
Comments by herbtcat (page 21)

  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    California fires. Are the COI girls safe?
    I have not heard any news about clubs in LA being affected. But there are far too many areas around the county, and the counties north to believe that many dancers, just like the general population are not impacted. At the most severe, evacuations and lost homes; at the least, heavy traffic and road & freeway closures making it difficult to get to/from a club. And, yes, I am safe - thank you for asking. :)
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Exacerbating my sexual frustration on local dancers
    My review got rejected :(
    Sorry, that should be: SHUT THE FUCK UP about Fight Club.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Exacerbating my sexual frustration on local dancers
    My review got rejected :(
    If by "organization" you mean the TUSCL site and forum, I recommend you NEVER mention it to a dancer or club staff. And if you are going even further and suggesting to a dancer that you are "officially" gathering info for TUSCL, then please STFU! Telling most dancers this will likely ensure she offers nothing beyond what is strictly legal in the club and that means no FRMOS, let alone any discussion of extras ITC or OTC. If a dancer mentions the site to you unprompted, unless she identifies her TUSCL member name (Like the lovely Nicespice) then just tell her you never heard of TUSCL - and change the subject to something else - like how spicy her boobs look. It's like Fight Club. And the 1st rule of Fight Club is "Do not talk about Fight Club." The second rule is SUT THE FUCK UP about Fight Club. Thank you for participating in our respectful, yet discrete ongoing discussion group.
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    5 years ago
    Retired, traveling for fun
    How not to spent research grants
    In the science community, there is a technical term for this guy: "Dumb Ass" Actually it's the same term used in all other communities, but... yeah. Besides the "fluid dynamics" angle, this is a whole new use of the term "Government Issue"
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Has a dancer ever
    Back in my much younger, and much less experienced days, I offered to "save" a stripper at a local club (Odd Ball) from her "predatory" hotel manager. She was staying at one of the seedy, "Hooker Row" motels along Sepulveda Blvd in the Valley and told me the creepy guy had frequently, and rather aggressively offered to let her pay her day's rent when she didn't have the $35 needed to secure the room overnight. For some reason, even though she worked at the club (2 blocks away) 5-6 days a week, she just never had the cash to pay up. Enter Junior White Knight, Sir HerbTCat! I picked her up at the hotel one afternoon and brought her to my one-bedroom apartment. Told her she could stay there a few days until she got back on her feet. Since I had ZERO game or negotiating skills, I let her use the sofa to sleep, rather than insisting she mount my dick for a nightly ride. Took about 6 weeks for the "violations" of trust to add up to my breaking point: 1. Smoking in a non-smoking building, dropping ashes off my balcony into the tenant's porch below 2. Arguing with my landlord 3. Drinking all my wine (she was 19) and breaking my wine glasses 4. After repeatedly telling me she wasn't quite ready to sleep with me, admitting that she was in California because she followed some asshole here from the east coast, and had slipped over to his place multiple times, only to get fucked and thrown away again and again. 5. Stealing cash from my wallet, 6. There's more, but you get the idea. When I finally found my (rather blue) balls, I gathered up all her shit and dropped it off at the club entryway, explaining to the hostess that she will need to ask the dancer about it or just throw it out. I didn't really care which. She knocked on my door that night, I told her through the door to leave or I would call the cops and tell them she's a drug-using psycho trying to invade my home. Ahhhh… good times. :p
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    Unicorn and other TUSCL jargon
    Why do we use the term "Unicorn"? Unicorn's are mythical beasts. They are so rare that even if you saw one, no one would believe you when you told them about it. They are magical creatures, always good and protecting the innocent from evil. The appear as wild horses with a magical horn on their head said to be able to do wonderous feats and incredible deeds for the deserving. In other words, Unicorns do not exist in the "real world". So when you use the term to describe a stripper, dancer, sugar baby, hooker, etc., you must only ascribe that term to those elusive women who are an impossible combination of your most desired criteria (looks, personality, level of service, price, etc.). If you are calling the top 10% of the women you meet Unicorns, you are being too generous, as 10% is perhaps rare, but hardly non-existent. No. The true Unicorn is the one-in-a-million who is so mesmerizing and wonderful that you've never even believed she existed, until she sat on your lap and offered you a dance. And she is just as likely to slip away after that dance never to be seen again... because you cannot capture a Unicorn. It's up to her to stay or go. Most of us will never meet a Unicorn. Some of us may have met one and never realized it. But I'm sorry, Mr. gammanu95, if you think you have met THREE Unicorns, you did not. I am not saying your three are not truly wonderful dancers. Just that the magic horn you thought was there on all three, was probably just a well deserved boner of happiness.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Say yes to the sex industry!
    Getting texts from random hookers?
