
Stage Tipping

DFW, Texas
Tuesday, May 14, 2019 7:18 PM
Whenever I see a girl I like at the stage, I go up to tip her and she usually gives me some attention. I generally tip $3-5 and that seems fine by them as far as I can tell. How much do you guys usually tip at the stage and under what circumstances? I've seen a few people "make it rain" with about $10-20, but I wonder what the reasoning is. Maybe the girl is their CF? Maybe they want a VIP dance later? Do the ladies expect more than a few bucks?


  • Fun_Loving_Fella
    5 years ago
    $3-5 is plenty if you’re looking to get a little attention stateside. It’s really hard to predict what your tips will get you though. Some girls will wrap their legs around your head for a buck while others will just say thank you and smile when someone makes it rain $20. If you’re hoping to get to be the lucky PL who gets her company after her set it can help to be the highest tipper. If you try this it’s probably best to engage with her enough to tell her you hope she’ll swing by. No guarantee that it will work though.
  • Member6532
    5 years ago
    Depends on the girl and how busy the club is and how busy she is. If she is with a guy, that doesnt appear to be a regular, before stage I will tip more. If there are plenty of dancers I tip less. But it depends on other things to, some girls love the attention on stage and prefer to be tipped where everyone can see it, but usually I tip less when dancing.
  • rickdugan
    5 years ago
    I don't expect anything for a stage tip and I normally won't wait around for attention. I'm just not that type of guy. I will generally tip $3-5 if I am simply enjoying the show and wish to thank her or a bit more if I am actively seeking her attention after her set. For girls I am working to take OTC, I may drop a $20 during each of her stage sets.
  • Fun_Loving_Fella
    5 years ago
    Oh yeah, they do get excited when you put anything bigger than a single on stage
  • herbtcat
    5 years ago
    Generally agree with the comments above, although I usually wait to make sure she sees me drop the tip, then walk back to my seat. But if I want her to come see me after the stage show, I do two things. First, I look at the tips dropped by other PL's at the rail and I tip at least as much or more than the highest one as long as it's not stupid money (like $10-$40+). Second, I wait for her to come to my area of the rail and ask her to come see me after her show. Then I walk back to my seat. I just don't see any value in dropping $3-$5 for every pair of nipples that get flashed on stage.
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    Rain making has been discussed plenty on the board - rain makers usually do it more to draw attention to themselves (show off), than trying to get the girl's attention - IME rain-makers are usually not interested in dances and it's usually just about the main-room theatrics
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    I don't stage tip often but if I do it's usually $4 or $5 to show my interest and $8 to $10 if I'm trying to enjoy her stage set vs just trying to show my interest
  • PaulDrake
    5 years ago
    Samiel one thing you need to learn is that strip clubs in Texas tend to be a little different than other parts of the USA. There is definitely less stage tipping especially at bucks. I usually tip 2-5 if I am enjoying watching the dancer or I want to get dances with her.
  • IceyLoco
    5 years ago
    If I like how she looks, $10 in ones is good for a stage tip.
  • Nidan111
    5 years ago
    I am different than most, I guess. I love to tip the girls on stage. Not for attention, but simply because I enjoy their efforts. I have no issue with tipping 10 ones over a 3 song set. They are there to make money and I am there to watch titties for my personal enjoyment. If a nipple finds it’s way into my eye socket, all the better.
  • TrollWarnBot_Updated
    5 years ago
    Warning! The following profiles in this thread have been classified as troll profiles. Fun_Loving_Fella: Malicious/harassment troll profile. IceyLoco: Undercover malicious/harassment troll profile.
  • Liwet
    5 years ago
    $5, no more than $20, and it's a really good value when you're the only one who does tip.
  • nicespice
    5 years ago
    I notice it’s more the groups (especially mixed gender ones) who do more of the rain making thing. And that’s usually more of: 1) nice ass twerking 2) pole tricks For your purposes, $3-5 and verbally stating “come see me later—I’ll be over there” (point to location) is probably good enough.
