
Is the grass greener?

Atlanta suburb
Tuesday, April 26, 2011 7:35 AM
I have met my strip club goals. My favorite club is delivering what I want and my favorite Atlanta club is better than anything else in Atlanta. So why go elsewhere? Why a road trip? None of the reviews I have read on here or word of mouth from my buddies has convinced me that there is better to be had. Yes higher mileage is available but the dollar value goes down. Should I continue to check out clubs new to me just for the experience, even though I am already convinced that they are not going to be as good as my favorite clubs?


  • txtittyfan
    13 years ago
    You have found good clubs in 2 cities due to being a regular. Last time I checked, the U.S. had over 5,000 cities. There are lots of great clubs and dancers out there. The more you frequent the club, the more attention you will get. And yes, the grass is greener outside of Columbia and Atlanta.
  • gsv
    13 years ago
    In my experience part of liking a club is increased familiarity with it, and that all comes with being a regular. It sounds like thats the case for you here, so if you are comfortable with what you've got going, that's great. But definitely don't limit yourself, as you can probably find something better.
  • rickdugan
    13 years ago
    shadow, I guess that depends entirely on what you want and what you are getting. If you are happy with what you have then I agree, why go anywhere else?
  • looneylarry
    13 years ago
    The answer: Yes. That's why I have my eye on gridget. (just kidding)
  • Drippy
    13 years ago
    I've had some of the same thoughts recently. I have a fav club and I'm always happy with my visits. Should I go back to other clubs that I have spent time in over the past few years just to see if the the grass is greener knowing that I have a sure thing my at my fav club? We'll see.
  • farmerart
    13 years ago
    shadowcat, I am still pretty new to this game so I have to keep traveling. It seems that I always seem to stumble on something better. I also enjoy the hunt and I don't care about the money. And, simply living where I do for most of the year means that travel is essential if I want to pursue this hobby.
  • Rod8432
    13 years ago
    Shadowcat - Welcome to the paradox of being human. We always want what we don't have. If you have stasis (e.g., a club or two that meets your needs) you'll want variety. If you have too much variety, you'll want stasis (such as wanting a steady girlfriend after too much dating). I think this may be in part due to what Freud identified (or at least emphasized) as the PROCESS of tension increase and reduction we find pleasurable, NOT the presence or absence of it. Hence, we'll seek tension if it's missing in order to experience it's increase and subsequent removal (e.g., going to a horror flick). In your context, if you have a favorite club or two where your needs and wants are basically met, you're not experiencing any tension (also called boredom). So, you will naturally find yourself desiring to introduce tension which can come in the forms of testing unknown clubs and experiencing a variety of new girls. Then, a few VIP/LD experiences later at a new club, you've satiated the tension and felt satisfaction at its removal. And because sustained heightened tension is more energy intensive, it's more aversive than low tension. So, if you try several clubs/girls without satisfaction, you'll yearn for the low-tension experience of your current favorite clubs... until the cycle starts over. There's no way out, so I'd say employ the 80/20 rule. Enjoy your two favorite clubs about 80% of the time and then venture out to scratch your 'grass is greener' itch the remaining 20%.
  • vincemichaels
    13 years ago
    Whatever floats your boat is good. Personally I enjoy the travel. I seek out new adventure. I am a skiier. Risk and reward is part of my life. I've found good and bad clubs, I've found good and bad dancers. This one Thai dancer I met yesterday. OH MY !!
  • skibum609
    13 years ago
    Vince -- Avid skier here and my wife is too. I like different clubs. You can get treated as a regular by the dancers on your first time in a club if you have the confidence and personality to do so. I live in New England, but my favorite club is in Florida. I like the Inner Room cabaret best simply because it would never exist in New England.
  • trojangreg
    13 years ago
    Shadow, When I was in Atlanta I was in your position. I had a favorite club where all my strip club needs were met. I could take a few days and head to PP and have a blast there. You and I would hang out at clubs all over ATL and at PP it was fun. If I would was still in Atlanta I wouldn't do anything different. But now I am in strip club hell here in Vancouver and even down in Seattle. I have to travel to get what I was used to. So now trips to LA always include forays to COI. Will be in Louisville for the Derby on the first Saturday in May and look forward to trying out some of the clubs there even though prices go up and it is usually a rip off during Derby week.
  • Prim0
    13 years ago
    There's nothing much like STASIS in the adult entertainment world. I say, "rider her til she bucks you". In a month, everything could be different as laws, club management, turnover of dancers, hell..everything can change. Personally, I like the unknown. If I just wanted one steady woman to have sex with I would have gotten married....D'oh!
  • georgmicrodong
    13 years ago
    trojangreg: You're a braver man than I am. I might go out earlier in the day, but later is going to be *buuuusssssssy*; I haven't decided yet whether I want to venture forth. And hooking up that weekend is about hopeless. Even the local no-tell motel is jacking their prices up by at least 50% for the weekend. I expect the clubs around the Downs to be standing room only.