    I doubt that a prior provider sold or shared your info with their friends. The pro's I've met would consider that a HUGE breach of trust, just like if I shared their info with a buddy without asking them 1st. I suspect as someone else suggested, your number got skimmed or hacked off some adult-themed website. The texts you are getting are almost certainly scams. Here's some practical checks you can do: 1. If the area code of the sender's phone is not local - red flag 2. If you Google their number and do not see escort ads / or you see ROB/SCAM warning listings - red flag 3. If they are asking you to go to a website and sign up to "verify" you are (real, adult, etc) - red flag I used to get dozens of these random contacts through whats'app. None lately. 4. Ask her for a web URL that has her info page or an escort ad. See if the number / email on the web page matches her info. If not - red flag 5. If she passes all the above, and you want to consider moving forward, ask her to skype or facetime - not nude - just to talk and let you see her face (or more) clearly. Scammers will never allow video chat.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    The Square Above Charlie Weaver
    Her Girlfriend has a Dog
    I did not need to know any of this, including the info from CJKent. Now I cannot unread it. I am sad.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    1 Porn Feature & Another Porn Dancer
    Thank for the report. I was there earlier that same night, before the feature dancer (Britney Amber) went on. But she did enter the club around 9-ish with two male companions and looked to be just chillin in one of the upper level booths along the side wall (opposite the restroom) when I left around 10:15 pm. I'm not a fan of featured porn star dancers at strip clubs. I am a fan of porn stars who will provide a private meeting, but that's a different thread on a different forum. Parking: Free valet (tip a buck) after around 6 pm daily, though the start time for the valet seems to vary. Before the valet is on duty, park in the covered lot for free. At all times, free street parking, but not recommended due to the narrow street and the number of PL's who pre-game at a bar before coming to the club. The recent repricing of drinks is, IMO, having the reverse of the expected impact at the club. Old model: $20 entrance, and free fountain drinks ($1 tip to the waitress), bottled drinks (water, RedBull, etc., $5-8). New model: $15 before 5-ish pm, $20 after 5 pm, plus $5 for a (free) drink, or $2-4 upcharge for a bottled drink. My observation is that most PL's will get the 1st (now required) drink and then no more. So I suspect the net revenue from drinks (and probably tips to bar girls) is now lower under the new model.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Sports Bar with Strippers
    Typical for this club. The days of easy to get, affordable HM dances and even extras at this location faded away at least 8 years ago. But they do have a higher-than-average density of lookers. The full bar means no nudity. And the draw seems to be, as you suggested, guys who want sports decorated with boobies and a cold brew. As far as OTC, there are and have been providers working there, as well as B-list porn stars dancing there for some time. Since the club is owned by SR, I think they occasionally rotate dancers between here and the Rhino a few miles away in Van Nuys. However, the force is rampant with GPS there and you will probably be looking at asks starting at $500 and up. Caveat Emptor, friend. Interesting historical note: In one of the previous incarnations of a club at this location, they had a full-blown sports bar in the back half of the building, while maintaining a full nude, no booze front. The sports bar failed after about a year. For some PL's of a "certain age", drinking before sex just ends up being drinking.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    DFW, Texas
    Spending Distribution
    In general, I'll be willing to spend up to 20% of my session budget to test-drive dancers. Once I find the one (or maybe two) I'm happy with I will "fire for effect" on that one for the rest of night.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Older than dirt
    MA Club Raided
    At last! A club bust for something other than fake trafficking allegations.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Rhode Island
    A shortish SA exchange...
    Interesting exchange... In over 10 years of sugaring, I've never had that offer presented. I have met potentials that are in a (presumably) "open" relationship with a male, but none ever offered a three way with him, and none of those ever moved forward to an arrangement. Note that open relationships with a woman are a different topic. Perhaps I've not seen this before because my sweet spot for SB's is typically between 18-25 years old, so the married rate of that group is fairly low. Curious how old your potential is?
