
Dancing My Way Through School

Friday, October 25, 2013 6:13 PM
Good evening on a slow Friday. Hopefully this means that most of y'all are clubbing or watching BYU v. Boise St. Anyways, we all have heard the line from dancers that they're dancing to put themselves through school. We make fun of this shit, constantly. It's easy. That being said, I've actually known a few dancers where this line happened to ring true as opposed to being ss. Lately, I've been spending time with a dancer at her school. It's cool to see that for some dancers, they actually have a plan for their lives outside of dancing. You can't dance forever. Anybody out there with any similar experiences?


  • gawker
    11 years ago
    I have one fave who is an inveterate reader. I've discussed everything from Conrad to JK Rowling with her. When I first met her 4 or 5 years ago, she was 21 years old and was taking two courses at a community college. She had dreams and direction. I got distracted by my ATF and lost track of her. About a year ago she texted me and we've gotten together several times ITC & a couple of times OTC. She spent a year traveling around the world with a very wealthy businessman as his companion, got through a breakup and is now at age 25 is back dancing and taking courses again. This time she's wearing a Rolex (and nothing else).
  • shadowcat
    11 years ago
    I met a dancer about 12 years ago that I had heard had not only put herself through USC(Carolina)but now had tenure there. She was a good looking blond that I would rate an 8+. She was still dancing on weekends and during vacations. I asked her what she taught and she told me theatre & public speaking. Last I heard she was still teaching at Clemson.
  • Clackport
    11 years ago
    I've known a few of them that were dancing their way through school. When I was in college a couple of years ago I saw a couple of them at my school. Shit one of them was in one of my classes! So yes it does happen, but it's rare.
  • Club_Goer_Seattle
    11 years ago
    Somewhat related: I knew a dancer for about six months, until she quit dancing. She later enrolled in a dental assisting curriculum at a local community college. The faculty advises the students to get their friends to come in as patients. So I did. This tall boobulous dancer (among my profile pics) was now in medical scrubs handing tools to the dentist as I had my teeth cleaned. When the dentist was away from my chair for a moment, we both joked how different she looked in scrubs as opposed to what she looked like when dancing.
  • Ermita_Nights
    11 years ago
    I know two who are in school now. Both verified via FB profiles. And I've known at least one who lied about being in school. I also had a friend in school who got a job as a stripper but never went to see her at the club.
  • farmerart
    11 years ago
    @gawker, A stripper who reads Joseph Conrad? A Pole who wrote some of the most sophisticated English language novels of the last 125 years? The author who introduced me to stream of consciousness techniques? A stripper who could talk intelligently about this author?............A STRIPPER?? In this world? The horror! The horror!! The horror!!!
  • jackslash
    11 years ago
    The strippers I know are dancing their way through drug and alcohol addiction.
  • tumblingdice
    11 years ago
    I am constantly schooling strippers.Classroom subjects include: Faster Don't stop That was only four songs Yep! It does make you look fat Lose my number
  • georgmicrodong
    11 years ago
    The most memorable for me was talking intelligently about warp drive technology. The (potentially) real ones, not the science fiction variety.
  • mjx01
    11 years ago
    xATF and one other dancer I knew were both going to college while dancing. Never heard what happened to the other girl... but xATF is still dancing even though she did finish her degree.
  • yndy
    11 years ago
    A now-retired, short-term fav of mine graduated as a RN (verified by college's online grad list). I'm sure she's doing a great job at that. Others have studied medical assisting and are now working in doctor offices.
  • SlickSpic
    11 years ago
    @yndy-funny how all the dancers who really do go to school are in the medical industry. Makes sense, makes money. I only know of one dancer who went to law school.
  • crazyjoe
    11 years ago
    They all seem to turn into hair stylists. One of mynold faves owns her own hair salon now
  • sharkhunter
    11 years ago
    I remember meeting a dancer who was going to graduate with a law degree in a matter of months. She told me what she was majoring in but I had trouble hearing due to the noise, so she just said she was going to be a lawyer. I don't meet too many future lawyers working as strippers. I've met future dental hygienists, nurses, veteranians, and a few other professions. I once met a very intelligent dancer, very pretty too, who told me she already graduated with a degree she could use for a job but she compared the starting salary to what she could do stripping while she was young and hot and decided to strip for at least a few more years. I think she said she was making over 80k a year almost tax free stripping but a regular job wouldn't pay her close to that starting out. This was around 12 years ago when strip clubs were busy.
  • dallas702
    11 years ago
    Like Farmerart, I have encountered the supposedly intelligent and educated stripper. One dancer (in a Dallas club) actually named, properly, the 3rd Emperor of Rome as Gaius Julius Ceasar Augustus Germanicus as well as his childhood nickname of "little boots" (Caligula). But she proved her diminished capacity when she repeated the rumors of Tiberius' depravity as cause of Caligula's unpopular rule. Everyone knows Caligula was already 19 years old when he went to live with uncle Tiberius and Caligula had either STDs or a bad press secretary. Still, I was sufficiently astounded by her minimal knowledge that I allowed her to dance for me, and give me her number - for future discussions!
  • rl27
    11 years ago
    Over the years several over my favorites stripped to pay to go to college, and all but one quit dancing shortly after graduating. The one who didn't quit a year later after she landed her job. I know of three who became nurses, two that were dental assistants, one a fashion designer, and one an automotive designer, and one is an accountant where I work at.
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