"ignore" feature suddenly not working?

avatar for lopaw

Hey founder-

What's up w/ the "ignore" function? It's too valuable a feature to lose!


last comment
avatar for Fenster
13 yrs ago

Yes - my 'ignore list' is intact, but, uh, ignored.

Now, I'll just have to do it manually ....

avatar for joker44
13 yrs ago

My ignore list intact but can't add new members to list. Agree, it's too valuable to lose.

avatar for Realist123
13 yrs ago

Is anyone here ignore worthy? You should all post a list of everyone you have ignored, so we can all ignore them.

avatar for Dougster
13 yrs ago

lopaw and georgemicrobrain supposedly have me on ignore. Has never prevented them from reading and responding to my posts, however. It's always amusing to hear the explanations they come up with.

avatar for lopaw
13 yrs ago

Happily, Dougster, the only time I see your posts are times like this when something goes awry with the ignore feature. Sorry to disappoint you, but until this last post from you was made visible to me on this thread, I have successfully ignored you for months. You're simply not worth reading to me, and once the ignore feature is restored, I will happily ignore you once again.

Realist123 - sadly, yes, some here are very ignore-worthy. Some are spammer types that post non-stripclub related garbage. And others are just annoying idiots. To each their own in who they choose to ignore. I don't think a generic "list" would be appropriate for all.

avatar for Dougster
13 yrs ago

Right lopaw. You've responded repeatedly to my posts even when you claimed to have me on ignore. Somehow there were always "technical" glitches that somehow took my name off your ignore list. I sure hope you and microbrain get all the glitches worked out with "ignore" again soon. Seems like you would rather talk about it rather than do it though.

avatar for lopaw
13 yrs ago

yawn whatever you say, Dougster.

avatar for Dougster
13 yrs ago

Hey, lopaw did you ever find statistics to back up your claim that men are 1000 times more likely to commit domestic violence than women? No? Didn't think you would...

avatar for Dougster
13 yrs ago

It's great how "having me on ignore" allows lopaw to dodge issues like that.

avatar for lopaw
13 yrs ago

Oh jesus Dougster you ARE a whiney little bitch. Give it up already. You're like a worn out old record. In case you didn't notice - I don't care if you agree with me. About anything. Ever. Ever Ever Ever. K? Finished now? Or would you like to continue bantering until the "ignore" feature is restored? Fine by me. I'm waiting for my laundry to finish drying. Watching THAT is right on par with reading your responses.

avatar for Dougster
13 yrs ago

Just let me know when you're able to pull up those domestic violence statistics...

avatar for lopaw
13 yrs ago

Oh I'm ALL over it. This must be REAL important to you. I obviously struck a nerve with you on this subject for you to keep referring back to it MONTHS later. I'm really sorry if you are a victim of domestic violence, Dougster....but there are services available to you so that you can get the help that you so desperately need.

Why don't you go ahead and get all nice & comfy there and I'll be right back with those stats for you. Are you all nice & comfy now? Good. Now wait for it!!

avatar for Dougster
13 yrs ago

I don't think you'll be able to find them lopaw, because it was just another one your lies. Just like how you "had me on ignore" but were still able to read my posts "due to technical glitches". Except, of course, when I called you down on your made up claims regarding domestic violence.

Founder better hurry up and get ignoring working so lopaw can use it to ignore anyone else who calls her down on one of her lies.

avatar for lopaw
13 yrs ago

lol As much fun as it's been to bag on you, Dougster....I'm bored now. And bagging on you is like shooting fish in a barrel anyways. No challenge.

Hmmmm....let's see.....how many people exactly do I have on ignore? Oh yeah - just two. But both are Dougster!! Bwahahaha!

avatar for joker44
13 yrs ago

@lopaw: I sympathize. The recent exchange amply demos your point that the ignore feature is vitally important to keep TUSCL a more civil site than other SC sites. The cloak of anonymity allows some people to practice the most appalling and irritating behavior, in this case taunting.

Sadly, lopaw you encourage it simply by replying. Whatever you write, no matter how factual or emotionally satisfying to you, is negated by the very act of replying. For those who taunt any attention, even negative, is rewarding -- the equivalent of the showbiz dictum that any publicity, whether good or bad, is welcome compared to being ignored. If it helps just remember that some of these people can't really control their need for attention. Notice how the OP topic has been sidetracked.

So ignoring them IS the best disinfectant.

avatar for lopaw
13 yrs ago

Of course you are right, joker44. I hate to admit that I got a sadistic kick out of fucking with Dougster - like watching a trainwreck in slo-mo. But I'm done and anything further that he writes will TRULY be ignored.

Besides my laundry is done ;)

avatar for dallas702
13 yrs ago

Hey, I just checked my "ignore" list and found only one name - the same one as Loplaw. Reading this thread I remember why! I hope ignore is working again soon!

avatar for sharkhunter
13 yrs ago

I don't see the ignore feature either. It doesn't bother me as much now as it once did. I think the people I had on ignore left. I would like to see it come back though. Technical glitch?

avatar for joker44
13 yrs ago

@lopaw: at least your honest enough to admit your guilty pleasures :)

avatar for farmerart
13 yrs ago

You are not on my ignore list, lopaw. I like your perspective. I think it would be neat to hang with you some evening.

In truth, nobody is on my ignore list. I am sure some of my posts piss off some people and even if other people's posts piss me off, I am a big boy and I have been around a bit so silly shit here on tuscl is just not THAT important to me.

avatar for georgmicrodong
13 yrs ago

Ah, Dougster, I don't have you on ignore. I used to, but you've become a source of endless amusement for me, and, surprisingly enough, my wife (she's usually nicer than to laugh at folks like you). Watching you're pathetic degradation of others in an attempt to bolster your own obviously non-existant self esteem is my guilty pleasure. I know I shouldn't, but lopaw's slow motion train wreck example is a good one. I just can't stop reading. And your complete lack of ability to refrain from responding just keeps me watching.

FWIW, my wife and I have a bet going on the nature of your response. If I'm right, I get a week of nice, long, slow, deep blow jobs. If she's right, I have to do the housework for a week. Do me right, Dougste, I dint wanna have to do dishes and laundry.

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