
Comments by herbtcat (page 20)

  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Probably in the VIP
    Sweet as Sugar
    If I recall from that night, Sugar is a fairly petite dirty-blond spinner with a firm, apple bottom ass and perky, non-sagging C's. Probably early 20's. I had a double VIP with Genesis that evening... well worth it. No extras, but very sensual and affectionate. Engage her with some intelligent conversation and show up as cool and interesting rather than a slobbering ass-grabber and you will find her to be delightful. Not saying the OP is an ass-grabber - not saying he isn't either :p - just giving some insight based on my experiences with her. FYI: 30-minute VIPs on all other nights are $200. All dances are paid in advance using a meter with a green and red light. As long as the green light is on, your dance continues. When it turns red, it's over. The OP says this is not an "extras club." But I'd say it's an "extras on the DL" club. If you don't look for extras, you will not see them. But if you know how, who, and when to ask... Regarding Porn Star Lana's presence, this location has a long history of B-list (or C-list) porn stars dancing as regular dancers (i.e.: Not a "feature"). In 25+ years getting laps with these dancers, I have seen a rather low incidence of extras from the "regular-dancer" porn stars. Not zero, just low. But OTC... that's a different question...
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    nice and tight
    I am laughing at how drunk some people get before writing a review.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    I swear, it's just shrinkage due the cold
    Strange OTC
    Why not split the difference (no pun intended). Invite her to meet you for dinner/drinks in an upscale place 1st and suggest you will be delighted to invite her back to your room after. If she agrees, you'll get 30-60 minutes with her before you need to commit to anything more private. It's entirely possible (though hardly likely) that she's just into you and wants a new fuck buddy. It's also possible she's a psychotic killer and plans on robbing you and skinning your ball sack to gather a new trophy. The former is more likely to accept the dinner/drinks offer. The latter... well, either way you probably won't need to spend any more cash at the club...
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Have you ever kissed a stripper on lips or sucked her boobs during a lap dance?
    I suppose I spend more time counting the number of times I raw-dogged a 19 year old spinner in VIP (surprisingly more than you might think, BTW....) more than I have counting the times I got lips-to-nipple or lips-to-lips contact. But if I have to make an estimate, I'd say about 50% of my dances achieve at least one of these delights.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Off again on again PL
    Came across some unusual ITC bathroom action today...
    Hope you used several ass-gaskets on the seat... You would not want to be trying to drop a load when you realize you are sitting in a load left by the previous occupants. :p
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Dedicating my life to finding out Eliza-icees stripperweb handle
    Ditching ATF
    Generally agree with @papi. You don't need to apologize to the cashier at Burger King when you drive past on your way to Popeye's for one of their stupid chicken sandwiches. BK knows you will return for a Whopper in due time.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    If she walks away smiling, you spent too much.
    Things strippers say: "I need to go make money"
    Many times, I'm saying that to her. If she's been sitting with me for a while and we have not agreed on if/when we will get dances (or more), I will suggest that she take a lap around the club. I'm happy to chat with someone until I achieve optimum southern blood flow and start a VIP, but I also don't want to be a fucko-dick who monopolizes her time. I find most dancers react well to this, do a lap or two, and return to me after for a very pleasing experience in a booth.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Depraved Deacon of Degeneracy
    Taking It Up My Ass for Love
    @rev, I would think that being in the "clergy" has a more direct correlation to taking it up the ass with a long plastic tube than is living in California. But I don't judge… :p I do recall a past prostrate exam where I expressed my disdain at having my GP slide his lubed fingers inside my middle-aged ass... He replied: "This isn't really fun for me, either." Fair enough. I stopped complaining, and asked for a scrip for little blue pills.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Discussion Posts: Blocking vs. Ignore
    I've never used the BLOCK function and rarely used IGNORE. I like your decision, Founder.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Generation gap
    If I was talking to an 18-24 year old dancer, I'd be much more concerned that she knows who Billy Joel and Frank Sinatra are than John Wayne. And while were at it, I don't really want her to know anything about John Wayne Bobbitt, either.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    Sugar Babies Be Like...
