Younger Dancers vs. Older Dancers

avatar for ThisOldManPlayed1
We've discussed this topic a long time ago, however I believe it's time to bring it back to life for our newer members.

Given the fact that both dancers are equal in appearances, or close enough, would you prefer a younger or older dancer? Keep in mind that older does not mean "cave period". Use the following as a guide:

Young = 18 yrs to 30 years
Old = 31 years to 40 years

Do you like the challenge of an inexperienced younger dancer?
Would you rather stick with an older experienced dancer who knows the "ropes"?


last comment
avatar for 2for20DollarsLapDancesForever
avatar for jablake
17 years ago
Young. Very young! :)
avatar for chandler
17 years ago
Young. Over 25 is old for a stripper. Over 30 is "cave period". It shouldn't have to take that many years for a stripper to learn the ropes. Not the ropes that matter to me. No more than a few weeks.
avatar for Yoda
17 years ago
I prefer older but it's not about learning the ropes. If a girl can't figure that out relatively quickly she never will. It's simply that I have more to talk about with older dancers and I find that they are often more comfortable with intimate contact.
avatar for snowtime
17 years ago
Young. And I often enjoy the inexperienced ones as it is more of a mystery as to what you might receive in the lap dance area. While I certainly have no objections to a sure thing I also enjoy the unknown sometimes.
avatar for FONDL
17 years ago
I think of dancers as belonging to 3 age groups rather than 2 - the young ones (18-24), experienced pros (25-32) and older dancers (33+), age ranges being very approximate of course. Kind of funny when you think about it, me calling a 33 yo older when I'm more than twice that. But I'm not taking my clothes off on a stage, and you should all be thankful for that.

So given my age breakdown, I usually prefer young and inexperienced especially those around 20-21 but I've had some nice times with some older dancers too. It's the ones in between who I avoid - the dancers roughly between 25 and 32 or so who most often think of themselves as experienced pros and who have those annoying attitudes (of course they're not all like that but I've run into way too many who are.) The young ones haven't gotten the attitude yet, and the older ones who are still dancing have usually outgrown it and have become more comfortable with who they are. And I agree with Yoda, the older ones are often the most comfortable with physical intimacy, maybe because they've been through several marriages.

avatar for TimboAtl
17 years ago
My little head says young. But my big head remembers getting substantially more mileage from dancers in the 25 - 35 year old range. The young girls are always trying to "save something" for their significant other, the older girls realize it's all about the money. Had a great time on my last visit with a 27 year old. Hell, that's almost half my age, so that's young to me.
avatar for casualguy
17 years ago
Well I don't call a 30 year old dancer to be a young dancer. I consider her to be one of the older dancers. I call young to be around 18 and low to mid 20's though. The older dancers are around my age and sometimes I wonder if they are trying to hook up with me since I've encountered that in the past. That's not necessarily a bad thing but if I drink too much, I don't want necessarily want to wake up in bed with another dancer.

I had a choice once between a young hot dancer and an older dancer who knew how to play with me to get me going. I thought I could have both. I had already agreed to get dances from the younger one but she had to go on stage or do something for a minute. Then the older dancer sat with me. I excused myself apparently too quickly from the older dancer and went and got lap dances from the younger dancer. That was the last time I saw the older dancer. Made me think she must have been pissed. My thoughts, oh well, her loss. I'm not married to any of the dancers. Now if the older dancer is giving me freebies that the younger one can't or won't match, all bets are off.
avatar for David9999
17 years ago
The 3 sexiest dancers I know are all over 30, non-smokers with great breath, very very attractive and pretty (one arguably the prettiest dancer in the entire city) -also share other characteristics: divorced with kids, got in the business later in life, and appear far less jaded than the vast majority of younger dancers. All of them were born and raised either through childhood or adulthood in foreign countries, and probably except for choosing the wrong men in life - would never have become dancers.

The over 30 dancers generally don't mind patrons 20 plus yrs older the way many very young dancers do, so there are higher odds for there to be at least some element (no matter how small) of mutuality within the dancer-client relationship, possibly making it a much better experience

If clubs were loaded with intelligent, substance free, good attitude, non-smoking young dancers - then that would be another story
avatar for JC2003
17 years ago
avatar for rockie
17 years ago
Mid to older! Any woman who physically defies time can keep me fascinated!
avatar for DandyDan
17 years ago
I never know what to say about this. I have a tendency to want younger dancers, but I enjoy my time more with the older ones. The younger dancers look better, but the older dancers know what they are doing and can hold a conversation better.
avatar for Lou_Lou
17 years ago
Older. I can't get comfortable with a girl that looks younger than my on children.
avatar for ThisOldManPlayed1
17 years ago
I am much like 'snowtime' in that I like to try an inexperienced dancer, however, not for the mystery, but for the challenge of mileage. I can't help it, that's how us dirty old men work it!

