Comments by dallas702 (page 41)

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    13 years ago
    Breathe, breathe in the air
    When did LD's start?
    In the mid '70s there were a few Memphis, Tn clubs where dancers would dance next to your table for tips. At first these "table dances" were bikini clad, but they quickly became topless and even nude dances (when the law was not around). As I remember it, from repeated trips to Memphis, these table dances rapidly progressed to table top dancing, to very, very close dances (hands off) at the table, to the dancers joining the customer after her dance by sitting in his lap ( and often wiggling - a lot - just to get settled in). Unfortunately, the Memphis PD interrupted the progression at that point by raiding those clubs. I think they all were closed down. "New" clubs did open up around there and I heard the new clubs also (eventually) began the same dance styles. I didn't make any more trips to Memphis for years so I don't know the rest of the story (maybe Shadowcat can tell that part). At the same time - elsewhere in the country - other SCs were beginning to allow customers to approach the stage and tip the dancers. Clubs varied widely in the amount of stageside contact was allowed when tipping. And clubs I visited all around the country were encouraging/allowing the dancers to mingle with the customers by 1890. I think Dudester may have his dates wrong (I saw the changes in the '70s, not '80s).
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    13 years ago
    Do you still go to regular bars?
    Since I have "grown up" and quit trying to impress other guys with my macho, I find "regular" bars boring. Yes, I go once in a while; to watch a game, meet friends or grab a cool one before going home. These days the stops in a regular bar are almost always very brief and no longer include any trolling for available women. Though I have noticed the women SuperDude referred to looking for guys in regular bars. Watching their moves is NOT as entertaining as a SC, but can be fun when it's not pitiful.
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    13 years ago
    Seattle, Washington
    As a Strip Club Customer, Have You Ever Been Mistaken as a Cop?
    Yes, I has happened to me. I am older than average, hair cut short and dress "straight." Usually, I just laugh it off and seldom does it impact my visit. If I am hoping for more than a lame lap dance (most of the time) it does mean I have to convince the dancer I really am NOT the law. One dancer a few years ago was sure (mistakenly, I believe) that a cop could not handle her merchandise so I spent several minutes "proving" I was not LE. That led to a price discussion that was just plain fun. She "OK, you're not a cop. What can I offer you?" Me "How about a little of everything?" She "I can't blow you, a cop might be in here and see it." Me "Have you checked the other customers to see if they are cops?" (Two of my fingers were still securely inserted in her) She "How would I know?" Me - wiggling my fingers!!!! She "Oh, I couldn't do that!"
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    13 years ago
    Fat Girls Strip Part 2
    Jada, Cool your jets! This is a stripclub discussion site. The people here (mostly - but not exclusively - guys) are willing and ready to speak out on any subject anyone brings up. Their opinions, including flames and sarcasm, are allowed and we all are subject to being blasted or praised whenever we write anything here. Personally, I don't get turned on by BBWs but I know many guys (and some girls) do go for the heavies. Others have already posted that attitude is more important and I agree. Don't let these written opinions get under your skin! If you want to dance, dance! Try it. But remember, your "presentation", your demonstrated attitude, WILL make a big difference. Loplaw speaks for many of us, "An awesome personality underneath that BBW can go a long way with some customers."
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    13 years ago
    Police: Florida Woman Tried to Buy Her Father a Prostitute on Easter
    On a day when the western world celebrates the res-erection, the cops in Tampa hassle a dutiful daughter for trying to help her dad!?! What is this world cumming to?
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    13 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Is the grass greener?
    Two words for you, Shadowcat, "new pussy." Reading your posts and reviews for the past few years, I understand the comfort and security you must feel having a good club nearby and the PP for road trips. The variety available in those two clubs will probably keep you happy for many months. But someday - even if your favorites DON'T change - you will want some NEW. Enjoy your time settled into your comfortable routine. And when you, eventually, look for a new experience - I expect you will find again that the hunt is fun, game is plentiful and new pussy is great!
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    14 years ago
    "ignore" feature suddenly not working?
    Hey, I just checked my "ignore" list and found only one name - the same one as Loplaw. Reading this thread I remember why! I hope ignore is working again soon!
