buying dancers drinks

avatar for heaffer
does club tell dancers to ask for drinks, are they real drinks, do dancers make money from this, is this something all of you avoid doing. the club i visit they always seem to ask for a drink.


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avatar for SuperDude
17 years ago
In Detroit a mixed drink for a customer is $8. Same drink for a dancer is $11.00. Dancers always ask for drinks, which is why so many of them have drunk driving convictions.
avatar for casualguy
17 years ago
I find it very irritating if a dancer sits down with me and then before I can even talk to her, a waitress comes over and asks if I would like to buy the lady a drink. I want the opportunity to at least ask a couple of questions to the dancer.

There are blue laws in my area for Saturday night so I don't get bothered at all after midnight.
avatar for casualguy
17 years ago
I do remember a couple of times I declined to get an order from the waitress who seemed to be just waiting to pounce after a dancer sat down with me. Those two times the dancer said something like "good choice". I thought that was a great comment for the dancer to get on my good side rather than act like she's being cheated out of drink or something or can't wait to leave.

What is even more irritating is when you're in a rare buying mood and agree to buy a dancer a drink. Then she walks off, doesn't come back for a while, then finally picks up the drink acting like she forget about it and then walks back off. This seems to happen about 5 to 10 percent of the time I do agree to buy a dancer a drink and is extremely irritating I believe. Most of the time I say NO or no thanks when dancers ask for drinks.
avatar for casualguy
17 years ago
I do remember a couple of times dancers more than made up the cost of the drink I paid for when we got back to the lap dance area. One dancer even subtracted the cost of the drink off her 2 for one lap dance price.
avatar for parodyman-->
17 years ago
My favorite club, SCORES in Stone Park, the drinks are the same price for customers and dancers. Since I usualy only sit with my favorites I do not mind buying a couple of drinks. Plus they are real drinks not some bullshit low alcohol drink for the dancer.
avatar for Clubber
17 years ago
I most always bought a drink for my favorite bartender, but not so often for the dancers, unless they were favorites. The club, under new ownership, no longer allows my favorite bartender to drink. She does, at times, sneak one to the restroom and drink it there. My ATF never drank alcohol, but I always bought her water. It was only $2. Most clubs where I did buy drinks, were only about $8.

If a bartender comes right over and asks me, I say I'll let her know when I'll buy, if I do. Then, I'll usually ask the dancer if they get a cut on the drinks. If they say yes, then I tell them, I'd rather give them all the money, rather than to the club. THAT has gotten me some excellent treatment at times. And I do believe, in my area, it is common for the clubs to cut the dancers in on the over priced drinks. When I have purchased drinks, I have sometimes asked the dancer if I can taste it since I only drink beer. All have been real drinks.
avatar for DandyDan
17 years ago
This is one reason why I used to avoid this one club (back when it was open) even though they had a higher quality of dancer compared to the other ones I went to back then. As far as I'm concerned, if she wanted a drink, she would have gone up to the bar and got one already. One of my favorites would dance there once in a while and she would always reimburse me, which was weird in the end, because I would always go to the stage and tip her the money anyway.

One thing I hate about those type of places is they never seem to actually drink their drink. I think the only one who ever benefits from this financial exchange is the waitress.
avatar for motorhead
17 years ago
I prefer nude clubs, so no alcohol is served in the clubs I visit. Water and soft drinks are free for customers, but the club still tries to get away with bullshit $10 bottles of water and cans of Red Bull for dancers. My ATF is very mindful of this and tells me not to buy her drinks. Despite the pushy waitresses, I decline the drinks and simply go to bar and get her the free drinks.

And I agree with DandyDan....the times I have bought dancers high priced alcoholic drinks, often times they don't touch it.
avatar for TessieV
17 years ago
In a club where the drinks are real, buying a girl a drink can definitely pay off when it's time for the lap dance ;)
avatar for wondergrl5
17 years ago
See at my club its BYOB so if you choose to share one of yours its cool .But we bring in our own.
avatar for Clubber
17 years ago
I can't think of a time that I bought a drink that was left standing, or the dancer took it and walked away. I think if one did that to me, I would follow her and tell her next potential victim.
avatar for njscfan
17 years ago
I usually offer to buy them a drink without being asked. Guess that makes me a sucker, but I would do the same thing anytime I sat next to a woman at a bar. I don't find it to be burdensome and it seems like a normal way to break the ice.
avatar for ShotDisc
17 years ago
I have only bought drinks for dancers maybe a half a dozen times in 20 yrs. And those were for friends or favs.
avatar for snowtime
17 years ago
I rarely buy a dancer a drink. I would assume that if she wanted a drink she would have already gotten one for herself. Since her purpose in sitting with me is to try and get me to do a lap dance I don't think they care if you buy them one or not. Whatever money I decide to spend on her will be for dances not overpriced and unwanted drinks. I too have noticed other customers buy dancers a drink only to see the dancer walk away and leave the drink untouched. The waitress and the owner are the only beneficiaries of this transaction.
avatar for shadowcat
17 years ago
At my favorite club, dancer drinks are the same price as customers. I only have a
couple of favorites that drink while working. I will buy them drinks because they remind me that I get better dances when they have had a few drinks. My 1st ATF would never let me buy her a drink. "I won't pay those prices, so I don't expect you to either". She kept a bottle in her locker for when he wanted one.

