Spending Efficiency

avatar for rickdugan
Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
The more one clubs, the more this matters. For the once a month type this may not be the greatest concern, but almost anyone who clubs multiple times per month has to be aware of spending levels lest her blow through his discretionary budget.

Now I know I recently indicated in another thread that I can't go to a club if I don't have the budget to have a full experience and I stand by that. But as time moves on, I've had to become much more disciplined in how I spend it, especially given that my OTC conversion rate is fairly high in my local clubs.

Some examples of how this has played out for me are as follows:

- I try to hit the club during the last hour of Happy Hour so that I can get a few rounds under the belt on the cheap and avoid the cover.

- I only stage tip girls I want to get to know that night or in the future.

- I still tip well barside, but that is tactical as well and involves girls who I would like to see OTC, either that night or in the near future. I also place a hard cap on that type of tipping during each visit.

- I don't try to force things. If my instincts are telling me she is a waste of time, I cut bait sooner than I used to.

- I have a much better handle on reasonable local OTC costs and have become better in setting a reasonable price with most girls.

We live and learn I suppose. This increasing spending maturity has allowed me to maintain a frequency of club visits that works for me while not breaking the budget on any single night.

Anyone else have tricks they use to manage this?


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avatar for shadowcat
5 years ago
I don't have so many rules. I take more money than I'll need and I leave if/when I am not enjoying myself.
avatar for Muddy
5 years ago
-Only spending on girls I’m interested in BUT I will tip girls I’m not so interested in for good info

-New clubs all the time for me, so if I do a dance, keep it to one dance, feel out club rules and all that. Got to to get it done in one or two dances not three or four.

-I don’t make enough to be doing VIPs every club visit but only do VIP with a girl I was head over heels for. Which is pretty rare for me. But if I see it I’ll jump on it. Probably <10 girls in 120+ unique club visits on the year. In other words I’m extremely picky. In those instances I’m mostly declined but if I go back in time I wish I jumped on atleast a couple of them. Instead of going to more clubs with a “plenty of fish in the sea” mentality. Bullshit none of the fishes looked like that!

-Check the damn website! Often times there might be a free admission whatever for jumping on the mailing list. Got to do this in NYC.

-Obviously go before 8,9 or 10 or whenever they start cover charge or hike it up.

-Weak clubs on the weekend nights, strong clubs on the week nights

-Don’t be afraid to travel a little further for a great experience for a lot less money. I.E. going from Manhattan to Jersey or to Queens would save you hundreds. .

-Keep it to one beer. Maybe two. No fuck it just keep it at one. And no to dancer drinks unless interest in her is super high.

-Park around the block if Valet. Fuck Valet.

That’s all I got for now.

avatar for SirLapdancealot
5 years ago
I am an extreme regular for this very reason. As one, I can focus my spending on just my fave(s). At most I'll spend $5 on tipping other dancers and then another $5 on my drink (a soda) with bartender tip, and then the rest goes to my fave who I have already negotiated a low per dance rate which comes to $30/dance including tip. Then I get 2-4 dances with her on average. This is just about the minimum spending I do which allows me to have more frequent visits to a fave rather than ones to random strippers at a higher dance rate without guarantee of a good time. So the downside for me is I have to be OK with just a few strippers, which I am. I have a fave at at least two clubs for the variety.
avatar for Muddy
5 years ago
My post got cut off don’t make a less than sign wtf. Anyway

Cont. Probably less than 10 girls In 120+ club visits on the year. So I’m pretty picky. In hindsight I wish I spent more money on some of those 10 instead of going to other clubs with the “plenty of fish in the sea” mentality. Fuck that those fish didn’t look like that!

-Check the club website. No cover just hopping on their mailing list or whatever. Must for NYC

-Keep it to one beer. And dancer drinks only if they are fucking smoking hot.

-Go before 8,9,10 or whenever cover kicks in or hikes up.

-Weak clubs on the weekend nights and strong clubs during weeknights.

That’s all I got for now.

avatar for Liwet
5 years ago
I have a bankroll that I add to as money permits. I can afford to lose my bankroll. I don't club unless my bankroll exceeds a certain amount (and go to TJ if it ends up exceeding a second threshold).

Otherwise, I really don't limit myself in the club (other than not paying for more than what's on offer). I maintain high standards as well which automatically limits my spending and ensures that I'm only spending on the best and that I have the funds to pay for whatever is available.
avatar for Muddy
5 years ago
I forgot the biggest one. If the experience your looking for is not at that particular club just cut your losses and leave. Next club next club. Fuck it. Not “Oh well I’m already here I might aswell spend my budget” Fuck all that noise.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
When it comes to spending $$$ whether it's strip clubs or not. I gotta feel I'm getting value, other than that I don't have any hard-rules like "my budget for visit X is $Y and I don't go over no matter what".

