You're talking to a dancer, then you notice she seems to be sick. Runny nose, not looking too great, then you think, why did she even bother to come to the strip club tonight? What are the chances she already infected you? Does this irritate you?
I usually want to stay away from sick people especially if I'm not even familiar with them.
I recently had a dancer tell me that I felt feverish and that was one of her pet peeves. It made our dance less enjoyable since she was concerned about it. Can't say I blame them either. I was not sick at the time, I think she just had my blood pressure up, she was SOOO hot as well.
I am hoping that going to strip clubs keeps me exposed to a wide variety of common germs; my immune system is tuned to the highest levels; and I am resistant to colds and the flu.
There must be some scientific support for this. Or, this may be wishful thinking. But we now know that an ultra-clean home is not a good thing for our kids. Their immune systems don't develop properly. So strip clubs must be good for adults. Right?
Between going to stripclubs & the gym, I feel like a walking Petri dish. I expect to get at least 2 - 3 colds a years from strippers. My immune system is good, and I'm in great shape. But stripper cold/flu germs are STRONG.
Spent 3 and 1/2 hours, a new record for reading things on a financial news site.
This quote made me think of this from a comment on " How is investing in a 401k, a mutual fund, or a seedy and unmanaged broke-erage account like unprotected sex? Besides the obvious of getting f**ked. Because you never know what cooties you'll catch when you're in there, and you can't pull out in time."
and this quote making the markets sound like evaluating dancers in a club "And even after learning more about the marketplace, there are no absolutes, as your mileage will vary."
Learning about investing can seem similiar to learning about strippers and strip clubs in some ways.
I bet shadowcat thinks he has been getting a great return on his dancer investment dollars. Lap dance returns that is. I've been selective and have been getting bargain or value lap dance returns as well.
I might think I was spending a bit too much time on financial web sites but in the last three days I've recouped almost all the money I lost on some previous mistakes earlier in the year. I guess when you see paper values increase faster in one day than you've spent multiple days in a strip club, you're feeling more confident.
Then I think, I wonder if some of those strippers are sick and I should just avoid the whole strip club. To make everything seem more depressing though, one guy said you could double your money in 10 years in the market, only to end up with half the money you started with after adjusting for this runaway inflation that is starting. If inflation gets that bad, I'll just try to double my money every year, if I do that, that should let me end up with something.
Somehow I don't think too many dancers will be interested in discussing the stock market. Actually not too many ordinary people are either if they're losing money. If the market goes down 400 points tomorrow, I just made out pretty good. I'm not expecting anything that bad yet though.
Personnally I wont go in for pms let alone the sniffles. But last nite I was gonna give a lap dance and what falls out of the guys pocket? Zicam so i ask are you sick? and hes like yeah I ve got the flu but Im not contagious. I apologized returned his money and said I couldnt afford to get sick.
casualguy: In many cases, if a girl is scheduled, she generally has to (a) pay a fine for missing the shift or (b) bring in a doctor's note to excuse her from missing work. I was in this very predicament on Sunday. I was feeling ill (fever, chills, etc.), but if I missed my scheduled Sunday night shift, I would've lost my upcoming Friday and Saturday night shifts, AND have pay a fine. I don't have the best insurance, and I wasn't about to blow $100+ for a doctor to tell me that I just needed to get some rest and drink some OJ. So, I dragged my sorry ass to work, and plopped down at the bar. It sucked because I had several customers approach me to ask for a dance, and I had to kindly explain that I was sick and wasn't doing dances that evening. I had a couple guys who thought I was just being a bitch, and a manager who was irritated with me for turning down dances (even though I told him multiple times that evening that I wasn't feeling well). Of course, every guy that approached me asked WHY I was there if I was sick, and I had to explain the whole procedure for missing a Sunday. Luckily, thanks to the generosity of a couple regulars and my stage calls, I was able to walk out with a couple hundred bucks.
Returning money wondergrl?? Your pimp won't be happy with that...oh wait, you don't have a pimp cuz you're not a bad... ;)
The fines that dancers can rack up really do suck. One of my old ATFs got fined for showing up less than 5 mins. late to work. She also got fined more during the holidays cuz the club made less money then, which is bullshit IMO.
Managers at strip clubs should allow a few sick days every year for the dancers in my opinion. If they get customers sick, those customers may not come back for weeks. I think this is just stupidity on the managers side to fine dancers with no sick days allowed. The message seems to be clear, if any disease, such as flu or anything else is going around, stay away from strip clubs during the whole flu season or any dancer that even appears to look sick or sluggish. Maybe the manager is more interested in a couple of bucks from fines instead of respecting everyone else. He gets the fines but loses even more without realizing it. I got sick a few weeks ago. It's possible I got it at a strip club but I'm not sure. Haven't been to any strip club in about a month now. Lol, I blame public gatherings, strip clubs and churches for spreading disease. I wonder how many go to both on the same day. I have still been going to church (yes I know many go there when they are sick too) but have stopped giving out the customary handshake. I just wave now during flu and cold season and after spending 100 bucks at the doctor and on the prescribed drugs. I would have rather spent that money on lap dances.