DandyDan brought up a valid point, especially about conversations. Older dancers seem to hold a decent conversation longer.

I enjoy both, the young and old dancers, but usually for specific reasons, mileage being one, extra cirricular activities, being another. If I go into a club just for the "fun" expecting nothing special, and at my age, ANY dancer will do! LOL
avatar for whatevergong82
17 years ago
Younger, but preferably between the ages of 23-30, young enough to still be pretty, old enough to know the ropes and how to please a guy's crotch.

I've had some mid 20's dancers that allowed everything between them and myself, which included the Extras Menu (one was a Hispanic cutie, about 26, nice rack, firm ass, body overall a Girl Next Door 8, and liked to play!! Shame that she moved on after a year. That was some of the best ITC and OTC fun I've ever had) and some older ones that didn't offer the Full Menu, but at least knew how to make sure you left happy.
avatar for chitownlawyer
17 years ago
Chitown Rule of Life #46: The optimum age for women under all circumstances, and for all purposes, is 26. Strippers are not an exception to this rule. A 26 year old is still young enough to be "fresh", but has had enough experience that she knows how to please.
avatar for pop
17 years ago
There are several attributes that together define a woman's attractiveness (to me) that age doesn't matter. If she's got the goods she's got the goods, 'nuff said.
avatar for snowtime
17 years ago
Bones: my choice of the word "mystery" might have been bad since I think we both want the same milage(a lot) and it may be somewhat of a challenge with the younger girls, especially for us diry old men. I have a 21 yr. old favorite at a club I visit who always gave great dances but no "extras". Recently she had been getting bolder and bolder with the last two visits resulting in very happy endings.
avatar for motorhead
17 years ago
chitownlawyer: You've got it! My ATF is 26 and it's the perfect age for the reasons you describe.
avatar for Professor906090
17 years ago
In my experience age was not a factor. I had equally great experience with my first ATF who was 23 as well as my current ATF who is 33. The older one allow for more general contact while the younger one and I DFK'ed. It may be due to my age. I just turned 37. I am sure my preference will change as I get older :)
avatar for large
17 years ago
I agree with DandyDan. The younger ones are usually prettier but the older ones usually give the better dance. They seem more into it, more comfortable with what they are doing, are usually better at it, and often give higher mileage. However, some clubs are so dark that I really can't tell her age. And, of course, I never ask a woman how old she is.
avatar for BobbyI
17 years ago
Don't care.

Looks and how well they fuck matter most.
avatar for SuperDude
17 years ago
Met a dancer, 44 years old with a B.A. & M.A. A fitness champion a few years ago. Smokin' hot, with great personality and conversational skills. None of the younger dancers in the club can get me away from her.
avatar for jablake
17 years ago
Hi SuperDude,

Do you also like fat chicks? ;) Just teasing. :)
avatar for ShotDisc
17 years ago
Older. 30+ is perfect. don't like the young girl attitude and drama. My AATF was mid thirties when i met her.
avatar for Raincoat
17 years ago
All other things being equal, I'll take young every time. Other things not being equal, I'll probably still opt for young. When an 18-year-old coed wants to sit in your lap, it's usually money well spent.
avatar for ThisOldManPlayed1
17 years ago
snowtime - A man (I hope) after my own means! Been in your situation couple of times, and still working a couple of new dancers to that point. Have broken through a 3 month experienced young dancer to the point of jerking me and rubbing Mr Happy all over her face, but no BBBJ yet! Still working the massage therapist too! Keep up the good work!!

BobbyI - How well they fuck! Took the "words" right out of my mouth! BRAVO and good to hear from another dirty TUSCLer like me!!!

Just last week, passing through Evansville, IN, I stopped off at a club with all young dancers but one! I got to her and she ended up make a lot of money from me. Enjoyed the ALL PRIVATE (behind locked door) experience with this 34 year old HOTTIE. Only think that could have made it better, was a bed in there!

avatar for Raincoat
17 years ago
Bones, why doesn't that stuff every happen to me? How do you find these places/girls? A face rub sounds like fun. How 'bout letting the rest of know how to get some of that action? You're our hero!
avatar for jablake
17 years ago
I think there are probably a ton of older (34) dancers who are like this, but would you find them attractive? I see men get all excited about women who I would like to see fully clothed with NO hanky panky. One category is the blubber butt. The men just can't get enough of those 300 pounders. Another category is the old dancer. I'm not talking about a dancer the man has known for years. Just old dancers generally. Could 34 to 55. Age just isn't a consideration or old is preferred. Actually, if forced to choose I'd probably go with the 300 pounder over the oldster. Older is generally just a turn off. Now, when I was young it was a different story . . . I loved OLD women and young women and middle age women and really age wasn't important if they were looking good i.e. not fat, not tall, good skin, clear eyes, good teeth, no fake titties, etc.

avatar for shadowcat
17 years ago
I have 15 or 20 favorite dancers at my favorite club. The youngest is 21. The oldest is 31. The average around 27. The youngest is petite, sexy and can still carry on an intelligent conversation. The oldest is petite, sexy and can still carry on an intelligent conversation. I guess that is why they are my favorites.
avatar for DougS
17 years ago

My ATF is 24... prev-ATF is CURRENTLY 26, but it's been several years since we had a "thing" going. I recently met a 29 yo, who really got me going and fortunately looked much younger than 29 - at least in VIP lighting.