    For a brand new iPhone, my SB needs to bring her 19-year old skinny Asian GF over for three way - twice. -Just saying.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    OT: Road Shitters
    I used to drive from Northern California Bay Area to Los Angeles about 8 times a year... it's all Interstate 5, and there are miles and miles of roads with no facilities in sight, unless you want to crap outside next to a cow. So I have my GPS set up with a short cut button to find nearby Starbucks on road trips. It's my #1 go to restroom destination. I buy a small dink (and accumulate reward points) on my way out. If no SB's are within 10 miles, I look for a "family" restaurant (Denny's, etc.) and go there. If nothing else, if you can spot a mid-tier budget hotel like Holiday Inn Express or Hampton Inn, they all have very clean restrooms across from the check-in desk in the lobby. Go in, do your stuff, then ask about room prices on your way out. On the other end of the spectrum, I stay away from fast food locations, especially those located at major freeway crossings, or multiple gas station corners next to the offramp. Had way too many bad experiences trying to "hover" my ass over a giant pile of multi-colored turds clogging the bowel - AND you can count on finding ZERO TP in your stall...not even ass gaskets. https://images.app.goo.gl/BgA1P5QH23K3gUJF8
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    >:( 🧚🏼‍♀️💃🏼 busy being a "psycho bitch" 🤣
    Are clubs just getting deader and deader over time?
    I can't speak for clubs outside my local area (Los Angeles) but I think attendance and average PL "spend per visit" here has been steadily declining for the last 10 years. Many factors could be driving this: 1. The "average" guy just has less disposable cash to spend in a club. Unemployment is low, but the average wage for the available jobs is low and those with jobs are seeing smaller raises year after year. All while living expenses are going up. Lower disposable cash means less consumption of dances. 2. To compensate for lost per-person revenue, the "average" club is raising prices for everything, parking, cover, drinks, and dances. Higher prices mean reduced demand. 3. At the same time, the "average" community is less tolerant of clubs that provide extras, so the pressure on LE to increase enforcement activity is growing. Less "quality" of dancers and dancers means less demand for their services. 4. And the "mix" of customers is skewing away from older guys - who have cash. Younger PL's (particularly Millennials) are going to a club to "hang" with their friends - including their dancer friends - instead of going to get a lot of dances. So they buy a drink, chat up with each other, and maybe get one or two dances for the novelty of the experience, not to get off or LDK. They could (and probably do) get a similar experience for the same money at a hookah (that's smoke, not sex :p ) bar or a local Starbucks. I have asked dancers about this and generally hear comments like: "I'm getting fewer dances per shift and my average take home after tip out is lower." In clubs near me, 5 years ago a dancer could usually take home $400-$1000 on an average shift. Today, it's more like $200-$500.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Spending Efficiency
    I look at this from a different perspective. I go to a club with a certain objective for the visit, and an adequate budget (plus a surplus buffer if needed) to get what I want. If I'm just on a scouting mission and have no intention of getting VIP's or more, I might budget up to $100-$150 all in for cover, drinks, tips, and a few laps. If I'm trying to find new potential OTC opportunities, I might budget more (maybe $150-$250) so I can get a few test drive laps or even a VIP to establish rapport and sort out the ROB's. If I'm looking for ITC, I budget for at least 2 full VIP + Tip sessions. This could mean anywhere from $300 to $700 depending on the club/local market and my desire to get what I want. Regardless of why I'm there, I generally do not rail tip, unless I want to get attention from a specific dancer. Then I look at what (if) other PL's are tipping. If they are tipping $1's, I tip $5. If they are tipping $5's and $10, I'll tip a $20 if I really want to talk to her - plus I'll make eye contact and ask her to stop by after. If they are tipping $20's or more, I stay in my seat and move to another dancer. Also, I stay away from alcohol if served, or I'll get and nurse a domestic beer if I think I'll stand out too much (aka look like I'm LE) in the context of the club's regular clientele. Finally, I have a pretty good chat/flirt game, so I don't tip for additional "talk time" at a table or the bar. I may tell her it's cool to go "make some money" if she needs to, but I ask her to come back to me after for (dances, VIP's, etc.). And, as @Uprightcitizen mentioned, I never use a card to pay for anything or use the in-club ATM.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Stay away from the drunk Filipino Girl
