Tall or Short?

Personally, I find it a turn-off when a girl is too tall. I define "too tall" as being taller than me, even if she IS wearing 6" heels. I really like shorter girls, in fact one of my CFs is TINY, probably could be termed a "little person," but sexy as hell!
Does anyone else out there care if they are short or tall?
last commentNot within reason, DougS. Your preference is your preference and that's cool. I find it a turn-off when the dancer is over 200 lbs with rolls of fat around her body. Other than that, I like just about everyone unless they are stupidly aggressive and don't take no for an answer.
Short all the way. Barefoot 5'5" is the max and 5'2" seems to be perfect. The shortest I've ever had was 4'10". Too tall is when they have their stripper shoes on and are as tall as I am. I'm 6' even.
DougS, Bogart's in Inkster had a gal who looked like your avatar pic last time I was in.
I'm 5'6", so only the very shortest dancer (in heels) is shorter than me. One of my faves is 5'11", which makes her about 6'5" in heels. Not a problem. Kind of a turn on. I think it's some short guy dominance issue. LOL
I agree with most of the other guys in that shorter girls are usually better, especially since they have a better command of their hip and body movements. Taller girls tend not to move as much when giving dances and seem limited in their ability to swerve in the same way as the smaller ones. It's too bad, because I love leggy girls.
They're all the same height on their backs.
It's a lot more fun to have a 5'3" 105 lb doll grinding on me than a 6'0" 145 lb (still well-proportioned) amazon. It's a matter of friction vs overwhelming use of force.
If she's little, then when she's on my lap with her back to me, I can look down and see her body over her shoulder. If she's too tall, then when she's sitting on me I just get her shoulder blade banging into my nose.
Besides, gymnasts are tiny for a reason.
I like tall and slim girl.
I think georg is on to something ;) I can find a girl attractive tall or short. I would say on average that I find taller girls are more likely to have the body shape I like. I don't mind if she's taller than me, but the fantasy begings to break down when she weights more than me.
As long as the girl is shorter than me when she's on her knees, I'm happey.
DougS, I agree with you totally. I don't like tall girls either. I'm 6'1, so most girls aren't going to be as tall or taller than me. When it comed to height, 5'3 to 5'4 is my prefernce.
Not opposed to shorter girls, but I'm more attracted to taller girls overall (given a nice body otherwise). I'm 6'1 myself, and my 'ATF' is almost as tall as me, feels almost a hair taller in her heels even.
lol gmd!
I prefer taller girls, as long as they are well built and not too skinny (girls that are 6'2" and weigh 100lbs are a serious turn-off, and I've seen more than a few of them in my day 0_o).
Most dancers seem to be in the 4'10" - 5'4" range (w/o heels). I prefer them to be 5'8" or taller if possible.
I'm 5'10". gridget is 5'5". So I am a happy camper.
For me being slender is more important than being tall or short. She should be shorter than I am without her heels (it's ok if she's taller with her heels on).
While on business in LA I was at a club in Anaheim called Imperial Theatre. I ended up getting a bunch of dances from an 18 yr old tall brunette prob an inch taller than me (I am 5'11"). She was really hot, a UCI cheerleader and in this vip booth got to feel her really good. I offered her $300 for otc sex at my room but she declined.
3' tall and with a flat head so I have a place to sit my beer!
@ george, jack & clubber: LMFAO @lopaw: crack whore! lol
for me, i do like a "leggy" girl, but at 5'10', they don't seem to respond to me well, so a tall is a welcome fantasy from my real world experience. that said, short girls tend to have better asses, IMHO, and there is something to be said for the gymnastic aspect. also, it's nice to not have to strain to move/lift a bigger girl around for MY gymnastics LOL
verdict: no real preference, but I'll probably pick the shorty if I'm forced to choose.
gillydon: I have exactly the same preference here.
I somehow feel weird if the girl is taller than me without her heels. That's not a match-couple.
But Clubber, neither "C" or "G" are that short !! LOL I should tell "G" what you said. LMAO En Espanol!!
"Personally, I find it a turn-off when a girl is too tall. I define "too tall" as being taller than me, even if she IS wearing 6" heels."
@Doug S - are you doing "it" standing up? Otherwise don't see how it's even an issue except for when you're walking to the back together. A little Tom Cruise-ish, perhaps. Maybe try resting your head on her boobs.
@CTQWERTY: No kidding?! I need to get back to Bogarts... it's been a LONG time. If I could find someone that looked like my profile pic, she could drain my wallet (and me!). I LOVE that silky, shiny, straight long hair! Thanks for the tip!
