How to deal with ATF weight gain...

Off again on again PL
So I saw my new ATF today (ATF #3) after nearly a month absence and she put on quite a bit of weight. The weight gain is unfortunately enough that I am less attracted to her. If I saw her on stage now for the first time I might pass.
I haven't had to deal with this before.
Obviously it's not my place to say anything.
So just stopping texting her?
I haven't had to deal with this before.
Obviously it's not my place to say anything.
So just stopping texting her?
I would just stop seeing your ATF. If she wants an explanation just say it’s not you it’s me.
If I want to break things off with a fave I start going to another club altogether for a while.
Either way, I'd just stop getting dances with her, and move on to another dancer I like. If she asks what's up, tread lightly when you tell her anything. I agree with @johnsmith69; make it about you, not her.
I do remember one extreme case of this issue. When I saw a dancer after my 3-month absence from the club. She has been frequent OTC hookup for me in the last year and when I saw her after 12 weeks, she had gained a lot. I got a few dances with her and headed home, not really wanting to go for OTC due to her new figure. She called me the next day to say "we need to talk..." Yes, you get this now... she was pregnant.
I talked to her for a while and did a lot of time/calendar math in my head as we spoke. It wasn't possible that I was the "donor" but she still tried to get me to help pay for the procedure. I haven't seen her since.
If it were my ATF -- not CF, ATF -- I'd likely talk to her. By the time she makes ATF status, we're pretty tight, and I usually genuinely like her enough to at least explain that she's still gorgeous but a little voluptuous for me, but I'd still like to have drinks with her. And because you say it's just a month, I can't let this go -- I want to know if it's medical and possibly short-term weight gain that will quickly disappear. If she's just a CF, I might be more likely to just move on.
with two pregnancies that were back to back. she doubled her weight. and now.
fuck. I am absolutely shocked.
she’s lost almost half her weight.
Thank you girl.
really. ❤️
At this point she still is very attractive to me just not fantasy level. In a slow club I might have given her a shot but I definitely would not be paying her the top dollar that I am. To some degree my issue is just the startling change in such a short time.
One other contributing factor - This is the kind of girl I could see being a stripper off and on for the next 10 years. She already quits every month and then comes back a month later. So I do think there is some value in "investing in the future" with her.
At this point I am going to stop proactively texting her. This is the kind of stripper that pretty much never has the motivation to work unless I contact her. So it won't be hard to take a few weeks off from her and then she what she looks like after that...
I mean, if you two don't have much history and you give few fucks about her, then sure, just stop texting her and that's that. But otherwise, why burn those bridges, or be scared of telling her you're uncomfortable doing dances with preggos but otherwise wish her well?
no sex possibility until she gets fit.