My worst experience with buying them drinks was at my favorite club. About 3 years ago I met a dancer new to me. I bought her a drink and we went to the couch room. Outstanding dance. The next time I saw her I didn't buy a drink (She did not ask me to). We went to the lap dance room and the dance was lousy. The 3rd time we met, she did not ask for a drink but did ask for a dance. I asked what kind it was going to be outstanding or lousy. She explained that on our 2nd meeting she had issues and this one would be better. Well it was better than the last one but not nearly as good as our first meeting. On our 4th meeting, she had just come out of the dressing room. She asked me to buy her a drink. Remembering our first time together I agreed and ordered her drink. Before the waitress got back with the drink, she asked me if I was going to be there for awhile. "Yes". She then asked permission to go talk to these guys at another table. "Ok' She came back an hour later after having taken one of them to the couch room. Took her drink in one gulp, said thanks, and walked off. She is still working there. Stage name Sydney. Real name Erna. She deserves that real name. We have not talked since.
avatar for MisterGuy
17 years ago
Whether the club charges more money for a dancer's drinks or not, it's just another way for the club to make money off you. Some places will require dancers to get so many drinks bought for them in a night. I usually don't mind buying a girl a drink in a's the gentleman in me...but more than one drink is just asking for trouble.

I had an old bat stripper try and do that to me in Montreal, then she tried to give me a discounted set of dances, "only tree for price of two" (in her French accent) & she got a big NO from me. I might even offer to buy a dancer a drink on a rare occasion...what a guy I
avatar for DandyDan
17 years ago
I have to agree with wondergrl when it comes to BYOB places. I always try to share (at least when its permissible), since I usually have more than I can drink, and the ones who get the beer are usually the best dancers in the VIP. One of my favorites will even drink a can of Old Style, which is amazing, considering that isn't the greatest beer in history.
avatar for harrydave
17 years ago
The clubs in Columbus OH specialized in the drink hustle. Typically, a modest (weak) drink for the girl is $20, and she gets 50 or 60% of that. Now the lap dance prices are high, so it seems some of the girls are stuck hustling for drinks just to make money. One bikini club I recently visited actually has stage dancing, but no table/lap dances. The girls there are forced to grub for dollars on stage, and grub for drinks off stage. It's no wonder most of the clubs in Columbus are poorly attended, expecially week nights.
avatar for magicrat
17 years ago
I don't have a problem buying dancers drinks, but I've never been to a club where the prices are as outrageous as some have mentioned here. My line to the dancer if I buy her two drinks is "I'm going to get you drunk and take advantage of you." The response sometimes gives you an indication of how much (or how little) fun you may have later. My favorite dancer's reply was "You can't take advantage of the willing." Take a guess how her dances were!
avatar for rootman
17 years ago
I'll buy at regular prices. It's part of the gig and the club expects the girls to do some of that. $15-$20 drinks.
avatar for pop
17 years ago
I enjoy buying dancers regular drinks at regular prices. You may be surprised how well that works out at my home club. Any club with regular drinks at decent prices will get a look from me. I really dislike the hustle drinks but have bought a few because there are places where it's the only game in town.
avatar for wondergrl5
17 years ago
I need a damn drink
avatar for crizgolfer
17 years ago
If wondergrl wants a drink..then wondergrl gets a drink...
avatar for MisterGuy
17 years ago
Nobody puts wondergrl in a corner...
avatar for Notsosly
17 years ago
I hate drink hustlers. I don't always blame the girl, since it's usually management pusing it, but not always.

I especially hated when a girl came up, talked to me for a few seconds then motioned to the empty chair at the bar next to me and said "mind if I sit and have a drink with you?" Since I'd been to the club before and knew many of the girls drank on their own dime, I said "sure." Then the bartender told me I owed him $8. I looked at him blankly, and said for what?! "For my drink," the dancer said. "Seriously? I thought you were buying it. ...whatever." and then gave the money to the bartender. As I did, I said I didn't realize that's how it worked... the way she said it I thought she was buying her own drink. Since I had been there for about 2 hours already (along with several trips before where I spent a decent amount) the bartender apologized. He still took my money though. But in his defense, he took the dancer aside and read her a riot act I think. She then came back, apologized to me, and then bought my next drink for me! I felt bad, and so did she, and she ended up hanging out with me for another 45 minutes. I also eventually got 3 $25 LDs from her, and they were damn good.

