
Be wary of stippers that post on here...

Atlanta suburb
Some are just trying to drum up business. Others are just trying to be a part of it. Some just find it different from the pink site. For what ever the reason it is always about money. How may strippers have you seen post on here and how many stayed very long? What happened to "Evil cyn" or that chick from San Diego. I have know a couple that lasted less than 2 months. Why?


  • Jolicouer23 is another one who couldn't take the heat
  • jablake
    16 years ago
    Perhaps I'm part of the problem, but it doesn't seem like a very friendly place especially for strippers.
  • Dudester
    16 years ago
    jablake said= Perhaps I'm part of the problem, but it doesn't seem like a very friendly place especially for strippers.

    I signed up at stripperweb.com and talk about an unfriendly place for a guy, I got slammed but good for telling them about a birthday gift my ATF gave me. I was told if I did something like that again I would be banned. I told the moderator I wouldn't be back, and I haven't been.

    I guess these two websites have very different functions. Guys network here to find clubs where they can get high mileage, hj's, bj's, and sex. The other website is about what kind of dangerous stupid jerks men are.

    Unless a stripper comes here and advertises herself as willing to give high mileage and the other stuff, then she ought to lay off here.
  • njscfan
    16 years ago
    I find the contributions of women on this site valuable and sometimes insightful.

    I think a lot of guys here are pretty insecure about women, and are afraid to have any of their preconceptions challenged. I also think there are guys on this site who have hassled some of the women (e.g., propositioning them, and then being upset when they're turned down). That's too bad for them, but I don't think the guys should have any right to drive the women off the site.

    I wonder if this thread is directed at any particular women on this site. I hope not. If so, it is in my opinion a really bullshit attempt to bully people -- cowardly on many levels.

    At any rate, the sentiments expressed in some of the posts on this thread do not speak for all guys on this site. I am not wary of the women on this site, but I am wary of some of the guys. And the idea that a woman can be on this site only if she is willing to sell sex is just moronic.
  • wondergrl5
    16 years ago
    shall I stop posting?
  • njscfan
    16 years ago
    No you should not.

    I think it's ridiculous that there are a handful of people who think they somehow "own" this site, and try to bully people into silence. If this site become the lame redoubt of a bunch of pathetic babies who can't bear to hear a contrary opinion or face a momentary challenge to their "manhood," then the people left behind on this site will truly be the losers.
  • wondergrl5
    16 years ago
    well im assuming 6 mths posting isnt worth a thing.
  • Book Guy
    16 years ago
    Some are idiots who should just shut the fuck up. Some are insightful contributors whose views on things are very informative and entertaining.

    Same goes for the women here, too ...
  • parodyman-->
    16 years ago

    We know for a fact Shadowrat is a senile, incontinent, viagra popping old bigot. Who gives a fuck what he says. He is not the King of TUSCL no matter how much he will tell you different.

    The beauty of this format is dissenting opinions. Do not stop posting because of a handful of jerk-offs who hate women.
  • MIDancer
    16 years ago
    "[Shadowcat] is not the King of TUSCL no matter how much he will tell you different."

    This warrants repeating (especially since Shadowcat has Parodyman on ignore).
  • jablake
    16 years ago
    Hi MIDancer,

    You probably wouldn't approve of her tactics, but I did a post about a dancer who makes your rates seem like a fantastic deal. $200 for 15 minutes (for conversation) and he certainly seemed thrilled to see her--she actually got $250 when I was there and spent a lot less time than 15 minutes. Of course, $1,000 per hour for some women's company is most likely an excellent deal for some wealthy men. Maybe you need to be raising your rates. :)

    Yes, the King would probably label an fair exchange that was more than he wanted to pay a ROB. Glad, he ain't really the King.