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    14 years ago
    Your clubs vs. others
    Clubber, you are right in that you are fortunate living in South FL. Jax is NOT SC paradise! I am there about 8 or 10 times a year and have found that the bikini clubs are generally too expensive and lacking in oomph and the (few) nude clubs are really strange. Where I live (in Georgia but nowhere near ATL) there are few clubs and none of them are good. I look forward to my occasional trips to So. FL or Houston or Dallas. Yes, I wish there were clubs near me like the Miami area, Houston or Detroit clubs. On the other hand, if I lived around Miami I would probably spend WAY TOO MUCH in SCs!
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    14 years ago
    Advice For a Weekend Booty Call
    Great news, Snake. You might also try to find something to do outdoors on Saturday afternoon. Rent a boat or canoe for an hour or an hour of horseback riding. It could help give the lady the impression that you are a little interested in her, not just her booty! Plus, the shower when you get back to the room can be fun!!!
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    14 years ago
    Where you take your ATF for food?
    Try something like Friday's, Olive Garden or Applebys. Prices are reasonable, service is OK to (sometimes) good and it doesn't appear that you are trying too hard!
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    14 years ago
    "Hey, Joe!"
    Last year I walked into a certain Houston, Texas club for the first time on a sunny afternoon and barely got past the entry when a squealing voice called out a version of my name that I sometimes use. A moment later a very shapely woman wrapped herself around me and started kissing my face. Since I was still a bit blind in the dark club, I couldn't even begin to guess who was hugging and kissing me, but I was not yet ready to complain! Ten minutes later I was parked in a dark corner, the lovely lady in my lap and a free beer in my hand. After only a few minutes of conversation she realizes that I am NOT the person she thought I was! "Why didn't you tell me you weren't RXXX" I first said, "Because you had your tongue in my mouth." After we both laughed, I told her that my name WAS RXXX. Wish I could say I still got lucky, but it was not my day. She stayed a few minutes then said she had to change and go home. I was then ignored by most of the other dancers until I left.
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    14 years ago
    Tall or Short?
    To answer your question, "Tall or short?" - - YES! I used to love the petite spinner (and I still do) but in 2003 a 6 foot beauty, with natural double Ds that looked almost small on her lean Amazon frame, convinced me that there IS something special about some tall women. When she put her legs on my shoulders and her tits in my face while grinding her kitty in my lap I came to realize that my preference for short women was bigoted and very short sighted.
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    14 years ago
    Average Prices for "extras"...
    Problem is - there ain't no "average!" Seriously! Dancers in clubs around the country will ask whatever they think they can get (or a price they think will bring you back often). In some "hot" markets (like Vegas or NYC) if you (as a visitor) can find any extras ITC, the price is usually through the roof. In other areas, once they are satisfied you are not a cop the offers are often reasonable and negotiable. A few years ago I paid $300 and got no more than a hj in a Houston club. Last year I knowingly overpaid at $100 for a 4 song BJ at the same club. Last December I was quoted $200, plus CR price of $150, for FS at a South FL club. Then last month I paid for 4 songs and gave the dancer a $50 tip for FS with a solid 8 at a different FL club. My experience has been that, when the stars are aligned just right, extras are both available and reasonable. Other times it seems like dancers want a tip just to sit next to you and NOTHING else is available at any price. (Like the club I visited in February - the day AFTER they got raided.)
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    14 years ago
    Country music in Strip Clubs
    I was in a club during the afternoon two weeks ago when they started playing "crossover country" (country/rock) songs. The DJ started by playing a country song for one of the dancers and when the small crowd (10-12 dancers and 7-9 custies) reacted with laughs and cheers (rare response in any SC I've been in) he kept playing country songs every 3rd or 4th tune. Actually it wasn't a bad change from the same ole - same ole. I thought it was better than the indecipherable mumbling rap that I hear too often in these clubs. Another side benefit was several of the dancers actually tried to dance while they were on stage. The results were not uniformly artistic, but it was entertaining!
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    14 years ago
    What do you prefer?
