Free Porn Sites

avatar for harrison
Anyone got any good free porn sites or real password sites.

Here are my favorites... You must register for this but is has lots of content and I have never had a problem. This site has lots of links to pay sites with movies and pics by category. See the link on the right under Menu for Porn Videos for longer movies

For password sites about the only one I consistently find a couple working passes is They also always have 2-4 sites near the top of the list that always work,some with lots of content. also has a lot of free content and occasional working passes.

Do you guys have others ?


last comment
avatar for founder
17 years ago
harrison, I hate password sharing sites.
avatar for shadowcat
17 years ago takes care of all of my music or porn downloads. The music downloads are much faster than the porn. I think that all of those guys sharing porn are on dial up. Just be careful. Do not believe the titles of most of the movies. It may say an "18yo giving a BJ" but it could be a 46 year old getting ass fucked or some sick mother fucker doing a kid. You can preview the stuff while it is downloading and if you don't like it, you can stop the download. Of course, you can always delete anything.
avatar for mr.munchie
17 years ago
We are NOT into stealing here. Crawl back into your mudpit and stay there.
avatar for parodyman-->
17 years ago
Mr. Munchie,

Why are you such an asshole? Think about it for a while and get back to me.

You do realize that you do not speak for the membership of TUSCL.
avatar for MisterGuy
17 years ago
I've done a few blogs before with plenty of free porn links. With you have to download their "software" to your PC thanx.
avatar for jablake
17 years ago
To paraphrase a communist saw "Property may be theft."

"Steal This Book! Please!
Why software and media companies should encourage piracy (sometimes)."…

avatar for parodyman-->
17 years ago
Microsoft would not have it's market share if early versions of Windows weren't heavily pirated.

Limewire will open up your computer to a lot of potential problems.
avatar for harrison
17 years ago
The sites I have listed above are basically advertising sites that have lots of free porn. You have to know that the new porn sites will give away some free membership time to get you in their door. This is not about stealing !
avatar for founder
17 years ago
I don't have a problem with the porn sites, I just don't care for the sites that promote password sharing.
avatar for parodyman-->
17 years ago
Mr. Munchie wants to be an internet cop. What ambition!
avatar for jester214
17 years ago
just to chime in, I use myfreepaysite it really is a good free and legal site for porn.
avatar for gothicsquirrel
17 years ago
"Property is theft."

"Property is liberty."

"Property is impossible."

I was going to attribute those quotes to Robert Anton Wilson but googled it and found he was quoting P.J. Proudhon.
avatar for jablake
17 years ago
I wonder if Wikipedia is incorrect?

Here is a link to search his book, "What is Property?: An Inquiry Into the Principle of Right and of Government":…

I should have been able to find either "theft" or "theft." or "theft!" Probably more likely the error lies elsewhere. I was interested in the context. :)

avatar for jablake
17 years ago
"Property Is Theft
When protecting your own property is stealing from others," By Steven E. Landsburg.

A very disappointing article in that it doesn't seem like the author has a clue as to reasoning behind the phrase Property Is Theft or perhaps I'm mistaken. But, the article is interesting in that blame for theft is shifted to (some or all) property owners who use security systems. Of course, I think some economist won a Noble for shifting blame from the polluter to the victim of pollution so Mr. Landsburg keep up the good work?
avatar for shadowcat
17 years ago
They may be free to the user but how do they make ends meet? Advertisers! And lots of them. It's like the 6 or 7 different newspapers that get thrown in my driveway ever week. My experience with with free porn sites has been that my JUNK email overflowed. And junk email is your biggest source of viruses.
avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy
17 years ago
I just hit, then follow the links to the pretty pictures or go to the bottom of the page and follow along to some other similar "compilation" site. I've been known to concoct some pretty complicated search heuristics for places like too. :)
avatar for hornytoad085
17 years ago
How about a free password to Now there's something I could *really* use. ;-)
avatar for MisterGuy
17 years ago
avatar for hornytoad085
17 years ago
They talk more about the dancers using names and details.
avatar for MisterGuy
17 years ago
I didn't see much benefit to "joining" SCL myself.
avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy
17 years ago
I used to think that I could suss out women by attending to their secret hiding places on the internet. I had hoped there was somewhere that you could masquerade secretly as a woman, listen long enough, and actually finally figure out what the fuck they were thinking when they chose some slimy unemployed scum-bag over either (A) the obvious good-catch nice-guy or (B) the other obvious bad-catch mean-but-masculine muscle-man. I listened intently and found out, none of them know what the fuck they're thinking; AND, very few of them are THINKING anything at all; AND, listening intently doesn't really teach you anything at all. Except that they are, indeed, just as fucked up and random as you think they are before you waste all that time trolling internet bulletin boards under the pseudonyms "Houston Haley" or "Arkansas-Q-T-Dancer-Too".
avatar for yahpor
12 years ago is another site with adult content,free, all movies are free, you cand see and HD .
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