Comments by dallas702 (page 40)

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    13 years ago
    Why do us young guys want to date strippers?
    I'm late coming to this thread, it seems no one actually hit on the main point. Ranukam, strippers are young, hot, overtly sexual, and willing to interact with you. You are young, stupid, horny and getting led around by your dick! That is very different from us more mature and experienced gentlemen. I am old, stupid, horny and love getting led around by my dick. With my decades of experience, it only takes me a few weeks - after she lets go of my dick to go out and spend my money - to realize what a crazy loon she is!
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    13 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Anybody know any GILFs?
    SC, you just want a lapdance or 6? Or, are you looking for a new girlfriend and just don't want to wade through all the krap at a cougar bar? Either way, now that I think about it, a new ATF with a little more maturity, experience and appreciation for older gentlemen would be nice. Hmmmm?
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    The Experts Weigh In - Strippers are Evil
    Of Course, Strippers are evil! They are minions of the Devil, known to suck any weak man's wallet clean. They a nefarious demons with the ability to raise my loins to ungodly purpose. The are vile corruptors of the last vestiges of my morality. God, I love 'em so!!!!!!!!!
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    13 years ago
    Fap fap fap fap fap
    I don't understand the, "fap?" OTOH, while I would NOT touch "Octomom," (too much of a known nutcase) I did scroll through and came to pics of a different topless nutcase, Christina Cho. In one of her pics she is wrapped like meat in a grocery. I might buy some of that!
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    13 years ago
    BBBJ in club
    @Motorhead, I don't disagree with you. I have driven past clubs, saying "No way" because of neighborhood, looks, even people in the parking lot. I have met dancers in clubs that I would not let near my package, covered or not. It is important to rationally evaluate how much risk is reasonable. But I still stand by my statement, Life is risk. It is just a balancing act. Those who avoid all risk may live longer, but those who take risks usually have more fun. And the feel of a beautiful young woman's mouth, without a cover in the way, is worth a little risk.
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    13 years ago
    BBBJ in club
    I am sure someone will post an, "Oh my God, don't ever do that!" in response to your question. I am sure that there is a greater risk BB. But really, we walk into clubs even though we read about shadowcat's 2AMers. Life is a risk. The risk of an STD from a BBBJ is relatively low. AND I love the feeling!
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    13 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    dating stripers
    Been there, done that, would love to try it again. Juice, watch your heart and your wallet. Women who take their clothes off and snuggle with men they just met = think differently than most of the women we learned to interact with. Not dumber, not smarter, just different. If you do not expect consistency and do not demand restrictions on her behavior, that will help. As a suggestion, if you are out (not in a SC) with this lovely woman, be wild, be fun, and treat her like a princess, but when alone with her, be the calm presence in the room, listen to her and ask her what she wants.
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    13 years ago
    Rate the Hottie #6
    I'll go with 6. To me 6 means above the average you will see in a strip club. I certainly WANT to have better looking women grinding on my - - lap! But I would not run away if a 6 snuggled up and started stick shifting.
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    13 years ago
    Rate the Hottie #5
    Something about the face (a little off), smile (seems fake), posture and pose really take points off. I will go with others here and rate her a 4.
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    13 years ago
    How about Ugly #1?
    How about MINUS 4. Although I'll admit I have an extreme aversion to heavies. For me she has serious YUCK factor.
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    13 years ago
    I've seen nothing as exciting as Shadowcat, but I was sitting in an uncrowded GA SC one afternoon two years ago when this guy came in and sat at the next table over. He started asking me questions, mostly about which dancers were good for extras. He was a Creepy dude so I kept my responses short and uninformative! I went to the bathroom and then sat in a different area. From my seat across the room I saw the guy get repeatedly turned down by dancers. Though the club had a rep for action, it wasn't happening that day so I left after about an hour. Didn't think much about it until I saw, in an online version of that town's paper, a story about a police raid at the club the same day I was there. The story listed several charges including, underage drinking, one South American dancer without papers and somebody in possession of a small amount of pot BUT no soliciting or prostitution charges. I am sure that the creep was a cop, and the lack of girls arrested was exactly because he was creepy! I'm just happy I wasn't there when he gave up and called in the rest of the vice guys.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Strip-club raid: 'It's a whorehouse' police chief says
    Notice: 1. The Police wait until AFTER the race to bust the place! 2. Cops were "investigating" this club for 16 months! even though, "It's skanky. It's filthy. If I was a roach, I wouldn't live inside." WHAT DEDICATION TO DUTY!!! 3. Only 2 dancers arrested on prostitution charges (After 16 months)! I am IMPRESSED with the skill and perseverance of the Daytona Beach PoPo
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    Never had a DJ stretch a song. I seldom take the time to talk with them. I did once convince a dancer to attempt to dance onstage to Hank William's (not JR) "Hey, Good Looking." When everyone was through laughing about it, she ran over to the DJ, then came up to me insisting I buy a VIP lapper ($25 club). When we get settled in the VIP she giggles and says, "just one song!" Then "Inna Godda Davida" (Iron Butterfly) starts up. When the drum solo starts I finally realize it is the 17 min album cut. I should be excused for not recognizing it sooner, she was VERY distracting. I did tip the DJ that night!
