Quotes from texts from dancers (and what they really mean)

avatar for bullzeye
Here’s a couple I’ve gotten. Still trying to figure out what if they really mean what they say or if they’re just marketing tools.

“Been thinking about you”

“You’ve been on my mind”

“You know where to find me”

I’m sure you guys have gotten some that are a lot less G-rated.


last comment
avatar for herbtcat
6 years ago
Here you go:

“Been thinking about you” = Give me money

“You’ve been on my mind” = I remember the last time you gave me money. Now give me more money.

“You know where to find me” = Bring me money.
avatar for jackslash
6 years ago
"Miss you" = miss your money
avatar for Tiredtraveler
6 years ago
"Been thinking of you" = my boyfriend took the last of my money and I have rent due and thought of you
You've been on my mind = I've been trying to think of who is likely to have money and to tap today
You know where to find me = the crowd is shite tonight come by and we'll do VIP so I can make enough to pay my rent
avatar for Subraman
6 years ago
"Let's go have drinks!" = I'm definitely not showing up for drinks

"Text me if you want to hang out" = I'll be ignoring all your texts
avatar for K
6 years ago
I've been thing of you[r money]
I miss you[r money]
avatar for lex4232
6 years ago
Had those same texts and thought the same thing. Then one night I called her bluff and she agreed to hook up. All nighter, no cash involved and it happened two more times. Still got the "miss you, come see me at work" texts cause she needed cash. It flamed out and it was just as everyone mentioned. Had some fun though so you never know.
avatar for pistola
6 years ago
'Hey!' - I'm too high, lazy, and uncreative to type a sentence but bring your wallet over here so we can play. Plus I gotta text 20 other dudes.
avatar for Subraman
6 years ago
"Sorry I didn't text you back, I broke my phone" = I was on a multi-day drug binge, but now I need money
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
How can you complain about your relations with them when you choose to define them as business transactions?
avatar for Subraman
6 years ago
"I made so much money last night" = I am in need of your management services
avatar for JamesSD
6 years ago
Yeah those are clearly looking to have you come spend in the club.

"My pussy is a big fan of your dick" is a recent one of mine.
avatar for Subraman
6 years ago
"Which of these two thongs do you like better?" *sends pics* = We both know you're already out the door to come see me. Bitch better have my benjamins
avatar for Spillthebeans
6 years ago
I miss you and bring those pictures of dead statesmen with you.
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
My 5 latest texts from stripper hoes

"You're not into me anymore. Every time I try to make up with you you minimize everything I say. You treat me like shit when I'm just trying to make things better."

"I just woke up. Want me to bring some weed or do you have some lol"

"I'll see you Wednesday after work lovebug."

"I was right. He was going for a tattoo and one of the old homies saw him and jumped him. He's living in Westlake, they're after him."

"I'm sorry baby I'm really sorry I have no idea who I am but I don't know what I want. I've gone through so many different emotions."
avatar for DeclineToState
6 years ago
"Was great to see you tonight" = Thanks for the cash, return very soon and give me more cash.
avatar for san_jose_guy
6 years ago
Sounds like Icey has on the level relationships with girls who dance in strip clubs. He treats them no differently than he would treat any other woman, and so they just open up and reciprocate.

avatar for Icey
6 years ago
SJG..... treating them like people and trying to connect with them as such is something many guys on here can't do though. these girls are pretty easy to get to know if you just treat them like any other women...I'd say even more so since they're not that used to it.
avatar for san_jose_guy
6 years ago
^^^^ what you describing is exactly what I learned in my first visits to a strip club.

I was told, "Sorry, *I* don't go out with customers."

And then once we talked some and she realized that I did not mean it that way, she became apologetic in tone.

"You don't understand, I get hit on by 50 guys a night."

And then when I got home late the next night, having forgot about it all, one message on my old fashioned answering machine.

Press the button, and there it is, her voice. "I want to *see* you."

