
Comments by DougS (page 15)

  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Effect of No Smoking Laws
    Interesting discussion... In the last year, the area in which I live has banned smoking in all public buildings. Smoking has also been banned in city and county parks (state parks, too, maybe). I've talked to a great many waitresses (non SC establishments) and they all pretty much agree that the smoking ban has harmed business. In particular, places like Hooters that is a restaurant and a "bar". However, the reason that the ban has hurt the business is that there are other alternatives for places to go where one can still eat AND smoke. My theory is, if all establishments had the same rules, business would not be affected. With that in mind, if smoking were banned in all strip clubs in a given area, I don't think business would be affected at all. If a person has a desire to go to a strip club, it probably won't change their mind if they can or cannot smoke. UNLESS there is an alternative that allows smoking in the general vicinity. Personally, I do NOT smoke. I am NOT one of those radical anti-smoking people, but I have to admit I much prefer eating at a restaurant where smoking is not allowed. I DO still eat at restaurants that permits smoking, however. Would I like strip clubs to go "smoke free"? I could argue both ways on this, but ultimately, I think I would side on the "allow smoking in SCs" side. Why? I despise spending a few hours at a club and smelling like the Marlboro Man when I leave. I cannot wear a coat into a club because I don't want to make a trip to the dry cleaner. Sometimes I am forced to make the nearly three hour drive with my windows down in order to "air out" and lessen the stink of smoke, even when the temp is below freezing (believe me, that makes for one hell of an uncomfortable trip). Reading that, you'd think I would be on the other side of the fence, right? Wrong! Suppose smoking is banned at the clubs that I frequent. Upon leaving, I would no longer be sporting the smell of cigarettes. Instead, I'd be smelling all girlie, having picked up the scent of the girls that'd been rubbing themselves all over me. No longer would cigarette smoke be covering up the smell of perfumes, body sprays and lotions. On the surface, that's not bad, but try explaining THAT to your wife or SO upon your return home!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    More consistent ratings.
    I peruse the "recent reviews" on a daily basis, and almost always will find a few reviews that are of interest to me - typically these will be reviews of clubs that I frequent, or have visited in the past, or will be reviews BY TUSCLers that I know. Sure, these reviews are entertaining and can give a good glimpse into the current state of a particular club, but in the greater scheme of things, whether it's a high rating or low rating, it matters not. When I am going on a sexpedition to an area that I am familiar with, I will already know what club(s) that I like and will know where I should go. Dallas is a good example of this; even though the ratings and reviews at BBD have been on the decline over the last few months, I know that for the area, BBD is the best option. If I show up there and have a disappointing experience, I might checkout some of the other clubs that have been getting decent reviews. When you think about it, at least in my case, the ONLY time that the ratings mean anything to me is when I am venturing to an area in which I normally don't hit clubs. It's at that time when I will be looking at several clubs, trying to decide where I should spend my time and money in order to get the club experience that I desire. Reading between the lines is THE most important skill when analyzing a particular club's or group of clubs ratings. When you are determining what club to visit, you have to do some research beyond looking at the ratings. You have to read the recent reviews - perhaps the last three to six months worth, taking into consideration the over inflated "homer" scores, the pissed off patron's low scores, etc. Like what was mentioned above, you also have to take into consideration the area and what the accepted quality and mileage is for that region. Of course known TUSCLers' reviews will always carry more weight when weighing the relevance of reviews and ratings.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    strip clubs book adina howard freak like me to come to your club.
    What's with the advertising shit / plug? I vote that the William Smith doofus gets voted off the island. Founder, how about pulling his membership?
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Younger Dancers vs. Older Dancers
    I can get "attractive older" at my house... so I see no reason to spend money on "attractive older" at the club. Thus, "hot younger" is the only way to roll.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Marital Status and Mileage
    Whoops, after all of that typing, I didn't answer the question. No, I don't think the marital status of the customer in any way influences the mileage one receives, especially when ITC. I, though probably mistakenly, believe that the presence of a wedding ring - or lack thereof - CAN make a slight difference in some OTC situations. I haven't experienced any of those situations where it has made a difference, but logically I would think some girls may shy away from OTCing with a married guy. On the other hand, perhaps some girls would feel more comfortable OTCing with a married guy so they know he's not going to get all "in love" with them. You also have the girls that might look at a married guy as being a bigger challenge and thus increase their interest....
