Advice For a Weekend Booty Call

avatar for SnakePlissken
Hello my lecherous friends.

I have good news, and now I need your sage advice. I was talking online to this cute girl I met before I moved to South Carolina, and the topic eventually turned to how "frisky" she's been feeling recently. I ended up arranging it that we're going to meet up Friday night roughly halfway between where we live and shack up in this hotel/spa I found until Sunday.

I know a lot of you guys have done this at least once, probably several times, with GF's or as OTC. Any tips for making it go smoothly and having a lot of fun, other than bringing enough condoms?

I went out and bought some scented bubble bath and some funny sex position cards, and I'm bringing a few bottles of Champagne and rose wine from my apartment, while she's getting some lingerie to model.

Anything else I should buy or arrange before Friday?


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avatar for steve229
14 years ago
Webcam for the TUSCL live video feed...
avatar for SnakePlissken
14 years ago
HA! Yeah, I'll get right on that, Steve.
avatar for shadowcat
14 years ago
Don't forget the portable CD player with some music to "fuck by".
avatar for harrydave
14 years ago
Treat her like a lady. The rest will come naturally. And watch out for the excess drinking. My worst experiences involved too much alcohol.
avatar for georgmicrodong
14 years ago
Dude, you're a Navy officer. Why are you asking a bunch of whoremongers like us how to work a weekend tryst? If it doesn't involve money, how the fuck are *we* gonna know? :))

Seriously, harrydave's got the right of it. Treat her right, and only imbibe enough to relax, then put it away. Oh, and turn your phones off, if you can.
avatar for SnakePlissken
14 years ago
"Oh, and turn your phones off, if you can"

See George, that's the sort of advice I wouldn't have thought of myself that you whoremongers are good for.
avatar for CTQWERTY
14 years ago
A whole weekend with someone new is a looooooooong time.
avatar for SnakePlissken
14 years ago
Sunday we'll have to leave early though, so its really just late Friday, Saturday, and a few hours Sunday.
avatar for Fenster
14 years ago
Blindfold, fuzzy handcuffs, silk scarves (to tie her up with), chair of discipline, tripod for the camcorder.

You can probably borrow that stuff from any Marine ....
avatar for txtittyfan
14 years ago
You will need to perform full body cavity searches to insure she is not a foreign spy.
avatar for dudeanonymous
14 years ago
Bottled water, soda, juice, snacks. A cooler if the room doesn't have a refrigerator. MP3 player with external speakers. Be careful with the bubble bath if it's a jacuzzi tub. The jets might produce enough bubbles to fill the bathroom. I'm thinking a call to hotel maintenance/housecleaning would interrupt your agenda.
avatar for dallas702
14 years ago
Great news, Snake.

You might also try to find something to do outdoors on Saturday afternoon. Rent a boat or canoe for an hour or an hour of horseback riding. It could help give the lady the impression that you are a little interested in her, not just her booty! Plus, the shower when you get back to the room can be fun!!!
avatar for CTQWERTY
14 years ago
Best of luck!
avatar for TommyMoney
14 years ago
Don't try too hard, as laid back can go a long way in these situations. And remember to bring your funny, as it's always a winning play.

And porn. Bring. Some. Porn.
avatar for SnakePlissken
14 years ago
"And porn. Bring. Some. Porn."

Hm, really? I was thinking about this, but was hesitant. Now I guess I'll bring the two hardcore DVD's I own.
avatar for Clubber
14 years ago
avatar for SnakePlissken
14 years ago
I got plenty of that Clubber, don't worry.
avatar for TommyMoney
14 years ago
Porn selection is important; Contrary to what Bree Olson's cooch would have us believe, one size _does not_ fit all.

Without knowing how GGG a particular gal is, I would suggest getting hold of one of the many porn parodies out there ("This ain't Happy Days XXX", "This ain't Seinfeld" "Brady Bunch" "Married with Children", etc.).

While those selections are definitely not for the soloist, they really work on the couples-front. Trust me -- it's battle-tested -- as the familiarity of those shows resonate with the girlies and segue very easily into the fantasy of naughty.

Bringing (appropriate) porn to a rendevous such as yours is akin to raising under-the-gun with pocket aces: you might lose, you might not even get called... but you're an odds-on favorite to win BIG, and it's always the proper play.
avatar for gsv
14 years ago
Haha, very interesting thread regarding bringing the porn.
avatar for SnakePlissken
14 years ago
Wait, I'm confused, are you saying I should leave my Max Hardcore DVD's at home?
avatar for TommyMoney
14 years ago
I'm saying you should bring your Max Hardcore DVD's to the World Series of Poker.
avatar for Realist123
14 years ago
Snake, Yes leave those Max HC's at home unless you know she's very freaky. If you bring porn, bring something of the sort from vivid entertainment, something that tries to have a story whilst also has the fucking you want to see.
avatar for SnakePlissken
14 years ago
I was kidding Realist, I personally find Max Hardcore's work disgusting and would never buy it.

I did run to the local porn store and buy "Not The Brady's XXX: Pussy Power" though, thanks for the recommendations.
avatar for georgmicrodong
14 years ago
Snake, yes, turn off the phones, even if only for the good parts. Learned that one the hard way, I'm afraid. My wife has a tendancy to call at the most inopportune times, and even though I don't answer, it still puts me off. :)
avatar for sharkhunter
14 years ago
I'd ask her what she likes or doesn't like. That usually helps in my opinion. Of course if she doesn't like something, I wouldn't try to get her to accept it. Not at least when you're going to be spending a lot of time together.

Have fun. I'll give the advice I was always given. Don't do anything I wouldn't do but if you do, don't get caught.
avatar for SnakePlissken
14 years ago
Hey guys, just got back from my weekend, thanks for the advice. This chick was by far the dirtiest I've ever been with, think a real life Tory Lane. She asked me to do stuff I thought girls only did in porn because they were getting paid, not because they wanted to in real life, like pulling her hair, getting it naturally conditioned, and getting slapped in the face.

Tommy, your porn idea was golden. Not The Bradys XXX: Pussy Power really got her hooked with the humor, then got her horny with the sex. I am definitely using that DVD again next chance I get.

Thanks again for the advice.

P.S. she also decided that she wants to arrange a threesome with another girl and me sometime in the future. Fingers crossed!
avatar for steve229
14 years ago
Waiting for the video...
avatar for georgmicrodong
14 years ago
Snake: keeper! :)
avatar for farmerart
14 years ago
Should you get called to service, snake; I can fly pretty much anywhere at any time to be your replacement...................................
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