We need "Red Light Districts"!

avatar for Prim0

There was a suggestion in a Toronto forum that suggest some islands off the shore be made into red light districts. This sounds like a good idea for the States! We need areas where folks who actually want to do things that are/should be legal actually can.

Set these up where there are no schools, churches or business who would bitch and moan about having to be next to an adult establishment! No one would have to bitch about "kids" being exposed to these places! Little islands of adult only entertainment that would legalize prostitution, marijuana and in some of the establishments, smoking indoors. Places of freedom and safety where we could all responsibly choose to fulfill our fantasies.

I know this will never happen in a place where so many individuals feel it is there job to keep the rest of us safe from ourselves. But wouldn't it just be nice to have a place to go where everybody is there by their own consent to do the things they like to do?!


last comment
avatar for farmerart
13 yrs ago

Better do something about de-criminalizing prostitution first.

avatar for CTQWERTY
13 yrs ago

The mayor of Detroit has proposed pulling back city services (police, fire, and sanitation, etc.) from certain destitute parts ... and there is a fair amount of grassland about now. If he gets his cost-cutting plan, then only the county and state police will have jurisdiction. That's one step closer to a "red light zone" on American soil.

avatar for vincemichaels
13 yrs ago

Yeah, CT, now if we can only make it happen!! Too bad Detroit has winter. I saw on the weather, you guys got a mixed bag of snow/sleet/rain. Isn't spring wonderful??

avatar for Fenster
13 yrs ago

The moralists know about, and don't like 'red light districts'. Maybe we could fool them (they ain't that bright) if we call them 'GREEN light districts'.

avatar for SuperDude
13 yrs ago

CT is on the beam, as usual. The Detroit plan is to shrink the city, now with half the population of 50 years ago, to a more efficient and managable size. Still open is the question of what will happen to the abandoned land and building in this "rightsizing." Someone could buy it up, rezone it for adult activity and make money. Hell, with a real push to rehab the abandoned homes and factories, a team of investors could create America's first adult theme park, gated, protected and patrolled, but private and profitable. Topless snowball fights might make winter almost tolerable.

avatar for CTQWERTY
13 yrs ago

Vince, you've got to come on back to sit in the bleachers for Opening Day and fully appreciate the snow/sleet/rain/wind chill!

Thanks, SD. I suspect the chances of it occurring are better than we'd think given county and state budget cuts. Topless snowball fights?! I think I'd much prefer (indoor) honey and chocolate syrup wrestling!!!

avatar for inno123
13 yrs ago

I thought that was what Pahrump Nevada was for.

avatar for spandexman
13 yrs ago

Years ago in Boston there was a section called the Combat Zone where stripclubs, bookstores, theaters, modeling studios, etc could do business. It worked well for years, then when the real estate market crashed in the early 90s the Chinese bought up the building and all of a sudden the Zone disappeared, minus three SCs. The Zone got terrible press and moralists hated the four block part of Boston, but there really wasn't much crime, the prostitutes hung out on the corners of Essex and washington Streets and Harry's, even a Sc called the Mardis Gras had a few ladies of the evening showing their wares. Ironically violent crime is up in Boston, especially sex crimes.

avatar for samsung1
13 yrs ago

I have thought of Route 161 as the "red light district" of columbus. It is a declining area so the Hooter's, adult shop, and a couple strip clubs have gone out of business.

avatar for dallas702
13 yrs ago

This country HAS tried this before! Atlantic City was once an adult playground, before the Feds moved in to clean out the bootleggers. Las Vegas was virtually an Adults Only playground - before the big casinos discovered big money in dentist's conventions and added "family" fun.

Maybe another attempt is due, but looking at the problems facing our elected leadership, I don't think so. To get reelected they must show "progress" and the only "problem" they can get headlines for doing something about are "moral" issues - like prostitution and strip clubs! Don't hold your breath waiting for SC Fantasy Island - BUT if you want a real island where prostitution IS legal and strip clubs have a posted menu and bedrooms try the Dominican Republic.

avatar for Dougster
13 yrs ago

The US seems to be moving away from legalization/de-criminalization if anything. Crackdowns/takedowns are becoming more and more frequent.

avatar for Prim0
13 yrs ago
  1. I understand about Vegas and AC...I was thinking that every major city needs it's own RL district.

  2. Columbus has nothing even close to a RL district Sam...that's why you take all those trips to clubs in other cities and states. It sucks here!

  3. Maybe we should invest in an old cruiseliner. If gambling is allowed after 3 miles at sea, why not everything else? Convert all the dance clubs on the ship into SCs. Hire escorts by the score. Sell booze, viagra, 420 and whatever else in the duty free shop. There are already some kind of porn cruises out there!

C'MON!!! We can make this work!

avatar for georgmicrodong
13 yrs ago

Prim0: Most countries reserve the right to code ports to whoever they want, for any reason they want. Should someone attempt this, I would expect the Coast Guard to be tasked with escorting those ships out of the harbor, permanently, even if no otherwise illegal activity happens within U.S. territorial waters. Gambling boats work because most people don't really care about gambling, at least from a moral perspective, and the human trafficking issue doesn't pertain. The same can't be said for prostitution boats.

avatar for georgmicrodong
13 yrs ago

"code ports" should be "close ports"

avatar for troop
13 yrs ago

03/24/11 7:24 AM The US seems to be moving away from legalization/de-criminalization if anything. Crackdowns/takedowns are becoming more and more frequent.

^^^^ yup! to apease every whining fringe group, and in order to make it look like they're actually doing something the friggin politicians have made laws against everything!

avatar for jackslash
13 yrs ago

If the Detroit City Council has anything to say about it, there certainly won't be a red light district. They have passed very restrictive strip club regulations which aren't being enforced yet. If enforcement starts, the strippers and clubs will all move to the suburbs, leaving Detroit in even worse economic shape.

avatar for vincemichaels
13 yrs ago

LMAO, CT. Do you remember opening day the very first year at Comerica Park? All of what you mention happened that day. The crowds stayed for the first few innings but left as quickly as they could. Hope you were not there that day, we listened to the game at work on the radio and laughed. Hopefully this year it will be one of those sunny 50's days we get this time of year. That is a wondrous experience, it adds to going to a strip club afterwards to celebrate the victory !!

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