
Speaking of porn

Sunday, March 16, 2008 11:26 PM
In the recent awards show Jenna Jameson said she single handedly ( NO PUN) made porn what it is today do you guys agree?


  • joshc
    16 years ago
    No, there were a lot of popular porn actresses before her. The internet made porn what it is today.
  • shadowcat
    16 years ago
    Jenna Jameson is just one step from being one of those over the hill strip club features. I have around 300 hundred Pornos on my hard drive and she is not in any of them. When I first starting watching porn, some 40 years ago, It was on a 16mm projector. They were black and white and poor quality. Then came along the Mitchel Brothers and names like Tracy Lords, Deep Throat and Debbie does Dallas.I agree with joshc. Then came the internet with all of the porn sites. I wouldn't fuck Jenna Jameson with your dick. Or Whatever, wondergrl5.
  • wondergrl5
    16 years ago
    "I wouldn't fuck Jenna Jameson with your dick. Or Whatever, wondergrl5" Huh? I wasnt saying she was I was askin what you guys thought?
  • AbbieNormal
    16 years ago
    I think this is a case of the rooster believing he makes the sun rise. Jenna was the biggest star in porn right around the time it went mainstream and became a multi-billion dollar industry. It started with videotape, but really took off with the internet, cause there were sites where you could order porn without going into that seedy store on the wrong side of town, or even that special room in the video store. Porn consumption (much like this board and strip clubs) thrives on anonymity, and that was mostly about the internet, not Jenna. Besides she was a lot cuter and hotter before she carved herself up in the last few years.
  • wondergrl5
    16 years ago
    I couldnt believe it when she said that it was such BS
  • shamllionaire
    16 years ago
    I think it was just a pubicty stunt by her,but if she actually believe's that she might have just smoked toooo many blunt's..Playboy has a radio show on sirus with Ginger Lyn and Christy Canyon on it and they thought the same thing.
  • Clubber
    16 years ago
    Well, joshc is correct, to a point. It was Al Gore that made it what it is today, since he invented the internet.
  • jester214
    16 years ago
    I don't know if anyone could say they "made porn what it is today"... because it changes all the time, it used to be such a taboo that you saw on 16mm now it's on the internet and in most houses with a boy over the age of 11... Jenna is certainly one of the biggest names ever, possibly the biggest in terms of being recognizable...
  • Dudester
    16 years ago
    There are many who deserve credit-for instance-the producers who kept making porn in the 1980's, when the Reagan administration was trying to end porn. I also give credit to Larry Flynt, who was a big part of the genre classification. Larry created "Barely Legal" when no one else would-for fear of child porn prosecutions. Although stunners like Shauna Grant, Savannah, and Traci Lords advanced porn through their beauty-the gals willing to go the extra mile-like Marilyn Chambers-who took on multiple guys in the same flick. Gang bang queens like Annabelle Chong, and Guage. Jenna made porn what it is? Hardly.
  • parodyman-->
    16 years ago
    I agree there are far too many people (both in the films and producing them) that have brought porn to the state it is in today. Yes things have changed from the days when Shadowrat didn't have to wear a diaper. Not all of the changes have been good. With the increase in volume of porn available the amount of it that is junk has also increased.
  • DickJohnson
    16 years ago
    porn has gotten too extreme over the years. there is absolutely nothing that porn produces think is off limits. once more, the girls doing porn today are even sadder. 18 yr old girls that get taken to seedy apartments somewhere and probed twice in every hole X times a month is a sad life. Some porn leaves me feeling like I am part of the problem for viewing it.
  • chitownlawyer
    16 years ago
    I wouldn't fuck Jenna Jameson with your dick. Good heavens, I hope not! You might hurt her.
  • wondergrl5
    16 years ago
  • Yoda
    16 years ago
    Jenna has done a fine job of marketing herself over the years but she is hardly the savior of porn. She is part of a small group of porn stars who have managed to achieve some fame outside of the industry. As far as what made what, it's important to remember that a lot of the technology advances in video streaming on the internet came about BECAUSE of the popularity of porn and the need for companies producing it to have a better and higher quality product available. Yes, the internet has changed porn, but porn is also responsible for changing the internet...
  • harrydave
    16 years ago
    I don't know what role Jenna Jameson had in porn, other than starring in it. In my book, that makes her unremarkable. But I do know she helped defeat a local proposition to restrict strip clubs in Scottsdale,AZ, is a part owner in one of the clubs (Babes Cabaret) there, and managed to turn it into a boring place. It used to rate about 6.5, now it is below a 5. See [view link]
  • Book Guy
    16 years ago
    I had understood that Jameson "figured out" a manner of marketing herself "as a brand" to a much greater degree of success than other porn performers had done. So, it's my impression that she got a lot more money out of it, and notoriety (and therefore greater cross-over opportunity) than most. I think the real exploitation that's going on in the porn industry is because of the new ease by which films can be created and distributed for profit. The internet makes it possible for anyone who goes to a strip club to be a "porn talent scout" and, if he has a good story to spin, he can convince encourage girls down into the slippery slope of drug addiction and performing in degrading type of porn out of desperation. (Note for the politically knee-jerk correct who need special aids for reading: I personally think some porn can be degrading to the performer, but other porn is not necessarily degrading.)
  • DougS
    16 years ago
    Hopefully JJ made that statement "tongue in cheek" (uhhh... THAT expression just distracted me...). She SURELY can't believe that she is solely responsible for the current porn status. Jenna Jameson does NOT do it for me the way she looks these days. She's done WAY too much to her body (uhhh... distraction again). The surgeries and the tats... way over done. In her prime though, she WAS one of the hotter girls in the industry. I wouldn't touch her now (like I'd have a chance!) Back then? I'd have been alll over that (quite literally). Side Note: If you get a chance, check out The Masseuse (starring Jenna Jameson)... it's a pretty hot feature movie (very suitable for viewing with your SO!).
    16 years ago
    I agree with Dick Johnson, porn doesn't interest me very much. It's too degrading to women and ultimately to the person watching, it makes me feel sad and dirty. Frankly I don't understand the attraction.
  • Book Guy
    16 years ago
    The smallness turns me on. Jameson, Pam Anderson, and others all are very very petite. Even in their facial features, there's no "extra" hanging around. I think in the long run all I'm really after is a girl who is so slight that I feel I can "protect" her. Maybe more manly men, guys with medals from their service in Iraq, guys with monstrous biceps and huge bank accounts, can feel confident dating giant bloated whales ...
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