How explicit are your reviews?

avatar for njscfan
I just had a very nice time at a strip club I've never been to before. By "very nice time" I don't mean the girls were hot or the atmosphere was cool. I mean I got a CBJ, FS in multiple positions and a very lengthy session of DATY.

Here's the part that's confusing me. If you look at the several reviews for this place, they are generally positive, but they largely fail to mention the available mileage -- even in "code". Indeed, some of the reviews falsely state nothing is available. I don't know how anyone could miss what it going on if you visit this place. I was there all of 3 minutes before a dancer took me for a ride. Assuming you speak English and have $, you will get some.

I come at this from a TER background where everyone is very explicit about what is available. It makes hobbying very straightforward. If you want a girl who will do X, then you know which girls to see. It seems to me this could operate the same way. If you want a club with high mileage, go to that club. I appreciate LE concerns, but if we don't mention it at all this site loses its value.

So what's the deal? Are the reviewers all keeping their little gems a secret? Or are they uninterested in extras and just like having girls rub their bodies on them? Help me out guys because either explanation is pretty confusing to me


last comment
avatar for Barkingowl
17 years ago
I haven't given any reviews. But honestly the one girl I really love seeing at TMC in Charlotte, NC is a gem I'd rather keep to myself.
I am not explicit in the reviews of my favorite club. I do not mention dancers names or how far they will go. I have around 20 favorite dancers there that know me well. They deliver and at better prices than other customers get. They trust me and appreciate my business.They appreciate that I bring them business. IE new customers. I have a dozen or so strip club buddies that have met me there and I have introduced them to my favorites and told them which ones to avoid. You guys know who you are. I also get emails from these same guys wanting the latest info on who is hot, etc. I share it with them and they in return share their expierences with me. I do once in a while try to save a special one for me. These guys all know that when I am going on a "field trip", they know with who and what is in store for me. Like me, these guys have also learned to keep their mouths shut. Guys, the girls are up for another convention this spring. Start making excuses to tell your SO. I'll set up dates as soon as I hear from Bones.
My reviews are not explicit, because the details of what happens in a private dance are confidential between customer and stripper. Without the expectation of confidentiality, dances wouldn't be very fun for anybody, so why poison the well?
avatar for 8mileman
17 years ago
they'er not lawyer's!!!!! lol...... all though some might need them. it's not a secret le knows. nobody but a bunch pl's would think that.
Then try telling a stripper beforehand that you're going to post an explicit account of her dance for you on the World Wide Web and see how you like the results.
avatar for David9999
17 years ago
General claims or implications about FS being available in clubs - I believe are already there, but of course w/o knowing the specific girl, it doesn't always help. However, specific identifications are not going to happen for a number of reasons.

TER in general reviews individual identity protected and location protected providers who by definition are providing full service sex, with only AMP girls having specific locations identified directly or indirectly. With strippers, while nominally using stage names, they are in effect substantively identified via their work locations which are open to the public w/o any screening - so issues of defamation or invasion of privacy could be presented

avatar for njscfan
17 years ago
David, I completely understand what you are saying, which is why I never mention a dancer by name in that context. But I still find it useful to know what is available at a club, even if the dancer involved is not identified. If FS is available at all, it means it is at least tolerated, and if you go to that club you will run into the girls who provide it. But most of the reviews I have seen do not mention it at all. Does that mean it really is not happening, and the guys are getting nothing more than a simple lap dance? I find that hard to understand. I would not waste my time if that was all that was available. The minority of reviews that allude to some kind of extras do so usually in ways that are so vague as to be meaningless -- to me there's a pretty big difference between a HJ and FS. As long as you don't identify the dancer by name in the review (I agree with you on that point), I don't see the downside to writing a straightforward review.
I think it is best left to back channels. ASPD has a lot of reviews of texas clubs in detail, but then again most of their stuff is back channel which I am not privy to. TER on the other hand is an escort site and regardless of opinion, reviews there are for escorts and paid services.