    Poll tricks or not? Welcome bodaniels. I'm glad you chose to join us. My answers - and these are just mine - to your questions are: Pole tricks or not? Stage dancing is your chance to sell - Pole tricks are fun to watch and demonstrate certain skills, but too much fancy pole work might make me think you are less interested in intimate lap dances (my experience is that dancers with elaborate stage routines are working for stage tips and too often gave "fancy" lap dances that are mostly air and show) Booty dancing or slow and sensual? Mostly slow and sensual and very "hands ON" I admit I am a lecher, I want to touch and be touched. Bouncing on my lap is OK once in a while but stick shifting and mutual groping are much more fun. Talkative dancers or straight to the point? Well . . . both! I do enjoy conversation and a little interaction first and I am a little put off by dancers who wank up and ask, "wanna dance?). So, to a point, I do want some talk - BUT - I do NOT want to listen to a litany of complaints, or how broke you are or about your boyfriend problems or catty comments about other dancers... I do want to know how hot your dances really are (before I fork over the money) and I do want to know about any "rules" (read - limits, restrictions) you have. Is drinking or smoking a turn off? No and No. A staggering drunk dancer is NOT interesting to me but if you are a little lit up (or seem that way) it might encourage me to hope that you will be a little wild in vip. A dancer who asks if I'm OK with her smoking will always get a "yes" from me and if she doesn't blow smoke in my face, or smell like an ashtray, it doesn't bother me. Lingere or bikinis or costumes? For me costume/clubwear just isn't that important. If your stage routine is a real striptease it's nice to see a costume come off. I have seen some otherwise attractive dancers wearing outfits that really detracted from their appearance. I suggest wearing something that shows a lot, hides any flaws and leaves something to be revealed later! Several of the prior responses had some similar points but more important than the specifics of our separate responses is that you actually pay attention to the guy you are with. You don't have to be a brilliant conversationalist to get and keep a man's attention (double meaning included). A lot of eye contact, a nice smile, your hand on shoulder or knee (or elsewhere) and - for most of us - you got us hooked. The same kind of attention will be successful when you give private dances.
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    14 years ago
    Defining 1-10
    I agree everyone has different rating standards. For me: fuglies rate somewhere around 1 to 3, OK looks with minor issues usually rate 4 or 5, Good looking dancers that I find attractive will often get a 6 or 7. Only really hot women (who could appear in Playboy) will get an 8 from me. To get a 9 or 10 they absolutely MUST have personality, stage presence, a really sexy come-on AND do lappers that leave me breathless and very happy!
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    14 years ago
    Pleasuring Her
    Farmerart has it right, the circumstances must be exactly right! A few weeks ago I walked into a club in Texas and before my eyes adjusted to the dark a stripper settled onto my lap and said, "I know you!" I'm OK with that kind of SS so I just said, "cool." A few minutes later I could see and she really was a dancer I knew from the Chicago area about 6 or 7 years ago. After I commented on her surprisingly good looks, and equally surprising presence in the south, she got up, pulled on me and said, "We've got to find a dark corner." Within one minute she was nude, straddling me and releasing Mr Happy - who was quickly covered and planted. For four songs I'm wondering how much the ride will set me back while she is absolutely focused on her pleasure. After she buried her head in my shoulder, clutched me and moaned for a while, she said her thanks, then stopped me when I tried to reach my wallet. "No, honey - that was all for me. Thanks!" When I got back to my table I remembered she was NOT known for extras in Chicago and I wondered what had changed. The answer came a few minutes later when she returned with a beer for me, sat again in my lap and over the next half hour explained. It seems I arrived just after a group of three healthy young attorneys with fat wallets had left, they were more than generous with the green but only wanted table dances. "My" dancer, in Texas for over a month without a boyfriend around, got turned on by the guys and seeing me, found a "safe" outlet. I know, the story wasn't great news for my ego, but hey - I did score that rare SC ace, a "freebie." Only when the stars align, the moon is full and the planets are just so . . .
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    14 years ago
    In the wind
    Shaved, Trimmed Strip, Natural Patch, or Full & Natural??
    Like Snake, I love a smooth clean work surface! When I am out playing, I want to see what I am playing with!
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    14 years ago
    We need "Red Light Districts"!
    This country HAS tried this before! Atlantic City was once an adult playground, before the Feds moved in to clean out the bootleggers. Las Vegas was virtually an Adults Only playground - before the big casinos discovered big money in dentist's conventions and added "family" fun. Maybe another attempt is due, but looking at the problems facing our elected leadership, I don't think so. To get reelected they must show "progress" and the only "problem" they can get headlines for doing something about are "moral" issues - like prostitution and strip clubs! Don't hold your breath waiting for SC Fantasy Island - BUT if you want a real island where prostitution IS legal and strip clubs have a posted menu and bedrooms try the Dominican Republic.
