
real names

 All your base are belong to us.
Sunday, May 5, 2019 8:01 PM
I'm wondering how common this is, but lately it seems like ever stripper I have more than a few minute conversation with ends up telling me their real name, and often where they live within our first or 2nd conversation. A few of them could be SS and it's just a fake persona that they "accidentally" let slip me, but there is like 7 in the last few months that I'm 100% certain is real, so it makes me assume the others are probably real too. Hell one girl was telling me she thought her step dad adopted her until she had a problem with her school registration as a kid and she was really "Real last name" and not "real assumed adopted last name." Totally enough info that if I was a crazy person, I'm sure I could find where she lived. I've told like 5 of them, that they are real bad at this whole fake stripper name thing.


  • Nidan111
    5 years ago
    Lol. I have had this happen several times recently from the younger strippers. Got their real names, other places of employment, Facebook profiles, phone numbers and such. I told them that they may want to fake that shit going forward so that STALKERS don’t bother them. Perhaps they were already faking, but I doubt it.
  • Jascoi
    5 years ago
    they definitely need to be more careful.
  • King_Gambrinus
    5 years ago
    Girl came up to me and said “hi my name is XXX” then I hear the DJ say “Krystal to the stage” and she said that’s her and she has to dance. Oops. Turns out it was her first day.
  • GeneraI
    5 years ago
    @King - hahahahahaha
  • nicespice
    5 years ago
    Seems to be a growing trend. [view link] One thing I’ve noticed is smaller strip clubs tagging dancers on Facebook—with their real names. I remember seeing that at my first ever club I’ve worked at—and wanting no part of that.
  • GeneraI
    5 years ago
    I saw 2 girls talking to each other one night, one kind of wandered off and wasn't paying attention and the other one yelled her name to get her to look back. She came over later and was talking to me and I said you're (name her friend yelled), right? she stared at me and said, how in the world do you know that? I told her that I overheard her friend yell it earlier, and she said, Oh, that's my friend (friends real name), and then she goes, shit, I mean (friends fake name), damn it!, I am not good at this. It's my first day and I've already failed rule number 1, don't ever let a customer know your real name. So I got 2 real names in like 30 seconds.
  • herbtcat
    5 years ago
    Don't be too quick to assume you've broken through some sacred trust barrier, just because she volunteered her "real name" or she appears new, unexperienced or naïve. I've seen many dancers who will "decide" to tell you her real name just so you will think that YOU - ahead of all the other PL's - have reached some kind of special trust-plateau with her. And so, having established a "real connection," she hopes you will now barf up 2x to 5x more cash to her because "Hey! We have really connected!" Dude, you have not. Whenever I see a dancer "confide" in me and tell me her "real name," I always smile and say "maybe some day you will tell me your real, real name instead of the fake-real name you tell guys who are asking too many personal questions". It always get's a laugh... which is how I know it is definitely NOT her real name. Now if she shows you her ID, you can be sure it's the fake ID she used to get the job at the club.....
  • GeneraI
    5 years ago
    7 of 12 that I'm 100% certain it's their real name. The other 5 might be a fake real first names.
  • shadowcat
    5 years ago
    Knowing a dancers real first name is not a big deal. It would be next to impossible to stalk her without more information. The biggest problem that I have is knowing when to use which name. How many other guys or dancers know her real name?
  • rh48hr
    5 years ago
    My ATF had no choice but to use her real name.She had her real name on her licence plate and it was a small parking lot. Couldn't really use a fake name. It didn't cause her any issues.
  • mark94
    5 years ago
    It’s a ploy to get your money. Everything a stripper does and says is a ploy to get your money. Nothing is real in strip club world.
  • Kajohnston
    5 years ago
    @general Common. “Hi, I’m Crystal. What’s your name?” Her “Hi, I’m Thor...I’ve come to put the hammer down.” PL “LoL, is that your stripper name?” Her Gives her a dumb look. PL “My name is...(insert real name).” Her I’ve had more than a handful eventually share full name, date of birth, drivers license number, home address, email... All comes down to mutual interest and trust. Never received a business card though.¯\_(ツ)_/¯ “With great power comes great responsibility.”
  • Kajohnston
    5 years ago
    @general Also, I’d echo @mark94 comment. Be careful young grasshopper.
