
avatar for LeeH
Now, I'm not talking about the really weird shit -- though feel free to share that too -- but this seemed like a topic that would engender some good stories.

When C was nervous, she would start (half-unknowingly) affecting this incredibly adorable British accent. It wasn't too long (a few visits) before she got completely comfortable with me, and so (sadly) the affectation went away. She even tried to force it (when I asked where it went), but it really was psychological.


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avatar for Rod84
11 years ago
Had a girl at GoGoRama in NJ insist I taste her feet. Not usually much into that, but I surprise myself sometimes. I chowed down on those little piggies like there was no tomorrow. Sexy as hell, and man was she limber. She could hike her tooties from a sitting position all the way to my waiting mouth.
avatar for londonguy
11 years ago
I haven't got a clue what you are talking about old bean.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
11 years ago
Besides getting unexpectedly bad service – I can’t really recall any eccentric, or unexpected thing, a dancer has ever done.

(Sometimes I have gotten unexpectedly good service like heavy DFKing and even FS for the price of the dances – but nothing eccentric per se).
avatar for motorhead
11 years ago
Not a stripper, but I was with a MP girl and before I even got undressed she wanted to "talk". She told me about her brother who used to masturbate into a sock and when finished, would throw it into the corner so she said she was a little weird about socks.

When I got undressed I started taking off my socks. She angrily said to me: "I TOLD YOU NOT TO TAKE OFF YOUR SOCKS".

So she made me put my socks back on before we got busy. Lol.
avatar for BagBoyJames
11 years ago
One Amp likes to fuck me wearing rain boots in the shower
avatar for BagBoyJames
11 years ago
And their was this one S.O. that had orgasms over craming her fingers into my Ass whole while I was on top drilling her pussy hard
avatar for BagBoyJames
11 years ago
No more filthy stories relay ?
avatar for SlickSpic
11 years ago
I was with this one Asian escort. While at her place, I ended up wearing an apron, with her brand new puppy in a small rucksack over my shoulder, in her garden, trimming roses, while she showered. Long story.
avatar for RTP
11 years ago
I knew a dancer who always wanted to "cut me" and drink my blood. I tried to lead her on to get as much mileage as possible, but no way was she getting a razor blade near any veins of mine.
avatar for zipman68
11 years ago
@RTP...Did Buffy come later that evening a put a steak through the dancer's heart, only to have her turn to dust?
avatar for rockstar666
11 years ago
A CF I had many years ago would start talking like a 5 year old girl when she was very drunk/high or whatever she was doing. She wanted me to act like a pedophile and 'molest' her, but I was very uptight about that kind of role play at the time having a 5 year old daughter myself.
avatar for BagBoyJames
11 years ago
I knew a girl in high school that was into rape.....I enjoyed beating her like a domesticated house wife from the 50s while Ass fucking her like men do in prison...gang style
avatar for Papi_Chulo
11 years ago

That wasn’t that “eccentric” – what guy hasn’t had that experience?

avatar for BagBoyJames
11 years ago
I was took a shit on my x wife once

Goddamn it felt nice
avatar for dallas702
11 years ago
One stripper - many, many years ago - always had a tea pot and tea service ready when I got to her place for OTC. Every time, before I could leave, we sat and had a cuppa'.
avatar for sharkhunter
11 years ago
In one club for several months I often had an electric charge. I told one dancer who said only you. I told her I was going to shock her when she got on stage. After she went up on a side stage I walked over knowing I had a charge. She touched me on top of my head and I could feel the electricity jump out. She said, "you shocked me!". Well I said I was going to since she didn't believe me. I'm not sure what changed but I'm not getting any more electric charges. Haven't seen the dancer either. Maybe it was one of those alternate reality side effects.
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