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    14 years ago
    The girlfriend issue
    Doke, Ask your girlfriend to come along for a visit to the neighborhood stripclub! Keep a hand on her and gage her reactions to what is happening. If she does have a problem with you in a club, you are specially capable of feeling her tension! Remember that if she has not been to a SC before she will be nervous anyway. Her reactions should help you find good answers to yor questions. On the other hand. WOW, talk about an explorer's heaven for you, strip club visits open a door for you that is just not available anywhere else! To finally get to "SEE" the complete bodies of a variety of women must be awesome. If it were me, I imagine I would be additcted about 30 seconds into the first lap dance. AND, I WOULD take advantage of the "blind" status to push the limits of every dancer in range! Good luck with your decision process and let us know how it it going!
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    14 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    The sight of a nude women does not excite me.
    Shadowcat, I've been there and I know I'll be there again. You have about 10 years on me so I'm guessing your more "mature" wood attitude is a factor as well as your "higher" expectations. I have tried laying off the clubs, but that is too extreme for me. I did try clubs with better stage dancers, just to enjoy the show, and then I attempted to get extras from dancers who don't, just for the challenge. All in all, I think your "solution" works better. A stable of favorites and a "sure thing" usually beats blind luck. On thing I've noticed about the "bored with just nude" attitude is that some dancers notice and "try harder" to get my attention. I think that many dancers, usually willing to go the extra mile - only if necessary - are challenged by a customer's lack of interest and will go further. Perhaps "bored" will work for you.
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    14 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Lap dance interrupted!
    Dallas club, upstairs in VIP on a couch in a dark corner, nude dancer in my lap, I'm inside her, the damn waitress comes by, "Would like another drink?" WTF! Waitress dumps the ashtray and leaves. Takes 10 minutes of BJ to recover the stiffy (she was good, though) then back in the saddle, just as another PL and dancer take a couch nearby. My dancer was dedicated, she spun around on my lap, closed her legs (very tight fit) and continued to "dance." We still couldn't help laughing as our new neighbor got an airdance. Turned out, it was just NOT my day, before the end of that song, the day manager came by and asked my dancer to come see him to talk about her schedule. I lost my mojo, again, as he casually talked to my dancer. The only good thing about that afternoon was the price, the girl was actually embarrassed about the interruptions and when I handed her money she gave me back all but $40.
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    14 years ago
    Need clothing advice
    Have you heard of "microfiber"? Very soft, very thin, feels like raw silk. Microfiber, triple pleated (very roomy) dress slacks with a nylon zipper in black or navy, a black web belt and flat clasp closure (no buckle), worn commando, with 100% cotton hankies in side pockets (you figure that one out!); burgundy, navy or gray long sleeve dress shirt with button down collar and tucked in (high thread count cotton also feels soft and is easy to unbutton, dark leather boat shoes. I walk in looking "normal" and better dressed than most. These clothes are very comfortable and I am very lap dance ready. Many girls will actually stroke the pants simply because they like the feel. Of course, if she wants to make extras happen, she will manage to access the equipment no matter what you wear. If she doesn't, she won't, again no matter what you wear!
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    14 years ago
    "Pornstars" Stripping (not featuring)
    Since the porn industry has gone digital there are tens of thousands of "movies," mostly home video quality, out there and hundreds of "porn stars" with one or two minor credits. Several of these "B list" porn stars are working Miami area nude clubs. I have encountered a few in those clubs and they are not timid about claiming their "porn star" status. Most of them offer a full menu plus are available for OTC. I met one Viral Video porn star doing a feature act at an Illinois club in 2001. She invited me to visit her at another, nearby, club the next week. When I hit the second club, she was there but working as one of the regular strippers, not a feature. She was using a different name in the second club.
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    14 years ago
    Girl U Want
    In a crowded Nashville bar, I was sitting on a stool - back to the bar - listening to a jazz band on a stage across the room. A girl backed up, between my legs to let someone pass in front of her. When she realized what she had backed onto she turned her head and said, "I'm sorry." I leaned forward and said into her ear, "I'm not!" She stayed there, moving slowly with the music, until the band's set was over. Only after the girl walked away without another word, leaving me with a boner, did I think to look at my date on the next stool. My date asked me if I knew the girl. When I said, "No" my date date said, "That was hot, let's go!" It was a good night.