@Steve229: It's the "standing next to" and "walking with" that bothers me... to me, if she's "towering" over me, she seems less feminine... Amazonian. It's more of a problem ITC, where 6" heels will make anyone over 5'8" too tall. (I'm 5'11") Fortunately it doesn't happen that often when OTCing as they will be wearing street their shoes.
@DougS: I am also bothered by the "standing next to" and "walking with" part every time she led me to the back couch space...since my ATF is just a little bit shorter than me without the heels. I am 173cm, converted as 5'8".
That's another reason why I want to see her OTC. Yes, she seems too tall in the club, you know. lol
Well, true enough, but still love them!
it's not how tall, it's that they're not so heavy it feels like they're crushing my lap! haven't had that happen yet, but had a couple of close calls where one of the 'hefty' ones decided she had to latch onto me....and couldn't seem to take the polite hints to get lost. that said, a short, slender one is nice if she'll let you grab her hips and really start to move them yourself. not as good as ITC, but as close as you can usually get without unzipping!
As you should, Clubber. I like them too, but they are your "dancers" Lol.
I prefer short tall girls with nicely curvacious bodies
I prefer tiny girls because they tend to not press too hard when giving lap dances. They can move around a lot better in the tight quarters of many lap dance areas, not to mention grind a bit faster too.
For me, the tinier the girl, the better.
Better throw an age limit in there!
Doesn't bother me one bit. I've had "faves" from 5'ish to 6'3". The bit of leg man in me leans towards tall dancers- the more leg, the better!
Height doesn't bother me either way...but then again I'm tall so I have the advantage. I've had good times with girls from 5'0 to 6'0. The important thing is that they look good to me.
To answer your question, "Tall or short?" - - YES!
I used to love the petite spinner (and I still do) but in 2003 a 6 foot beauty, with natural double Ds that looked almost small on her lean Amazon frame, convinced me that there IS something special about some tall women. When she put her legs on my shoulders and her tits in my face while grinding her kitty in my lap I came to realize that my preference for short women was bigoted and very short sighted.
@Clubber.. uhh, Dain would be better off if he threw in an age MINIMUM... he could get into trouble if he put a limit on her age! Watch out for the MSNBC camera crew!! [snicker]
Slim "irregawdless" of height, because I like less girl than the usual North American female tends to provide. Sometimes, due to the fact that extra height can enhance the visual appearance of slimness, tallness good; sometimes, due to the fact that extra height fool the observer into a mistaken apprehension of slimness, tallness is bad. Shortness works the same way. A short girl can be very slight but might still appear chunky or average merely because she has less height to stretch her small frame over; or a short girl can appear small because of her low height, but then when you get hold of her you realize it's all blubber anyway.
I love tall girls since I also love looong legs. The taller the better. Has anyone seen any at any clubs recently?
In Florida, south of Miami, Showgirls. 5'10" WITHOUT her heels. Maybe 110 lbs. Scary, in my book!
I'm in agreement with Santiago - height is not nearly as much an issue as weight. Most of my preferred dancers have been spinners but some tall thin beauties have entertained me well. If I'm walking with a girl that's within an inch or two of my height (including her heels) that's good enough for me.
My second ever ATF was about 4'10" and was so small she could sit on my knees and deliver a super BJ. I sure miss that girl!
This is an old thread but an interesting one.
I’ve always been more attracted to short women since I’ve always liked curvaceous women and the shorter ones often seem more stacked. I don’t like the tall thin lanky types. I would take a short curvy one over a tall curvy one but will take a tall curvy one over a short non-curvy one (curvy = voluptuous).
w.r.t. dances – if I am getting dances on a sofa; often times the taller dancers have a harder time bending down (RCG) – but if I’m getting dances on a bar stool; I prefer the tall dancers b/c they can sit their asses on your junk while the shorter ones can often only bump their asses against your junk but not really sit/ride-on-it.
I prefer spinners but in the end they are all cum dumpsters. :)
^^^ Well...!!
I saw a Dancer at Follies who had to be 6'7" she was an amazon woman, I never tried her out though. I'm 6'2" and when she walked by me in those stripper heels she had to be almost 7 foot.
6'7", NO way! I do not find tall dancers attractive.
Like I said before, they're all the same height laying down.
^^^ NOT really.
When your 6'6", every girk is shorter than you even in heels
^^^Esta you're 6 foot 6? You are a tall mofo.
I don't want them too tall or too short. I like them in the 5'3'' to 5'9'' range. I'm 6 foot tall.