
Comments by herbtcat (page 29)

  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    A few website changes 🌝
    Wanted to work with the new changes for a day or so before commenting. Overall I like them. Thanks for all the hard work to get these done.
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    5 years ago
    Living well and enjoying my retirement
    @founder I’m noticing five approvals on the reviews
    Perhaps it's waiting for 5 votes and the review will only publish if there are at least 3 out 5 up votes?
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    5 years ago
    New York
    Worst strip club large cities
    I'll add San Jose, CA. What's truly sad about this list is that 15-20 years ago most of these cities were off the hook for liberal extras. Manhattan (especially Times Square), NLO, Nashville, and Vegas (back in the days of OG) were all destinations for my monger-based travel.
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    5 years ago
    Cool Cat in the Valley
    Drinking booze before or in a club.
    I refer all to the last line of my OP: "No judgements please. Just wonder what you prefer and why..."
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    5 years ago
    Ké lo ké?!?!?!!
    HK travel essentials
    Might want to carry a cheap throw down decoy wallet with 10 ones in it. If you get mugged, give up the throw down and move along. Keep you real wallet in a front pocket or use an under-shirt travel wallet for the real goods.
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    5 years ago
    Instances of getting in between stripper drama
    @muddy you might recall (or I suppose you do not) that William Wallace was betrayed by his countrymen and executed. And that was after some English Lord (aka club bouncer) killed his wife by slitting her throat. So.. yeah. Lesson learned?
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Cool Cat in the Valley
    Drinking booze before or in a club.
    So... should I count that as a 5? :p
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    5 years ago
    Would you work at a SC?
    Only as an owner.
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    5 years ago
    Visiting LA and staying in Sherman Oaks area - Recs please
    Read up on all the clubs in the area here: www tuscl com.
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    5 years ago
    New Hampshire
    Quotes from texts from dancers (and what they really mean)
    Here you go: “Been thinking about you” = Give me money “You’ve been on my mind” = I remember the last time you gave me money. Now give me more money. “You know where to find me” = Bring me money.
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    5 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Are dancers running out of stage names to use?
    Knew a dancer at Deja Vu North Hollywood a few years back who a criminal justice major in college. She went by Justus at the club, and hated any zipper that wasn't unzipped.
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    5 years ago
    Scanning the room from the back
    Detroit Pricing in Reviews
    Also on the fence here. Pricing for dances and other stuff varies not only by club, but widely by state and city as well. So if I'm heading to another city it's very helpful to calibrate my budget to the local "stripper economy" (or SDP = Stripper Domestic Product :p). I think there is a middle ground that could be adapted. If the reviewer does not want to provide specifics, he/she can give a "tip factor" which is a % or multiplier of the base rate for the dance/session. For example, if a 30 minute VIP base rate is $200 and the dancer agrees to extras for $50, the tip is 25% or .25 of the session. So the review could say "negotiated for VIP +25% tip for all the fun I wanted."
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    5 years ago
    FUCK IT!
    A kinder gentler 2AMer
    Guess I won't be visiting Brookpark anytime soon...
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    5 years ago
    Too much of a good thing is never enough
    What is the rationale behind "asking for a friend" discussions?
    Are you new to this planet? (Asking for a friend...)
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    5 years ago
    Off again on again PL
    Stripping in the bathroom?
    There's always the side-saddle approach where you take one leg out and wear the boxers scrunched on the remaining leg.... Might actually be useful to create a faux-package inflation.
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    5 years ago
    Off again on again PL
    How to deal with ATF weight gain...
    There isn't a woman (or man) on the planet who doesn't realize they have gained 30-40 pounds. She knows she's chubbed up. If it's not impacting her income, she may not care. Or, she may be going through any number of issues unrelated to her job and it could be either medically or psychologically difficult for her to deal with it. Either way, unless you really have some deeper level friendship beyond cash for fun, you'd be risking serious blowback (no pun intended) from mentioning it to her. Of course, if/when she drops the weight, you had better say something nice. Either way, I'd just stop getting dances with her, and move on to another dancer I like. If she asks what's up, tread lightly when you tell her anything. I agree with @johnsmith69; make it about you, not her. I do remember one extreme case of this issue. When I saw a dancer after my 3-month absence from the club. She has been frequent OTC hookup for me in the last year and when I saw her after 12 weeks, she had gained a lot. I got a few dances with her and headed home, not really wanting to go for OTC due to her new figure. She called me the next day to say "we need to talk..." Yes, you get this now... she was pregnant. I talked to her for a while and did a lot of time/calendar math in my head as we spoke. It wasn't possible that I was the "donor" but she still tried to get me to help pay for the procedure. I haven't seen her since.
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    5 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    In forthcoming memoir, ex-NBA star Lamar Odom reveals he had sex with over 2,000
    @Tiredtraveler if he is a well-known NBA (or MLB or NFL, etc.) star, strippers will fuck for free. Yes they may often get a stack of Benjamins rained on them if it's in the VIP of a club. But they will also volunteer to ride out with the athlete to thier hotel/mansion and will be up for anything (BB, Anal, three-ways and gang bangs/orgys with his posse, whatever...). Often they may get an even bigger stack from the player's ... ahem... "manager" in the morning. But they generally want bragging rights and possibly invites to his next mansion party in addition to cash. For many strippers in thier 20's, proximity to fame and money is compelling. They figure giving it up will make the player want to include them in thier luxury life. Sadly they don't realize, or care, that the guy will lose respect and will use her only as a cum bucket for him and his boys. As long as they can get into the "inner circle" they will play along - if nothing else just to post a pic on IG of them at Lebrons' pool. I've seen this in Los Angeles many times.
