for some reason I usually end up with biters.
  • casualguy
    15 years ago
    Biting nipples or other places where my skin is tight is not something I enjoy. I remember I first encountered a bunch of converted biting dancers near a military base. They would mainly bite down on your dick and I said "oww" a few times at first and then they finally stopped biting so hard. I asked why they suddenly started doing that and they said some guys from the base said they couldn't feel hardly anything after they had been drinking so they asked for it. These dancers decided all guys must like it without asking. If someone bites just some tight skin somewhere on your body that does not feel good. Now if they put your whole finger, or a lot of a body part in between their teeth and don't bite too hard or just nibble, it usually doesn't hurt. Sometimes I wish they would ask questions first before assuming. Sometimes I wonder if these same dancers want me to bite their nipples. As much as some dancers do this, no one has ever asked me to do that.
  • icedawg
    15 years ago
    never had a thigh bite. that i can remember. sometimes they get a little frisky. one girl i took into the CR asked if she could bite my nipples. spent five minutes just biting on 'em. it was weird. i kep thinking "wait, im paying you for this? why dont i bite yours?" her compliment was that im "salty" WTF?! i was so confused. maybe that was her goal
  • shadowcat
    15 years ago
    Salty equates to sweat. I like them fresh out of the shower. I love it when they come in when their hair is still wet.
  • how
    15 years ago
    I don't much care for biting either, but it seems to happen fairly often. I express my displeasure, either by a sour look on my face or an audible indication of pain; they desist. I think the hardest bite I've received was on my wrist. Serious bruise, but thankfully no broken skin. I was doin' her from behind at the time, and she put her mouth on my wrist to quell her loud moaning, but she just bit down hard...
  • wallanon
    15 years ago
    LOL just doens't seem to cover the level of amusement this thread has brought me. Great comments. Thanks, all. And yes, to the subject I have had that happen and it wasn't a bad thing at the time. But seriously, how the hell does one get bitten on the nose trying to tip a dancer?
  • DickJohnson
    15 years ago
    I would get really pissed if any dancer ever left a mark on my body. Wtf makes them think that would even be near ok? I sure as hell have never left a mark on any dancer and I expect the same. It reminds me of those dancers that take your head and ram it hard between their tits, like thats so enjoyable.
  • Clubber
    15 years ago
    Problem, if it can be called that, is, we all like and enjoy different things. As customers, it is up to us to get the service that we each want.
  • casualguy
    15 years ago
    I was standing at an elevated stage when I getting ready to tip one dancer. I'm tall and dancers can bend down a little bit. In that case she bent down and gave me a quick bite on my nose or possibly to the side of my face. It wasn't the most pleasant feeling but didn't leave any marks either. It was real quick too. I started thinking she reminded me of a certain goth look or even possibly a vampire look and then she does that after looking at me kinda strange. I don't care for biting on my face. I've had some dancers nibble on my ear lobes but that seemed gentle in comparison. If done right, I have discovered some biting feels pleasant but I'm not into anything done too hard or that leaves marks. Sometimes I suspect that some dancers may be into that as well and experimenting to see what my reaction is. What I hate is that I keep forgetting which girl did what so I don't remember to tell a dancer ahead of time not to bite me on my thigh for instance.
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