
Comments by DougS (page 9)

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    17 years ago
    The Dancer's a Lesbian--Does it Matter
    Clubber: If I were looking at the computer in the dressing room, I >>KNOW<< that I'd be looking "longer"! (if you get the drift... hopefully the girls would notice! [wink])
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    17 years ago
    Pre club routines
    ShotDisc: Me too... I'm "a friend of Hal".
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    17 years ago
    Liquor, Girls and OTC
    ShotDisc: Be careful... you might get "the comfy chair"!
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    17 years ago
    Stripper Songs
    ShadowCat: I'd like to suggest that you add The Next Contestant by Nickelback to your list of songs for your CDs..
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    17 years ago
    Liquor, Girls and OTC
    Everyone: Thanks again for all of your suggestions... I will be printing this out before I go on my shopping trip to the liquor store. I'll report back on how the drinks are received.
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    17 years ago
    Liquor, Girls and OTC
    Clubber: What can I say... I grew up on Monty Python... (of course it was funny, but I also liked it for the nudity... maybe THAT is where my addiction started?)
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    17 years ago
    Liquor, Girls and OTC
    Alll good ideas... thanks guys!!! Yeah... maybe a little tipsy, but not enough that she doesn't know what she's doin'... I not wantin' to take advantage or anything... just enough to relax, forget about problems and hopefully ennnnjoy..
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    17 years ago
    Liquor, Girls and OTC
    Bailey's ...isn't that more of a drink to mix with? Is it very strong? Wouldn't I feel like a wuss drinkin' it? [grin]
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    17 years ago
    Pre club routines
    We definitely don't need any Ken Tarmac-ish behavior going on... with excessive and/or obnoxious cell phone use in clubs... or ANYwhere in public.
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    17 years ago
    South Carolina
    Kitty lint
    Shekitout: If she asked me... I'd have been tempted to use my lint remover/tongue.
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    17 years ago
    Tales from the dark side - part 2 (the sad conclusion)
    mrguy: my c-fav smokes both cigs and weed and says she will try to quit the cigs. she says that quitting weed would not only would be harder - she doesn't want to quit.
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    17 years ago
    Pre club routines
    fondl: I appreciate your consideration for not taking your cell phone in public. I would do the same, but as part of my job, I am "on call" 24/7. i'm never without my phone being within reach.
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    17 years ago
    Things to be Cautious Of When Clubbing -(For the Married - or those with SOs)
    Someone mentioned cell phones in another thread, as in "losing or forgetting". THAT should be added to our list of cautions. When ever I get a dance - or play around OTC, one of the first things that I do is remove my wallet, keys and cell phone. I don't want them to get in the way, or poke/jab/scratch the girl. I've gotten into the habit of when I stand up, I put each of them back into their place... and I make a conscious effort to pat those places through out the day - especially when leaving somewhere, to make sure that I have them... wallet...keys... cell phone...
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    17 years ago
    Things to be Cautious Of When Clubbing -(For the Married - or those with SOs)
    GodFatherStill: Actually, no matter WHERE I am, I make sure that I am facing the door - or facing towards the largest open area in the vicinity. I NEVER have my back facing the door or the majority of a room, whether it's a strip club, restaurant, etc.
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    17 years ago
    Secret Conspiracies
    CarolinaWanderer: I have the Fabreeze as part of my ITC/OTC kit that I carry when I'm in that mode. Your phase II (Oust) sounds like a great idea... at least I've always worried about the smell that Fabreeze leaves. I sniffed each "flavor" of Fabreeze before I picked the one I bought, trying to get as close to "scent free" as possible, but it STILL has a perfumey smell. Oust huh? I think I'll look for it and give it a try.
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    17 years ago
    Your first "extra" in a SC.
