
Comments by DougS (page 14)

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    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    How to get over them....
    It IS very difficult to get over them. With my prev-ATF, we were together for 2+ years. There were two things that made getting over her easier. 1) we'd spent less and less time together, as things were declining, 2) I discovered Miss ATF (current). Actually, that's the best advice. Go on a mission to find a replacement. The "interviewing" process can be quite a blast.
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    17 years ago
    Is It Me Or. . . .
    I've been "away" for a while, and now there's talk about this private messaging stuff, which sounds GREAT. I am assuming that if one wants to message someone, they would click on the "book" icon to the right of the person's handle to which you want to message? If so, why isn't there an icon like that next to everyone's handle?
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    What is the largest sum you spent in one night at one or multiple club(s)
    I've dropped over $1k in one night, on several occasions. Probably $1,500-ish is the top end.
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    17 years ago
    Texas stripclubs
    When I think of Texas and Strip Clubs, the only club that comes to MY mind is Baby Dolls-Dallas.
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    17 years ago
    New Format -- Page Layout
    This is the first time that I've been on TUSCL for a week or so. So far, I really like the new format. Excellent job, Founder! I'm looking forward to checking out the new options that I am now seeing, such as the private messages... if it's what I think it is, that will be AWESOME!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Weird comments you've heard dancers say
    I haven't heard that many weird comments, but probably because she's been on my mind lately, the dancer that is moving up in my ratings recently said... "SOMEone's saying 'hi'!" (referring to Mr Happy beginning to wake up and stand at attention, something that she is VERY adept at bringing about) "We are just two freaks on a leash" (referring to the fact that we are both married, and uhh... horny) "I want us to be friends with benefits" (assume "fuck buddies") "Bitch, take your shit off!" (uhh... she DOES have a bit of a ghetto-ish way of talking at times... but she didn't have to tell me to get naked, twice, let me tell you)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Where in the Hell is the SCL ???
    I didn't know there was any problem with SCL. I have to admit that it's been close to a month since the last time I tried to look at SCL, due to being far too busy. I am loyal to TUSCL, and am a paying LIFETIME member. However, I DO check SCL fairly frequently. Yes, it IS a gossip infested sight, but sometimes it's interesting reading. It also provides a forum that makes it easier to attempt to find dancers that are MIA. In fact, I've located a few dancers via their site. Also, I tend to peruse the pictures that people upload, attached to their comments, and I also check out the videos, too.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    In my opinion, an ATF MUST provide CONSISTENTLY a GFE. I also believe that there needs to be a deeper relationship that goes beyond dancer/customer feelings, to something that borders on (or is) romantic feelings (or at least the dancers portrays it as such to you, whether it is or is not). Again, in MY mind, there can be only one ATF. I've had five dancers during my "career" that have achieved the ATF designation. That designation remains, until when (and if) another dancer comes along and steals the "crown" from her. I've shared an OTC "relationship" with all five of my ATFs (past and present), though that doesn't imply that any dancer that I OTC with will be an ATF, as I've OTCed with quite a few dancers that for one reason or another never attained the ATF title. A sexual relationship is not a requirement, and just like OTCing doesn't automatically qualify for ATFdom, neither does having a sexual relationship with a dancer. Again, I've intimate with several dancers, who never became an ATF. Of my ATFs, I've had a sexual relationship with 3/5 of them. Interestingly, my current reigning ATF is NOT one of the dancers with whom I've had sexual relations. As many of you have read (and are most likely sick-to-death hearing about it), I most definitely have developed feelings for my ATF. Those feelings are probably stronger than they should be at this point and I've been trying to tone them down a bit, especially in light of a discussion or two that she and I have had, combined with several external things going on in her life and mine. Also, there is another dancer that is giving Miss ATF some strong competition. At this point, the up-and-comer (cummer?) doesn't have all of the qualities that Miss ATF has, and may never have them in my mind. That remains to be seen.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    To me having an ATF implies a "relationship" that is deeper than a customer/dancer deal. In my mind, there is at least a friendship established. Interestingly, within the last few months, I've met another dancer and have really enjoyed her company, as well. I find her extremely attractive, and sexy (even sexier than my ATF). We've even OTCed twice, and have taken things much further than I've gone with my ATF. Even still, I don't have visions of her challenging my ATF for that spot. She's nice and all, but I don't feel we have enough in common and a deep enough mental connection.
