Joined Oct, 2007
Last Seen Dec, 2007

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Bill Selection in ClubsYou might try a small keychain flashlight. My led flashlight is about this size of a USB flash drive. You might have…

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Best city for SC in the US - Tampa?I haven't been to that many clubs, but Scarlett's of Ybor was great. It's nude. Thee Dollhouse is pretty good, if you…

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Wives in the clubI know this thread is getting really old, but I wanted you guys to know I put in a review for Scarlett's and it…


Scarlett's Ybor Strip
3819 E 7th Ave
Tampa, FL 33605I went to this place with my husband and it was great. It was $5 for me and $10 for him to get…

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Wives in the clubthank you, unc. Actually, stripping for him is how this started. I suggested we go so I could learn some moves. …

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Wives in the clubThank you all for your answers. Wow, there were a lot of questions for me. where to start? ok, well, I'm…

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Wives in the clubGuess you're not married, Tree! (or at least not married and loving it)
Thank you Doug! We're actually planning on trying Ybor this…
Thank you Doug! We're actually planning on trying Ybor this…

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Wives in the clubUm, going in single is not going to happen. We may have been married a long time, but I'm still not too happy…

Wives in the clubI recently started going to clubs with my husband (we are expanding our horizons). I find that the girls don't seem to know…