  • nicespice
    5 years ago
    Though that being said, upping it to $5 or $10 is not a bad idea if you think it may be harder to keep her attention for whatever reason. I do think there’s a bigger psychological impact on just handing it as a $5 or $10 bill though. Idk if that’s just me though
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    I don’t always stage tip but if I want to get a dancers attention I generally will put a five or ten dollar bill on the rail and ask her to join me wherever I’m sitting, if I’m already hanging out with a dancer and we’re drinking together I will either tip her on stage a ten or twenty each time she goes on stage if I’m enjoying her company just to keep her interested, I find that giving her a generous tip keeps her with me instead of going to join someone else that approaches her while she’s running her sets. It works well for me I’ve even done this with two or three girls at the same time if I want to keep them with me, it rarely falls.
  • FishHawk
    5 years ago
    I generally tip the girls on stage sometimes just a few bucks, but if they do some spectacular pole tricks I try to reward them with $5’s. Now if I really want them to come visit with me I will give a lot of ones and then a five or ten just before she goes off stage. Almost always works.
  • Subraman
    5 years ago
    The way I tip: - If I want to get the attention of a stripper I'm interested in, and she hasn't come by my table, I'll go to her stage and tip her $3-$5 per song. I just want her to have to come by me to pick up my singles and thank me, so I can invite her back to my table - I'm often at the club during it's dead-est shifts; sometimes, there's only me (possibly with a buddy(s)) and one or two other customers, so the girls on stage are not getting tipped a dime. During these times, if I don't have a girl at the table, sometimes I set up camp at the row of tables that's one row back from the stage, and as every girl comes up, I'll walk up to the stage, drop her 4 or 5 dollars, and then go back to my seat. This seems to generate good will from the girls over the long term. It does mean some girls I'm not interested in will come by my table, but this is not a situation that's stressful for me and I'll just explain I'm just stage tipping, so I don't mind that this happens -- but perhaps not a good strategy for people who get anxiety over strippers they're not interested in coming to their table. Plus, I never know if that girl might end up appealing to one of my buddys on some other trip, or whether she'll be a rockin' fun drinking buddy, or whatever.
  • Warrior15
    5 years ago
    If I want the girl to come see after she gets off stage, I tip two dollars. Then I smile and tell her to come see me. Unless she has a prior commitment, that seems to work every time.
  • SirLapdancealot
    5 years ago
    If I'm actively sitting at the stage to just enjoy it before getting dances, I tip anywhere from $1-5 depending on the level of interaction and mileage. If I'm not sitting at the stage and a stripper is up there completely alone I will go up to the stage and always tip $1-2. I'm usually at the club for only one stripper but in doing this I get some favor from all the strippers because they appreciate me making the effort and giving them a tip even when I'm not interested in her for dances later. If I want to lock down a new stripper to sit with me and get dances later I'll usually tip her $5 and ask her to stop by after her stage set.
  • Huntsman
    5 years ago
    ^Sirlap’s approach is pretty similar to mine.
  • Huntsman
    5 years ago
    I think there is also a “club norm” which varies from place to place. I try to keep that in mind as well when deciding how much to tip.
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    @huntsman >I think there is also a “club norm” which varies from place to place. < that’s absolutely true, the trick is to know exactly where that is and occasionally go above that norm when you find that girl that gets your motor running to keep her entertaining you.