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    17 years ago
    DougS - AMP info you wanted in thread "WHORE OPTION AS PLAN B"
    David9's: As my luck would have it, by the time I had a chance to check it out, it was already "flagged for removal". Thanks for the effort anyhow!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Christmas Presents that Stripper-Boyfriends give
    I assumed the typical PL persona by buying gifts for not one, but TWO dancers this year. My ATF, and My "Rising Star" (she has the potential to give my ATF a serious run for the money). For my ATF, with whom I have more of a "relationship" connection, I bought her more normal gifts (a book that I knew she'd enjoy reading), a data cable for the phone that I'd previously bought her, and a figurine for her collection. For the "rising star", I originally intended to buy her earrings, however my naughty side kicked in, and since I had an OTC planned with her, I picked out a sexy outfit for her, with intentions that she could wear it at the club, but more importantly for her to model for me. Yeah... "SUCKER!" (the chants continue)
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    17 years ago
    Newbie here
    Tessie: From your name, am I correct to assume you are of the female persuasion, and possibly a dancer?
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Dancer Categorization
    Tessie: I guess that explains how a dancer who is what many customers consider a "fugly" can survive at a particular club. There ARE customers that like that type, and she would have pretty much sole possession of those customers.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Have You Ever Considered............ Marrying A Dancer ?
    And oh yeah, IF there was ever a wedding, the dancing career would HAVE to be ended.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    No thanks!! If I were to suck on a nip and get mouthful, it would be anything BUT sexy.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Emailing fellow TUSCLers?
    Emailing between fellow TUSCLers has greatly enhanced my TUSCL experience. I have made several friends via emailing among members, and even though I've met very few, I still consider them friends. I enjoy hearing about members sexcapades, and I enjoy telling them about mine. Even more import are the helpful suggestions and valuable advice that I've been able to glean from them - and vice versa. My TUSCL buddies, since they are privy to information that I don't really have anyone else to talk to about has been like having a lifeline. I'd probably be struggling with my issues a whole more if I weren't able to discuss them with someone that knows what I am talking about or feeling. It is most definitely therapeutic for me to put things into words. After having said all of that, you are probably wondering why I have my email address hidden... well, mostly because it was a direct pointer to my real identity (stupid, right?). Hiding it, was easier than going through the hassle of creating a bogus email account, etc., which I AM going to do, but haven't had the time. Thanks to all of you who email with me! I know you put up with a lot of wordy, verbose crap from me, and I want YOU to know that it is greatly appreciated!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Yes... Bones, you have me pegged correctly. I am a romantic at heart.. probably part of what sometimes gets me into "trouble" with my girls, allowing me to develop feelings, etc. I do the candle thing, when OTCing... partly for the romantic angle, partly for the lighting - hotel lighting is way to stark, and with the lights off I can't see. I am a visual person and I HAVE to see the beautiful girl that is with me, as well as feel her....
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Have You Ever Considered............ Marrying A Dancer ?
    Yes... my ATF has had me thinking along those lines for sometime. It appeared to be a very distinct possibility - though not in the near future - until recently. Some of you have been privy to what has been going on with her and I recently, and you know that my foundation has been shaken a bit, and what everyone (including those little voices in the back of my mind) has been telling me about never being able to form a REAL relationship from a dancer/customer connection was appearing to be true. At this point, I've pulled back a bit, and have a better handle on MY feelings, and am in a VERY cautious and wary mode, but after spending a bit of time with her last night, my suspicions have - at least temporarily - been doused. Although things are still very much in limbo in my mind, and there are still some things that leave the red flags waving, I could see us working through these issues and becoming closer. Of course, it is going to require a WHOLE lot of convincing on her part, for me to overcome the doubts that have increased. (yeah, I know... feel free to go ahead and respond with a resounding "SUCKER!" - will probably find out later that it's warranted)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    A Bones Wedding? Hmmmm.
    Bones: If you ever have a wedding as described above, you BETTER invite ME!!! Hell, I think you could charge a cover for that shindig! Kind'a puts a new spin on the old reception tradition of the "dollar dance".... I'm sure the line for THAT would be out the door and around the block!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Anyone ever had a hot dancer moving around on you so fast that you wondered...
