
Comments by DougS (page 8)

  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    If you could bone any celebrity?
    How about the JENNIFERS - any of the following; I'm still a Jennifer Love Hewitt fan, even though in the last few years, her ass has gotten on the big side (camera shots and angles do a pretty good job of covering it up, though). Jennifer Garner Jennifer Connelly Jennifer Anniston And throw in Elisha Cuthbert - She was smokin' hot in "The Girl Next Door"
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Opinions Wanted
    For ratings / rankings, I think two years is fine. Like serveral have already mentioned, I would also like to see the older reviews viewable in an archive or something. And Rob0411's suggestion of only showing the map, when requested is an excellent idea. Perhaps it could be a setting that one could turn on / off. (like the nice feature "hide / show review snippets")
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    I need to get laid OTC.
    ShadowCat: My initial thought is to go with your second choice. You said she's not working 'cause she's banned until passing a urine test... translated in MY mind, that says "she's out of work and hurtin' for some money". Desperation does wonders for increasing one's enthusiasm. Of course, the only problem is the "go between" appears to have her eyes on you. You say she is better looking than your second choice, and she's already a proven performer (oral talents demonstrated). So, if it were me, I'd stop looking and try to arrange that OTC with your "go between". IF she isn't up for OTC play, THEN have her contact your second choice to see about setting up a rendezvous.
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    16 years ago
    Personal Attacks
    Well said, SnowTime... It's a shame that this site has reverted to the mud slinging and worse. This site has been one of my favorite 'net destinations, and I hope it can stay that way... All of this shit that hit the proverbial fan seems to have resulted from the now infamous "outing" of someone's personal issue. I have to agree that person wasn't even really "outed" - I would've had no idea who got caught OTCing... For all I know, it could've been me! (wait, I guess I would've known if it was me, right) I guess the biggest moral of the situation is; If you are doing something that you know you shouldn't be doing... like Chick McGee of Bob & Tom fame says "don't write anything down, don't take any pictures or video, and above all, DENY, DENY, DENY!" An addendum to Chick's rules is, "don't tell anybody anything that you don't want repeated". I haven't followed my own advice, though. In fact, I've broken ALL of those rules, many times. It's part of human nature to want to talk to others about what is important to you... about what (or who) makes you happy... Since all of us here generally have similar likes (uhh...strip clubs, strippers, sex, etc.), it's not a stretch why we might want to share some details among our TUSCL buds. Sharing and hearing from other TUSCLers has been a major part of what keeps bringing me back. NO one has ever, thankfully, broken any confidences and/or shared confidential information. Incidentally, that includes most of those TUSCLers involved with the recent incidents. I have PMed with them... sent and received email. I won't trust them any less than I did previously, and I hope they feel the same towards me. And yes, I've used MANY fellow TUSCLers as my own personal "Dear Abby." I hope that what has happened will not prevent that sort of communication from happening in the future.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Be wary of stippers that post on here...
    I'm appalled at what has apparently transpired here. There's no excuse for the sophomoric behavior. I'm saddened - and yes, embarrassed - that fellow TUSCLers have suck to such levels. I've appreciated and enjoyed the contributions from the female posters on this site. Their perspective on many topics has enlightened me on several occasions. Additionally, several of these posters have been gracious enough to communicate with me on a personal level. I've benefited from their female perspective on several topics. I hope that what has transpired will not chase them away, though I s'pose if I were in their shoes, I'd never return to this site. That would be a travesty. Ladies... Wondergrrl, EvilCyn, MIDancer ... don't let yourselves been run off this site because of the actions of a small minority...
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Asking a dancer can you take her picture?
    I've taken MANY pics of my girls, but none ITC. You'd have to be very careful if you plan to take pics ITC. You, obviously need HER permission, and probably the clubs permission too, just in case you are spotted - otherwise, you could very well be thrown out. The cell phone that I carry (http://www.wirefly.com/catalog/at&t/htc/8925-tilt/) would probably be pretty easy to take pics without anyone noticing. I've been tempted to try it in a club, but so far, I haven't risked it. I HAVE used it at Hooters a few times, and the waitress didn't even notice. (just remember to disable the simulated shutter sound... otherwise you'd be sure to be busted) I have HUNDREDS to pics of my girls taken during OTC sessions. Most of the girls, like mentioned above, enjoy having their pics taken. Afterall, they obviously have some tendencies towards exhibitionism, already, right? A few of them, actually get turned on by posing (and I know >>I<< get turned on by wathing them pose!). In order to get the girls to pose, I've just had to convince them that their pics WON'T end up on the 'net, nor will anyone else see them... and they are for MY pleasure only. Once they trust me, they comply. Strangely, the girl that I'm the closest to - my ATF - won't pose for me. I've still taken pics of her, with her permission, but they are all just quick candid shots - and all FULLY clothed.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Where the hell should I work
    I have some very fond memories of Cheerleaders in Philly. It's a bikini club.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Mile high club?