    Anyway, hope you are doing very well.
  • joshc
    16 years ago
    Wondergirl and all the other dancers should keep on posting. Interaction between customers and dancers are what keeps TUSCL's discussions worth checking out.
  • godfatherstill
    16 years ago
    Wondergrl, your posts are a big part of why I visit this site, please keep em coming;)...no pun intended.
    16 years ago
    I too enjoy hearing from the women who post here. I don't always agree with everything they say but I enjoy hearing their opinions. But I also understand why some don't stay long, there's a lot of anger and hatred experssed here and much of it is directed toward strippers. Which really puzzles me - if someone doesn't like strippers, what are they doing here in the first place? I thought this was a site for people who enjoy the strip club hobby, and how can you do that if you don't generally like strippers?
  • wondergrl5
    16 years ago
    I guess I was not as welcome here as I thought. I have received various emails with violent images and racists slurs. One included pictures of the Ponce massacare while other had a picture of a burning cross. The clincher was horrible comments made about my child.
    Yes there is no denying the venom I feel when I read what some posters direct toward me, my race, or gender. Although i didnt think it would go that far.
  • joshc
    16 years ago
    My guess is that there are lot of men who go to strip clubs as a way to denigrate the dancers. I hope that's the minority on this site.
  • ralphyboy
    16 years ago
    Every forum on the web has its distinct minority-emphasis on STINCT- of infantile,arrested development, pin-headed bigots, racists and various other dysfunctional purveyors of hate spewing their filth in cowardly anonymity. Having never had the misfortune to be on the receiving end of their sick poisonous posturings, I can only imagine the feelings of dread and nausea any victim must experience. But ninety nine and a half percent of participants on these sites are reasonably sane and mature individuals and if you allow the isolated sickos to drive you out, they win. Hang tough, and alternately expose and ignore the mental and emotional cripples who have nothing to contribute but their own lack of imagination.
  • njscfan
    16 years ago
    I think it is disgusting that there are guys (or perhaps a guy) on this site who would resort to sending harassing and threatening emails to someone. I bet it's possible to figure out the culprit(s).
  • MisterGuy
    16 years ago
    This is *definitely* not a "very friendly place" for strippers...some of whom can make a very vaulable contribution to this strip club website, and scaring them all away does nothing good for the group as a whole IMO.

    "Unless a stripper comes here and advertises herself as willing to give high mileage and the other stuff, then she ought to lay off here."

    This is BS...news flash...strippers are people too. They have opinions and feelings worth sharing as well. This isn't a "mens-only" site by any stretch of the imagination.

    "I wonder if this thread is directed at any particular women on this site."

    Of course it is...look at who started it man!

    I'll say this about that...whoever is sending "anonymous" e-mails to people here threatening and/or berating them for their supposed race is a coward, plain and simple. That needs to come to an end...immediately. The Internet is NOT anonymous my friends...you can be found out if necessary...so do yourself a favor and bring it to a close. I'm not threatening anyone BTW...just stating the facts, period.
  • I hope ladies continue to post. But, give Shadowcat his due. He has shared a lot of useful information
  • njscfan
    16 years ago
    Like what?
  • MisterGuy
    16 years ago
  • jablake
    16 years ago
    Well, he shared his experience of making the 2 for 1 offer. To some guys that is extremely important.

    He promoted his favorite club and I think the reviews show that most people agree with him that it is a very good club.

    He shared his experience of getting stood up by a dancer who he felt actually cared about him.

    I'm sure there was more, but I'm not a fan of his.

  • MisterGuy
    16 years ago
    LOL...the 2-for-1 is the *standard* at some clubs though. People need to be told that they can negotiate for a LD? I don't think so...how stupid do you think the rest of us are? Don't answer that BTW...lol...

    Yea, he shilled & shilled and got as many other people to do basically the same until he got what he wanted...so? Are we all supposed to replicate that now at all our favorite clubs? I hope not...what would TUSCL turn into if we all did that?

    Share your experiences...by all means yes..."brag" incessantly about basically nothing & try and bully people off this site that might be getting more attention that you...I for one am sick and tired of it...it's boring...zzzzzzzzzzz...
  • njscfan
    16 years ago
    None of the instances cited actually involve sharing information, which is what the poster claimed. I cannot think of anything useful I have learned from posts extolling a single club in south carolina, for example. I do not mind people sharing their experiences or even their "feelings," although some of the posts on this site about some of the guys' lives are getting weirder and weirder in my estimation. I also don't mind people sharing little jokes or insights or whatever. But I find nothing informative in being subjected to Rush Limbaugh rants.