    Most definitely, my preference is also the slow, sensual, erotic dance, with a lot of eye contact, etc. The timing of this topic is perfect because a dancer that has sky rocketed on my list lately, and is threatening to pull close to ATF status, has employed the "fast grinding/rocking" in her dances with me. I've only been with her on two occasions - one 1.5 hr VIP session, and one 6+ hr VIP session. 98% of the time, she gives me the slow, sensual dance, and keeps me at just the right level of excitement for LONG periods of time... you know, the level where you are hovering on the brink of going past the point of no return... (with her, the warning on the Viagra commercials where it states that it's dangerous to have an erection lasting more than four hours... had me worried!) Anyhow, getting back to the topic, she has thrown in some of this fast work on several occasions. I mean when she kicks into that gear, there is so much friction going on that spontaneous combustion is a distinct possibility. As she's doing this, her eyes are locked onto mine and she gets her "devilish" grin on her face that tells me she knows she could push me over the edge at any second.... combined with her biting her lip and licking her lip which to me indicates she's enjoying, too. In addition to all of that, she's usually reaching down and massaging "the boys", and/or sticking her hand between us to massage the monster... I'm not sure if she's testing my stamina, or trying to make me get off... or trying to get herself off... or both of us...
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Music too loud! DJ's obnoxious....
    Yes... I've tipped a particular DJ a $100 bill in order to get my dancer off the entire shift of stage dances on a very busy night, and that seemed to be the magical number. (it was money well spent, too)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Anybody make special effort to see features?
    Chandler: Keri Sable -> http://www.pornstarbook.com/keri_sable.shtml (need I say more?) Jenna Haze -> http://www.pornstarbook.com/jenna_haze.shtml Crystal Ray -> http://www.pornstarbook.com/crystal_ray.shtml Krystal Steal -> http://www.pornstarbook.com/krystal_steal.shtml Taylor Rain -> http://www.pornstarbook.com/taylor_rain.shtml Jesse Jane -> http://www.pornstarbook.com/jesse_jane.shtml
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Anybody make special effort to see features?
    I have never seen a feature at a club - I guess the clubs that I go to never have features. For the most part, I don't think I'd be interested, with one exception. If it happens to be one of my fav porn stars, I would NOT miss it! Those on my short list that I would make every attempt to see are; Keri Sable, Jenna Haze, Crystal Ray, Kristal Steal, Taylor Rain - and yes, Jesse Jane would probably make my list! There's also another blonde who's name is escaping me now (having a dumbass attack)... I hate that...
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    What do you do to stay awake on long drives at night?
    I'm a night owl, too. I suppose we are ALL pretty much night owls, 'cept for the guys that only monger on the day shift. Due to my usual club visit itinerary, I am normally operating on very little sleep. Even with my "night owl" status, staying awake on my long drives after being continuously awake many hours had proven to be a problem. On one such return trip, even with the stereo blazing, the windows down and copious amounts of Mountain Dew consumed, I was nodding off. I scared myself shitless several times, actually leaving the road. I stopped a half-dozen times to get out and walk around, I stopped to eat... anything that I could think of, and still it was only momentary relief before I was nodding off again. NOT GOOD! My ATF introduced me to energy drinks by sharing a can of Red Bull with me during our first night together ITC. I realized right away that it helped me stay alert, even though I was functioning on very little sleep that week (closing the club every night, sitting in class all day). From that point on, I make sure that I have a good supply of energy drinks on hand. I've found that Rockstar is one of the stronger ones, and also comes in 16oz cans, so it is a good drink for the road. Since I began imbibing in the energy drinks, I haven't found myself nodding off. It will be a good test in mid Dec when I make a week long pilgrimage going to class by day and clubbing by night - the first week long sexpedition since last year's introduction to energy drinks.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Marital Status and Mileage
    The marital status of the dancer DOES affect mileage in a lot of instances. With me, it might just be the perception, though. If I know that she is happily married (or engaged), it makes it harder to believe the "fantasy". I want to be able to think that what I am experiencing is not all an act. Of course there is a downside to a more believable "fantasy". It can sometimes lead the unsuspecting customer down the wrong path, which can quickly spiral out of control.