If there is a dancer who provides a repeat customer, who tips her more than double the average but receives less mileage than other guys she doesn't know as well and who don't tip her as much, what would explain this? FIV, DATY, LFK, and DFK are out of the menu for the big baller but on the menu for the newbies/low tippers. It defies any sense as it would seem that the opposite would occur. When the big baller asked if he could do this things I mentioned, he got hit with a "I don't do that because I'm big on STDs and being safe" by the dancer. The big baller retorted by showing her reviews from other customers in which they described partaking in those mentioned activities with her. Despite being shown those reviews, she vehemently denied partaking in such acts and became angry, defensive, and appalled at the situation with the big baller and stated that those were lies, despite the fact that more than a handful of other customers were shown to her. Her defense was that everyone was lying except her. It's a strange situation. Why is she nicer to the everyone else but not to the top customer? Why is the menu for big baller dude so limited? What would compel her to lie despite being hit with facts? and lastly Was it a good idea of big baller to do what he did?
For whatever reason, she doesn't like him. He should cut ties with her and move on to somebody who will give him satisfying mileage for the amount of money he's spending.
You can't apply standard logic to what a stripper does. Chances are there is something about "big baller" that she doesn't like. Sounds needy and stalkerish. A true RIL.
And showing her the reviews was a mistake. "Big baller" needs to move on.
Big baller is ugly in some sort of way, whether it be physical appearance or personality. Big baller is a fool and needs to give ultimatums. They always come back when their best resource is dried up and they little people she served don't keep her up to the income she's used to. Most likely, big baller gave up tons of money too easily and never asked for anything prior to giving up the dough. He offered no challenge this she saw no need to up her game for an easy target. The small fry probably make her work for her money.
There's something about the guy that makes her Spidey sense tingle. Whether it's valid or not is irrelevant. Dancers don't provide the same services to all guys, regardless of the money offered. They aren't vending machines.
Challenging her like that was not a good move. It's not like she was going to say "Well, you caught me. Go on. Put your dick in my ass." Also, now that she knows those reviews are out there, she might pull back services across the board. Or, connect some of those reviews with specific regulars.
The "Big Baller" is really just a "Big Bitch". I wouldn't tell the guy that though as it could make him feel bad. Just tell him that spending a lot makes one a big spender not a Baller. Tell him that the whole whiney routine probably spoiled things for him with every dancer at the club because that dancer surely laughed at him while telling her friends about the incident. Then hand him a tissue to wipe his tears.
Just because one doesn’t understand the logic here doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. Calling out strippers for not being “logical” and then turning around and saying that she won’t go the extra mile because she doesn’t like “Big Baller” is contradictory.
I mean, not letting a guy you don’t like finger or lick your pussy seems pretty fucking logical to me! And entirely reasonable.
I don't think it has anything at all to do with how attractive or unattractive she finds you or whether she likes you....she's a hooker. Its not like she finds the other guys attractive or likes them. She needs money and had to do more to get theirs... That's what hoeing is.
I'm seeing two possibilities....
1 - You didn't go after what you really wanted and let her take charge perhaps. So she did the least possible for the most money. That's what a good hoe does. Its a great hustle strategy.
2 - She sees you have the money, so she wants you to pay more to get more. Sees you giving her that much as a sign you're hooked on her, and expects you to pay up if you want more.
I don't think showing her the reviews was that bad. It at least did a little good for your pride to call her out on hustling you like that. You didn't lose out.
Could be the “happy ending” is so lackluster, that its one and done. By holding out she knows she can make a lot more by stringing the deep pockets along.
That's actually a strategy a lot of gold diggers use. But its not a good one, its why they're eventually dumped. A guy will only go along with that for so long.
Agree with everyone else, she doesn't like Big Baller. And we can guess why:
-->"The big baller retorted by showing her reviews from other customers in which they described partaking in those mentioned activities with her. "
Being told "no" and then doing this is a bitch move. I'm guessing this isn't an anomaly, and there's lots of other outrageous and creepy behavior from big baller, which is why she doesn't like him in the first place
It's pretty common that a dancer will do the least amount necessary. Even high mileage girls. If a Big Balla (Brand!) is wasting money on low mileage, the girl's going to milk it for as long as she can. She then still has the option of raising mileage to keep his interest, but in this case, it seems that she has no intention, especially if she gives the high mileage to newbies and cheap PLs. Also PLs in generally seem to be expecting more for less in today's economy, so girls often have to put their best foot forward in selling/giving dances, which may explain the higher mileage for newbies.