Doubt that will ever happen again though! They definitely made me a loyal customer though.
avatar for peaceful72
17 years ago
Oh, man - it seems like a couple times, once at a club in Atlanta, and once at a club in Las Vegas, they were taking it way too far, but it wasn't the drinks themselves. There was someone coming around with little trays of stupid trinkets like keychains and cigarette cases and all sorts of absurd crap, and there was this whole routine about, "Do you want to buy your dancer a little glittery purse," etc. I'm usually willing to play the game to a point, but I believe in both of those cases I laughed them off. But I will usually buy the drinks if the girl is drinking when we're hanging out -- I've never been stung on the drinks prices or hustle, though, and I would lose patience if that seemed to be some important approach to revenue for the club.
avatar for wondergrl5
17 years ago
Well corners do afford some privacy LOL
Honestly if Im offered a drink I decline since Im away I have to drive home. But when I want one I buy it on my own. Usuallt wen someone sees me down a 16 oz wine spritzer (yuck) in 3 secs flat they offer me a beer. (which is what I prefer to fruity crap) Sometimes the managers will sneak me some hard stuff if I mix up drinks for all of them.
avatar for Jpac73
17 years ago
Half of the dancers that ask for drinks are probably doing it on their on will. They figure why spend their money when they can find some guy to buy it for them. I don't know about all clubs but as some clubs dancers already get a free drink on the house. One of my old favorites used her "free" dancer drink on me. She stated that she had stopped drinking so she felt that I could use it instead.
avatar for hornytoad085
17 years ago
I read once somewhere that selling drinks is how the clubs actually make most of their money (the dancers are "independent contractors" so they get *most* of the LD fee). So this is why the girls tend to ask so quickly for a drink, they're trying to meet their quota for the club or whatever.

I've also noticed sometimes that the waitress will be *very* specific about who gets which drink, even if you ordered the same thing. Presumably this is because the dancer's drink is watered down, to save the club money on liquor as well as keep the dancer from getting sloshed and using poor judgment.

P.S. I used to always say yes whenever a dancer asked if I would buy her a drink, but after reading this thread I've realized trying to get anywhere in a SC displaying "gentlemanly" behavior is a fool's errand, I'm not going to do it anymore unless I *really really* like the dancer (which is rare).
avatar for Clubber
17 years ago
After seeing all of wondergrl05's many posts, I just can't believe I missed her when she was in Florida! She might have taken all my money back with her. Well, no she wouldn't have done that, but she likely would have some of it!
avatar for MisterGuy
17 years ago
Just give her the money hornytoad...she'll likely like that better. Well, I'm not surprised you missed her clubber...she flies in one of those invisible planes... ;)
avatar for shadowcat
17 years ago
Maybe she likes me better than Bones? I know what airport she flew out of, what air line, her destination, where she was staying, who was in her party and the purpose of her trip. Or maybe she is just using me to get to Bones. LOL... I am waiting for the pictures, sweetie.
avatar for wondergrl5
17 years ago
Florida was a pleasure trip clubber so I wouldnt accept any money. A drink? maybe.
Shadowcat MY GOODNEESS the pics came out horrible!!! A crowded club and me trying to figure out the new camera phone AFTER a couple drinks. They are a blur. LOL
avatar for FONDL
17 years ago
Every club is different. In many clubs the girls are required to get customers to buy a certain number of drinks for them or they have to pay for the drinks themselves at the end of their shift. So in such places buying the girl a drink is equivalent to tipping her. My ATF worked in a club where they had to sell 6 drinks each shift - she didn't bother because she was making so much money she didn't mind paying for them herself. She probably made more money by not hustling drinks, guys appreciated it. I never bought her more than 1 drink because that's all she ever wanted.

I always do what Clubber does - I ask the girl how it works, then tell her I'd rather give her all of the money and not spilt it with the house. So if she still wants a drink, in essence she's paying for it herself. I especially dislike the "dancer drinks" where you pay more for less and they're almost always non-alcoholic.
avatar for Mikeybush
17 years ago
Well, for many years, you go to a strip joint in downtown Boston and your only real income was hustling drinks...the old $110 bottle of $8 Korbel and so forth. The tips were marginal and table dances were non-existant. It really depends on the club and the strip joint now. I go to clubs in RI now, downtown Providence mostly, regular bar drinks... just good times to be had. I'm not a big fan of champagne clubs, but girls make money how they club rules allow.
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