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    17 years ago
    Marital Status and Mileage
    When I hit the club - or meetup OTC with someone, the wedding ring comes off. Of course I've worn the ring for MANY years and there is in unmistakable discoloration and indentation, so it's very easy for anyone to look at my hand and know that a ring WAS there. When asked, I don't lie and say that I am not married... I am open about that, BUT, I will usually fudge the truth and say that I am currently going through a separation process. My ATF (and those that have held that status previously) all know exactly what my current status is. Incidentally, they all voiced the fact that it is silly not to wear it when they know my status anyhow. I guess I just don't feel right wearing it. Heck, when I go out and see an attractive girl that I will be interacting with (waitress, clerk, teller, etc.), the ring will come off before she sees it, too. I guess it's indicative that I am "on the prowl".
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Younger Dancers vs. Older Dancers
    Young! My ATF is 24... prev-ATF is CURRENTLY 26, but it's been several years since we had a "thing" going. I recently met a 29 yo, who really got me going and fortunately looked much younger than 29 - at least in VIP lighting. I'm a bit nervous to see what she looks like in the bright lights of OTC.... (if I get that chance)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    New Jersey
    Dedicated Monger Prep
    Chandler: I didn't mean to imply that those that don't "go that extra mile" are smelly slobs. There ARE guys that not only don't go that extra mile, but I'm betting that a micrometer would be needed to measure the distance that they DID go. I mean, I can't imagine hitting a club wearing a greasy, sweaty, smelly work uniform with my name on my pocket, but I've seen guys doing that. For the most part, my prep work is for ME - or in other words - to increase my enjoyment by decreasing any negative thoughts. I don't want to worry that I just scratched her with untrimmed fingernails (especially if we are talking inside a very tender spot)... I don't want to give her stubble burns because I didn't shave closely, etc. It all adds up to increase my self-confidence levels, I suppose.
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    17 years ago
    New Jersey
    Dedicated Monger Prep
    Though most of my mongering in the last few years has been of a pre-arranged OTC variety, which in my mind takes extra preparation, the I also perform the rituals alluded to by BookGuy and Bones. KNOWING that I am clean, well groomed, etc., makes me feel more comfortable - no worries like "do I have nose hairs showing?" or "do I smell fresh (everywhere)?" Usually, I will stop at the hotel before meeting my ATF or going to a club so that I can take a quick shower and shave, etc. If I'm not stopping at the hotel first, I will swing past my office on the way out of town and at least freshen up (I have a kit at work w/razor, shaving cream, toothbrush, etc.) I have been complimented more times than not (could be SS in most cases) about how good I smell, how smooth my face is. In my opinion, the dancers DO take notice of these small things. Also, I know that I am going to enjoy my experience and I like to think that the dancers enjoy being with me as much - usually more -than the average customer. I know it's about the money, but if customer A and customer B have the same amount of money, but customer B is a smelly slob, who is dancer X going to spend her time with? OTCing requires even more preparation. Gotta have the room reserved. I usually prep the room by setting up my computer and speakers (for the iTunes music) - candles if at night. I also fill the waste basket with ice and put beverages on ice (energy drinks, wine coolers, Crown, Patron and Bacardi).
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Whore option as new Plan B
    David9's: You posted a link above (http://providence.craigslist.org/ers/484440376.html), which I hoped would be info about this girl you've been talking about...maybe even a picture! However, the link appears to have been closed (says the posting was deleted by the author)... maybe she got worried that too many people were hitting the site...
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Dancers Asking You to Smile . . .