    I think the real issue here is that some lonely folks live vicariously through the alleged exploits of a big-man-at-the-strip-club. And if someone has a large enough ego, he will certainly lap up the adulation. That's a little sad to me, but as John Lennon used to say, whatever gets you through the night. But even if you drank the kool aid and are a member in good standing of the fan club, you ought to have enough common sense (not to mention common decency) to call out a bully when you see one. And there is no other way to describe an attempt to drive women off this site.

    The real problem, however, is not what is taking place on the discussion board. People here can handle that, even if it is obnoxious. The problem is what is occurring off the board.

    Most guys on this site are simply not aware that the few women posters are subjected to a lot of emails from the guys -- some of those emails are fine; some of them are a little pushy; some of them are quite over the top; and some of them are psychotic and frightening. None of us would want our in boxes stuffed with that kind of crap every week. It is that behavior, probably more than anything, that will drive women off the site. And it all occurs under the radar. Not very brave or manly if you ask me.
  • parodyman-->
    16 years ago

    Well put!

    The thought of sending the female posters harassing email never even occoured to me. The shit wondergirl5 was subjected to crosses the line. Like to see that sick stupid mother fucker in real life. Might be interesting to see what kind of person does that shit. Then again maybe not...
  • MisterGuy
    16 years ago
    The other thing that bugs me is that you know that some of these sorry asses that are supposively doing all this e-mailing behind the scenes are just trying to get a piece of ass...no matter how they act or what they say here on this board. Then they get pissed off when they get shot down...it's simple, two-faced, high school BS IMO...
  • jablake
    16 years ago

    OK, I guess I will wait and see if the original poster gives examples of some of the useful information. Not saying it wasn't there--just didn't read it or remember it.

    I didn't know about the women posters getting lots of email.
  • evilcyn
    16 years ago
    Im still here, I just posted thee other day on a thread that I believe you started shadow cat..
  • DougS
    16 years ago
    I'm appalled at what has apparently transpired here. There's no excuse for the sophomoric behavior. I'm saddened - and yes, embarrassed - that fellow TUSCLers have suck to such levels.

    I've appreciated and enjoyed the contributions from the female posters on this site. Their perspective on many topics has enlightened me on several occasions. Additionally, several of these posters have been gracious enough to communicate with me on a personal level. I've benefited from their female perspective on several topics.

    I hope that what has transpired will not chase them away, though I s'pose if I were in their shoes, I'd never return to this site. That would be a travesty.

    Ladies... Wondergrrl, EvilCyn, MIDancer ... don't let yourselves been run off this site because of the actions of a small minority...

  • crizgolfer
    16 years ago
    Who is sending Wondergirl hate mail? Own up to it you little shit.
  • jac10781
    16 years ago
    I don't think there is anything wrong with getting a woman's point of view on things even if I disagree. That sucks someone would actually send hate mail to another person just because they think they have a computer as cover. That takes a special type of person to do something that hateful. I really like this site, but I don't see how the subject can go from a great topic like strippers to personal attacks and telling people they don't belong. It's always good to get a different view from the one you have. That is part of learning and growing as a person. Long story short I don't think anyone should leave this site if they enjoy being here. You paid your money like everyone else.
  • crizgolfer
    16 years ago
    As for Dudesters comments above regarding stripperweb. Yeah, some of the ladies over there can be bitchy. The bitchy ones may talk a lot, but they are the minority. Frankly, I have been there a year and a half and have had no problem with the moderators and no major issues with any of the ladies. In fact, my time there has been a pretty positive experience.
  • motorhead
    16 years ago
    Thanks Doug for trying to bring some common sense back to this board. It seems of late, this board has digressed from entertaining and interesting, to boring, to finally just plain mean and ugly. Sending anonymous, hateful e-mails to other posters is disgusting and unforgivable.

    Diverse, dissenting opinions are welcome - that's what make reading TUSCL so interesting. But can't we keep it civil? Even guys like parodyman, who likes to bust our balls, usually makes interesting comments, because, although I don't agree with the things he says, I think he is brutally honest. I would never censor his right to post here.
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