I'd like to suggest, that the presentation of TUSCL be tweaked ever so slightly. I think that when you're on a club page and you're looking at all the reviews, it should be presented such that the author of the review has a mark by his name indicating how many reviews he has submitted over the years. I find that I am always clicking the author link to find out more about the dude, but all I really want to know, most of the time, is "Hey, has this guy EVER written ANY other review, or is he a one-trick-pony shill who has only ever submitted THIS ONE REVIEW?" If right next to "book guy" appeared "book guy (124 reviews)" (or whatever) that would be very useful information for everyone.
I don't know if this is implementable. But I haven't been able to get through to Founder for a while with the "contact us" link so I thought I'd put it up here on the discussion board. Waddayathink, dudes?
I agree. Personally, I'm tired of the reviews from newbies and shills. A newbie review goes something like this: Entered the club and the bar was along the left wall. Large runway stage in the middle. Waitress service was very good and the dancers looked good. Rating "9"
WTF? That review realy doesn't mean anything to me. I'm not a student of strip club architecture. Just tell me about the strippers and the mileage factor. Most of the veteran members understand that it's all about the dancers, the rest really doesn't matter. Sometimes I believe members are submitting 2-3 line reviews just so they don't have to pay for their membership.
Great idea just keep it simple and easy to remember. Something like colored stripper silhouettes. White for 1st review, yellow 2-9, blue 10+, red 20+ you get the idea. Or just use the numbers 1, 2+, 10+, 20+ and so on.
My review count will be misleading since I used to post under a different name a few years ago. However that probably doesn't matter too much.
Something that might be interesting to add is the total number of different reviewers for a given club in the past year if you need at least 8 different ones for a club to be listed in the top 40. Then someone might easily see why a club isn't in the top 40 if it doesn't have enough reviewers but seems to be a local favorite club. These clubs can be like hidden gems not listed on the top 40.
If your intention is to red-flag shills and people "too green" to make an informed judgement, having up to 10 reviews as your lowest grade is much too high. Is this intended to help inform us or a bragging rights thing?
I was, at one time, in the top 10 of reviewers. That was before I retired. Now, my review count is way down, yet I consider myself a knowledgeable reviewer. I think now, I have gone from a "Casanova" down to a "Groper" or "69er". That, to me, would be a minus to the rating system. Overall, I do think it an excellent idea.
I was #4 at one time with 85 reviews but that didn't count the ones that I did under 2 other nick names. So call it around 120. Now my page shows only 17 reviews. But judging from the amount of emails and PM's that I get, I know that I am well known on this site.
I have an idea. You could let us select how many years of strip club experience we have visiting strip clubs. This number could show up in a special box next to the username for the review page or wherever someone wants to see it. For me I would pick something like 15 years. Or you could have categories of experience. 0 - 1 year "newbie", 1 - 2 years "newcomer", 2 -5 years "on the ropes", 6 - 10 years "experienced", 11- 20 years "talented", 21 - 30 years "your daddy", 31 - 100 years "dirty old man"
Yea, I can see this quickly turning into a pissing match...real quick. I don't have a problem simply clicking on a reviewer's name now to see how many reviews they have or if they are just a one-time shill.
I agree with MisterGuy. Clicking the reviewers name is easy enough. The quality of the review is more important to me than the how many reviews the reviewer has entered.
I have about 20 reviews, mostly because I don't put a review about my regular clubs every time I go. I only put in updates when I go to a new club or there's been some significant update to a club a regularly visit.
Modified suggestion: put a note by reviewers who have fewer than five reviews. Like: Book Guy, <5 reviews. And the "<5" links to an explanation that says, "This reviewer has fewer than five total reviews in our database over his lifetime participation here." Otherwise the total number of reviews is moot.
You can see what I'm getting at, here, with the idea of leaving a quick piece of information that can help readily identify shills. I don't know if the "<5" is a great idea; or if the original suggestion is a great idea; I leave it up to Founder to see what he thinks. I can see a few disadvantages, but I think the advantages outweigh them.
Or you could always go to the "Was this review helpful?" system and rate reviewers that way. You'd be recognizing the newbies or "virgins" who have something useful to say.
They have one of thsoe systems on Amazon.com...don't know if it's worth anything or not though. I've also recently seen the idea of rating comments (like on a scale of 0-4)...I think DailyKos might have started that trend, but it just seems pointless to me.