I'm a bit nervous to see what she looks like in the bright lights of OTC.... (if I get that chance)
avatar for CarolinaWanderer
17 years ago
Age is not an issue for me, as long as they are unde 35. If I am in a high contact club, I look for signs of high contact before committing. If I am in a low contact club (and don't immediately leave) I look natural ta ta's and a face that appeals to me. I guess if their face isn't going to be on willie I want to enjoy looking at a package I would be willing to leave with.
avatar for looker123
17 years ago
My first response might have been that it doesn't matter but then I started thinking about reality. Being a late comer to the this hobby I think that I may be wrong. If I look back at any favs I have had, older (at least in the context of this discussion, maybe 28 and older) is my preference. I really enjoy a little attention from the young girls, but if I look at my favorites they have all been older. My current is mid 30's, I think I relate better, making the longer term "relationships" more likely and rewording.
avatar for minnow
17 years ago
All of the above- as bobbyl & rockie say. Have had some good ones from 18-45. Go for looks, ability, attitude. Besides, how many dancers tell the truth abt. age- seen their birth certificate?

Chitown- care to share your other 45 rules of life with us?
avatar for ThisOldManPlayed1
17 years ago
Raincoat - I just lucked out on this stop. It was Stephanie's Cabaret in Evansville, IN. That was my last stop for the evening. Tried two other clubs that were terrible! The 34 y.o. told me of the two types of dances offered, topless and nude. Of course, nude was more expensive. What I didn't know was 'WHERE' the nude dances were being performed after getting about 6 topless dances from her. As we were headed back to the table, I pointed out to her and asked what that aisle way with the closed doors was. She told me that's where the nude dances were performed, behind closed doors. I could have saved a bunch of "topless dance" money if I had visually checked the club out beforehand.

Anyway, if anyone, I mean anyone drives through Evansville, IN, you have to make a stop at Stephanie's, and opt for the 2 for 1 'NUDE' dances for $50 in those converted video peep booths! You will NOT regret it!!
avatar for thedirk444
17 years ago
I prefer the late 20's and early 30's MILF's. They seem to be more motivated. Guess they have to keep buying the kids shoes and paying the rent because the loser boyfriend is not. On the other hand, I spent some time recently with a 21 year old with a perfect body that got my motor running. Hell, I like em all.
avatar for ozymandias
17 years ago
I like the impossibly tight, smooth, young bodies: 18-25 is pretty much my range.

And nothing beats a freaky 19yo... I'm still sore from last night.
avatar for magicrat
17 years ago
I generally prefer the "older" dancers of late 20's early 30's. The young pretty dancers that don't understand what the customer wants is usually out of the business by then, so you're left with the dancers who get (and give) it.
avatar for DougS
17 years ago
I can get "attractive older" at my house... so I see no reason to spend money on "attractive older" at the club. Thus, "hot younger" is the only way to roll.
avatar for chandler
17 years ago
The young pretty dancers I've known left the business before their late 20s not because they couldn't cut it or didn't understand what the customer wants. They left because they'd been successful and gotten all they wanted out of the job and then moved on rather than hanging on too long and turning into lifers.
avatar for MisterGuy
17 years ago
There's nothing like young, smooth flesh...yum! :) Older smooth flesh can be nice too (as can their better "dance" technique), but I gotta stick with 'em each his own though. I also never ask how old they are myself.
avatar for ThisOldManPlayed1
17 years ago
All I can add to this, at this time is:

A 42 year old dancer sure fucked the hell out of me last night ITC!!!!!
avatar for chipitin
17 years ago
I believe there is another more important variable involved, how many months/years in the business. A young stripper only on the business 2-3 months is a waste of time. In my opinion it takes 3-6 months for her to learn how to enjoy her experience with her customers instead of just tolerate it. But after she has been in the business over 3 years in my experience all of her motions and moves are programmed into her, and little or none of it is natural or a reaction to her experience. So I vote between 22 and 30, but between 6 months and 3 years of experience.
avatar for jablake
17 years ago
Hmmm . . . I prefer the newbie in a landslide. One week or less on the job where she is still tripping over her own feet. Normally, you will get more of the real her.

avatar for danapdg69
17 years ago
Older. Young girls don't have a clue about what they are doing. Most of my favorites are at least 25. One is 30 but doesn't look it. Two are 28 and give some of the best dances to be had. They know how to treat a man and hold up their end of a conversation. They also tend to be more straight forward and not tell people just what they think you want to hear.
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