    My first sextra (sorry... I've gotten into the habit of adding the s prefix to any word that starts with "ex"... -sextra, sexperience, sexpedtion)... NOTE: I've mentioned this instance in the past, but only hinted on what transpired. It was the club visit that got me addicted to clubbing. I was in a club in Philly, with a friend/co-worker, after having driven 250+ miles that night looking for a frickin' strip club. This was prior to TUSCL and the only way we had to locate a club was to ask the hotel clerk (we were too backward to do that), check the phone book (couldn't find anything) or drive around looking for neon - which is what we did. Damn, during our drive, we made it to NJ, Delaware... and we were about to give up when we spotted the sign for the club on 95. Once inside, it turns out it was a bikini club, so my friend and I decided that we probably would finish our beers and leave. It was about that time that I saw this stunning dancer. She was an 11, in my book. I had to have her! Our eyes met.. she knew I wanted her (who wouldn't!) She smiled a "cum fuck me" smile, and licked her lip. When her dance was done, she headed straight for me, took my hand and said "You look like you need my attention", and led me to the private dance area next door. When we sat down, I asked her the rules. She said the bikini had to stay on, but if we watched out for the bouncer, we could still have fun. She started dancing and rubbin' that perfect ass on the tent that I was pitching. Leaning in, she whispered that I could put my hands inside her bikini, as long as I was discreet. I complied by giving her breasts some fondling, and her nips some playful tweaking... and she appeared to be enjoying that - as much as I was enjoying it. After a few songs passed while I was exploring her bikini top from the inside, she told me that she wanted to "get a little naughty" if I was okay with that. Uhh.. YEAHH! She turned around and sitting on my lap, she laid back against me and whispered "give me your hand"... she took my hand and guiding it, she led it around to her stomach, and then ever so slowly down to her belly button... then past it, inching towards her bikini bottom. When she got my hand to the waist band, my hand went up and over the waistband and to her mound - on the OUTSIDE of her bottoms. She shook her head and brought my hand back up to her belly button and whispered "innnnsiiiide", then repeated the slow journey back down. This time, my fingers found their way underneath the waistband, and further... she put a little pressure on my middle finger, which I understood to mean "inside THERE too", so I obliged, and heard her "mmmmm" as my finger found that very warm and moist spot. She whispered something like "mmmm hmmm", as she pulled her hand back, leaving mine there. Seconds later I felt her hand find it's way between us and tugging on my zipper. She soon had her hand inside my underwear, while my fingers were working on her.. I don't know how many songs we did like that, but I was NOT even thinking about dance count at that point... I don't even think I was thinking period... but I was sure FEELING and it was feeling oh so fine. I couldn't handle it any longer and before I could warn her or say anything or hold back or ANYthing... the back of her bikini bottom suddenly got a WHOLE lot wetter, if you know what I mean. She didn't seem to care too much, but she quickly zipped me up, and removed my hand... then she rubbed her now wet ass all over the front of my jeans... (she had to clean up SOMEhow, I guess... not that I was complaining as I was still feeling a bit euphoric) Up to that point, everything was GREAT... then she reminded me about the little matter of dance count. We, according to her, had gone 11 dances and I owed her $220 - not including tip. Actually, she might've been a dance or two shy of what we actually did, but I have NO idea. Opening my wallet, I pulled out everything that was in it.. $140... and maybe some lint. Oh shit! I'm sure I had a horrified look on my face that NEARLY matched hers. After the situation became apparent, she said "no problem", and started leading me to the ATM. Uhh... BIG problem, since the ATM transaction would NOT get past my accountant (wife). I was stressing, to say the least. Then I remembered that I'd stuck some twenties in my front pocket, and reached in and pulled them out. There were FOUR of them, plus a few ones... Oh RELIEF! I had the exact amount that I needed. I handed it to her, and promised that I'd make up the tip "tomorrow night" and she reluctantly agreed. I never made it back there... too embarrassed and more importantly NO MONEY! My wallet had been emptied on my FIRST night in town and had to borrow money from my friend for the rest of the week. Savanah... my first extra girl.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Your first "extra" in a SC.
