
Your clubs vs. others

Sunday, April 17, 2011 8:22 PM
I just returned home from a ride up the state (Florida). I used TUSCL to pick a couple of clubs to visit in the great not white north. The main thing I found out was that I am glad I was going to return to South Florida! This made me wonder: When you travel... Do you wish your home clubs could be like those you visit during your travels? Do you feel they are about the same? Are you happy to be back in your home clubs? I think you should get the drift.


  • gsv
    13 years ago
    Here in NYC, extras are not common. OTC is possible, with varying results (to be expected). Anything private (champagne room, "blue room"/fully private) is extremely expensive in clubs, but general lap dance quality isn't too bad for the price ($20 a pop, + tip, which I'm typically quite generous with). What's good is that dancer quality tends to be really high, especially at Flashdancers. But as you venture out into other US markets, you'll see a lot more extras and lower prices for private sessions, which if that's what you're looking for, is honestly much better. So I guess when I venture out of NYC the extras are a really nice benefit, but I miss the overall higher quality dancers at places like FD here.
  • mmdv26
    13 years ago
    I am comfortable at my home (fav) club. I understand "how things work" and I believe that I get maximum value. There are a few clubs in distant places that I have visited enough to have developed a high comfort level as well. At a first visit to a club, I think I have enough SC experience to get a handle on how the place works pretty quickly, but inevitably I feel like I have wasted some time or money in the learning process.
  • gsv
    13 years ago
    > I feel like I have wasted some time or money in the learning process. Yeah, that's always going to be the case. There are some different aspects to each club, and it takes some time (+ money) to learn it all. But you've gotta love the fruits of the labor. :D
  • Columbo
    13 years ago
    Living in Atlanta, I'm spoiled on full nude $5 to $10 dances with high mileage in the right clubs. I get sticker shock in other areas.
  • dallas702
    13 years ago
    Clubber, you are right in that you are fortunate living in South FL. Jax is NOT SC paradise! I am there about 8 or 10 times a year and have found that the bikini clubs are generally too expensive and lacking in oomph and the (few) nude clubs are really strange. Where I live (in Georgia but nowhere near ATL) there are few clubs and none of them are good. I look forward to my occasional trips to So. FL or Houston or Dallas. Yes, I wish there were clubs near me like the Miami area, Houston or Detroit clubs. On the other hand, if I lived around Miami I would probably spend WAY TOO MUCH in SCs!
  • shadowcat
    13 years ago
    I consider my favorite club to be my home club even though it is 240 miles away. When I visit during the afternoon, Shelly is the door girl, Sammy is the manager, Danno is the DJ, Sam(Samantha) is the bar tender, Jen and or Matty are the waitress'. Several TUSCLers like to meet me there. gridget always meets me there. Many of the dancers know me by my real name and some also know me as shadowcat.I get 2 for 1 high mileage lap dances for $20. So why would I want them it to be like the Atlanta clubs?
  • mjx01
    13 years ago
    Yes, I wish my home club allowed higher milage. Other than that it's a great club.
  • farmerart
    13 years ago
    You guys should live in Alberta! I swear you Columbus guys would think Columbus is nirvana if you compare your clubs to the Alberta clubs. Lousy Alberta SCs is part of why I am back in business. Toronto and Detroit have spoiled me forever for low mileage SCs.
  • samsung1
    13 years ago
    do they have pasties in Alberta as well? Remember there are no nice nude clubs here in Columbus. Not even topless just "pasties". There is one nude club but it is a dump and never has hot dancers working at it when I go and it is strict on no touching between dancer or customer.
  • Clubber
    13 years ago
    dallas, A couple of things you said, "Jax is NOT SC paradise!" Amen to that, but I did find The Gold Club enjoyable, but limited. The Doll House, a waste. Also, "...if I lived around Miami I would probably spend WAY TOO MUCH in SCs!" I hear that!
  • steve229
    13 years ago
    I have to drive 60+ miles to get to a club I like. I wish I could transplant that club closer to home. But like Dallas says, I would probably spend way too much time and money there if that was the case.
  • vincemichaels
    13 years ago
    Do tell, Clubber. Too bad "C" or "G" didn't do guest stints up in JAX. LOL
  • txtittyfan
    13 years ago
    My club is better than your club always seems to be influenced by your familiarity with the club. To an extent, most clubs become better, the more you become a regular.
