Fat Girls Strip Part 2
To those of you who hate fat girls or have something condescending to us - go elsewhere with that bullshit...I was talking to people who understand that not every man wants a skinny broad rubbing her bones against his own...IF YOU DON'T LIKE WHAT I ASK OR SAY THEN IN THE FAMOUS WORDS OF STEVEN MARTIN - YA'LL CAN KISS MY BIG BLACK ASS!!!(SMACK)
To those of you who clearly understood my question, thank you for the advice. And yes - once I start dancing I will lose the weight - but for those assholes who commented rudely, they will forever have that fucked up attitude...so who is the loser now?
To those of you who clearly understood my question, thank you for the advice. And yes - once I start dancing I will lose the weight - but for those assholes who commented rudely, they will forever have that fucked up attitude...so who is the loser now?
Have a nice day.
obviously you have some issues with your weight or you wouldn't be posting here again with that attitude.
male or female there is no excuse for being fat. change your diet, walk, excercize. it doesn't cost anything to move around some and eating less and healthier actually costs less than eating alot of stuff that makes you fat. don't come here blaming us because of your problem, you have the power to change yourself so get off of your ass and do it.
founder, it sure would be nice to have an edit button ;)
Personally I have a weight limit for my dick. And it doesn't register over 120
An awesome personality underneath that BBW can go a long way with some customers.
Cool your jets! This is a stripclub discussion site. The people here (mostly - but not exclusively - guys) are willing and ready to speak out on any subject anyone brings up. Their opinions, including flames and sarcasm, are allowed and we all are subject to being blasted or praised whenever we write anything here.
Personally, I don't get turned on by BBWs but I know many guys (and some girls) do go for the heavies. Others have already posted that attitude is more important and I agree. Don't let these written opinions get under your skin! If you want to dance, dance! Try it. But remember, your "presentation", your demonstrated attitude, WILL make a big difference.
Loplaw speaks for many of us, "An awesome personality underneath that BBW can go a long way with some customers."
Given the comments on this board, I'm likely in the minority, but I don't mind thicker women. If given a choice between a flat-chested, skinny, 19 year old and a thicker, curvier, dancer with a big booty, I'll usually choose the bigger girl every time. Having said that, I don't mean I want a "fat" dancer. Sagging stomachs and cottage cheese thighs are not attractive and anyone that looks like that should not be dancing. So be realistic with yourself.....are you really a BBW or just fat?
jada, despite your defensively aggressive attitude you haven't placed yourself squarely in either category.
I find some women in the first group attractive; I never want to see women in the second with or without clothing. Some husbands/BFs post pictures of their fugly women on the internet.
My reaction is: Impressed that you love and are attracted so much to her but that doesn't extend to publicly posting nauseating pictures of her.
Just ignore those people. You won't have any problems finding customers.
I can state I don't care a lot for the small dancer. I prefer a bit of flesh covering the bones. I like to have something to hold. That said, I would not consider the body style I prefer as fat.