  • -me
    5 years ago
    I tip a few bucks if I like her and don't care if she comes and sees me after. I'll tip up to 20 if I'm trying to get her attention amd be the next PL she sits with
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    I like stage tipping too, and it most always leads to a really fun interaction. Sunnyvale Brass Rail was my favorite place for that, but gone now. SJG Alabama Passes Near Total Ban on Abortion as Part of “Stealth Campaign” to Overturn Roe v. Wade [view link] Georgia State Senator Jen Jordan (D) dissenting [view link] King Crimson - 21st Century Schizoid Man - 2015 live [view link] 21st Century Schizoid Man / Alterd States [view link] King Crimson Epitaph Best Version -- Greg Lake sings [view link] Rainbow - Street Of Dreams [view link]
  • MackTruck
    5 years ago
    I don't understand why I would tip a stage. It does not do anything. I only tip dancers. They are sexier than stages
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    ^ Try tipping cows that seems to be a sport around here. ; )
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    At the Sunnyvale Brass Rail it was possible to buy my lunch at their hoffbrau, and get my soft drink at the hoffbrau price instead of the bar price. They I could have lots of fun stage tipping one girl in particular, J.. Brass rail had 4 stages and after the lunch crowd left, it was pretty much a private show with the girl. No touching, but still fun. Would have been easy to see her outside, civilian. Do all that, and still not go over $20. Gone now though. SJG Crow After Roe: How "Separate But Equal" Has Become the New Standard In Women’s Health And How We Can Change That [view link] The End of Roe v. Wade: Inside the Right's Plan to Destroy Legal Abortion [view link] Protect our Reproductive Rights! [view link]
  • Warrior15
    5 years ago
    25- I grew up in West Texas. We went cow tippin' a lot.
  • Nidan111
    5 years ago
    Cow tipping and cow frisbees were my kind of fun. Yep, I’m fucked up.
  • Warrior15
    5 years ago
    ^^ Cow chip throwing. I thought I was the only redneck around here.
  • NJBalla
    5 years ago
    Two dollars is a nice move if she stops by for the dollar parade. A smarter move is to cut the bullshit and tell her that you would be interested in 3-4 dances when she's available. This will put you to the top of the queue if other customers ask her for a dance. I wouldnt over tip at the bar. Whenever I overtip a fav I find this attracts other guys to join in. Not sure why that is. Either they see my tipping as an endorsement of her beauty or they love the challenge of trying to outbid you
  • Evasparkling
    5 years ago
    @NJBalla I have noticed it too... Seems some people just love the challenge of trying to outbid you... But I’m not cut out for that... This ain’t no auction... It’s a strip club...
  • flagooner
    5 years ago
    I used to tip every girl that got on stage before learning on here that I was being stupid.
  • 623
    5 years ago
    I show them the money then shove it down the front of my pants and tell them “come and get it”. Usually works great but sometimes the paper cuts ...... yikes!!!
  • SirLapdancealot
    5 years ago
    @NJBalla I was massaging and spooning at the bar with my ATF DS the other day and after about 45 min another PL walks up to her out of the blue and drops a $5 tip on her. I don't think I was being out tipped because I wasn't even tipping. It was odd but it didn't stop my ATF DS from taking it. She said thanks and we continued our spooning/massaging and he walked away.
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    @SLD I’m usually hanging out with one or two or more girls at a table or the bar often a buddy joins me, I was in Vixens about two weeks ago and the two girls hanging with me got tipped while they were sitting with me plus the gout even sent over drinks, they didn’t miss a beat the thanked the doofus and came right back to daddy lockdown;)
  • SirLapdancealot
    5 years ago
    LOL @twentyfive it's always good to be daddy lockdown (and it sucks when someone else is). My ATF DS had not seen me in 6 months and she totally missed my massages. She sat with me while I had a constant boner from rubbing it between her ass cheeks through the entire cycle of the dancers going on stage, and just before she had to go up again we went to get dances. It was over an hour of pure dick teasing fun at the bar. And my total tipping of her was $4 for her stage set just before we started spooning and then another $5 for the dances tip. As a regular and lockdown daddy I can keep tipping at a minimum due to the consistency of it. When I'm at a new club or with a new dancer I tend to tip a little more.
  • rickdugan
    5 years ago
    ===> "Rain making has been discussed plenty on the board - rain makers usually do it more to draw attention to themselves (show off), than trying to get the girl's attention - IME rain-makers are usually not interested in dances and it's usually just about the main-room theatrics" Maybe in some of the urban black clubs, but if you go to certain white clubs with a strong stage tipping culture, you'll definitely see it used as a means to keep or get a girl's attention. It's not uncommon in Queens, for example. I've also seen it in places like Baltimore and even WV. I sucks when it happens because unless one is willing to compete with the stage tip, it is almost assured that the girl is going to beeline to the tipper when she gets offstage. I'm not willing to burn a Benji for a stage tip, so I just shrug it off and save my resources for better locales, where I can get the hottest girls without having to do this.