    Clubber: I enjoyed the retelling of your sexperience. I think those encounters are even more exciting when it's least expected. Chitown: Your story definitely caught my eye when I saw the BBF in the text. I next saw "Doug's ATF" referenced, and apprehension set in. Let's put it this way... I definitely enjoyed reading your account of what transpired - even MORE so, once I realized you were not describing an experience with my ATF! Whew!
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    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Tatoos: Art or Grafetti?
    Chitown speaks truth! I prefer no tats, or just a very few. The smaller the better. My ATF has one tat, though it circles her belly button... It's not obnoxious, but I'd prefer not to see it. It also has he-soon-to-be ex's initial (S) as part of the design. My C-Fav has NO tats. My prev-ATF has NO tats... my prev-prev-ATF has NO tats... there's a pattern, I guess...
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    17 years ago
    Going Commando or Not
    mrguy: that is not my goal either! I avoid cumming ITC like a plague. (though it has been unavoidable on a few ocassions) however, I see no reason not to maximize the sensations and make things as enjoyable as possible for both the dancer and I.
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    17 years ago
    Going Commando or Not
    mr guy: jeans are a no-no for clubbing! not only are they too thick to feel all of the nuances of the contact going on down there... the dancer can't appreciate feeling YOU as well. Also, jeans tend to be too rough and can chafe the dancer.. meaning she will be less likely to want to rub her "sensitive parts" against your "sensitive parts". Don't wear jeans!
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    17 years ago
    How the Action Escalates
    GodFatherStill: There is something to be said for the thrill of pressing your limits to see how far she will let you go. Yeah.. that's pretty exciting. But, I've also reaped benefits from the conservative approach, thus gaining their trust. In my experience, if you don't become Mr Grabby and don't force the issue, your mileage will actually be higher in the long run; though just not as fast. You can't assume that all dancers are "extras" girls. However, once she starts feeling comfortable with you, if she's inclined to practice that sort of thing, she will let you know. Most times, a dancer will whisper to me "what would you REALLY like me to do?" or something along those lines. In that case... be honest... she's heard it all, so she isn't going to be shocked. A dancer might just take your hand and guide it to where she wants it to be. Another hint that I've experienced is when a dancer keeps placing her hand in yours - I've found that USUALLY, that's her way of saying "move my hand where you want it to be". On the other hand, if you chose to "push the envelope" and she isn't ready for that, you might just end up sitting on your hands the rest of the dance...
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    17 years ago
    How the Action Escalates
    RootMan: That's one of the perils (or, benefits as I see it) of the action escalation! In your scenario described above, yeah, there cums (sic) a time when you are going to have to "take the plunge". Even though that's something I really enjoy doing (DATY), it's got to be in the back of your mind that there are potential hazards. The only protection I've ever heard of for DATY is the use of a "dental dam" (basically a square piece of latex that you'd place over her pussy before you went down on her). I think ANY girl would be completely insulted if you attempted to use that! Not to mention, that'd be about as much fun as making out with a rubber glove. So, once your relationship gets to that point, especially if she's already taken YOUR juices orally, "ya gotta do it!".
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    17 years ago
    Going Commando or Not
    WonderGrrl: Absolutely no jeans!
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    17 years ago
    Things to be Cautious Of When Clubbing -(For the Married - or those with SOs)
    Pushin: I've used that to cover an obvious makeup stain on the neck of my shirt before. Took a finger-swipe on my dirty car and wiped it off on the stain, creating a dark enough stain to cover the offending makeup. Worked like a charm. (even though I now had to explain how I got that grease mark on my collar)
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    17 years ago
    South Carolina
    Telling a dancer
    No, never... I guess that depends on what you consider ugly. I don't think I've ever seen and ugly pussy... I kind'a like pussy, usually! Now, if her pussy is overgrown with a bushy-ass crop of pubic hair, I would call THAT ugly, but it's the bush, not the pussy that's ugly. (ain't no way I'm going down on a mass of ugly-ass, wild-haired muff) However, I HAVE seen some exceptionally nice, cute, and downright beautiful pussy. I would most definitely compliment her if she had one of those.