We definitely don't need a "pissing match" here.. Golden showers aside, I think the initially idea to somehow "flag" potential "shill", is a good idea.
I don't think the total number of reviews is necessarily indicative of a reviewer's strip club savvy level. Even though I've been clubbing for many years, I've never been one to visit often. I think the highest I've ever climbed on the TUSCL charts was 28th. Now, I rarely visit an actual club.
Are there any other eBay-ers out there? Perhaps TUSCL could use a system similar to eBay's. In eBay, both buyers and sellers have numbers and icons shown next to the user name. It's a useful tool to use, in order to get a feel for the user and allows one to get a realistic expectation of how well a transaction will be handled.
It's kind of like the feedback method at EBay -- you know you would worry about someone who had ten negatives and one positive, right? Well, here at TUSCL the people who have one review (or ten reviews but all for one club) need to cause some worry.
1) OP is somewhat superflous as we can already view users join date, or quickly see whether reviewer has 1 or 2 or a dozen plus posts. 2) Later suggestion of "helpful review option" sounds good. Really, some T40 reviewers reviews aren't very helpful/insightful, while I've seen some reviewers with a handful of reviews make some real good writeups. 3) I'd like to see a return to "old system" whereby one could quickly see which clubs & geographical diversity of reviewer, without wading thru actual reviews.Ditto for T40 list on # of clubs reviewed.
I won't be offended whichever option Founder chooses -- changing to my suggestion, or changing nothing, or changing to a modified version of that suggestion, or following other suggestions in this thread. I'm glad we had a chance to discuss it, and it really won't but me whatever is picked. I think most of us are just trying to figure out what's best for TUSCL as a whole. :)
The E-Bay thing is mostly used to flag bad sellers and/or buyers though...is that what we want here? Strip club reviews are by definition subjective...YMMV right? Seeing the "geographical diversity" of a reviewer would be cool though...we all tend to have our own niches I think.
No, I DO want a little bit of "flagging a bad reporter." I think that TUSCL has a few shill reviewers, and I'd like a quicker way of reading the web pages to help me in identifying them.
last commentWTF? That review realy doesn't mean anything to me. I'm not a student of strip club architecture. Just tell me about the strippers and the mileage factor. Most of the veteran members understand that it's all about the dancers, the rest really doesn't matter. Sometimes I believe members are submitting 2-3 line reviews just so they don't have to pay for their membership.
I think this is very true.
Tuscl could have its own system. My offhand suggestions?
Virgin (up to 10 reviews)
First Kiss 10-20
Make-out Artist 20-30
Groper 30-40
69er 40-60
Casanova 60+
what are others' suggestions? we could design a system by popular vote
Something that might be interesting to add is the total number of different reviewers for a given club in the past year if you need at least 8 different ones for a club to be listed in the top 40. Then someone might easily see why a club isn't in the top 40 if it doesn't have enough reviewers but seems to be a local favorite club. These clubs can be like hidden gems not listed on the top 40.
I have about 20 reviews, mostly because I don't put a review about my regular clubs every time I go. I only put in updates when I go to a new club or there's been some significant update to a club a regularly visit.
You can see what I'm getting at, here, with the idea of leaving a quick piece of information that can help readily identify shills. I don't know if the "<5" is a great idea; or if the original suggestion is a great idea; I leave it up to Founder to see what he thinks. I can see a few disadvantages, but I think the advantages outweigh them.
I can't speak for others, but I've never used one of those "Helpful" systems.
I don't think the total number of reviews is necessarily indicative of a reviewer's strip club savvy level. Even though I've been clubbing for many years, I've never been one to visit often. I think the highest I've ever climbed on the TUSCL charts was 28th. Now, I rarely visit an actual club.
Are there any other eBay-ers out there? Perhaps TUSCL could use a system similar to eBay's. In eBay, both buyers and sellers have numbers and icons shown next to the user name. It's a useful tool to use, in order to get a feel for the user and allows one to get a realistic expectation of how well a transaction will be handled.
2) Later suggestion of "helpful review option" sounds good. Really, some T40 reviewers reviews aren't very helpful/insightful, while I've seen some reviewers with a handful of reviews make some real good writeups.
3) I'd like to see a return to "old system" whereby one could quickly see which clubs & geographical diversity of reviewer, without wading thru actual reviews.Ditto for T40 list on # of clubs reviewed.