
Comments by hornytoad085

  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Zack and Miri make a porno
    horndogs be aware there is no nudity by traci lords in this movie, just another actress (or two) harmless comedy, definitely had its moments but i would say orgazmo was slightly better, as was "nacktschnecken" (austrian version of the same kind of movie, can be pulled off of bittorrent depending on seeders)
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    no longer customer, beyond
    That's interesting what you said about nurses/nursing students. It makes a lot of sense, although my theory was something more along the lines of having a job (nursing) which requires an almost complete suppression of one's sexuality if not emotionality translating into having a part-time job which requires almost the complete opposite. I would not have thought nurses are so needy to feel useful, although I think many doctors are somewhat the same way so maybe it's something peculiar to being a medical professional.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    DATY in the VIP
    As something slightly off-topic do you guys have any precautionary procedures for afterwards? I'm asking because there's a dancer I'm thinking about asking to do this with, but a few months ago I noticed a cold sore on her (facial) lip and it freaks me out a little bit. (I know there's different kinds of herpes viruses but I've never done DATY ITC before.) My current somewhat half-assed plan, taken indirectly from the Ron Jeremy school of hygiene (which nevertheless seems to have worked for him), is to order a vodka on the rocks as soon as I'm done and gargle with it and spit it back in the glass while hopefully not looking too odd, to kill potential cooties. I don't particularly want to bring a dental dam with me into a SC and please, no "spitter" jokes.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Learning the truth (about dating Dancers)
    I would say it depends on what you want out of your relationship with her. If you're ok with just getting action and not knowing the truth then continue on like you never heard otherwise. If you *have* to know for whatever reason then confront her about it (in a non-threatening way). Just make sure you're ready for her response, whatever it turns out to be. Other things you might want to think about: Who do you believe right now? Your S or the one from the old club? Did the other one know you are dating the one who left? How did the topic come up? A lot of interpretation can be made from the way a woman says something. Also, which bothers you more--the fact that she might have lied or the fact that she might be doing the nasty with customers in the present? (I know they're related.) How would you feel if she admitted she was doing it, but really cared for you? (and you believed her) A lot of questions I know but there are a lot of angles to this one. Whatever else you do I would not break up with her without finding out what the deal was first (to your own satisfaction). I have a tendency to do things like that, and it can lead to regrets. I don't envy you right now. I'd be interested in hearing what happens, if you're comfortable sharing. Good luck
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Compliments? Do you feel good giving them and or receiving them or are they just
    I don't give them unless there's at least an element of truth to it, I figure they hear so much BS that their radar is fine-tuned to the point of absurdity. Also I try to give compliments which are as unusual as possible, without being weird, things other posters mentioned like hair, eyes, smell, etc. I read an online article about how to talk to strippers one time and the guy recommended constructive criticism as the best way to get real with them--like saying oh that color dress is too bright against your skin or whatever. Apparently his theory was that they hear so much positive BS that some non-hostile critiquing is refreshing and interesting for them. The only absolute no-no I think is anything related to breasts, even the most positive compliment you can think of. Women in general tend to think men are weird for being obsessed with breasts (IMO) and strippers are 10x more so.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    no longer customer, beyond
    My reaction would be to say do whatever you want to do. If you're happy with the situation, keep it as it is, regardless of whether it might make you somehow like other girls who do it for money in the eyes of some. If you feel truly feel uneasy about it then you need to decide what you want out of the relationship--do you want to marry him, live with him, see him more often, or just tell him how you feel? Something else you may want to think about it is, what comes to mind when you think about meeting someone else? You said you're too busy for much socializing, but also that you wouldn't want to date someone who was ok with you dancing—sounds like a Catch 22. Do you have a long-term life plan in terms of getting married? If so, presumably that would then require you to stop dancing, which sounds possible for you at the financial level. The analogy about the girl who was sleeping with her father was a little off and doesn't really pertain to you I think. P.S. Why do so many nurses/nursing students work in SCs? (I've met at least a half-dozen.) I know the logistical arguments--good money for nursing school, etc., and I have my own personal psychosocial theories as well, but what's your take on it?
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    other websites?
    www.stripclublist.com but the posting system is archaic and the amount of information on the screen(s) (ads mostly) is irritating
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Dancer names
    I also assume that their chosen name also reflects some part of their psychology, in terms how they want to be perceived ("Bubbles" wants to be thought of as bubbly, etc.) I'm surprised one poster said that around half the ones he knows use their real name, that's unheard of in my experience (they may tell you on the side but to use it on stage? I don't think I've ever encountered that.) I'm also curious how to find out so much information on one of them so easily, do you have to be a P.I. or something? (or pay out the wazoo?) Just asking…
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    New York
    Sweet smell of strippers
    I'm with ozymandias--I can't stand the smell--body lotion and B.O. (both male and female)--cigarettes are an improvement that cover it up, although I don't really like girls who smoke. There have been times when I've walked into Flashdancers in NYC (below street level, which I think adds to the funk)--the only phrase I could think of to describe the aroma was "trapped beaver".
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Celeb Lookalikes?
