
Opinions Wanted

respect for others goes a long way
Wednesday, October 1, 2008 8:55 PM
I am currently working on revamping the ratings system, as it seems there are a few flaws in it. One thing that is consitently brought to my attention is that the reviews only go back 2 years. I did this because I felt that in this industry, anything older than a month ago is out of date, so 2 years seemed safe. Question: Should All reviews be included in the ratings? Or should just 1 year? 2 years? Any thoughts or ideas would be appreciated. Thanks F


  • shadowcat
    16 years ago
    I think that 2 years is plenty. Although I wish that I could recall a review from 7 years ago. I don't much care for the 3 category rating system but I can live with it. Here is my (soft) bitch. I would like to see the Discussion Board revert back to when the latest post brings that topic back to the top.
  • imnumnutz
    16 years ago
    Two years is more than enough, and if you have bandwidth problems, then cut it down to one. Things (women, ownership) change at clubs so frequently that ever yearold reviews may be hopelessly irrelevant. Thanks for seeking input, though.
  • snowtime
    16 years ago
    One or two years is plenty. They certainly do change quickly so older info is not usually relevant. Keep up the good work. Thanks.
  • zorro
    16 years ago
    I like seeing all reviews. I understand that things can change, but I also find it interesting and sometimes enjoyably nostalgic to read old reviews. I certainly don't base my visits on old reviews, but they are still fun to read. Maybe make them available in an "archive" link for each club? Heck, I'd love to see some of my old reviews from nearly 10 years ago.
  • Slothrop
    16 years ago
    2 years is fine, Mr. Founder. Thanks for your hard work, btw.
  • looker123
    16 years ago
    Two years is enough if not too much. Many time the review is due to a bad experience with a particular girl and I don't know too many places were the turnover doesn't change out all but the best in that time frame.
  • Philip A. Stein
    16 years ago
    I say keep the older reviews but don't use them in the rating formula. Maybe do a declining weighted average over time
  • nj_pete
    16 years ago
    Having 2 years of reviews is plenty. I think the new rating systsm is good. Because these are personal opinions by the club goers this is not scientific studies, the values are going to be swayed by what eacj person wants/expects in a club. But If a club consistantly is a 4 or 5 overall, someoen who drops an 8 or 9 on that club is not going to sway the overall average that much. I have no problems with any of the functionality of this site, its is well developed and a good reference.
  • Book Guy
    16 years ago
    I say, like Philip A. Stein, you should KEEP the older reviews and give access to them, for nostalgia's sakes; but you shouldn't ADD them into the cumulative numerical totals. Thanks for all the work you do on this site!
  • arbeeguy
    16 years ago
    I second the motion for THANKS. Two years is more than enough for reviews to be available, and as for computing the ratings, I think one year is plenty. A weighted exponential average might be the best way to average the reviews. Not sure what to use for alpha. Ultimately, the best solution will probably be the one you personally feel best about. Responses through this board are bound to be all over the map.
  • mmdv26
    16 years ago
    Keep two years. I rarely submit reviews, but rating system seems fine. Nice site, I visit several times a week. Best $49 I ever spent on anything having to do with SC's.
  • jester214
    16 years ago
    I'd say it's too much, but that would really destroy some posts from some clubs. The way they change, more than two months is practically worthless.
  • jack_s
    16 years ago
    I think 2 years is fine. Having older reviews available as an archive on the site would be cool, but not necessary IMHO. I definitely don't think older reviews should be included in the rating.
  • casualguy
    16 years ago
    2 years is fine. However if there are no reviews, you might want to keep at least one or two older reviews active if the club is still in business. I would wonder why no one rated it in the last 2 years though.
  • MisterGuy
    16 years ago
    "Should All reviews be included in the ratings? Or should just 1 year? 2 years?" I don't have a problem with keeping it to two years or so. It is true that a review from ages ago sometimes has nothing to do with what's going on at a club now. Also, the three-tiered rating system that you implemented a while back I'm sure has changed the meanings of the rating some...whether it's for the better or worse though I'll leave to someone else. The Top 40 Lists appear to be majorly fucked up now (clubs have mysteriously dropped off the list, etc.)...what was changed recently?? Maybe you should significantly up the number ratings (reviewers?) that need to be in place before a club ends up on the Top 40 lists... "Heck, I'd love to see some of my old reviews from nearly 10 years ago." I thought clicking on a person's name brought up ALL their reviews, ever?? Yours go back to 2004 right now zorro.
  • rockie
    16 years ago
    2 years is fine, but in a situation that leaves no review for a club consider retaining an older review for that club. I'm with shadowcat on the return to the way individual club chat once was highlighted on the front page. Club chat has disappeared with that home page interface in my area of interest.
  • minnow
    16 years ago
    2 yr. look-back on reviews OK with me- do like to see older reviews by individual reviewer member profile, though.
  • CarolinaWanderer
    16 years ago
    Two years with a minimum of 2 reviews. There are some clubs that very seldom get reviewed that I have visited and found to be very high mileage. Keeping 2 old reviews would possibly give a flavor for those clubs.
  • rob0411
    16 years ago
    I would say 1 year if there are at least 10 reviews. If less than 10 in one year, publish the last 10 or as many as there are available, no matter how far back they go.
  • pop
    16 years ago
    I would think that one year would be plenty for ratings. BTW, the 3 part rating system is a big improvement.
  • Yoda
    16 years ago
    I would post all available reviews for a club. I also would like to see the discussion board go back to it's original style. It is useless in ti's current format.
  • bitchcat
    16 years ago
    The ratings and 1 or 2 year reviews are fine. How about a glossary for the many and varied abbreviations used?
  • founder
    16 years ago
    bitchcat, there is a link to the gloss at the bottom of every page.
  • motorhead
    16 years ago
    Shadowcat, Just click on "last reply" and the posts are sorted by time with the last post on top. I too liked the old board until I discovered this.....so not a problem. And I like what rob0411 said......No point in keeping every review from places like the Flight Club or Mons Venus. There would be hundreds of reviews (too many). But the less popular clubs, with only a few reviews, it would be nice to have them all. You would need to determine some sensible number, whether it be 10, 25, or 50...whatever.
  • how
    16 years ago
    Founder, you do a good job with this site; thanks. For ratings, 1-2 years is plenty. For archival sake, keeping all the reviews viewable in some form is desirable.
  • Clubber
    16 years ago
    As others have said, don't use the old ones in the ratings, but keep access to them available.
  • shadowcat
    16 years ago
    david120: Thanks us old dogs can still be trained.
  • rob0411
    16 years ago
    Can you just provide links to the maps instead of drawing the map for each club? I think it would speed up the system. I read the reviews a lot more often than I ever need the maps.
  • DougS
    16 years ago
    For ratings / rankings, I think two years is fine. Like serveral have already mentioned, I would also like to see the older reviews viewable in an archive or something. And Rob0411's suggestion of only showing the map, when requested is an excellent idea. Perhaps it could be a setting that one could turn on / off. (like the nice feature "hide / show review snippets")
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