But I do find I'm a bit more anal about my spending when I club more/more-regularly - when I club less/less-frequently I sweat less overpaying a bit and I tend to be a bit more-liberal with my tipping.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
^ i.e. the more I club the more critical I am w.r.t. my spending - when I club less I don't sweat-it/worry-about-it as much
avatar for Jascoi
5 years ago
due to my excessive spending earlier in my strip club experience I’ve had to cut back to hugely the amount of clubbing I do so now I am much pickier... choosing carefully girls I do things with...
avatar for jackslash
5 years ago
At my favorite club the dancers have significantly increased their prices, making the mileage/dollars ratio decrease. I don't like to bargain. I increase my spending efficiency by going to other clubs.
avatar for Uprightcitizen
5 years ago
I simply limit the amount of cash I walk in with and never ever bring bank cards or credit cards in a club. I also typically keep watches or other valuables out of the club. I normally like to have a few drinks, get a little loose and I honestly don't trust myself to maintain discipline in that state. Thus I just limit the night bankroll. When that cash is spent or I don't find what I am looking for I am done.

I have found this works quite well and I almost always enjoy myself with no regrets.
avatar for herbtcat
5 years ago
I look at this from a different perspective. I go to a club with a certain objective for the visit, and an adequate budget (plus a surplus buffer if needed) to get what I want.

If I'm just on a scouting mission and have no intention of getting VIP's or more, I might budget up to $100-$150 all in for cover, drinks, tips, and a few laps.

If I'm trying to find new potential OTC opportunities, I might budget more (maybe $150-$250) so I can get a few test drive laps or even a VIP to establish rapport and sort out the ROB's.

If I'm looking for ITC, I budget for at least 2 full VIP + Tip sessions. This could mean anywhere from $300 to $700 depending on the club/local market and my desire to get what I want.

Regardless of why I'm there, I generally do not rail tip, unless I want to get attention from a specific dancer. Then I look at what (if) other PL's are tipping. If they are tipping $1's, I tip $5. If they are tipping $5's and $10, I'll tip a $20 if I really want to talk to her - plus I'll make eye contact and ask her to stop by after. If they are tipping $20's or more, I stay in my seat and move to another dancer.

Also, I stay away from alcohol if served, or I'll get and nurse a domestic beer if I think I'll stand out too much (aka look like I'm LE) in the context of the club's regular clientele.

Finally, I have a pretty good chat/flirt game, so I don't tip for additional "talk time" at a table or the bar. I may tell her it's cool to go "make some money" if she needs to, but I ask her to come back to me after for (dances, VIP's, etc.).

And, as @Uprightcitizen mentioned, I never use a card to pay for anything or use the in-club ATM.
avatar for Subraman
5 years ago
As an ATFer, for the most part, this is really easy for me: most of my trips, I've already made an appointment, and I spend 100% of my money on my ATF or CF. No tipping anyone or anywhere else. Easy!

Sometimes, I don't have an appointment. In that case, if I find a stripper I like, well, this is her interview to be my new CF. I spend 100% of my money on her. I may do some stage tips just to get everyone's attention, or to fill some time.

Sometimes, I not only have no appointment, but am not attracted to any of the strippers. In that case, if I meet a stripper who is fun to hang out with, I might just have drinks with her and compensate her for her time in lieu of a dance

avatar for Player11
5 years ago
I go for girl that’s interested. Last visit many dancers from Cuba. One sexy bik clad young lady cane to my table. Am vip at Houston area club.

I took her up to vip we had couple dances got to feel her where ever. She offered fuck for $300 but politely declined as 35 yo x stripper housewife sb at $100. Plus the vip area wide open vs the individual enjoyment rooms club used to have where u could just lay the girl down n fuk her.
avatar for rickdugan
5 years ago
===> "But I do find I'm a bit more anal about my spending when I club more/more-regularly - when I club less/less-frequently I sweat less overpaying a bit and I tend to be a bit more-liberal with my tipping."

Exactly where I am at. When I first started posting on this site a decade ago, the bulk of my clubbing was on the road, which meant that my clubbing was less frequent. I didn't really care so much if I overspent on tipping and OTC. But over the years that dynamic morphed into more local clubbing, which led to more frequent clubbing. Hence the need to adopt a more disciplined approach.
avatar for prevert
5 years ago
Ever since I found what was actually available at clubs, I’ve been spending like it was water. I feel like I’m not wasting my money though.