  • GeneraI
    5 years ago
    You guys seriously sound like bitter old men that got butthurt a time or three
  • bullzeye
    5 years ago
    Real name/info hasn’t happened a lot to me but it has a few times. Most of the time, dancers use fake names. There are many reasons why. We all know them. The two times I have gotten to know the “real names” have been different. One, told me she thought we had a “connection”. Gave me a link to something about her real life. From that, one could find out a lot about her real life. Also gave me a number, too. She told me the number is a little funky because it’s not under her “real” name. However, since finding out other things about her, I’m pretty sure her “real” name is not the name on her driver’s license/birth certificate. The second one, a CF I’ve gotten to know over a couple of years, let her real name slip out in conversation with me. Seems she sometimes talks about herself in the third person when telling a story. When I asked, she admitted her real name but said she doesn’t like anyone to know it because then they could look her up on the ‘net. Strange coincidence, but she recently changed her number and apartment shortly before she told me all this info. She had a plausible reason for changing both but I wonder if she hadn’t been careful with her info with someone else.
  • ATACdawg
    5 years ago
    I've known a couple of dancers that don't even bother with aliases, including one who was in her 40s. Her feeling was that she wasn't ashamed of how she made her living, so what wiuld her incentive be to hide her real name. Another dancer had started as a bartender, and shifted to dancing after 2 or 3 years. At that point, she adopted a stripper name, but we all had memories, lol.
  • Cristobal
    5 years ago
    I've had a few dancers/bargirls give me their real name but I've only given my real name to one dancer/bargirl.
  • DeclineToState
    5 years ago
    It's been rare the stripper gives me her real name, and the longer I've been a PL the less I've cared to the point now I simply don't care and haven't for some time. Don't think I've ever asked for real name. When on occasion dancer volunteered it, initially I thought it was cool, but that was of course more about me (oh hey, she really likes me) but as time's progressed I've determined I don't care because: --strip club isn't a girlfriend supermarket (which TUSCer coined that phrase - was it Papi? - that one still cracks me up); --she doesn't like me like me, and even if she did who cares, it ain't real life; and --knowing real name has had little to no impact on what's going on between me and her ITC or OTC. For OTC it's more likely I'll know real name but it doesn't matter to me. I have fun with the pretend name thing - like giving a fake name at Starubucks for the barista to write on the cup and call out when done. Girl new to me: "Hi my name's Vixen, what's yours?" Me: "Hi Vixen, that's a nice pretend name, tonight my pretend name is...." I've used dozens of pretend names and multiple in same night. It gets hard to keep track of, especially if I'm drunk, but again who cares.
  • Liwet
    5 years ago
    The rise of social media seemed to make girls more open about who they are outside the club. Plus, every girl is doing it, so if I'm going to stalk one girl, I'm probably stalking 10 others too.
  • goldmongerATL
    5 years ago
    There are girls who flip flop between real and stripper names, especially if their real name makes a good stripper name. (I'm looking at you, BJ!) I have seen cases on tuscl where guys are talking about the same girl and don't even realize it.
  • BGSD3100
    5 years ago
    While some dancers are very strict about using their stage name, I have gotten the impression that other girls don't really care and only have a stage name because they are "supposed" to have one.
  • King_Gambrinus
    5 years ago
    Now with the competition for Instagram followers and other social media, I think the whole goal is actually to get people to stalk you. Times have changed.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    5 years ago
    Sure. Mostly from younger dancers. Sometimes I'm pretty sure it's a fake first name used as part of hustle. Other times it's probably genuine. I think that a lot of dancers now know that social media makes it hard to conceal their real name unless they really have it all locked down. I've seen local clubs tag a dancer in an Instagram post, or she gets tagged in a comment by someone else. Then you go to that dancer's IG and see a bunch of people using her real name in comments. These days, real anonymity requires more effort than most folks are willing to give.
  • Hi @ general
  • georgmicrodong
    5 years ago
    Yeah, lately I’ve gotten more real first names, mostly from the younger crowd, than ever before.
  • Assmanjoe
    5 years ago
    Yeah its a thing now. Has happened a few times recently, one confirmed real first name and then last name is front and center on her instagram. I think one more real just the other night and some other newb told me where her other job is. Not too smart on her part and i doubt shes lying.
  • Cashman1234
    5 years ago
    When a stripper comes over and introduces herself - “Hi baby. I’m Katrina. What’s your name?” - I won’t remember it. I know it’s a fake name. I simply don’t care that it’s fake - as I’m not going to use it.
  • gothamyte
    5 years ago
    my only input to this is: i usually give the same fake name to dancers. so i gave my usual fake name to this dancer, one night, right? as we exchanged numbers. next time she sees me in the club, she's like, "hey, what's up, and then says MY REAL NAME" very dramatically. i'm like WTF how you know? she's like, "stupid your name comes up in my caller ID on my phone." damn damn damn i also like to give random fake names when i'm at chick-fil-a. lately, i've been giving names of my relatives who passed on. nice to hear it out loud.
  • Huntsman
    5 years ago
    I’m so bad at remembering names generally that I don’t think it would make much difference. Like Decline said, I don’t much care anymore anyway.
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