    Totally acceptable and even encouraged to use the full stage name of ROB's or dancers who do fucked up shit. Tossing your beer should get her into some trouble with club management - unless she's sucking staff dick, or earning top $$$ at the club by sucking customer dicks.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Solid place, fun features, bottomless dancers
    Valet is free; a $1 or $2 tip on your way out is normal. Be careful entering or leaving the valet area, as the driveway ramp is steep and larger/lower cars may scrape cement if you move too fast. I'm generally not a fan of going on "feature dancer" nights. $60-$100 single-song lap dances are just stupid, no matter how hot the featured dancer is, or how much of a fan you are. The only potential advantage to being there on feature night is that the regular dancers are losing business while the feature is on stage or doing laps, so you may be able to negotiate something interesting with dancers that are not hitting their daily goals. Let the fan boys jump around shouting like teenage girls at a Justin Bieber concert for a T-shirt or a $7 DVD that she rubbed on her pussy. You can take advantage of frenzy to get some great laps/VIP's with the dancer of your choice.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Why webcamming is stupid (as is porn)
    @Estafador, you may not enjoy it, but there are enough people around the globe paying for to watch adult web cam shows to generate more than $1 billion in annual revenue. For those of us much older than Millennials, who used things like the lingerie catalogs and the occasional stolen copy of Playboy or Penthouse to get off before there was an internet, the idea of seeing a live hot woman masturbating at our command seems pretty good. And IMO, the question isn't one of "choose one or the other," it's "choose all that you want to choose."
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Baby dancer
    Opal, I've seen plenty of strippers with your looks. Yes there are clubs who may be less receptive, but there are also clubs that look for variety of sizes and shapes, just like the customers that frequent them. if you've ever seen a guy try to flirt with you, you already know you are sexy. Just be that sexy, desirable woman and get your spot at the club!
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Pay me whatever you want
    I've heard it a few times over the years, along with an infrequent "I'll make you happy or you don't need to pay" claim. IME, these are so infrequent that I do not treat these as red flags or a ROB ploy. So, did you take her out for the night? And if you did, what did you end up paying for your date?
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    VR porn
    I bought an Oculus Rift about 3 years ago. Of course I checked out pc games as well as VR Porn. It's definitely heading in the right direction for games, even if the headset is a bit heavy and after using for about 45-60 minutes I had to take a break due to a rising sense of vertigo & nausea. This is due to your vision of the horizon not matching the gravity your body feels.. But for porn, it started out awesome... it totally redefines a POV scene. BUT, there are still important limitations. Most important is that the multiple cameras needed to shoot a scene cannot be moved during the scene. They are carefully calibrated to provide the 360 degree (or sometimes 270 degree) view. That means every scene puts you as a guy who never moves, usually sitting on a chair, sofa or bed and the other actors move around doing things TO you, but "you" never do anything to them...for every scene. So after viewing maybe 20 or 30 or so they all start to look the same. Once they solve the camera mobility problem, they can get much more creative in how they stage a scene and how the actors interact. My Oculus Rift has been sitting in my closet for the last 15 months... Will it replace strip clubs? I doubt it, but it's not hard to imagine a hybrid experience where you can wear a headset (and other "tactile" items like gloves, and a sensor-loaded body suit) to look at your ideal dancer while the dancer in real life who is bouncing on your, lets say lap :p, could look nothing like what you see. Think Total Recall without Arnold having the brain aneurism... Surrogate Lap Dancers??? You hear it here first, People.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    "What would you charge?"
