
Comments by dallas702 (page 30)

  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Give your dog a bone
    No, but I did once walk in a small town strip club with a couple of dozen carnations and passed them out to the dancers. A few of the women might have rated one of your milk bones but most were 7s or 8s. (I had stopped in a grocery store, one town over, to buy beer and the grocery manager gave me the flowers that were left over from some promotion). The flowers were a big hit even with management. I drank for free all night, and never lacked for company. One dancer said she had been having a terrible day but I made her feel good. On a trip to VIP, she returned the favor!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Breathe, breathe in the air
    girls that don't ask for dances
    Occasionally I do see dancers sitting alone or in small groups, ignoring customers and focused on their phones (or not focused at all). A few times I have been around when these "loners" jump up and energetically great a customer just as he enters. My assumption is that these seemingly unfriendly dancers are texting regulars and awaiting the arrival of sure money instead of working the crowd. Other times, it seems they showed up because they had to and are too stoned to function.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    South Carolina
    Managers that act like A**holes
    Not in a Strip Club but at a "high end" bar in Vegas I was cutting through a raised seating area towards an open bar. A young jerk in a poorly cut but expensive looking suit cut me off and said I had to pay $100 to use the "Special Reserved" area. I looked around the nearly empty bar and the completely empty "special" section and laughed. Turned out, that wasn't the best way to calm the guy down. I ended up wasting a half hour talking to the jerk, a security guard, the bar manager, a floor manager and finally the general manager. The last three were very apologetic and even offered comp VIP and drinks even passes to shows. When I left the club was getting busy, but I was certainly no longer in the mood to enjoy the place.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Ass holes, the new vagina?
    It appears to me: that the increased acceptance and availability of porn has had an influence on the 18 to 25 y/o girl. They apparently see so much porn, many of them believe that what they watch is "normal" and behave accordingly. It is certainly true of the clothing young women wear as the stripper/dancer/porn look is more and more often seen in public. And, if the "twerking" at the VMA is any indication, the porn/stripper behavior is also becoming acceptable in public. With acceptance of porn comes some acceptance of "porn" sex. I do not prefer anal, but many young women seem to believe men do prefer her ass. I have even had one dancer tell me that it was her "birth control" (I didn't sample that one!) I am guessing that anal in porn is about pushing taboos and stretching scenes, plus it is acceptable with the male actors since most of them work more "gay" porn than straight. And Jackslash, I don't think the camera can see inside either option you proposed! I only object to the timing. When I was young, I really had to work for every piece of ass I got. Back then, I could go all night and keep going in the morning, but it took most of the night just to get past the "good girl" social requirements. I often had to work for weeks just to get into her bedroom. Now, great sex is everywhere, hot and available. And, now, I can stay up to finish round one, but round two is past my bedtime! Damn!!!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    My plan to save our strip club currency, the US dollar so that strippers still t
    Shark, Read the 14th Amendment, section 4 and the subsequent court decisions on the subject. A default on interest payments on our national debt is not legally possible. Nor is is legally defensible to stop payments on SSI or veteran's pensions - for the same reason. Congress does not have to do anything for both to continue being paid. The US expects to collect $2.5 TRILLION dollars in the current FY 2014. Interest on the national debt will be $230 Billion. Social Security and veteran's pensions will total about $900 Billion. Combined that is still less than half what we will collect and the constitution says that debt and pensions get paid first! The problem is that without more borrowing the government will have to cut back or end other things. Since the press is very liberal, the president is very liberal and the rest of the Democrats are mostly liberal - they do not want to cut social programs, government jobs, agency oversight functions, or give up any of their power and perks. The result is a major press push with scare tactics like the "default" stories and other sky is falling news. The Republicans haven't tried very hard to counter this message, perhaps to retain some bargaining leverage, or maybe just because they don't want to lose any perks either. Whatever happens, the good ole' dollar, the underpinning and anchor of American (US not Canada) strip clubbing, should be safe for the next few years. Canadians don't make it rain, the dancers up there say those loonies hurt!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    What questions do you usually ask dancers who don't say they live in the same sm
    "What questions do you usually ask dancers who don't say they live in the same small town as you but say they attended the local college or lived in an apartment complex?" Q - How much for a BBBJ? Q - What about FS?
