
If your SO catches you....

Atlanta suburb
will she forgive you and stand behind you? Like Hillary did for Bill or Silda did for Eloit? Or is that only for the RICH and FAMOUS?


  • arbeeguy
    17 years ago
    We do know that Hillary stood behind/beside Bill and took lots of heat. She also pointed out that the REAL problem was the vast right-wing conspiracy.

    As for Silda it's way too soon to tell whether she has forgiven or will forgive Eliot. Maybe her lawyer is already telling him the terms of the divorce - who knows
  • Book Guy
    17 years ago
    I'm kinda sick of the stand-behind-him types. I'd like to have seen Hillary do the, "That's none of your dang business, and yes he's in the dog-house" act instead of the, "I'm going to run for President some time in the future" act. Then I might have voted for her. :)
  • parodyman-->
    17 years ago
    I must be extra rich and famous, my wife participates! And if she dosen't want to go she dosen't get upset if I go myself or with some of my old white hoodlum friends.
    17 years ago
    I agree with Book Guy, we have no idea whether she stood behind him or not, we only know the image she presented in public which was totally for political purposes.

    But to answer your question, my SO knows almost everything about my past clubbing. She doesn't understand it (not sure I do either) and doesn't like it but she hasn't thrown me out. She and my ATF have become good friends.
  • lopaw
    17 years ago
    If my SO catches me, I will become a bad smell coming from the attic.

    parody.....you are indeed a lucky guy!
  • DougS
    17 years ago
    Nope... I'd be picking my stuff up on the lawn in front of my house.

    BTW, I don't think there's ANY way in hell that Silda will continue standing by her husband. I was surprised that she was standing there during the press conference. I felt bad for her...
  • magicrat
    17 years ago
    She sure didn't look too happy about it either, did she?
  • wondergrl5
    17 years ago
    She'll probably leave and write a bestselling tell all book and make millions while crying on Oprah.
    The escort will probably get a spread in Playboy and cash in too.
    17 years ago
    Wondergrl, she won't have to do any of that. She's going to take him for mega-millions. I bet her phone hasn't stopped ringing from all the divorce lawyers offering to represent her.

    And I didn't think that Playboy showed girls spreading, but then I haven't seen an issue lately. But I bet her rates just went up. She's clearly the winner in this episode. Think she'll ever be convicted of anything, since the governor probably told her it was OK? My guess is she'll get immunity for testifying against him, which will add to her fame. She'll be the one writing the book - her phone probably hasn't stopped ringing either.
  • wondergrl5
    17 years ago
    Not spreading herself FONDOL. I meant a bunch of pics and an article about her.

    Playboy did that for the women of ENRON.And one about Craigs List hotties
  • MisterGuy
    17 years ago
    I saw "the Women of Enron"...it was actually pretty decent.
  • arbeeguy
    17 years ago
    Spread versus "Spreading" Interesting word confusion. Two totally different ideas, but easy to get mixed up. "Spread" is an amazing word when you look into it. Dictionary.com gives 41 different definitions (true, some are only slight variations on others.) Still, very few words get more than five definitions in dictionary.com

    One thing that attracts me to TUSCL is the ingenious word usage I see here. ROB, FS, DATY for starters. And it goes on and on and on. Keep up the good work guys (and Wondergrl5)
  • shadowcat
    17 years ago
    Well, it just happened to one of my buddies. A frequent poster on here. His wife got an anonymous phone call. Wanted to know if he was in. When she said no, the caller said I guess that he is in (unnamed strip club). He is trying to lie his way out of it but she is not buying it. Talk about strained relations. He may join me soon as a divorce. But that never hurt me!
  • Book Guy
    17 years ago
    I think the dude who got phoned in that anecdote, should go kick the living bejabbers out of the idiot friend who phoned him.
    17 years ago
    There was no word confusion between "spread" and "spreading" at least not by me. I was trying to make a joke. It's a bad habit of mine, acting like I misunderstood what someone says when their wording can be misconstrued in a humorous way. I obviously have too much spare time.
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