  • Cristobal
    5 years ago
    @SirLapdancealot What does your trolldar say about @fun_loving_fellow? I noticed on one of his discussions, he used the expression "chumps game"....Sounds oddly familiar.
  • gSteph
    5 years ago
    If I sit at stage, I'll tip $1 or a few, depending. My main club does the $dollar dance thing, I love those mini laps, again a $ or 3. If I'm impressed enough to tip more I'm going for private dance(s). As sirlap does, I'll have to work on my massage techniques, do more tipping with finger tips. :-)
  • SirLapdancealot
    5 years ago
    @gSteph my fingers "tips" get me more dick teasing and dedicated attention from a stripper than any amount of monetary tip. They all seriously love it and LMAO have no issue with my boner up and rubbing into their ass cheeks in the process. LMAO when I was with my ATF DS the other day there was another stripper friend of hers that came over and was shamelessly wanting some of my action too. She kept coming up close to us suggesting that she's "next" and my ATF DS and I kept ignoring it. I did throw her a bone and gave her a quick 1 min massage of her neck and rotator cuff muscles. I had one hand on my ATF DS ass and the other on her. LOL she moaned and groaned and tried to parlay for more, but LOL both my ATF DS and I told her sorry I'm taken.
  • SirLapdancealot
    5 years ago
    @Cristobal FLF isn't trying to maliciously troll me so I'm good. I think he's funny and is more mocking trolling by certain trolls than trying to be a truly malicious one.
  • IceyLoco
    5 years ago
    In my experience, making it rain is very much about getting girls' attention....and it works very well. Personally, I do it claim ownership. When you make it rain your bitches, everyone knows they're your bitches and they make sure everyone knows it.
  • SirLapdancealot
    5 years ago
    Making it rain on the stage is simply a painfully obvious way to get any stripper to pretend that she's "your bitch" for the entire time you're doing it. LMFAO it's simply easy money for her. Sale goes to the highest PL bidder/tipper. It's not anymore complicated than this. And LOL everyone else knows that you're just a wannabe "baller" feeding your own fragile ego. LMAO at any PL that feels the need to flaunt to other PLs that they know how to pay more money than the next guy just for show at the stage. If that's fun to the PL doing it, no problem, but to think everyone else in the club is looking at it any more than a desperate PL doing it for attention and ego feeding is inane.
  • Subraman
    5 years ago
    Someone here -- GoVikings maybe? -- gave interesting, real-life insight into the psychology behind making it rain. That psychology applies to literally none of the guys here, I reckon. But the experience rain makers are after is completely different than the experience a PL is after, and there's absolutely no reason for PLs to adopt it. For us, $5/song tip is all that's needed to get her attention enough to come by after her song and say thanks, and that's when we can invite her back to the table
  • SirLapdancealot
    5 years ago
    @Subraman I agree that a $5 tip can go a long way and be much appreciated at most clubs. $10-20 is even better and almost guarantees she's gonna give you extra attention over the $1-5 tippers. And as to getting her to come to your table, to me it's best done at the same time she takes the tip. A lot of PLs will wait until after her set to collect her tips and then talk to her to get some 1:1 time. To me you have to get ahead of these guys and do it when she's giving you the attention for the tip itself. Otherwise some other PL is gonna lock her down first.
  • Subraman
    5 years ago
    SirLap: ya, in the clubs I go to, the girls don't collect their tips until after their set is over anyway, so "the same time she takes the tip" and "after her set is done and she comes by to thank me" are same thing. I don't bother tipping in g-strings, I don't see the point and don't get any pleasure out of it, so just drop my singles on the stage in front of me
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    Yes, making it rain is to publicly claim ownership. But one time a girl at the Brass Rail was for some reason directing all her attention at me. No idea why, Frustrated guy made $20 of rain. She still ignored it. SJG
  • IceyLoco
    5 years ago
    If you make it rain on a girl you know, they love it. If she's a stranger and its that small of an amount its not all that.
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