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Too many Old Milwalkee's in Milwalkee.
    Don't be too hard on GoVikings for his location confusion. There are three "Silk" clubs in WI and the best known one is in Milwaukee. I have been to the referenced one, and from the looks of the town of Middleton I doubt there is much to do there besides get drunk! Come to think of it, other than protest in Madison there isn't much to do - besides drink - in the whole state of WI.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Why do Civilian Women hate Strippers so much and show hostility towards Strip Cl
    Probably not so "huge" a generalization. I did have a girlfriend (decades ago) who was curious about strippers and very kind (if a little condescending) when she spoke to dancers at a club I took her to. Other "civi" women I have known were very hostile about "those whores" if the subject of SCs every came up. Several women I have known lump Hooters waitresses in with strippers. Jealous, likely. Insecure about their own bodies - also possible. Staking out a position to "protect" her own reputation - very likely.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Are $10 Lappers a "Good Deal"?
    Personal opinion only: at any price a lapper is only a bargain IF you are getting a good or better dance for a great price. I have had $10 lap dances that were total rip offs. I have also had fantastic lap dances from a $1 dance, tip parade. A $10 lapper could be a bargain but, as others have said, the price is probably better for the club than the customer.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Random Ramblings
    I have heard of Pearl Jam. If that is a music group that gets played in SCs I may have even heard their songs. But I assure you I wasn't listening. I don't care for rap, but I can usually tune it out. I'm actually experienced at tuning out music since I don't follow the "popular" artists or crazes. I wasn't impressed with the Elvis craze and that group from England named after some kind of bug didn't sound good to me (not even after they were better known than Jesus). If you ever heard Elvis singing gospel with the Jordanairs you would also know for certain that Elvis wasted his talent on Rock and Roll! OTOH I enjoyed the Commodores, ELO, Moody Blues and early Stones. Hendrix was still experimenting when he died, I would have loved to hear the music he could have made in his 40's.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Ware the frostbite! If you are traveling this month, the sun sets early and the clubs are open late. If you wait until December you'll have to be quick to even see any sunlight. By mid January if you look for sunlight your eyes will freeze! Have fun.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    OT:Carrie Remake
    Sometimes I can believe the old Hollywood saw that the second film ever made was a remake.
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    11 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    BIG things happening in Vegas.
    I know that I am being mean, unfair, biased and prejudicial but, . . . . . Gross. A few extra pounds doesn't make me sick to my stomach (although I would rather not see a floppy gut on a pole) but morbidly obese? Gag! Sick. Please cover that with a muumuu and hide it in a closet.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    The Similarities Between A Hair Cut and A Strip Club ....
    For a short time in the '70s I got haircuts from a woman who seemed to enjoy pressing her inadequately restrained D+ breasts against my shoulders and arms while cutting my hair. Other than that, I have had old men cutting my hair since I was a kid - until last year. My last old man barber retired at age 87 and the nearest barber shop was run by two young spinners. So now I get my hair cut by a 30ish sweet young thing who talks about T-ball and what everybody wore to a rock concert. Unfortunately, she does NOT seem interested in earning extra for lap dances!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Best Pizza
    Slick, I visited the industrial kitchen that later became "Pace" way back before San Antonio had a "River Walk." I remember the stacks of tomatoes, baskets of onions and peppers, the smell of vinegar and the flies. I also remember the flies and filthy floor did nothing to dim the flavor of the salsa. My dad took me there to buy tomatoes and we left with a bushel of those small, hard, red tomatoes and about a gallon of salsa. Good stuff!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Best Pizza
    Slick, Napolitanos do make a mean pie, but I guess I'm just too American because I didn't care for their pizza. Notably, I did enjoy the very different pizza at joint in Fiorenza.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    A little political humor.