Fortunately, I have a pretty strong immune system, and rarely get colds, and I ALWAYS get a flu shot every year.
I've gotten dances and OTCed with girls that obviously had cold symptoms... and have exchanged vast quantities of saliva and other bodily fluids. If she's a fav, or extremly hot, I will risk catching a cold. Usually, before DFKing, they will warn me and I usually reply, "I'd be glad to host YOUR germs!" Which usually gets me a nice laugh and wins me extra points.
Every kind of job should have paid sick days, period. I heard that the flu shot sucked this year...they always have to guess at which strains to use in the vaccine anyways.
I found out something today that makes me feel a bit sick or sicker than knowing than a sick dancer is sitting next to you. Selling a stock on impulse instead of waiting until later in the day. Could have made a few hundred if I had waited longer. Felt like slapping myself in the head. Oh well, there will be more opportunities. I didn't understand why stocks were going up this morning but it was just Fed rumors and talk messing with market sentiment this morning I guess. I probably should count my blessings. I've made just a little bit of money in the stock market the last two weeks while most haven't. The markets can go up for a few days and I'll be happy now. I am even planning on visiting strip clubs again. Let's all take a recession break and go party.
Yeah, it's also a drag because I know when I'm sick I'm really don't have much energy so you can pretty much take for granted that the dance is going to be "uninspired".
How about ones with cold sores? That's happened to me a couple times. Dancers I had already used in the past come up to you and are all friendly and even with the bad lighting you can notice a nasty cold sore around their mouth. Now *that* should be grounds for not showing up for work, at least at a SC! (Oddly enough, they were much friendlier than they normally were--maybe because they weren't making any money off the other guys, or maybe because they thought if they were really nice you might not notice it? Who knows.)
although it is not a sickness. I really hate it when I find out that she is on her period. It puts a real damper on my activities and is a mood killer.
Casualguy, I've had the exact same experience. I once asked a girl to join me and after a little while it became obvious that she was sick. Then she kept complaining that she didn't feel well. I spent over an hour with her because I figured that at that point I'd already been infected, plus I didn't see any other girl who really appealed to me the way this girl did. But when I went back the next night (it was in Providence and I was on a business trip of several days) she immedialtey came over to join me and I said no thanks. I felt bad about it because I really liked her but one night of her compaining was enough. I always wondered what she was like when she was feeling well. I never did get sick, but then I rarely do.
last commentThere must be some scientific support for this. Or, this may be wishful thinking. But we now know that an ultra-clean home is not a good thing for our kids. Their immune systems don't develop properly. So strip clubs must be good for adults. Right?
This quote made me think of this from a comment on
How is investing in a 401k, a mutual fund, or a seedy and unmanaged broke-erage account like unprotected sex? Besides the obvious of getting f**ked. Because you never know what cooties you'll catch when you're in there, and you can't pull out in time."
and this quote making the markets sound like evaluating dancers in a club
"And even after learning more about the marketplace, there are no absolutes, as your mileage will vary."
Learning about investing can seem similiar to learning about strippers and strip clubs in some ways.
I might think I was spending a bit too much time on financial web sites but in the last three days I've recouped almost all the money I lost on some previous mistakes earlier in the year. I guess when you see paper values increase faster in one day than you've spent multiple days in a strip club, you're feeling more confident.
Then I think, I wonder if some of those strippers are sick and I should just avoid the whole strip club. To make everything seem more depressing though, one guy said you could double your money in 10 years in the market, only to end up with half the money you started with after adjusting for this runaway inflation that is starting. If inflation gets that bad, I'll just try to double my money every year, if I do that, that should let me end up with something.
Somehow I don't think too many dancers will be interested in discussing the stock market. Actually not too many ordinary people are either if they're losing money. If the market goes down 400 points tomorrow, I just made out pretty good. I'm not expecting anything that bad yet though.
The fines that dancers can rack up really do suck. One of my old ATFs got fined for showing up less than 5 mins. late to work. She also got fined more during the holidays cuz the club made less money then, which is bullshit IMO.
I've gotten dances and OTCed with girls that obviously had cold symptoms... and have exchanged vast quantities of saliva and other bodily fluids. If she's a fav, or extremly hot, I will risk catching a cold. Usually, before DFKing, they will warn me and I usually reply, "I'd be glad to host YOUR germs!" Which usually gets me a nice laugh and wins me extra points.
How about ones with cold sores? That's happened to me a couple times. Dancers I had already used in the past come up to you and are all friendly and even with the bad lighting you can notice a nasty cold sore around their mouth. Now *that* should be grounds for not showing up for work, at least at a SC! (Oddly enough, they were much friendlier than they normally were--maybe because they weren't making any money off the other guys, or maybe because they thought if they were really nice you might not notice it? Who knows.)