  • bang69
    13 years ago
    Shado its your call. Just remember you never know till you try it.
  • inno123
    13 years ago
    Honestly maybe you should think about doing some real traveling. For example it looks like you have pretty much worked over Georgia and South Carolina but have never gone to Florida. There's supposed to be some fine places in Florida.
  • jackslash
    13 years ago
    I usually stick to my two favorite clubs, where I have some favorites and can get whatever I want ITC or OTC. For variety, I occasionally try out a different Detroit-area club, but I'm always a little disappointed. Farmerart's recent article on Toronto made me want to visit those clubs, but for the cost of the trip I could bang several strippers right here.
  • Clubber
    13 years ago
    DAMN you vm, DAMN you!
  • GoVikings
    13 years ago
    shadowcat, how much is it per lap dance at your favorite Atlanta strip club?
  • sharkhunter
    13 years ago
    If it works for you, no point in changing things. Some people may like a hot apple pie every month, go for it. Some people like meat and potatoes, go with what you like. Some people aren't happy with what is in their area and keep searching and searching. If you found something you like every month, congratulations. Some people like to try different food at every chance. I prefer to find a restaurant I like and occasionally eat there. The food satisfies and doesn't disagree with my stomach. I prefer to repeat pleasant experiences instead of constantly searching for something better. I'm trying to limit my spending too so that doesn't agree with exploring lots of different places.
  • dallas702
    13 years ago
    Two words for you, Shadowcat, "new pussy." Reading your posts and reviews for the past few years, I understand the comfort and security you must feel having a good club nearby and the PP for road trips. The variety available in those two clubs will probably keep you happy for many months. But someday - even if your favorites DON'T change - you will want some NEW. Enjoy your time settled into your comfortable routine. And when you, eventually, look for a new experience - I expect you will find again that the hunt is fun, game is plentiful and new pussy is great!
  • silkypants
    13 years ago
    I think Shadowcat and the other people who live in great strip club areas are lucky. From my perspective the grass is always greener. At every other strip club mecca I have visited so far, TJ, Indy, Tampa and Cocoa Beach were all better than Minnesota and without those trips I would not have known how good it can be. Shadowcat, I did not see a review from you on Mons Venus. For me Mons Venus gave new perspective on how good a strip club could be.
  • Clubber
    13 years ago
    silky, But think of the withdrawal those of us that live in a "strip club mecca" face when WE visit out of town. Interesting point... I can travel to two locations about the same distance away and visit Tampa or Orlando. How different can two place be?
  • vincemichaels
    13 years ago
    LMAO, of course, Clubber, you are kidding, right???? Tampa or Orlando, hmmmmmmmm?????? Come on up to Inner Room on your next trip. I am stopping back in today to see if that Thai dancer is working today, Wednesday April 27. This is a babe!!! You need to meet her !!
  • shadowcat
    13 years ago
    Interesting responses. I think the model that Rod described best fits my current routine. But I will never rule out a road trip.
  • dudeanonymous
    13 years ago
    Variety is the spice of life. I don't have a "regular" club since I mainly keep my hobby contained to business trips, so there are a lot of cities/clubs on my bucket list. If I were in your position, I'd be in a different city every month.
  • Clubber
    13 years ago
    vm, A good friend would entice her to venture to a South Florida club to make BIG bucks. Just make she it isn't Stir. I don't need the drama.
  • vincemichaels
    13 years ago
    Clubber,I'll mention it to her.
  • ShotDisc
    13 years ago
    My old friend Shadow. long time no see. Have been away from the SC scene for a while. made my first trip back today, and of course it was to one of my top 3 clubs. As you know, I used to hit the SC's hard, all over the SE. Tried them wherever I traveled for work. but like you I found myself heading back to the same clubs time after time for good reason. I liked the club, the dancers, the value, the rules, the food, etc. visiting new clubs is a crap shoot. sometimes you can find a new diamond in the rough. most of the time it is a disappointment because it doesn't compare to the favs. not to mention the money wasted. Stay with what you know and what you like. It hasn't failed you so far.
  • shadowcat
    13 years ago
    ShotDisc: It has been so long that I thought that you had run off with Carter. LOL. Welcome back.
  • Columbo
    13 years ago
    Even though I have found clubs that work for me quite well, I still check out others. Different clubs suit different moods and times of day/week. Distance is sometimes a factor. Most of the clubs I've been to recently had something that would make me want to come back. Of course, research beforehand helps to weed out the worthless clubs.
  • Clubber
    13 years ago
    vm, Excellent, and if she should need a place to stay...
  • samsung1
    13 years ago
    Here in Columbus the grass IS greener in other cities in terms of mileage. The only advantage columbus has is Kahoots and their $1 value menu for food or the free buffet at cols gold!
  • Prim0
    13 years ago
    Sam...we don't even have grass! Just a couple of weeds.
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