    @waffle There's lots of replies on "pricing strategy" here, so I won't try to add. But just a reality check on this comment: "...a girl told the reviewer she sucks off about 10 guys in one night. And he paid $80..." Regardless of what you think of her morals or selectiveness, at that rate she's bringing home $800 per shift above and beyond her normal tipped-out daily pay. If she works 5 nights a week, she's taking an extra $16,000 a month beyond her normal pay. So if you are inclined to experiment, find your sweet spot in the sliding scale between higher prices/fewer guys and lower prices/more guys. If you want to make the same money as this example but only provide for say 2 guys a night, you'll have to charge $400 each guy AND find two guys willing to pay 5 times what the "slam pig" is charging. And, contrary to other's opinions above, IMHO, hotness only helps out on the floor to initiate negotiations. Once you're in a dark VIP booth and all he sees is the top of your head or your back, looks matter less. For me, getting extras from a provider requires only that she be subjectively hot enough for me to think she can get me off.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Evil Lair
    Strip Club Insurer Fights $5M Award In Drunken Driving Case
    From what I can infer from the article: 1. She was under 21, working at a club that sold booze 2. The club encouraged her to drink and sell drinks to customers 3. At end of her shift, she was 15 shots in and fucking wasted. 4. The club was supposed to have a bouncer put her in a taxi to take her home, but 5. Instead, the bouncer placed her in her own car and handed her the keys. 6. She had a blood alcohol level of 0.155% witch is at least 50% over the legal standard for drunk in the state 7. She hit an off duty cop and suffered massive, permanently impairing injuries. 8. The club lied to insurance investigators 9. The insurance company lied to her 10. Everyone is now suing everyone. 11. Ultimately, she will (or at least SHOULD) win huge dollars. 12. The club could be (should be) liable for some or all of the final settlement 13. The local municipality that oversees the club should investigate and revoke their booze license and possibly their business license, assuming they do not end up bankrupt from the settlement.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Skinny White Girls and Rap Music
    @nicespice I find it very disappointing how little many dancers understand (or how little a club trains a dancer to understand) the power of their stage songs to attract PL's to watch them and get more dances from them. It should not take more than a few weeks working at a club to realize that the customers with the most cash and the customers most willing to spend that cash on dances (table/booth/VIP, etc.) are generally men over 40, and usually men who are ethnically representative of the local community demographics. So if I was a dancer (and thank goodness I am not!!) in a predominantly Caucasian area I'd want music from 20-30 years ago to play as much as possible so that the 40-60 year old guys there will react positively and spend money on a dancer that reminds them of that hot girl they new in school... I can understand if the club has a Millennial DJ who thinks rap, especially thug rap, is cool and must be played at all times - and as loud as the audio system will allow. But many clubs allow each dancer to select their own music when on stage. As a 50+ white guy who grew up in So Cal, I am must more inclined to get in the mood to drop $300, $400, or more when I'm channeling my 20's and 30's through music. Hearing loud, explicit lyrics glorifying violence against women, police, other thugs, etc. just makes me feel old and uncomfortable. This ain't rocket science, is it? If dancers/DJ's played the music their best customer's want to hear, instead of the music that the DJ or the dancer wants, I'm confident that they would get more dances. I get that some dancers will feel more "into it"/"artistically inclined" by contemporary music that they identify with, but are they there to earn money, or just feel good about how bad ass they can be? Hmm.. maybe it is rocket science. :(
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Knight of the Round Table Dance
    Lookalike Strippers
    This happened to me ay Christies in Phoenix. I was on a business trip and had a free evening before meeting clients the next day. Went in and after about 30 minutes I saw the ass of a super cute brunette spinner while she was bent over talking to a guy in a chair in front of me. Her ass, legs, back all looked really good and I was just waiting for the guy to pass and see her turn around so I could make eye contact and lock her down... She turned and our eyes locked, hers in curiosity, mine in panic! She was a near twin for my cousin who lived about 20 miles north of the PHX area, near Glendale... but my brain finally got some blood flowing and I realized I must be wrong; my cousin was only 4 years younger than me (I was about 43) and this girl was maybe 19-20... whew! I started to relax and then remembered my cousin has a daughter who just started college!! I tried to regain some composure - badly. By then she had mistaken my look of total fear as intertest from an uber-shy guy, so she sat down on my lap and started chatting... I finally got my head together (pun intended) and started chatting her back. After some small talk and a few gentle probing questions scattered into the mix I figured out she was indeed in college but was born back east. Whew!!! Still, the damage was done and I just could not close the deal and eventually let her slip away to other PL's. Several years later, I was in town for a family function and met the daughter. Chubby, EMO-ish type... go figure.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    YouTube Stripper Cristina Villegas
    "...but she says the club is more of a "gentleman's club" than a strip club"... Reminds me of the commercial... "you a spirit and me a ghost" https://youtu.be/KawjY0PK7A8