
Comments by DougS (page 16)

  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Who is Founder?
    Or Wonder Woman...
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    17 years ago
    Lawyer caught in prostitution sting over weekend
    Fondl: I like that wording... not sure if it was intentional, but chuckle-worthy... "the prostitute would get screwed and the customer would get off"
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    17 years ago
    Who is Founder?
    Reading some of the threads, I wouldn't be surprised that some of the arguments are between one person's two alter-egos.
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    17 years ago
    I was never a fan of country music until my ATF got me into it with her introducing me to Rascal Flatts, Diamond Rio, Dierks Bentley and Josh Turner... plus, like has already been pointed out, there are a LOT of very hot women singing country. Faith Hill... and those mentioned above... For some reason, I have always been attracted to girls that have a nice singing voice. My last two ATFs (current, especially) have had really nice voices, and I really enjoy it when they sing along with a song in my ear while giving me a dance ... like they are singing just for my benefit... for me.. (I know... kind'a crazy).
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    17 years ago
    Something Going On In Kokomo
    No reason was given for the rumored closure, except as both you and I surmised, perhaps Don is ready to retire. That was also MY first impulse... why not sell? I think the consensus is that someone else wouldn't have the local "connections" to keep things operating as is. My dancer contact reported to me this morning, saying that last night there were 38 girls working and just 10 patrons. Wonderful odds for us custies... a buyer's market, baby! Also, girls are forced to compete for the attention (and money) of the crowd. BUT, it's pretty dismal for the girls. There's been quite a bit of talk from the dancers thinking about heading south to work at BBF.
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    17 years ago
    Who is Founder?
    I picture Founder standing behind a curtain, surrounded by a bunch of knobs, levers and buttons a la the Wizard of Oz (err... forget the knobs - around here I think everyone would take that the wrong way).
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    17 years ago
    South Asian Strippers
    Okay... I'm feeling like I am a frequent short bus rider here... NFZ? HIMI? I'm guessing that NFZ is something like "no fondle zone"... not even an idea of what HIMI is... Help?!
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    17 years ago
    What would you do?
    Bones: Nah... there's no debating... we ALL know it's DOWN there for you!
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    17 years ago
    Something Going On In Kokomo
    I just got off the phone with a dancer from HH. Okay, here's the complete scoop. First off, someone (rumor has it someone from the local government) visited the club a few weeks ago and immediately upon entering the club, saw some dances being given in the new section. Of course that's what you would see, because there is that row of chairs straight ahead of the door as you enter. Anyhow, whomever it was, complained to Don (the owner) that that sort of thing shouldn't be right out there in the open. The first change was the new rule. No stage-side touching. No stage diving. I believe you can still tip, but other than maybe a hug, there is NO touching allowed. Also, since there isn't any private area sectioned off, they removed the chairs from the wall of the new section, forcing private dances to be done along the wall in the old section - the traditional location. The previous configuration of "chair, table, chair, chair, table, chair, chair, table, etc.", has been replaced by "chair, chair, chair, chair, etc." Even with the removal of the tables and addition of chairs to take the tables' places, there is insufficient seating for private dances. It's now typical to see 10 or more couples waiting in line for seats. That is costing dancers money and annoying customers that are wasting time in line instead of playing. There are some positives to note. The tables nearest "the wall" where there were always patrons openly watching the dances in progress, have now been removed, thus making "the wall" area a bit more private. Also, the lights have been turned down on the old side, which also has increased privacy. Because of these last two changes, there are reports of increased mileage. The worst news, however, is the rumor that within a year, Hip Hugger will be shutting it's doors.
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    17 years ago
    Another Special Dancer from Decades Ago . . .
    I don't consider myself an "incompetent customer" either. In fact, not only am I very careful, but I am also hearing the raised alarms and seeing all of the red flags waving. But even with all of that, I've fallen for my ATF. I DO believe that this is one of those exceptions and though I'm not crazy enough to think that she's in love with me, I'm pretty convinced that she has feelings for me. She's currently going through a divorce (not because of me) and she's asked that I wait for her. Time will tell.
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    17 years ago
    South Asian Strippers
    There was one dancer at HH a few years back that LOOKED like she could have been of middle eastern heritage, but having never danced her, I can't say for sure. She was attractive, but was thicker than my preference. One thing about middle eastern women is that they usually have the long silky hair that I like, so it'd be a plus to see more of them dancing. I think due to their modest and religious upbringing that the majority of them have experienced, they are less likely to become dancers. I've noticed that there is an extremely small number of these women in the porn industry, too. I can recall seeing MAYBE a half dozen such women in videos EVER.
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    17 years ago
    SEX with the stripper
    One might note that Mike1977 became a member on the same date as the question was posed, and he has exactly ZERO reviews.
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    17 years ago
    What would you do?
    AbbieNormal: You mentioned that the chances of contracting HIV is relatively small, and that herpes has visible signs when an outbreak is active, etc. NOTE: in a dark club, which most are, I don't think the visible signs will be noticeable even if you had the unlikely opportunity to closely inspect the goods before hand. I have to agree that it IS absolutely insane to let things continue to the point of unprotected FS. However, if Mr Happy found himself mere inches from an inviting orifice, I don't think I would be able to stop and zip up like Chandler suggests. Maybe I need to start carrying at least one rubber with me, instead of keeping the whole stash at the hotel.