Maybe when I’m old and jaded like some of you guys I’ll start watching the pennies. But I have enough money to spend so I spend it.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
It's not a question about having the $ or not, it's about spending it wisely (unless one is wealthy and $ is no object)
avatar for gSteph
5 years ago
Lots of people club more often and have more to spend than I – but spending efficiency – fun per dollar matters for us with lessor endowed wallets just as much. Besides the basics – no plastic money goes into club, take only one’s budget (plus cushion), here’s my MO.

I don’t drink; I nurse a coconut or regular water. I don’t buy drinks for dancers – that would not add to my experience as I disfavor alcohol on breath.

My habit for stage dances is to tip 1-3 for most dancers unless they aren’t fun to look at or put no effort in their stage dance.

At my main club, dollar dances are a thing. There usually are 10 or so dancers on day shift, maybe 7 look good or better to me. I’ll enjoy a dollar dance with any/all of those 7. With the best lookers, I’ve found that saying “A dollar dance? That’s not right for such a beauty, how about a $5 - dollar dance?” often gets me a long (up to a minute, sometimes), friendly dance. For the lesser but ok beauties, 2 to $4. One- and five-dollar bills are cheap, I get at lot of fun spreading these around.

With my twenties I usually get 1 or 2 dances with a few dancers, 3 with a fav, I’m a variety guy. But not more than 3 different dancers these days; I’ve found past that the memories blur a bit, and having individual memories is part of the fun for me. And I always have an extra 20 or two in case that 9.something walks up to me.
avatar for prevert
5 years ago
Papi_Chulo I don’t think most people would put “spending wisely” and “paying for sex” in the same sentence honestly.

I don’t think I’m wasting my money. I think I get good value for what I spend even if every penny isn’t on fucking.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
"... Papi_Chulo I don’t think most people would put “spending wisely” and “paying for sex” in the same sentence honestly ..."

Happens all the time on TUSCL - a big-part of TUSCL is discussing/sharing/learning what one should pay in a strip-club to avoid needlessly overpaying to get a particular service
avatar for rickdugan
5 years ago
===> "I don’t think most people would put “spending wisely” and “paying for sex” in the same sentence honestly."

Then we can call it "minimizing damage" or "not breaking the bank" or whatever else you want. The point is to keep the spending manageable. It's a rare long time club hound who hasn't watched someone lose his fucking mind and go broke chasing after the elusive affection of strippers, whether it was someone he knows or from shared stories ITC.
avatar for magicrat
5 years ago
An actual conversation from a business trip.

Q: "How did you spend $200 at a strip club?

A: "That's all I had."
avatar for chessmaster
5 years ago
I usually bring $200 or $300 and once that's gone that's it. Or if I get bored before it's gone I leave and save my money. There's certain costs I'm willing to accept. cover charges, valet, overpriced drinks etc. Its just part of the deal. I think more than anything I hate giving money to rob's and gps strippers. Not because I want it back but based on principle I really dont want them to have anything.
avatar for Dolfan
5 years ago
I moderate my spending more through # of visits than on each visit independently. I do try to be efficient, doing things like going on off-peak shifts but spending isn't the primary motivator in that. I follow shadows approach, take more than I need & leave when its not fun. I don't return unless I can afford to blow the cash. I have reserves to cover fun opportunities when they arise.

avatar for san_jose_guy
5 years ago
He who is able to maximize spending efficiency in strip clubs controls the universe.

avatar for rickthelion
5 years ago
San Jose Ape actually said something sensible. Damn straight Mr. Ape, he who maximizes their spending efficiency controls the universe. ROAR!!!
avatar for rickthelion
5 years ago
For example, if I’m wanting to get a little extra toasted (e.g., for the drive home) I usually teach the bartender to make the rickarita. Gives me a warm and toasty feeling inside and it is a skill the bartender can take wherever he or she may go for their future endeavors. Teach and ape to fish and whatnot. 😉
avatar for san_jose_guy
5 years ago
Mister Dugan, how many of your OTC girls are saying that they need help paying their rent, and to what extent are you encouraging them to talk to you in that manner?

avatar for san_jose_guy
5 years ago
Maximizing Strip Club Spending Efficiency means getting the girls to do what you want, and then to go away, at the lowest cost.

avatar for Ch3ll
5 years ago
When I first started, 3-4 visits in a month, I thought gambling helped fund it, but a couple years into it and oh my debt. Now I'm going once a month which in time will allow me to have more, spend more at once.

Regarding tips for spending efficiency I'd say stick to only floor dance spending en route to negotiating OTC. I've had this work once so far. First night ever seeing/getting only floor dances from this stripper and I ask her what's her monetary goal for the night. Well, I found that reasonable and we agreed and had OTC that night.
avatar for Ch3ll
5 years ago
I meant to ask in my original post, @rickdugan have you had a good success ratio negotiating otc over only floor dances or have they always involved some VIP?
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