    The first thing that came (errr....) to MY mind when I heard the story is, "what did the girl look like?" I'm guessing she must've been hot! I need pictures!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Speaking of porn
    Hopefully JJ made that statement "tongue in cheek" (uhhh... THAT expression just distracted me...). She SURELY can't believe that she is solely responsible for the current porn status. Jenna Jameson does NOT do it for me the way she looks these days. She's done WAY too much to her body (uhhh... distraction again). The surgeries and the tats... way over done. In her prime though, she WAS one of the hotter girls in the industry. I wouldn't touch her now (like I'd have a chance!) Back then? I'd have been alll over that (quite literally). Side Note: If you get a chance, check out The Masseuse (starring Jenna Jameson)... it's a pretty hot feature movie (very suitable for viewing with your SO!).
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Ashley Alexandra Dupre---natural or not?
    Most likely they are fake... Even though I'm not a breast man, I'd be more than glad to play with them a bit to confirm. I think a better question would be, "Ashley Alexandra Dupre---hot or not?" I'm not that impressed with her looks. She's cute, I'll give her that. If she were a dancer in a club, I'd give her a high 7, or low 8.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    Suggestion: Post user's # of reviews (or seniority) by name
    We definitely don't need a "pissing match" here.. Golden showers aside, I think the initially idea to somehow "flag" potential "shill", is a good idea. I don't think the total number of reviews is necessarily indicative of a reviewer's strip club savvy level. Even though I've been clubbing for many years, I've never been one to visit often. I think the highest I've ever climbed on the TUSCL charts was 28th. Now, I rarely visit an actual club. Are there any other eBay-ers out there? Perhaps TUSCL could use a system similar to eBay's. In eBay, both buyers and sellers have numbers and icons shown next to the user name. It's a useful tool to use, in order to get a feel for the user and allows one to get a realistic expectation of how well a transaction will be handled.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    If your SO catches you....
    Nope... I'd be picking my stuff up on the lawn in front of my house. BTW, I don't think there's ANY way in hell that Silda will continue standing by her husband. I was surprised that she was standing there during the press conference. I felt bad for her...
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Do you have a little Italian in you?
    Mons Venus Dancer: Danny ?
    Mets: You might try posting your question on the comment page for Mons Venus on STRIPCLUBLIST.COM. I think more dancers tend to view that site and you might have a better chance at finding out what's up with your dancer friend. (I've had good luck using that site)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    What the hell is she doing?
    Early on in my "career" of clubbing, a buddy of mine and I were at Babes in Indy. We were sitting stage side, and the dancer on stage came over to us. She had my buddy put his beer bottle between his legs, then she proceeded to leave over him and deep throated his bottle. It looked hot to me... if you didn't look closely, you'd swear she was sucking HIM. My friend wasn't too happy about it, and refused to drink the rest of his beer, telling the dancer that she owed him a new beer. She was pissed, but complied. I, however, kind'a wished that she'd deep throated MY ummm... bottle.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Married or single. Who gives the best dances ?
    I don't think it matters at all... I believe neither marital status of the dancer nor customer makes a difference as to the quality of the dance. It MIGHT make a difference for OTCing possibilities, though. So, far, I'm not convinced of that, either.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Stuck In Indy For A Week. . .
    oh yeah... don't forget to go to their website and print out a coupon for free admission. It'll save you from paying the $6 cover charge. (if I remember the price correctly... I've never paid it, so I could be wrong) The coupon is also available in a local newspaper, but it's easier to just go to their website and print it out.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Missing early shots
    If I'm still in "shopping mode", and a dancer that interests me stops by to ask if I want a dance, I will - unless she is irresistible to me - do as you did. But, I will probably chat her up a bit...ask her for her name, tip her a buck (maybe a $5 if I really like her), and tell her that "I will definitely want to spend some time with you a little later" That way, she is somewhat complemented, you've established a small bit of rapport with her, and asked that she return later. I've had good luck with them returning. The moral of the story... if you are at least a little interested in her for later... don't burn any bridges. Don't just say "maybe later"... or "not right now, I'm just settling in"... or anything along those lines. Make it clear that you ARE interested.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Stuck In Indy For A Week. . .