Like CMI said, girls aren't vending machines or robots; they're selective about whom they do things with and what they do. Often this comes down to money, but it can also come down to things like hygiene, physical attractiveness, attitude/respect, creepiness, too much pawing/heavy handedness during dances, etc. Don't act like a cheap poor incel that's never done it before and trying to over maximize as much mileage and contact as possible in one song. Just observe a dancer's body language during a dance and you'll know all you need to know about how she's feeling, whether or not you want to know, and not all money is good money to a stripper.
As a general rule, I never bring up TUSCL, let alone admit I'm a member. And I would NEVER mention that I saw or even looked for reviews on a dancer. No dancer will react well to being told she must provide extras to you after you call her out for hoe'ing with someone else. These ain't Yelp reviews.
I spend time before the dance talking and dropping selected phrases and terms to see her reaction. This lets me get a feel (no pun intended) for what she may have on the menu. It's a slow dance and for me, humor is my best dance move. If she likes me, and feels like she can trust me, she will let me know what's available and we can work out time & tip expectations. If she's not comfortable with me, she will usually move on. If she's throwing the high-pressure ROB sell job, I just shoo her away.
Note that there is some risk of asking too openly for named extras, especially in a more conservative club. If she gets offended or fears you are LE, she will spread the word at lightspeed to all other dancers - making you Extras-Kryptonite for evermore.
So the "Big Baller" needs to wipe off the stank of desperation and look for a new dancer.
You guys keep reading too much into it... when its very simple.
A hooker will fuck anyone for the money she needs. It has absolutely nothing to do with looks etc. OP just made himself an easy mark. He was easy to finesse and got pissed off he wasn't getting pussy like other tricks. He should be angry at himself not her.
I'm seeing two possibilities....
1 - You didn't go after what you really wanted and let her take charge perhaps. So she did the least possible for the most money. That's what a good hoe does. Its a great hustle strategy.
2 - She sees you have the money, so she wants you to pay more to get more. Sees you giving her that much as a sign you're hooked on her, and expects you to pay up if you want more.
I don't think showing her the reviews was that bad. It at least did a little good for your pride to call her out on hustling you like that. You didn't lose out.
see folks, this is why I always let the women come to me, request from me for a dance, because it leaves the patron in a higher position of bargaining power. She's the one looking and you're the one providing her needs. She's just giving back the service you request in her hope you give a big enough donation.
Showing her the TUSCL review/comments as a method to give extras is the ultimate bitch move, she will tell the other dancers about the whiny bitch baller boy and guess what, still no extras.
When a guy doesn’t get what he says he wants BUT keeps going back to the same situation, guaranteed that on some level he IS getting what he thinks he deserves (and therefore subconsciously wants). Why else would he return visit when he is getting nowhere closer to any stated goal.
And tattling on her with the other reviews - sheesh. What are you five years old?
Find someone who likes you, or at least someone who can stand to have your hands all over her. And don’t give up the $$ until AFTER you get what you want.
It was a move to regain some pride. She thought she was all that by finessing him and thought her hustle was great... He just called her out on it and let her know that he knows whats up.
What he did is a lot better than what you guys are telling him to do.....basically to sulk, keep it to himself and walk away with his tale between his legs. Fuck that shit. What he did is like the hooker equivalent of showing a cheating bitch he has proof...
OP, you did what you felt was right, don't mind the bitches giving shit advice like she didn't like you or you shouldn't have called her out. You stood up and walked away with some dignity instead of being a cowering fag.
@Estafador: “this is why I always let the women come to me, request from me for a dance, because it leaves the patron in a higher position of bargaining power.”
You and I have disagreed on this before, and if that works for you, that’s great.
My opinion on the subject though is that if approaching a girl rather than the reverse puts me at a negotiating disadvantage, then I’m doing this wrong. Because in general, I don’t negotiate.
I know what I want. I know what I’m willing topay. If she and I can’t agree, I look elsewhere. Simple.