Strip clubs are supposed to be just that, strip clubs. IMHO, explicit details are better left behind closed doors so to speak.
avatar for ShotDisc
17 years ago
Obviously I am in the minority when it comes to explicit reviews. I think honesty is the best policy.
avatar for ClevelandTom
17 years ago
There is a club near my house that was almost out of control with the number of extras that were being offered in it. On the other board, people would post that so-and-so would do a BBBJ for $50. This was mentioned in a series of reviews on here and sure enough, management got wind of it and cleaned things up. One girl, who wasn't mentioned by name but by code (e.g. D-------) was hounded by management and was ultimately fired. Others pulled back offers.

I didn't share my full experience in the reviews (but did give good reviews and strong ratings) but because others couldn't contain their enthusiasm, a good place is now boring.

avatar for godfatherstill
17 years ago
I wonder if LE checks sites like this for tips on what goes on ITC. I suppose it would be just as easy to send local undercover cops ITC, but it still makes one wonder.

I am pretty new to the site but I have been using it a lot to help me make decisions on what clubs to visit during my travels. I would hope and think that most of the posts are credible so I won't be lead to far astray. So far I have been happy with what I have learned here.

I have been very honest in my reviews but I am not in an area of the country that offers a lot of extras. But I have been open and honest about what I has been available to me.
Here is my standard: I never write anything that, if read before a judge, would support a charge (not necessarily bring a conviction, but give rise to probable cause-in other words, give LE a case they could take to trial) against a club and/or dancer.

People who know me are aware of my standards, and my expectations for a ten. They know my prerequisite for the first dance leading to a second dance from the same dance. I suspect that my predilictions become clear after a critically reading of several of my posts. For most of us, after we have posted a number of reviews, it is clear which "camp" we fall into--mileage hounds, lap dance aesthetes, club culture afficianados, etc. Once you know the nature of a man's interests in strip clubs, you know how to assess his positive or negative reviews. So there's a certain art to interpreting the reviews that rises above bare literacy in the English language.

At times I would like to be more explicit in my reviews, esp. at the high and low ends of the rating distribution, but I am confident that LE in some areas reads these reviews, and that has to be factored into the overall picture.
njscfan: Obviously, after reading your post, I immediately accessed the list of clubs you have visited recently. Alas, none is closer than 900 miles to me.
avatar for godfatherstill
17 years ago
I cant help but think about Tony Soprano when I read njscfan's posts.
There is a LE fear on this site in general, but I really don't care about that much. I hardly ever mention names or get into specific detail about what happened with this girl or whatever (which I'm sure diminishes the living vicariously thrill for some people here), but I do try and mention what's available. If you're not publishing any names, then I don't think that the dancers would care one way or the other. No one knows that I review the clubs that I visit. I'm not out to become famous or "known" anywhere. It's not all about's about providing info that I think others might want to know about.

Actually, I think Founder has a really good format suggestion for the reviews here:
"Give a LOT of details in your review (layout, atmosphere, dance quality,

The first paragraph should describe the club, the second should describe
the dancers. You should also summarize with one sentence saying whether
or not you would return to the club.

When describing the club, mention cleanliness, costs (cover, dance,
alcohol), thug factor, vibe, music level, dj annoyance factor, etc.

When describing the dancers mention looks, attitude, ethnicity, hustle
factor. You can also go into detail of the private dances. Just be
careful not to mention names.

Basically think about what you would like to know from your good buddy
about a strip club you’ve never been to. Think about the business
traveler that is sitting in his hotel room with only time enough to
hit one club in this new town. Let him know why or why not he should
visit a particular club."

Also, remember that "All reviews and comments on this site should be considered works of fiction." ;)
avatar for njscfan
17 years ago
I would be grateful if someone would explain the reference to Tony Soprano. I don't follow pop culture, so while I know it's a TV show, I don't understand the import of the reference. Thanks.
Well, it might be that you operate in NJ and like strip did Tony Soprano (especially the Badda Bing!). It's been a while since I watched that show though.
ShotDisc: Particularly how does a belief in being honest put you in the minority here?
avatar for godfatherstill
17 years ago
njscfan, Misterguy is correct, in the TV show Tony Soprano is a mob boss (not saying that you are) but the similarity is that he lived and worked in the NJ area and many of the shows scenes took place in strip clubs. Tony was a real cool character, who had his way with the ladies, and it sounds like you are that type of a guy as well. The reference was totally intended as a compliment.
avatar for ShotDisc
17 years ago
I believe in telling the specific truths regarding what happens during my SC visits, good or bad mileage included. This seems to place me in the minority based on other posts.
avatar for DougS
17 years ago
Explicit details are better left unmentioned. If reviews contain explicit information about ITC extras, sooner or later the wrong person is going to get wind of it. Whether it be LE, management or a particular dancer... someone will take a negative view of it and before you know it, things will change. Maybe the club will be shut down... maybe a dancer fired... maybe stiff restrictions (no pun intended) will be put on contact.

