How to deal with ATF weight gain...

Off again on again PL
So I saw my new ATF today (ATF #3) after nearly a month absence and she put on quite a bit of weight. The weight gain is unfortunately enough that I am less attracted to her. If I saw her on stage now for the first time I might pass.
I haven't had to deal with this before.
Obviously it's not my place to say anything.
So just stopping texting her?
last commentI recently saw an old fav who had gained a good 30-40 lbs over the last year. It was very sad. I had zero interest. In fact I think she tried to avoid me because she was embarrassed about the weight gain.
I would just stop seeing your ATF. If she wants an explanation just say it’s not you it’s me.
Yeah you gotta move on with any stripper that is no longer attractive to you. Try to find a different club altogether so you have a good excuse if she confronts you on it. But if you must go to the club when she is there then you'll have tell her you just want some variety or something to that effect.
If I want to break things off with a fave I start going to another club altogether for a while.
I’d definitely avoid Incase it’s do to me knocking her up
Jesus a month of weight gain. Goes from your ATF to no interest! I try to go all John Bastow on that shit. Offer to work out with her all that stuff. An ATF is gonna get that kind of access with me.
Just tell her not tonight then hand her a candy-bar for consolation
There isn't a woman (or man) on the planet who doesn't realize they have gained 30-40 pounds. She knows she's chubbed up. If it's not impacting her income, she may not care. Or, she may be going through any number of issues unrelated to her job and it could be either medically or psychologically difficult for her to deal with it. Either way, unless you really have some deeper level friendship beyond cash for fun, you'd be risking serious blowback (no pun intended) from mentioning it to her. Of course, if/when she drops the weight, you had better say something nice.
Either way, I'd just stop getting dances with her, and move on to another dancer I like. If she asks what's up, tread lightly when you tell her anything. I agree with @johnsmith69; make it about you, not her.
I do remember one extreme case of this issue. When I saw a dancer after my 3-month absence from the club. She has been frequent OTC hookup for me in the last year and when I saw her after 12 weeks, she had gained a lot. I got a few dances with her and headed home, not really wanting to go for OTC due to her new figure. She called me the next day to say "we need to talk..." Yes, you get this now... she was pregnant.
I talked to her for a while and did a lot of time/calendar math in my head as we spoke. It wasn't possible that I was the "donor" but she still tried to get me to help pay for the procedure. I haven't seen her since.
Many of the black dancers I deal with become brickhouses when they gain some weight - seems a lot of it goes to their tits, ass, hips, and thighs, which I like
I recently saw my ATF DS after 6 months and she gained some weight too. Her already huge DDD tits were even bigger and she still had her hourglass figure so I didn't care.
You should have used a condom.
One month and she put on that much weight? Or was she already teetering on being to thick, and 7 pounds (or whatever) was enough to push her over the edge? Are you sure it's not medical, if it's that fast? Medicines like prednisone make people gain a ton of weight super fast -- but it falls back off very quickly when they're done with the 3 week cycle. Someone with any kind of inflammatory disease, like crohn's, might have to do that.
If it were my ATF -- not CF, ATF -- I'd likely talk to her. By the time she makes ATF status, we're pretty tight, and I usually genuinely like her enough to at least explain that she's still gorgeous but a little voluptuous for me, but I'd still like to have drinks with her. And because you say it's just a month, I can't let this go -- I want to know if it's medical and possibly short-term weight gain that will quickly disappear. If she's just a CF, I might be more likely to just move on.
I'm sympathetic. Worst part is she started rooming with a petite hottie. We are so going to hell.
Yeah make it about you not her - tell her you have an unusual condition where your bones break easily so you can't get dances from her anymore
simply cut her off.
Papi: “bones break easily” That one made me laugh out loud!
maybe it’s just better to say... what is your limit? BEFORE you cut her off?
If she no longer fits your FANTASY, fucking cut that shit off until she matches your FANTASY again. She is your P4P, not your livelihood (aka wife). SCs are FANTASY. It is just business, dude!
one of my favorite girls at synncoi...
with two pregnancies that were back to back. she doubled her weight. and now.
fuck. I am absolutely shocked.
she’s lost almost half her weight.
Thank you girl.
really. ❤️
Just tell her you have a policy: No fat chicks.
@Subraman - There is a medical contributing issue... she got pregnant (not mine). She should not be showing for another month or two. However I just looked it up and 5lbs of weight gain at this point is totally normal. So that plus another 5-10lbs from the stress of dealing with a terribly timed pregnancy at such a young age (18yo) on someone super short and it is pretty noticeable. She and I are pretty tight as friends, it is a rare relationship where I feel like I have known her for years. I did bring up the fact that I am not a pregnancy fetish guy so she knows that at some point she will lose me as a customer anyway.
At this point she still is very attractive to me just not fantasy level. In a slow club I might have given her a shot but I definitely would not be paying her the top dollar that I am. To some degree my issue is just the startling change in such a short time.
One other contributing factor - This is the kind of girl I could see being a stripper off and on for the next 10 years. She already quits every month and then comes back a month later. So I do think there is some value in "investing in the future" with her.
At this point I am going to stop proactively texting her. This is the kind of stripper that pretty much never has the motivation to work unless I contact her. So it won't be hard to take a few weeks off from her and then she what she looks like after that...
It happens quite often when they give up drugs. That is probably a good thing for them but it doesn't make your dick get hard. Just start avoiding them and passing on dances. They'll get the message.
Oh shit. Well if she's pregnant, perfectly understandable for you to tell her you're not comfortable getting dances with someone who is pregnant, without ever referencing her being fat. I dunno, I'm all for keeping that door open instead of just ghosting; it might pay dividends for you down the line. A CF of mine got pregnant and I stopped doing dances with her, but on good terms, as she gained weight. Two years later she was back to looking amazing, re-connected, and became one of my best ATFs.
I mean, if you two don't have much history and you give few fucks about her, then sure, just stop texting her and that's that. But otherwise, why burn those bridges, or be scared of telling her you're uncomfortable doing dances with preggos but otherwise wish her well?
be a friend.
no sex possibility until she gets fit.
That's a tough one. But at least the kid's not yours. I agree with Subraman. If she is an AFT and you two are pretty tight as friends. I'd keep the door open for future opportunities. I'll add. Keep getting dances for now if they are still pleasurable. Don't do VIP unless you're that wealthy that it doesn't matter if your investment up and quits or never regains her former attractiveness. Do tip her on stage every once in while even when she gets bigger. Show her class that other customers might not be showing her. But otherwise don't just give her money. Do chat her up in the club but also make it clear you are there getting dances from others. Do text her every once in awhile if you don't see/hear her for months but don't over text. "Haven't seen or heard from you in a while. Hope all is well." That kind of thing. Be yourself. Be friendly. Just don't show her reviews from other customers.