    ClevelandTom: Chitown's right on. I go to Indy about every other month, and BBF is DEFINITELY my choice. Nice selection of talent, and also great entertainment value. The VIP is $100/30 min, which covers everything except a tip for the dancer. Actually, you pay the dancer $75 for each 30 min, and the house mom will collect $25 for the house. TIP: I've found that if you are friendly with the house mom, AND tip her, she will be lenient with your time. The last time I was ITC there, it was still just $10 to the house, and tipped her an extra $10 - it was almost 90 min before she came back around. TIP #2: If you are like me and don't want to be bothered during a multiple VIP session, pay the house mom up front... if you plan to do three half-hours, give her the $75 the first time she comes by - and a tip, and you will have plenty of uninterrupted time. Tip #3: negotiate with the girl before hand... make sure she isn't due on stage during the time you plan to VIP with her... if she is, either wait, or find out how to get her out of the stage rotation. Usually a tip to the DJ will take care of it. Also, as Chitown mentioned, just 45 min north of Indy (an hour north of BBF, but it's a very easy drive) is Hip Hugger in Kokomo. Here, dances are $10 each, too, and maybe even a little more contact. The girls are not quite BBF quality, but still there are a lot of 7s, some 8's and an occasional 9. Other Indy options... PTs Showclub is a good choice. Dancers - never been there, but I hear this is THE place if you only go by dancer's looks... contact is lower, for the most part. I wouldn't venture any other place. If it were me, I'd be at BBF any chance I got - forget the rest.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Don't you hate it when you realize the dancer sitting next to you is sick?
    Fortunately, I have a pretty strong immune system, and rarely get colds, and I ALWAYS get a flu shot every year. I've gotten dances and OTCed with girls that obviously had cold symptoms... and have exchanged vast quantities of saliva and other bodily fluids. If she's a fav, or extremly hot, I will risk catching a cold. Usually, before DFKing, they will warn me and I usually reply, "I'd be glad to host YOUR germs!" Which usually gets me a nice laugh and wins me extra points.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Planning a Detroit trip
    I have had VERY good luck at Henry the VII and Bogarts. Also, it's been a few years, but I believe it was on Tues nights that they have the $10 dances, which improves the bang for the buck ratio. Although for the most part, dancer quality is lower at these places, and the atmosphere is certainly less upscale. I've had better times there, than at the more upscale places. My biggest complaint - especially at Henry's is the waitresses. If you aren't buying drinks often, they will hound you (and berate you) until you buy another drink. There's no nursing a drink very long. And when it's $7-ish for a beer, that's bull shit. On the positive, there ARE still some hot girls, and usually they are very accommodating. One of the hottest looking (and acting) dancers that I've ever been with happened to be at Henry's, and I still have some very fond memories of her and that night.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    North Carolina
    Recently, I've seen a few new abbreviations which I am unfamiliar with, used in reviews. Anyone know what the following are; NE SE
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    How explicit are your reviews?
    Explicit details are better left unmentioned. If reviews contain explicit information about ITC extras, sooner or later the wrong person is going to get wind of it. Whether it be LE, management or a particular dancer... someone will take a negative view of it and before you know it, things will change. Maybe the club will be shut down... maybe a dancer fired... maybe stiff restrictions (no pun intended) will be put on contact. It's a no-win situation. Also, the use of "code words" to describe extras is fooling no one, so don't get a false sense of security. Yes, we all like to hear "Frank Sinatra" singing...
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    How do you hide your TUSCL activities from your SO?
    Ditto what GodFatherStill said for me... on both counts.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Dancer "Most strippers are BI"
    EvilCyn: "You need some dick in 'the end'?" sounds interesting! ;) (sorry... couldn't resist)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    The Dancer's a Lesbian--Does it Matter
    A strip mall... isn't that where there are dancer shoe stores and dancer clothes shops...