    The Catherine Zeta-Jones look-alike was apparently back for March, but has returned to her real life in another part of the world. Her name at Delilah's is "Eva" for those who are interested.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Asking a dancer can you take her picture?
    FWIW I was in a club in Hamburg years ago and everybody and their mother was taking pictures with their cellphone cameras, the dancers even walked around and would pose with you. There were also *male* dancers, and about two hundred people in a space which in the States would allow maybe seventy-five at most for safety reasons (fire code), so it was definitely a different scene.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Free Porn Sites
    They talk more about the dancers using names and details.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Free Porn Sites
    How about a free password to www.stripclublist.com? Now there's something I could *really* use. ;-)
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Celeb Lookalikes?
    There was a dancer who used to work at Delilah's in Philly who looked a lot like Catherine Zeta-Jones, I told her it one time and before I was halfway through the sentence she was like "Yeah, I know, I know."
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    When is it time to find new favorites?
    Whenever you *feel* like finding a new one. It's completely subjective and personal.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    Suggestion: Post user's # of reviews (or seniority) by name
    Lots of sites have ratings system with ranks taken from the subject matter of the site…like a military site with private, sergeant, lieutenant, etc. Tuscl could have its own system. My offhand suggestions? Virgin (up to 10 reviews) First Kiss 10-20 Make-out Artist 20-30 Groper 30-40 69er 40-60 Casanova 60+ what are others' suggestions? we could design a system by popular vote
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Google help needed (again)
    did it
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    buying dancers drinks
    I read once somewhere that selling drinks is how the clubs actually make most of their money (the dancers are "independent contractors" so they get *most* of the LD fee). So this is why the girls tend to ask so quickly for a drink, they're trying to meet their quota for the club or whatever. I've also noticed sometimes that the waitress will be *very* specific about who gets which drink, even if you ordered the same thing. Presumably this is because the dancer's drink is watered down, to save the club money on liquor as well as keep the dancer from getting sloshed and using poor judgment. P.S. I used to always say yes whenever a dancer asked if I would buy her a drink, but after reading this thread I've realized trying to get anywhere in a SC displaying "gentlemanly" behavior is a fool's errand, I'm not going to do it anymore unless I *really really* like the dancer (which is rare).
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    What the hell is she doing?
    This didn't happen to me but a friend of mine and I went to the Delilah's in Toms River...we were sitting at the bar and the dancers that just came off the stage were doing their dollar parade. It's fully nude so one of them is right in front of my friend and she fingers her pussy a little bit, puts her hand right in his face and flicks her middle finger at him. Nothing visibly flew off her finger but it was a weird one--I'm still not sure if it meant she liked him or she was pissed at him because he was staring too closely into the "eye of the sun" as we call it (it's tempting, but you regret it if you look too long.) Recently a Hungarian stripper at Scruple's in Bridgeport took off my glasses when I was sitting at the stage, folded the arms and put them in the front of her bikini bottom and danced another two songs with them in there. When I got them back they were a smudged (I was actually a little nervous about it because they are new glasses and were pretty expensive with thin frames).
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Club in Northeast with lots of Russians?
    Thanks for the Sayreville recommendation, ironically I think it was a Delilah's in South Amboy (next town over practically) which is the one that got "de-Russified" (maybe they just all moved over). Wondergrl--you're referring to Smiles II in Ledgewood?
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Female patrons in stripclubs
    I don't particularly care for it—I think I subconsciously assume they're man-hating feminists doing academic research, unless they're with their SO—in which case I don't care for it because they're already with someone. In any case, I don't think I've ever seen a female patron in a SC that I considered attractive, for whatever reason.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Don't you hate it when you realize the dancer sitting next to you is sick?
    Yeah, it's also a drag because I know when I'm sick I'm really don't have much energy so you can pretty much take for granted that the dance is going to be "uninspired". How about ones with cold sores? That's happened to me a couple times. Dancers I had already used in the past come up to you and are all friendly and even with the bad lighting you can notice a nasty cold sore around their mouth. Now *that* should be grounds for not showing up for work, at least at a SC! (Oddly enough, they were much friendlier than they normally were--maybe because they weren't making any money off the other guys, or maybe because they thought if they were really nice you might not notice it? Who knows.)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Getting ID'd or patted down. Does it bother you?
    Most of the clubs in Philly have metal detectors. It makes it feel a little more sordid and low-class, unfortunately. Pat-downs do the same for me, although they tend to be rare in my experience.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    What the hell is she doing?
    Hmm…what is "high mileage" with a snake? Never mind, I don't want to know!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Jealous Dancers?
    I've noticed it before, I'm never sure if it's strictly money-driven or to what extent something might be at play...I tend to be a "nice guy" who gets to know a certain girl somewhat, and be a repeat customer, but of course I know about the financial aspect. I think someone else above alluded to something insightful--strippers (sorry, "dancers") tend to have a weird mixed-up sense of certain things like public/private boundaries--which is maybe why they become dancers in the first place. So, for them they can have a personal attachment to a "customer" even they might never consider meeting him OTC, and might still get really jealous if he "picks" another girl over them (even though that also is strictly an ITC "relationship"). Most dancers are extremely insecure as well IME, so practically *anything* can make them feel threatened.