Showing reviews IS a “bitch move,” outing your fellow PLs and alerting the dancer to being judged in a public forum (yes I know most already know but why focus their attention?). Knowledge is power and why give it up? Use it for advantage and the win.
last commentAnd showing her the reviews was a mistake. "Big baller" needs to move on.
Challenging her like that was not a good move. It's not like she was going to say "Well, you caught me. Go on. Put your dick in my ass." Also, now that she knows those reviews are out there, she might pull back services across the board. Or, connect some of those reviews with specific regulars.
Rule 2 of TUSCL: Don’t talk about TUSCL
Rule 3 of TUSCL: Don’t tip for zero mileage
I mean, not letting a guy you don’t like finger or lick your pussy seems pretty fucking logical to me! And entirely reasonable.
I'm seeing two possibilities....
1 - You didn't go after what you really wanted and let her take charge perhaps. So she did the least possible for the most money. That's what a good hoe does. Its a great hustle strategy.
2 - She sees you have the money, so she wants you to pay more to get more. Sees you giving her that much as a sign you're hooked on her, and expects you to pay up if you want more.
I don't think showing her the reviews was that bad. It at least did a little good for your pride to call her out on hustling you like that. You didn't lose out.
-->"The big baller retorted by showing her reviews from other customers in which they described partaking in those mentioned activities with her. "
Being told "no" and then doing this is a bitch move. I'm guessing this isn't an anomaly, and there's lots of other outrageous and creepy behavior from big baller, which is why she doesn't like him in the first place
Like CMI said, girls aren't vending machines or robots; they're selective about whom they do things with and what they do. Often this comes down to money, but it can also come down to things like hygiene, physical attractiveness, attitude/respect, creepiness, too much pawing/heavy handedness during dances, etc. Don't act like a cheap poor incel that's never done it before and trying to over maximize as much mileage and contact as possible in one song. Just observe a dancer's body language during a dance and you'll know all you need to know about how she's feeling, whether or not you want to know, and not all money is good money to a stripper.
I spend time before the dance talking and dropping selected phrases and terms to see her reaction. This lets me get a feel (no pun intended) for what she may have on the menu. It's a slow dance and for me, humor is my best dance move. If she likes me, and feels like she can trust me, she will let me know what's available and we can work out time & tip expectations. If she's not comfortable with me, she will usually move on. If she's throwing the high-pressure ROB sell job, I just shoo her away.
Note that there is some risk of asking too openly for named extras, especially in a more conservative club. If she gets offended or fears you are LE, she will spread the word at lightspeed to all other dancers - making you Extras-Kryptonite for evermore.
So the "Big Baller" needs to wipe off the stank of desperation and look for a new dancer.
A hooker will fuck anyone for the money she needs. It has absolutely nothing to do with looks etc. OP just made himself an easy mark. He was easy to finesse and got pissed off he wasn't getting pussy like other tricks. He should be angry at himself not her.
I'm seeing two possibilities....
1 - You didn't go after what you really wanted and let her take charge perhaps. So she did the least possible for the most money. That's what a good hoe does. Its a great hustle strategy.
2 - She sees you have the money, so she wants you to pay more to get more. Sees you giving her that much as a sign you're hooked on her, and expects you to pay up if you want more.
I don't think showing her the reviews was that bad. It at least did a little good for your pride to call her out on hustling you like that. You didn't lose out.
And tattling on her with the other reviews - sheesh. What are you five years old?
Find someone who likes you, or at least someone who can stand to have your hands all over her. And don’t give up the $$ until AFTER you get what you want.
It was a move to regain some pride. She thought she was all that by finessing him and thought her hustle was great... He just called her out on it and let her know that he knows whats up.
What he did is a lot better than what you guys are telling him to do.....basically to sulk, keep it to himself and walk away with his tale between his legs. Fuck that shit. What he did is like the hooker equivalent of showing a cheating bitch he has proof...
You and I have disagreed on this before, and if that works for you, that’s great.
My opinion on the subject though is that if approaching a girl rather than the reverse puts me at a negotiating disadvantage, then I’m doing this wrong. Because in general, I don’t negotiate.
I know what I want. I know what I’m willing topay. If she and I can’t agree, I look elsewhere. Simple.
But she's high key stupid for doing more for less $$$