
@founder I’m noticing five approvals on the reviews

Living well and enjoying my retirement
Is there a new standard that you haven’t told us about or did I miss an announcement?


  • Warrior15
    5 years ago
    I think you are seeing the Rejections now also.  So if you are seeing five people next to a Review, then two tried to reject it.
  • Warrior15
    5 years ago
    Actually,  I"m looking again.   Looks like it's waiting until  5 votes,  up or down.
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    @Warrior If the standard is 3 upvotes why would the results be held back until there were 5 doesn’t make a lot of sense to me. 
  • TFP
    5 years ago
    Yeah I didn't understand that either. It looks like it waits for five votes no matter what. So it could be five upvotes, or three upvotes and two rejections. Not sure why if the amount of upvotes needed is three why it waits for more even after three.

  • herbtcat
    5 years ago
    Perhaps it's waiting for 5 votes and the review will only publish if there are at least 3 out 5 up votes?
  • nicespice
    5 years ago
    Probably good though, because it provides somebody with more opportunities for constructive criticism and room for improvement. 
  • flagooner
    5 years ago
    @founder I’m noticing members want to complain about everything
  • founder
    5 years ago
    What flagooner said...


    yes, a review needs 5 votes to be published or rejected. So yeah, there may be a few wasted votes. But I think it's valuable to the member to see they went 5 for 5 or 0 for 5.

    Just my 2 cents.
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    @founder flagooner is just projecting 😷
  • Nidan111
    5 years ago
    I like it 
  • pistola
    5 years ago
    Why does everyone need to nitpick these changes, just go with it.  I think this is great 👍  idea.
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    This post if you read it doesn’t qualify as a complaint it was just a question and founder clarified it just fine in my estimation, whether I agree or not it’s his call to make. 
  • pistola
    5 years ago
    Probably good though, because it provides somebody with more opportunities for constructive criticism and room for improvement
    Why is Spice commenting, she approves reviews like this (good to know she has been approving spam reviews):

    So I got a call from Austin Texas. Crazyjoe has struck again, this time it was not a McDonald's like usual. It was the Palazio titty club. When I got there it was a crazyjoe site. Mane this was a mess of all messes! There was shit all over the shitter, sprayed on the walls, leaking out the door of the restroom. The parisians were down!The bathroom troll was screaming cuss words. It looked like a stick of dynamite went off! Dammit Joe how the hell did this happen? They tore down the fancy curtains to dam up all the mess and contain it! Dancers were running around screaming bloody murder! Dancers were standing on the tables and scared to step on the floor like the old lady in Tom and Jerry show! All I could see was a frenzy of bouncing boobies like I never saw before! Customers and dancers were running for the cabanas. I knew this was a major health hazard so I started grabbing dancers off of tables and fireman carry them out the door. I saw a petite Asian hottie wearing a yellow racecar driver bikini! Dam she was hot so I whisked this damsel out the door while she was yelling "Dam you Crazyjoe I bet that was you destroying those airplane shitters!" I bet this may be the Nice n Spice everyone is talking about, but no time to stop and talk. I ran in and out until everyone was safe! Then we had to call fire hose Bob to rinse out the place before we could go back in. After this I was in the shit truck getting lapperz for days... Dam I love you Joe! No homo

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