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    5 years ago
    Depraved Deacon of Degeneracy
    I Am a Gentleman
    Has it occurred to you, Gentleman Rev, that SHE may be feeling the same thoughts when she sees your shriveled bag of peanuts hanging high?
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Recently moved to Trenton, NJ
    When a fav gives you an overpriced menu
    Never, never, never tell a stripper that you heard about her extras or prices from another PL. It will almost always result in her blocking you from any extras going forward (or worse), and, if she can figure out who blabbed, he'll get blocked as well. Strippers MUST trust a PL to never reveal what two consenting adults do behind the curtian. Yes, it's a fantasy, but they have to at least have the illusion of privacy and trust. Why does she offer you a different price? Because she wants to! There is no marketplace rationale, no supply & demand quantum mathematics, no perceivable logic at all. She just decides how much she wants to ask from each PL. If you want her to agree to a lower price, get your game on and negotiate. You will never win with a "but you blew THAT guy for $25 and swallowed!" strategy. Finally, you must be prepared to walk away and get your fun from another dancer or another club. If you want it more than she does, you lose.
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    5 years ago
    DFW, Texas
    Stage Tipping
    Generally agree with the comments above, although I usually wait to make sure she sees me drop the tip, then walk back to my seat. But if I want her to come see me after the stage show, I do two things. First, I look at the tips dropped by other PL's at the rail and I tip at least as much or more than the highest one as long as it's not stupid money (like $10-$40+). Second, I wait for her to come to my area of the rail and ask her to come see me after her show. Then I walk back to my seat. I just don't see any value in dropping $3-$5 for every pair of nipples that get flashed on stage.
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    5 years ago
    Clothes at SCs
    I use three different "pants" options. My selection for any visit is based on where I'm going, why I'm going and when I'm going: 1. Thin, black or dark blue cotton slacks, with boxer/briefs underwear: I use these when I'm going to a more upscale club with a dress code, or when I'm going with a buddy or date. I generally am not planning on getting UHM or LDK in these, but I do want to get max benefit from grinding and OTP/ITP action. 2. Thin, black Nike or similar baggy workout pants with pockets with underwear or commando: These are made from some light poly blend and have a drawstring and pockets. They allow maximum feeling from the dancer and can be quickly dropped and put on when the VIP session allows. Some of you may remember these as "PL Pro's" on another LA Local site. I use these when I'm going to a HM club expecting to have fun, either day shift or night shift. 3. Thin, baggy, black or dark blue pocketed soft cotton shorts with a draw string. Again either with boxer/briefs or commando: These are when I am specifically looking for and expecting to get at least VHM or better. Access to my junk is easy either through my pant leg, or through the waistband. I wear these when I'm going to a HM club, usually only for day shift (when they actually serve as a signal to HM providers that I'm looking to play) or slower-mid-week night shifts. I always want pockets as I need to carry ID, phone, keys, cash and napkins & condoms (just in case). I usually spread my cash so that small bills are in one pocket and large bills are elsewhere. I haven't been pickpocketed in a while... but once you lose $500 while some decoy puta in TJ is distracting you, you learn real fast.
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    5 years ago
    Mileage Variations and Would You?
    As a general rule, I never bring up TUSCL, let alone admit I'm a member. And I would NEVER mention that I saw or even looked for reviews on a dancer. No dancer will react well to being told she must provide extras to you after you call her out for hoe'ing with someone else. These ain't Yelp reviews. I spend time before the dance talking and dropping selected phrases and terms to see her reaction. This lets me get a feel (no pun intended) for what she may have on the menu. It's a slow dance and for me, humor is my best dance move. If she likes me, and feels like she can trust me, she will let me know what's available and we can work out time & tip expectations. If she's not comfortable with me, she will usually move on. If she's throwing the high-pressure ROB sell job, I just shoo her away. Note that there is some risk of asking too openly for named extras, especially in a more conservative club. If she gets offended or fears you are LE, she will spread the word at lightspeed to all other dancers - making you Extras-Kryptonite for evermore. So the "Big Baller" needs to wipe off the stank of desperation and look for a new dancer.
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    5 years ago
     All your base are belong to us.
    real names
    Don't be too quick to assume you've broken through some sacred trust barrier, just because she volunteered her "real name" or she appears new, unexperienced or naĂŻve. I've seen many dancers who will "decide" to tell you her real name just so you will think that YOU - ahead of all the other PL's - have reached some kind of special trust-plateau with her. And so, having established a "real connection," she hopes you will now barf up 2x to 5x more cash to her because "Hey! We have really connected!" Dude, you have not. Whenever I see a dancer "confide" in me and tell me her "real name," I always smile and say "maybe some day you will tell me your real, real name instead of the fake-real name you tell guys who are asking too many personal questions". It always get's a laugh... which is how I know it is definitely NOT her real name. Now if she shows you her ID, you can be sure it's the fake ID she used to get the job at the club.....
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Cool Cat in the Valley
    Deja Vu North Hollywood - Two new developemnts (at least new to me) - Half Hour
    @TFP - noted. Thanks @501. Although I did see one of them bring a balloon with them to the booth, I didn't see them put it between them. So I don't know if the dance ends when it pops. And since I didn't see the balloon between them there was plenty of opportunity for the waitress to deliver a decent grind, especially since the current "uniform" does not include a separate skirt. Each waitress I see was essentially showing off panties. @san_jose_guy Huh? Have you been spending too much time frying your brain at the Pink Poodle?
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Not California.
    Maybe in the boonies of Cali, like Modesto, but not in a major metro area. $65k may not even be enough for a down payment.