How do you hide your TUSCL activities from your SO?

avatar for shadowcat
I don't have one. So I don't have a problem.


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avatar for Philip A. Stein
Philip A. Stein
17 years ago
Fuck yeah I do.
avatar for Philip A. Stein
Philip A. Stein
17 years ago
Let me qualify that. SWMBO said I could go to the SC if I didn't fuck the strippers. I'm keeping up my end of the bargain. However, I'm pretty sure she doesn't want me in the SC 2-3 nights a week. I'm sure she thinks its like 2-3 times a year.
avatar for parodyman-->
17 years ago
I am married and hide nothing. Feel sorry for those of you that have to sneek around. What can I say, my wife is cool.
avatar for DandyDan
17 years ago
I avoid having an SO to worry about. Of course, if I did have an SO, whether I would go would be an interesting question by itself.
avatar for rootman
17 years ago
I go around work hours or other activities like golf, exercise. That usuall means only a couple hours at a time but that's enough for me.
avatar for ShotDisc
17 years ago
only visit clubs during day. only access website from work computer.
avatar for godfatherstill
17 years ago
Like ShotDisc said, I only visit TUSCL thru my work computer and I use a Window washing program that deletes dailey activity from the computer. I would be a dead man if my TUSCL activities were to become known to the wife.

Actual SC visits take much planning and are usually only when I am out of town or (like rootman said) can be arranged in conjunction with other activities where it won't be unusual for me to be away for hours and come home smelling like smoke.
avatar for Shekitout
17 years ago
I go to clubs when she's out of town but sometimes when she's in town & tied up with other activities. I visit TUSCL when she's on the phone or watching TV in another room and when's gone to bed.
avatar for DougS
17 years ago
Ditto what GodFatherStill said for me... on both counts.
avatar for jgb133
17 years ago
I don't have the website bookmarked and my wife is clueless about the history button on my browser. My work computer is always under scrutiny, so I use the home one. Where I live they don't serve alcohol on Sunday, so I exploit that for excuses to drive to Columbia to "watch the game". Just need to keep the perfume exchange under control.
avatar for shadowcat
17 years ago
And I guess that you have to listen to sports radio on the way home. So that you know which team one. LOL...Are you up for a spring convention?
avatar for Bigperrodog
17 years ago
If you must hide your shit get you oun private laptop that you and only you will use. If note get a window waser and make sure you was evert time you go on the net
avatar for emmett
17 years ago
Accessing adult sites from a work computer is asking for a world of hurt. If your employer finds out, you can be fired, (and try hiding that from the wife). Wiping histories doesn't help if they are logging keystrokes, or monitoring web site access through the corporate firewall.

jgb133: Counting on your wife's ignorance of the History command is a bad idea. What happens when one of her friends tells her about it?

My advice to everyone: Use your home computer but create a separate account just for your private activities. On Windows and Mac, that account will be visible on the login display, so that may be an issue. ("Honey, who is tuscl and why does he have an account on our computer?") Even better, install a virtual machine (e.g. VMWare) and do the browsing from the virtual machine.
avatar for rootman
17 years ago
I only access TUSCL from a home computer. Use Mozilla Firefox browser and it's easy to wipe out history, cookies and cache with one button (tools -clear private data)after each session. Also, the SO doesn't even know what Firefox is and uses IE. Barring someone installing a keystroke logger, it's pretty safe. The bigger issue is places like Google keeping records of your ipaddress and all the sites you visited. They have tons of data on that but it should only be an issue for those into illegal activity.
avatar for lotsoffun201
17 years ago
I just clear the history, and don't store any of my passcodes for ANY site. SO is not that computer savvy. At work, since I own the business, I can do what I want, but rarely have time to surf the web while there.

As for clubbing, I have been so busy lately that I rarely have an hour to myself, but always go in the afternoons about 3 pm - 4 pm for an hour if I want.
avatar for Clubber
17 years ago
Well, the question was "TUSCL activities" and not SC activities. Even though they pretty much go hand in hand, I'll just answer shawdowcat's inquiry. My SO really knows nothing about the computer. She uses it once in awhile to play games, but even then, I had to give her a task bar icon to make it easy enough for her. That said, I hide nothing, but like rootman, I use Firefox and have it set to log no history.
avatar for Barkingowl
17 years ago
I don't access the website all the time, but my wife knows its there. I get reviews for my nephew as he moves around the country. As for the SC I only go during lunch.
avatar for HarleyKing
17 years ago
Don't have to hide anything either. Wife is very cool with this. Don't think she really knows about the site but she goes with me to clubs about 50% of the time. Even telling me to get lap dances. It spices things up for when I return home TO HER.

avatar for shadowcat
17 years ago
I think that most of you got what I intended. Do you have to take your lap top into the bath room and lock the door or wait until she has left the building before you get on TUSCL?
avatar for Barkingowl
17 years ago
shadowcat - "I think that most of you got what I intended. Do you have to take your lap top into the bath room and lock the door or wait until she has left the building before you get on TUSCL?"

I'm posting on my home computer in my office. My wife is playing with a puppy on the sofa. If she knew about the forum she probably wouldn't be happy, but I can tell her that I'm doing research for my nephew. LOL So I don't take a notebook into the bathroom & lock the door. This site is pretty mild compared to some of the brothel forums I do research on.
avatar for lotsoffun201
17 years ago
Hey....I get up at 3 am, and it's the only quiet time I get. Right now it's 3:35 am and the wife, kids and dog are all asleep in OUR bed! Not only is there no room for me, but seriously this is the only quiet time I get, and it takes cannon blasts to wake all three of them up. YES EVEN THE DOG! If someone entered the house even the dog would sleep through it.

I'll clear my history in an hour or two
avatar for tdcx
17 years ago
guys, try firefox with privacy settings turned so it does not save ANY of your history automatically when you close the browser. if you still need help, let me know.
avatar for peaceful72
17 years ago
We have unique logins/accounts on the computer at home, so I think that covers that front. As for the SC visits, I usually only go when I am out of town or when she is out of town. If I am getting the itch and there's no travel on the horizon, I will go after work but this is rare because it is fairly scary - the smoke is not an issue anymore since the indoor clean air laws here, but the fog machines and perfume and body glitter on some girls boobs scare the daylights out of me. I usually drive home with the windows down, splash water on my face, greet family briskly and head right up to change quickly, etc. I probably over-indulge when I travel or she is out-of-town, since I really cannot go to the clubs safely the rest of the time.
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