  • Rod8432
    13 years ago
    I'm with Columbo that my bang for the buck is pretty good in Atlanta clubs. I just about require nudity to make it worth my while, with ample hand roaming, and occasional extras - all from good-looking unpretentious girls at a price that won't break the bank. Getting all these features together rules out most clubs in other places, with the exception of Bogart's/HT8 near Detroit and Inner Room in Cocoa Beach. I spend a lot of time in South Florida and agree with Clubber and others that it's a happening area for SCs - especially Diamond Dolls in Pompano. It is however, more expensive (~$25/LD), but if $ are not a problem, then it's a fine place to be.
  • Prim0
    13 years ago
    I try to keep this in mind..."could be worse!" Columbus doesn't have the hottest clubs with the best dancers, prices and mileage...but at least it's not some "dry" state or country that has absolutely nothing. And Cbus is but a few hours drive from some great places.
  • georgmicrodong
    13 years ago
    I tend to wish the clubs elsewhere were more like the one's locally. That's partly because of my unfamiliarity with them, of course. On the whole, I like the local clubs, even after the law change. That hasn't stopped dancers from giving head in the back room, thank the gods.
  • rl27
    13 years ago
    Depends on where I am. For instance in the few clubs I tried in Nevada I wished the clubs were more like my favorites in Ohio. When I was in Florida, Georgia and Tennessee I wished the Ohio clubs were more like the out of state clubs.
  • rickdugan
    13 years ago
    Like gsv, my home turf is NYC. I agree with him that extras will not be had in a $20-30 LD area. However, one willing to splurge for a $600+ CR may find a willing girl in some clubs. Also, OTC can be had in many clubs, though the price tag might seem a little high to those coming from warmer Southern climates. I much prefer the clubs in Queens to Manhattan, and they are more reasonable by comparison, but no NYC club is for the light of wallet. ;) I travel a lot and visiting places like South Carolinan, S. Florida, and parts of TX is like going to a third world country from pricing and availability standpoints. The $$$ one pays to get fucked by an attractive dancer in these Southern locales would not get one a quick handy by a relative skank in a NYC club. Gotta' love the South. :)
  • Clubber
    13 years ago
    vm, The one dancer I tried in Jax has worked at Tootsie's, but I can't imagine a reason for a dancer to leave Miami for Jax.
  • Realist123
    13 years ago
    All I know is I am in California and since visiting this board, now know I've been living in the wrong cities. I now know, living in Houston and Detroit are worth all the crimes that happen there. About to move, ASAP!
  • Realist123
    13 years ago
    Also to add I would not mind meeting fellow TUSCLers at their local clubs, I'm in the process of planning a business trip in Maine, which if I drove would take me through very many states, not something I would do if it weren't for SC's but I am feeling the urge to visit dozens of clubs throughout the US this summer. SC Road Trip, Imma Comin' !!
  • txtittyfan
    13 years ago
    N Houston has very low crime rates. In my community, people ride their bikes to stores, parks etc and don't have to lock them when unattended. Violent crimes are rare. People even yield at stop signs.
  • silkypants
    13 years ago
    Not my club. Thanks for supporting your club until I get a chance to visit. After TJ, Indy, and central Florida, Minneapolis just doesn't cut it anymore.
  • chimark
    13 years ago
    I travel a fair amount on business, and when I do I always check out the local scene. I've found that since I'm not recognized, it can sometimes be difficult to get attention from girls as they may have a regular that they want to spend time with, and my experiences are hit and miss. When I hit it's a blast, because it's someone new and different, but I've been known to spend some $ and not have a good time, and sometimes just plain be ignored.... When I go to my normal club, I can pretty much be certain I'll know who I will see and what will happen when I'm there... so they both have their advantages... that being said like others if I lived in Miami, my bank account might be destroyed.... (ps... my travels haven't taken me to Houston until end of next month so I will actually get to check the local scene of that town out for the first time ever... looking forward to that stay tuned for reviews...)
  • rickdugan
    13 years ago
    Realist, if you are coming up 95 you can pretty much skip any club North of Providence, RI. The clubs in MA, NH and Maine generally suck, badly. BTW, feel free to share some reviews from your trip. ;)
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