It's a no-win situation.

Also, the use of "code words" to describe extras is fooling no one, so don't get a false sense of security. Yes, we all like to hear "Frank Sinatra" singing...
avatar for snowtime
17 years ago
While I must admit to the "vicarious thrill" that MisterGuy refers to in explicit reviews, I try to be somewhat restrained in my reviews. I will try to convey an accurate picture of a club so that others can benefit from my post. Since I prefer high milage clubs I will pass that information on without being too explicit. Like Chitown says you can get a pretty good idea by knowing the "style" of a particular reviewer. If I tell you that the contact was good and I left happy that usually means I at least got some relief. My guess is that LE does look at this site but probably knows exactly what goes on ineach club anyway. I do not give out names on the better dancers to protect them and to ensure that my next visit will be as much fun as the last one.
avatar for njscfan
17 years ago
Misterguy and godfatherstill: thanks for the clarification about Tony Soprano. I did not take it as an insult, I was just not understanding the reference.

As to the larger topic, personally I am persuaded by the recitation of the guidelines by Misterguy, and I am going to endeavor to follow that standard. I find particularly compelling the idea that I want a review that would be useful to a visitor in a hotel room who only has time to visit one club.

I will share something amusing with regard to how explicit one might be. I was overseas last week and went into a strip club. A dancer came up to me immediately and said, "want to go to the back room, it's 160 for a blowjob." Now that's being explicit!
One of the most import things for me is how much stuff costs at a club. I also have this odd thing for clean bathrooms, which is silly considering that my bathroom right now is dirtier than some clubs that I've been Good looking dancers with not too high a hsutle factor are always good to note as well. Everyone is different though in terms of what they want to see in a good club or club review.
As I have said before. Knowing the reviewer is your best source of information. Here are the guys that I have personally met and trust. Bones, Shekitout, Pop, JGB133, Trogangreg, rob0411, magicrat, StripShopper, uscue, TimboATL. ShotDisc and I almost met. I have traded info with him for years and we were in my favorite club at the same time awhile back but did not hook up. I also trust most of the guys that post on this discussion board. I hope to meet some more of you at the next TUSCL convention. This spring at the Columbia Platinum Plus.
I like what Chitownlawyer and ClevelandTom had to say about this. I tend to hint at extra mileage rather than get explicit or name names. I don't want to get anybody in trouble, and I don't want management cracking down.

I also like what shadowcat has to say about trust. I feel I can trust some of the reviewers on TUSCL because they have a long track record and their reviews seem balanced. njscfan, remember the reception you got with your first post? ;-o

avatar for ShotDisc
17 years ago
There are obviously two trains of thought on this issue and each side has its own reasons for believing what it does. To each his own. I stand by my reviews and will continue to present them in the same way I always have.
avatar for rootman
17 years ago
I would never name names except in a general way, like 'Jane gives one of the best laps'. You can characterize mileage for the club pretty easily. If I do find a gem, I'm not that good at sharing anyway.
avatar for mmdv26
17 years ago
Explicit posts provide valuable information. With some clubs, it's no secret that high-mileage or extra's are the norm. I would tend to be more explicit in my post of such a club.
Other club experiences occasionally include a "pleasant surprise". While I might hint strongly that I had a better than expected time, I would be inclined hold back on the abbreviations regarding specifics, etc.
My rationale fot this approach is that I like GFE with DATY and a BBBJ unexpectedly compared to the full knowledge that I have just entered a "brothel in disguise", and I don't want to seem disrespectful of that special treatment.
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