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    13 years ago
    North Carolina
    This time I'm being serious
    Part of the fun is fantasy. If a cute Asian pixie with broken English wants to "love me long time," I can be up for that. Other times, hot and black will raise my interest. The only real turn offs are: bad attitude, fugly looking women and bad odor. So my answer is, yes and no!!!
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    Customer Lies
    I have one elaborate lie I tell only in strip clubs. It's the same one always, so I only have to remember the one story. I have made up a career (an interesting one, something I do know about, not too well paid but requires regular travel), a career that puts me often in whatever town the SC is in. This lie was originally a response to a stripper's absurd story (if she can make one up - so can I!?) but it got such a positive response I tried it again. Now it's just "who I am" when I walk into a SC, an alternate reality!
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    13 years ago
    North Carolina
    This has to be said
    My son did 5 yrs in the USMC My Dad bombed Japan from The Aleutian Islands with the 11th Army Air Corps My Granddad was "over there" 1917-18 Great-Granddad Patrolled the SW in the US Cav His dad proudly served the CSA Army in VA, TN, and GA I am proud of them all! Me - I just floated around the Pacific and had safe shore posts while those who really served were getting shot at by Viet Cong. Feels like I didn't serve at all. Bang, thanks for your good words. I add a special thanks to all the youngsters who have spent time (or will) overseas fighting in these new "uneven" wars. You guys deserve a "free lappers for life" card.
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    13 years ago
    New York
    More than you bargan for with "Extras"?
    WTF is ghanacypalherpititis? Did you just lump a bunch of STDs together? Truthfully, I'm with Bang - we take risks everyday. I am at risk from falling space junk, bad food, chemicals in the air, distracted drivers, drunk airline pilots and radio waves from my cell phone. If I'm gonna' die, let it be (at least) by BBBJ. Now that I think about it - make that OTC GFE FS until I stroke out!
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    13 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    what year did you start strip clubing ?
    1974, but I was younger then!
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    what year did you start strip clubing ?
    1974, but I was younger then!
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    13 years ago
    So Raise a Glass to "Fuck"
    Actually . . . . I learned that the word comes from English baily (common) law. In the late middle ages English law required any young unmarried woman to be escorted by a relative and prohibited adult men from escorting these young women without chaperones. Anyone one caught in violation of these laws was arrested and held for trial. The charge was based on the assumption that the supposed offenders had already had unnatural (not married) carnal knowledge (even a kiss was too much). Sheriffs, though little more educated than the general population (that is, functionally illiterate!), were required to post signs identifying why the person(s) were held. The result, signs nailed on stocks or cell doors with the first letter of each word of the charge. So a prisoner waiting trial For Unnatural Carnal Knowledge was graced with a sign that read, "F U C K" Since middle and late English was heavily influenced by northern Europe, many people were aware of the Swede word for cattle breeding. By the 16th century England had a wonderful, crude word for sex, and the English used it often.
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    13 years ago
    Dancers & Drugs, Why?
    So far we have addressed; low self esteem, alienation, habituation and depression as reasons dancers get high/drunk.(often using different words) I agree that all are valid. Please allow me to add one more, a reason that may also explain why big money public figures do the same thing. Perhaps many of these women create for themselves a different "personality" to be the stripper, just as actors create a different personae to play a certain role. Whether the stripper/public figure is aware of their different personality, or not, the stress of living as two different people could explain the need to self-medicate. I am guessing this "stripper" personae is not that different from the "public" front most of us use when we are unsure of our environment (for ex. a friend says, "I would like you to meet . . ." and you turn around to see two mature priests, collar and all - whether you like it or not, you will stand straighter and perhaps try to avoid saying sh-t, d-mn, f-ck.) In the case of strippers/actors/public figures it is probably very stressful to be that different person for hours on end. Getting high/drunk is a likely "aid" for many people under such stress.
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    13 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Worst Stripper Decision
    Miami, 2 years ago. A tall (5'9" or so, not including stripper shoes) stripper walks up to the stage and starts screaming at the stripper on the pole. When a bouncer tries to pull her back she turns, knees the bouncer then -when surprised bouncer doubles over - she plants the same knee in his face. The next guy to approach the angry stripper is dark skinned, heavily tatted, about 6'6" and looked to be a lean 275#. She tried to fight him, including a fist to his gut. When he didn't react she got her hand to his face and did leave bloody scratch marks - BAD mistake. I don't think the big guy broke any bones, and he never actually punched her, but by the time they threw her out of the club (still in bra and g-string) I doubt there was any part of her body not bruised by the furniture she bounced off of. Didn't help that she never quit screaming and trying to fight. My guess was PCP, nobody gets that amped on Red Bull!
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    13 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Lewd Acts in a Texas Strip Club?
    I am shocked, shocked I tell you, to hear of such behavior! The women have certainly gone too pharr.
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    13 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    An Homage to Carnac the Magnificent
    I resemble that remark!!! Actually, I wonder how many on here have no idea where that routine comes from.
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    13 years ago
    Breathe, breathe in the air
    When did LD's start?
    OK - I'm not that old - really. I meant to type 1980 (not 1890)