    I've heard the "smile" request several times when in a club. The more dreaded "smile, it can't be THAT bad" comment is even worse. Both of these statements have a negative impact on me. I don't know why, but it makes me feel more "loser-ish" or even a little inferior. It's almost like making a request for ME to perform for them? Granted, I haven't heard it many times, and usually I am all smiles. It's also probably not a coincidence that most of the times that I have received this comment it was spoken by a dancer that I had absolutely no interest in. This can be attributed to me being very quick to smile at a hot dancer that I am interested in, upon initial - and successive - eye contact.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Whore option as new Plan B
    NJ_Pete: I think waitressing and/or bar tending is probably THE most common choice for a "second career" that dancers select. I think the dancers that get tired of getting groped at work, and those that are coming to realize that they are no longer in big demand - or otherwise choose to leave the dancing profession make that career move to bar tending because of several factors. Typically, they tend bar in the same establishment that they've been dancing in. Most of the time it's because they feel comfortable there, they already know most of the customers... they know mgmt, the dancers, etc., so it just makes a lot of sense. How many times have we noted that the waitresses and bar tenders are usually hot at strip clubs? I know a lot of waitresses and bar tenders that are either ex-dancers and some that are even current dancers. I know one waitress in particular that has always given me VHM. It's always kind'a cool to get your drink delivered with a pretty smile and short fondling of Mr Happy.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Whore option as new Plan B
    BTW, on a sidenote... "I've heard" that if you have any extra drugs of the common variety used by some of the girls at clubs, you can either sell them for a pretty good profit, or better still, negotiate with the dancer of your choice, some sort of a "barter." I've heard that Zanex is especially in high demand. [wink]
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Fondl: What a great deal! You said it was "good, but not great"... However, the price was so good, I think you should've splurged with your tip. Heck, I'd probably have gone as high as 70%... maybe even more! Of course, I'm sure it was a tame massage... had it been more intimate, not only could you have splurged... you might've splooged, too! (sorry... I'm in a weird mood this morning)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Dancer's influence on you
    I've got you all beat... My abs don't resemble a 4-pack or a 6-pack ... it's a KEG, baby! (I AM working on it, though)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Strip clubs and the changing role of women
    MIDancer: It's all in how you market your idea. Place an ad in your local paper mentioning "ten strangers picked to live together in one house ... working together and getting real", title your ad "Real World [insert city name]". You'll have people from all over sending you audition videos in an attempt to be chose to live in your house! (uhh... that reference might be lost to you since you said that you've lived without a television for a couple of years. It's a reference to the MTV series craze called 'Real World'.)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Dancer's Ethical Obligations . . .
    I like JaBlake's list, though nice as it would be, in a perfect world, I don't see many dancers feeling ANY obligation, much less those which he listed. Personally, I think if I could magically implant one thought or attitude into all dancers' minds, it would be a good conscience. I'm not saying that they should not practice Stripper Shit or Super Stripper Shit, but if they had a good conscience, there wouldn't be any excessive dance counts, for one thing. Although that's not really a prevalent problem, at least based upon my own experiences. (I think I've had maybe 4 or 5 dancers try that on me... actually, I can only remember one, but surely there were more) We ALL know that it is the dancer's job to provide a fantasy for their customers; to make them feel desirable - to give the customer the illusion that the dancer is attracted to him and just can't keep their hands off them, etc. Not only is that basically the way they earn their money, it is what WE want from them, when we walk into a strip club. Typically, it's a "buyer beware" attitude that prevails in the club. Even the majority of customers feel that it is up to US to keep a firm grasp on reality. However, I feel that a good conscience should kick in when it becomes obvious that a customer is having difficulty separating the fantasy from the reality. A dancer - especially a very skilled dancer - should be aware of how powerful her SS can be. We've all witnessed, and have discussed this in great lengths on this board. There are times when, even an experienced clubber who is well versed in the potential hazards, can be convinced into believing that there are feelings developing. In such a case, she should in some way or another - even at the risk of losing his business, remind him that there isn't as much going on there as he might think. THAT sort of thinking is unfortunately quite rare in the business. I