In the long decades since, never seen any exceptions, most are quite available and open, so long as you never treat them like a prostitute.

avatar for doctorevil
6 years ago
Cut and paste from a recent text (my favorite one yet): want to eat some pussy tomorrow?
avatar for orionsmith
6 years ago
Another I've heard, " Where have you been?" She's been missing my spending.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
6 years ago
Translation - "thanks for being such an easy-mark and a chump - I really appreciate that about you" ("and why I only put the effort of writing you just a single line text")
avatar for Papi_Chulo
6 years ago
Translation - "I wanna buy my BF a new leather jacket and treat him to a nice-dinner and then suck and fuck him all night in a nice hotel (and I need you to pay for that)"
avatar for bullzeye
6 years ago
So, you’re basically you’re all saying they mean:


What I thought but a little confirmation is always helpful.
avatar for TFP
6 years ago
^^^^^pretty much.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
6 years ago
When a stripper thinks of a custy her mind basically visualizes a cloud made of $$$
avatar for Papi_Chulo
6 years ago
Some strippers put their regular in their ph contact list under "money" vs their name
avatar for rl27
6 years ago
Here are common texts I have gotten over the years
"It's dead here, I am so bored."
"I haven't given a dance all day, you won't believe how horny I am."
"I bought a new outfit, why don't you stop by and see it." For some reason several dancers seemed to think I cared about their outfits.

One dancer at a now unfortunately closed club once texted me.
"Argh, five different dances so far and not one guy wanted any fun. I am starving for cock, and you know what that means."

Now all of those were to get me in the club. Here are two very common "wanna meet up" text chains I have gotten over the years.

"You heading to the club today?" - I answered "probably", and I get a reply back of "not sure if I am going.", and then shortly later "don't feel like working tonight. Wanna meet up?"

Another is:
"You at the club?" - My answer typically means northing and shortly after, "A lot of girls there?" Again my answer doesn't typically mean much, other than how her next reply is which basically sums up to "well, if you want to have some fun, I am all alone."
avatar for Papi_Chulo
6 years ago
How bout the old "my birthday is X date come see me"
avatar for Kajohnston
6 years ago

Ditto @herbcat

Yep, it’s all about the...edited to comply with G-rating:

“School girl is my favorite! Oh I have a couple outfits. It’s my favorite
avatar for Kajohnston
6 years ago
“...make me horny. Lol jk I had fun too :) I felt like I ran a marathon after.”

“And I’ll get my...nice & ready for u mmmmmm it’s been a long time for me”

Been thinkin about the fun we had (kiss emoticon)”

This thread has me LMAO ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
avatar for Nidan111
6 years ago
“i miss your face!” = Washington, Jefferson, Benjamin

“You are overdue” = My car payment is due this week

“We should hang tonight “ = give me your casino winnings

“But, I gave you my number; you should have called me” = I saw you coming out of VIP tonight with a different girl and she has Benjamins that should be mine.
avatar for Nidan111
6 years ago

No dear, it’s Jackson

No dear, that’s my wallet, not your slot machine

No dear, she has bigger tits than you
avatar for Ch3ll
6 years ago
Hi *your name* = start conversation and she asks for something

Come see me babe = come to the club and buy dances

Wyd = start conversation and she asks for something or followed by come to the club and buy dances

I'll be ready/out in x minutes = multiply that number times 5 that's how long she'll be
avatar for DeclineToState
6 years ago
-->@Papi: "How bout the old "my birthday is X date come see me"

Dancer was sitting with me after her stage show, while she was on stage DJ said hey it's her birthday buy some dances. I asked if it was really her birthday, she said no my birthday was last week but I didn't work last week and I'm making up for it and all 3 days I'm working this week are going to be my birthday because I make more when I say it's my birthday. I speculate for some dancers it may be their birthday month every day they're working that month.
avatar for Cristobal
6 years ago
"don't forget to bring me a present from your SF trip (for example)"

I give her points for remembering I'm going on a trip; however, no present and she gets blocked/deleted.
avatar for nicespice
6 years ago
“-->@Papi: "How bout the old "my birthday is X date come see me" “

My birthday happens to fall on every single date that coincides with TUSCL meetups btw :)
avatar for greedyboy
6 years ago
You’re not that guy = you are so F’ng that guy
avatar for rl27
6 years ago
Here are a few others:
"I am so drunk right now." Maybe she is, but a lot of times its just so you head over thinking you might have a good time.
"I am so bored." Hasn't gotten a dance and wants some money.
"Haven't heard from you in a while." Often from a dancer I used to but then she moved on to bigger fish, and now she is all out of regulars and hoping to get me back.
"Thinking about me?" Often when I tell a dancer I am going to be out of town a few weeks on a trip. One even texted me "let me know how the clubs there are."
avatar for joewebber
6 years ago
the dancers that make the most money are the ones that remember the details you tell them about you. if the next time you see them, they ask you about your work (and not vague, but specific jobs you've done), or they ask about other personal things.
these are the girls that also create the illusion that they are attracted to you.
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