Time vs. Money In The Clubs

avatar for farmerart
My SC visits are very infrequent these days. Because of this I try to pack as much entertainment as possible into a short evening visit. I have never been shy about spending my cash in the clubs but now, more than ever, I open the wallet wide to talk dancers into 'entertaining' me, a guy that they have never seen before and will likely never see again. I simply do not have the time to cultivate a productive, reasonably priced encounter with a hot dancer. Paying way over the odds will often smooth over a dancer's natural reluctance with a newcomer in her club.

Lambaste me as you will for paying way up for entertainment. If I must spend $1K or more per visit to get what I want I consider it money well spent to achieve my goal in the very few hours available to me per visit.


last comment
avatar for mikeya02
11 years ago
^^^^ I'm pretty sure all of us would do that all of the time if we could afford it.
avatar for Dougster
11 years ago
I think your bankroll can handle it.
avatar for Alucard
11 years ago
^^^ I REALLY HATE to agree with Dougster on anything, but he's right about your bankroll. And your expressed circumstances dictate that methodology.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
11 years ago
The way I see it – if we desire for the dancer to go the extra mile to give us what we want/need; then it’s only fair for us to go the extra mile to give them what they want/need ($$$).
avatar for dallas702
11 years ago
Farmerart, you have the means and the ability to successfully execute a plan many of us wish we were able to duplicate! I manage, on a more meager budget, to achieve a moderately respectable success rate on my visits to SCs. While I agree that, with enough money skillfully applied, almost any dancer will be "available" even to strangers, the qualifier "skillful" is just as important.

With both the social skills to gain a woman's trust and enough money to overcome her reluctance, I agree that you will be almost universally successful. With a much smaller budget, I am successful less often, but I additionally have a little more time to keep trying. That works for me.

What I reasonable presume will not often work is any attempt to "seduce" a dancer without adequate social skills or money. Which, I believe explains the vast numbers of PLs getting only their wallets Hoovered.
avatar for tumblingdice
11 years ago
F.Art,rock out with your cock out.
avatar for Lone_Wolf
11 years ago
Curious, has shelling out so much $ ever backfired and become impediment versus and enabler?

For example, perhaps it attracts ROBS or skilled hustlers that have no intention of providing value and wastes your time.
avatar for jackslash
11 years ago
If you see a dancer only once, she doesn't have time to get to know you or feel comfortable with you. It's hard to charm a woman in an hour or two. Money is the only effective means of getting what you want.

Considering how men behave toward women, I think it's remarkable that they ever let us penetrate them for any reason.
avatar for canny
11 years ago
You have much, much more disposable income than any of the rest of us so go for it. The rest of us can't afford to do that so we go a less expensive route. Whatever works.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
11 years ago
Many finance experts will claim that in today’s society, *time* is more valuable than money.

Some folks of a certain age may often have more $$$ than time; i.e. they will probably run out of time before they run out of $$$.

Something to think about me guess.
avatar for jester214
11 years ago
I'm not really sure what the point of this post is...

But my thought is if you're going to spend 2X, 3X or even 4X the going rate, better options probably exist.
avatar for Dougster
11 years ago
@Dallas: I doubt "social skills" has anything to do with. Just a determination not to get ripped off and the good sense to trust your instincts when it's about to happen. I'll put up alutard as an example. Does anyone believe this fuckhead has anything in the way of "social skills"? If he is even 10% IRL what he is OTI, complete lost cause. Nevertheless doesn't seem to prevent him landing extras. Keeping kidding yourself though that paying a hooker for sex demonstrates anything to do with "social skills" if you need to feel you've accomplished something afterward. You won't be the only fuckhead here (txtittyfan is another) who believes that non-sense.
avatar for Dougster
11 years ago
I think art is a bit of a perfectionist. Obviously can afford it, but feels a ting of guilt about overpaying. Something to do with the Swedish temperament. :-)
avatar for Dougster
11 years ago
Ah, yes, "duktig" seems to be the operative word.
avatar for shadowcat
11 years ago
Art - That's cool. Just stay out of Follies. I can't handle that kind of competition. :)
avatar for Corvus
11 years ago
Art, have fun anyway you want and anytime you can. If I could SC like you described above I'd do it too. Your reviews and stories are great.
avatar for inno123
11 years ago
Fine by me, the guy the drops a thousand dollars becomes part of the mythology that keeps dancers in the club chasing that dream. Looking at the clubs you've reviewed you certainly are overpaying, but you realize that. I am much more frugal and see the same thousand bucks as buying a lot more.
avatar for Otto22
11 years ago
Art, what has been your experience with escorts? Seems for this kind of money you could get a pretty sweet ride.
avatar for farmerart
11 years ago
I didn't really express myself clearly in the original post.

My thesis:

Take the time over multiple visits to cultivate a relationship that permits me to get what shadowcat gets in the club at the price that shadowcat pays. Or......

Pay the higher price to get what you other horndogs get in the short time available to me.

THAT is my dilemma.....Time vs. Cash


I used escorts extensively before I discovered SCs. I really like the sumptuous buffet of dancers available to a discerning horndog diner. Much more enticing than the dial-a-fuck service of escorts.
avatar for Estafador
11 years ago
If work is the cause for the decline in strip club visits obviously something good happened at the work industry for you to clock in dou le the dollars you normally get. Dont sweat the K too much. Some of these guys usually pay that much in total per visit to the strip.
avatar for rickdugan
11 years ago
Art, spend if you have it. If your pockets are that deep and your time that limited, I think that what you are doing is a no-brainer. you don't have the time to cultivate these gals the way shadow does, nor do you club in the same type of environment.

Like shadow said though, just stay away from my favorite club on the night that I am trying to source there. I don't want to be the guy sitting there wondering why the my favorite has blown me off for the night to sit with the sly lookin' fella in overalls who is sitting there like he owns the joint. ;)
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