know there are dancers out there who are very up front about those things and very open about what is and is not going on. (notably there are a few such dancers on this board like MIDancer and EvilCyn) My ATF, as best as I can tell - so far - is also of that ilk. I knew from a fellow TUSCLer, that a few years ago Miss ATF had a particular customer who came into the club to see her ALL of the time.. like every day. After Miss ATF and I started getting to know each other pretty well, she "confessed" to me about this guy. I'm not real sure why she brought it up - I certainly didn't ask about it, nor would I ever imply that I heard that sort of info from another customer. At the time, I took it as a warning of sorts. She proceeded to tell me that this customer came in EVERY day to see her, and had given her quite a bit of money. I don't know how long this continued, but she told me that once she knew that he had developed feelings for her, she sat him down and told him point-blank, (and I paraphrase) "You are a really nice guy and I like to spend time with you, but you have feelings for me, which I do not - and cannot - have for you. Please do not come back to see me. If you come back into the club, I will not spend any more time with you." She said that she felt really bad breaking his heart, but she knew that she would feel even worse if she were to let things continue. He continued coming back for several weeks, trying to get her attention and to get her to spend time with him, but she "stuck to her guns" and did not give in. Eventually, he moved on. Again, I took that as a warning, insinuating that if I were to develop feelings for her which could not be returned, she'd cease spending time with me. I really admired that in her, and that is one of the many things that sets her apart from other dancers. As a sidebar, I've kept that thought in the back of my mind. In my thinking, after having disclosed to her on many occasions that I have feelings for her, and she (so far!) has not put an end to things, that would imply that there is at least a chance that she could return those feelings. (yeah, it's a bit of a jump, but I think somewhat valid) That remains to be seen, but our "relationship" has come to a point where in the not-so-distant future, we will have "the dispositive talk".
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Wives in the club
    Curiousier: I'm glad my suggestion paid off and you had a good time. I anxiously await reading your review.
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    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    shadowcat fucks up again. I got jealous.
    JaBlake: She's more the really cute, girl-next-door, down-to-earth girl. She has a natural beauty about her... no makeup, etc.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Mind Your F***ing Manners
    MIDancer: With your experience I'm sure you didn't take it personally, but I know how annoying it is to deal with rude and/or inconsiderate people. Reading your account, I think I know exactly what his problem was. I'm guessing that he'd spent a lot of money on that dancer to whom he referred and he was waiting for her - she might have even promised to come back later. In the meantime, she was probably giving other guys dances and from what you said she might have even left for the day because her shift had ended. Perhaps he was sitting there fuming about the money he spent and the fact that she hadn't returned and took out his frustrations on you. Just my theory. I've experienced the frustration of a dancer promising to come see you and either taking a long time to do so... or never coming by. Of course I would never be rude to her or other dancers. The gist of the matter is, yes, he is an asshole.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    shadowcat fucks up again. I got jealous.
    Bones: just a quick clarification... I never said that my Miss ATF was a 10. She is, however a pretty strong 8 and is more than pretty enough to keep me saying "holy shit!" to myself when I see her.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Who is Founder?
    AN: Who knows what Cheney does in that "undisclosed location", but when approaching, make sure that you are sporting your kevlar vest,
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Chandler: Why don't you tell us what you REALLY think! [grin] I never said Country was the end-all... it's not.. I like a huge variety of music and Hip Hop/R&B makes up probably 30% of my collection. Personally, I like Alternative the best.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Dancer incomes getting hit
    I've got sources all over the country and I've never heard so much negativity in the business. (also, see recent thread about "Something Going On in Kokomo") Here's the latest from my latest from a dancer at Treasures in LV; "Good and bad news about work..business is slowly picking up at Treasures but still nowhere near what it was. Club got busted last Thurs Vice took 3 girls to jail for "having boobs too close to customers faces." It is also now a Misdemeanor (crime) to give anyone a back massage! The Strip Club business is...going extinct, nobody can make a living at it anymore."
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Scamblocker not liking TUSCL
    He probably makes good by having PLs like me that finally given in and become life time members... DOH!