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    17 years ago
    Wives in the club
    The first time that I saw my ATF, I was very interested and when she walked towards me, I thought she was coming to my table, however she ended up at another table, one row back and about 4 tables over. The table was occupied by a couple, and it looked as though the three of them were heading back to VIP. They didn't however, and a little later, I was spending time with my soon-to-be ATF. I asked her about that couple and she told me that she isn't in to girls at all so she very rarely will dancer for couples, and never for just a girl. She also told me that dancing for couple is tricky because it's a delicate balance of providing a good dance and not causing jealousies. She said all of the dancers have a "policy" that the female in the couple needs to be at least somewhat "in to girls", and not just there because she feels obligated her male partner and doesn't want to be there.
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    17 years ago
    Wives in the club
    Curiousier: Your husband is VERY lucky that you are trying to do this for him! Yes, Tampa is one of the hot spots for clubbing. I'm a bit surprised that you are receiving this treatment (actually, lack of treatment). There's no way that MY wife would ever accompany me to a SC - nor would I ever ask her. However, a buddy of mine (and his wife) went to a club in Tampa last spring and they had a VERY good time. You didn't mention which clubs you've tried, but the club that my friend went to was Ybor Strip (I think it's now called Scarlet's of Ybor, or something like that). They were approached by several dancers and taken back to VIP by one of them, and all three of them had a REALLY fun session.
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    17 years ago
    Lawyer caught in prostitution sting over weekend
    CTL: Ditto on the congrats! Celebrating in TJ, maybe?
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    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Next convention?
    Bones: You forgot the last line... should've been something like "Two days in heaven - PRICELESS"
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    17 years ago
    What would you do?
    24play4ever: Like I said, it's never happened to me ITC, but it HAS happened OTC. You know, things go VERY well ITC - so much so that an unplanned, impromptu OTC sexpedition is negotiated and there isn't enough time to grab protection... That has happened to me more times than I'd like to think about (though it makes for great fantasizing later [wink]). Every time it happens, I am paranoid for weeks. Every little itch, twinge, mark makes me cringe with dread. After that, you kind'a forget about it, even though we all know that just because there are no symptoms, it doesn't mean that I'm "out of the woods". As for your mind wandering and wondering when you should return... ASAP! You have to strike while the iron's still hot, as the saying goes. Because of my situation (home status, and location), repeat "performances" have not happened, basically because I missed the window of opportunity. So... my advice to you... the sooner you get back there, the better! (preferably WITH protection)
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    17 years ago
    10 Customer Truths
    MIDancer: You sound better all the time! Did you ever disclose the club that you dance at? If you are dancing in the general area of Detroit, maybe you could be the hostess for the Detroit area TUSCL convention!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    What would you do?
    24play4ever: Though that has never happened to me ITC, If things went down as you describe it, I'm pretty sure that my reaction to that would be #2. (no, I'm not saying that I would drop a deuce, either) I think at that point I would have been so worked up and so into her that I'd have just gone with the program and enjoy the view as Mr Happy inched ever so slowly into paradise. After the fact (act) however, I'd most definitely be paranoid for some time, fearing that I'd unwittingly become a carrier of some dreadful STD. I believe there are 3-5 regular posters on this discussion board that HAVE experienced that very same scenario, and I'm pretty sure they all took the path of well-lubed, least resistance.
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    17 years ago
    How Do You Politely Tell A Dancer To Go Away?
    David9s: I like your idea, at least to a degree. You pointed out that there could be some issues with that approach. With my luck, I'd ask her if she would provide OTC services for $20, and she would jump at the chance. Now what? If I were trying to get rid of her, I surely was not interested in the first place. Now, I've got her "encumbered" to perform services for me OTC. How do you get out of THAT?! If you were trying to be polite in the first place, if you don't take her up on it, you've now basically called her a whore, proved that she was, AND turned her down even for OTC extras at a paltry $20! You can't get much more insulting than that!
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    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Did you remember to set your locks back?
    One thing that didn't occur to me until this morning... I hope SOME of the TUSCLers were able to take advantage of this. Did anyone intentionally get an extra hour in a club when the clocks were turned back?
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    17 years ago
    Stripper on the Run - Wanted for Murder
    CasualGuy: It's a link to a video on FoxNew. Maybe you are blocking pop-ups, or you're firewall is blocking it. Also, you probably need to use Internet Explorer, rather than FireFox.
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    17 years ago
    foot fetish
    I never "got" the foot fetish. Feet aren't sexy to me. Neither are the "fuckme shoes", in my opinion. Just like Chandler said, they either turn you on, or they don't. At the risk of contradicting myself, I have seen a few porns where a girl gives a guy a foot job, which I find a bit of a turn on, though it's not so much that it's a foot, but rather it's something that you just don't see that often, so the uniqueness, I think is what turns me on. Also, I've seen a few videos of a girl giving another girl a "toe job", which is also erotic. Maybe I'm a (shoe) closet foot fetish type of guy.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    committing "incest" with dancers sister
    David9s: Unless you have an actual "relationship" going with Dancer A, I think you did the right thing. The fact that they are sisters obviously makes it even hotter in your mind (and mine [jealous]). I also think you are playing it the way that you should; don't tell either one of them about the other. It's a good thing that they are at two different clubs! And remember, if they ever suspect, "deny, deny, deny!" My prev-ATF had two sisters that also danced and all three of them danced at the same club, same shift, etc. Fortunately, the two sisters weren't very attractive. PATF was hot enough to make up for them, though.