Married or single. Who gives the best dances ?

avatar for shadowcat
If you can believe her marriage status. I would have to say single. Since I know the status of my favorites, I have to believe in this theory. "If I was not married, I would be back at your hotel room fucking you".


last comment
avatar for Notsosly
17 years ago

Another question: do the dancers give you better dances if they think you are single or married?

The answer again: Single.
avatar for alexsa
17 years ago
Laxplayer - How would they know (before you're a regular), and why would they care?
avatar for parodyman-->
17 years ago
Why does anyone care? Its just harmless entertainment.
avatar for DougS
17 years ago
I don't think it matters at all... I believe neither marital status of the dancer nor customer makes a difference as to the quality of the dance. It MIGHT make a difference for OTCing possibilities, though. So, far, I'm not convinced of that, either.
avatar for motorhead
17 years ago
Agree - don't think it matters. Probably 99 percent of the "single" dancers have some kind of serious boyfriend anyway, so I doubt if marital status matters much. Of all the dancers I have met over that years that I had a little insight into their personal lives, I only knew one that was single/no boyfriend and she was fairly low mileage. My current ATF has lived with her boyfriend for over 9 years and won't allow certain things such as touching the kitty or kissing on the lips - she says she reserves that just for him - so in this instance, it's a matter of a long term relationship, not whether she is single or married.
avatar for DandyDan
17 years ago
I don't think it matters, nor do I care to know what their status is. On the other hand, I have only known one who was indisputably married, and she wasn't shy about anything. I probably could have got more than DATY from her if she hadn't suddenly quit. But she was probably not the only married dancer I've ever gotten a dance from. As for single dancers, there's just too many of them to make any conclusions.
avatar for LoneLurker
17 years ago
I've never done a systematic study of this, but my gut tells me it doesn't matter, either way.
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