    The ACA is socialized insurance designed by a committee consisting of a bunch of urban political aides who never had health insurance before getting hired in D.C. and didn't know the difference between insurance and medical care. (Really) The only help these kids got was from folks from the Washington lobby firms. These confused, misinformed youth (all under 35) didn't even finish the A.C.A. until the night AFTER the Senate vote. Scary, ain't it.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    New York Giants Kill the Strip Club Mood
    You think the Giants are a buzz kill? Try watching the Jax Jagoffs in a club.
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    11 years ago
    Older than dirt
    Road Head
    Decades ago, in my new 320i, my non stripper girlfriend was leaning over the parking brake into my lap (proving to my satisfaction that Shadowcat's story is true). For the first time in our relationship she swallowed, then she looked up at me and said, "I have never been to a strip club." Now, this topic has me wondering, is there a connection between strip clubs and road head?
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Best Pizza
    People from the NY area generally insist that a thin crust with "gravy", cheese and nothing else but dripping grease is a pizza. In Chicago they insist on a thicker crust loaded with thick cheese and "extras." (the only extras you can get in Chicago come on pizza!) On the left coast they seem to think that toasted flatbread with organic tomatoes and cilantro is a pizza. For me, if it's got a crust, tomato sauce, cheese and meat and it is served hot, I'll call it a pizza and eat it.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Would you quit clubbing if prices increased?
    If I lived in one of the many areas where dances were air or one way touch, yes, I probably would quit going if prices went up (if I were going at all). In those disadvantaged places (like Ohio) I am not sure I would ever bother going. OTOH, it would take a rather extreme increase in cost to keep me out of clubs where the action is hot.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    How many is enough?
    Done two women on several occasions. The least of those was great. I stumbled into a 'me plus three girls' one time. It happened when a girlfriend and I were getting hot and heavy just as her two "best friends" barged into her apartment. After a few awkward minutes, and a lot of wine, my girlfriend decided to up the game. I don't regret the experience but it wasn't as good as a threesome. A few weeks later that girlfriend broke up with me because I fucked her girlfriends! It's not just strippers that get crazy. Speaking of strippers, nearly every time I have had two at once for a lapdance or VIP it has bee disappointing. So there IS a difference.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Top 10 Strip Clubs In the World
    The story is either extremely dated or the writer failed to do any actual research. The number one club, Hot Lap Dance, was raided and closed back in 2008 or 2009. I don't think it (or any copycat) reopened.
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    11 years ago
    North Carolina
    when it comes down to it
    Certainly it matters. If I am in the mood for chocolate dessert, a blond will not do the trick. An Asian is not European and fantasies are built around visual cues for many of us. Sometimes, even when it matters, the other girl is just too hot to ignore.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Off Topic
    To answer the original questions, D and D. When one party refuses to negotiate, that does not mean the other party is "wrong." Note that only 18% of the Federal government is "shut down." Of more than 3.5 Million people paid salaries by the Federal government, ONLY something less than 800,000 actually received "furlough" notices and some of them are on the job. In spite of the intense press blitz with news readers screaming at us from all over the country about the "disaster" created by not "funding" government and the $30 to $50 million per day this "shut down" is costing us, there is actually little impact on citizens. If you are on vacation, fed parks are closed, and forget about getting a passport, but all the alphabet agencies are still reading your emails and checking on your cell phone usage. The military is being paid. The IRS is still collecting taxes (but not issuing refunds). In truth, even the media claims of "additional cost" for this reduction in government services is wrong. While it is true that many agencies spend more to "prepare" for a shutdown and there are security costs involved in closing offices, if this reduction in service lasts over 6 days, the total cost of federal government will go down until more money is authorized. I am not even sure it is a bad idea to fail to increase the borrowing limit. If the US does NOT increase the "debt ceiling" government will have to reduce services and expenditures. That does not necessarily mean a default on existing debt. The US government collected over $2.5 TRILLION in taxes for FY 2013 (ended 9/30/2013), that is more than any year EVER. In spite of record tax collections the Feds spent and additional $885 Billion. If we spent less on Islamic TV stations, aid to countries that hate us, UN support, food subsidies, DOJ suits against states that arrest illegal aliens, drug raids and cell phones for welfare receivers maybe, just maybe we could manage to pay our debts and provide appropriate government services.