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Great club, beautiful girls, but the hustle is too strong
    After far too many similar encounters I have learned over the years not to be distracted into paying a "hotness" premium. From my recent experience in COI clubs, the going rate for CBJ is between $50-$100, plus the VIP fees. For CFS, I'd say between $100-$150, plus VIP fees. If the cover stays in my pocket, add from $50-$150 more. A hotness premium can add a 2x to 5x multiplier to those price points, especially if you fail to negotiate early. But it's important to remember that looks do not always (and arguably almost never) equate to good performance skills for extra services. In fact, I find there is generally an inverse correlation, as hotness goes up, her skills/personality/enthusiasm go down. I'll leave it to the gallery of PL's to speculate why, or if, I am correct. But let me ask you a question: When she's bobbing her head up and down, and all you can see is the top of her head, or when you're pounding her in doggy, and all you can see is her hair and back, can you really tell the difference between a 9/10 and a 7/8? I propose that you rethink your criteria from a "pure hotness" score standard to a "how likely is she to get me off" standard. I've had some amazing experiences with a variety of attractive women for "standard" rates. Yes, there's a fair share of (IMO) 9's and 10's in the mix, but I decided to negotiate with them because I thought I'd have a great time, not because they looked better than other dancers.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    DFW, Texas
    Discovering Extras
    Must have been early 80's. I was in a club in the San Fernando Valley called Bob's Classy Ladies. This was the "main" Bobs; there was a sister club that was more of a beer/biker/pool table bar a few blocks away (which is now Synn North Hills). The site for the original Bob's has changed owners and names many times in the years since and is now the location of Dames N Games. Back in the 80's it was one of the largest clubs in the Valley and the owner was somehow connected to the porn biz. He would occasionally loan out the place after hours for porn shoots... but I digress. The VIP dancer area then was a row of high-wall cubes along one side of the building. Each cube had a black curtain that the dancer could close to block outside views. At that time, I had been a new, but semi-regular PL of an early 30's brunette dancer. As a young lad in my early 20's, I was still new to clubs and had never even imagined that extras were a thing. One day, she asked me to take her to a VIP. I did and we were having a good time. About 10 minutes into the dance, she was on her knees in front of me and looked up to tell me to unzip. I had to ask her to repeat herself because I just couldn't have heard that right! "Pull down your zipper and take it out." She told me again. I complied and was both excited and rather nervous. She played with it for a few more minutes then totally enveloped my cock (it's not giant or such so not really a problem for her). Maybe 30 seconds later I unloaded. Totally surprised, I just looked down at her and wondered if I had just shoot a load all over my pants or her body. I began to panic - I couldn't see where the "results" had landed! Then she just smiled and swallowed. Just amazing. Tipped her my last $40 and she said thanks. That started what became at least 12 years of extras at that club, through two name changes and one ownership change. But those days at that location are long gone.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Evil Lair
    Threesomes, Part 2
    Sorry you had a lackluster experience, Doc. As I've said before, threesome math never adds up: You pay twice as much for half the service. It's the same for two girl VIPs and OTC's. The only way I have found to make it worthwhile is to look for and hire pro's who have good reviews as a doubles team. Did that with the 19 and 18 year old Thai sisters in Amsterdam, and again with East Euro blond and brunette hard bodies at the best (now closed) brothel in Vienna in 2007. The only downside was the need to keep getting a new condom each time I switched - BJ or sex - girls. Oh yeah, there was the two Venezuelan chicks on St. Maarten and the two Columbians on Aruba (at Campo Alegre). They were fun... real fun. Too bad I had to head back to the cruise ship each time.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    Big Booty Bartender
    I am seriously concerned about this practice. As any respectable beer enthusiast will tell you, optimal serving temperature for any given beer is a critical component of the beer drinking experience. When she clutches the glass as shown she risks having all that posterior flesh transfer heat to the glass, thereby raising the temperature of the content - that is - the beer. That's really a rather unprofessional behavior for a reputable bar tender. Nice ass, though.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    Ever get a credit card just for your favorite girl ?
    That is such a fundamentally BAD idea, that for the next 3 months you should be required to put condoms on your CF's other fuck-toys just before they bend her over on the bed and anal-gape her while you wear a steel chastity belt and tell each guy his dick is bigger than the last guy's dick. There is so much that can and will go wrong with this idea. The LEAST is that she will take an immediate $1,000 cash advance and ghost you. But she can do much more than that. She could buy tens of thousands in merchandise and services by exploiting flaws in the US payment system. She could commit fraud, money laundering for drug or terrorist groups and more. And you will find yourself explaining to the FBI why you should not go to jail. If you still want to do this, I'll make a counter offer... send me that $1,000 credit card and I promise to suck your dick.... someday. (But I spit - no swallow)
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Different price points for girls at the same club
    Dolfan and CJKent have the right idea. If asked, I tell a dancer I have a hard rule of never discussing what I do with other dancers. Then, I play it like I knew she was testing me and she can feel ok to trust me and not blab when she fucks me raw-dog later that night. In the case of the OP, I (think I) would have told her something similar and then remind her I'm with HER tonight, not someone else. If she insisted on the higher amount, it's time for a judgement call - is she hot enough and willing to do the extra stuff I like to make the additional cash worth the spend? I suspect the answer will usually be no and I'll call her bluff and offer to drop her off and say goodbye. But the story for me won't end there... the next time I talk to the "higher price" dancer I'm telling her I no longer trust her and won't pay that much to her anymore. I'll walk away if she doesn't accept the lower rate. So the likely result from her blabbing is that she will get LESS (or nothing) rather than the other dancer getting more. Note: Always be willing to walk away. There are literally thousands of women turning 18 in your state every day, and a fair percentage of them will decide to do sex work. If you have trouble envisioning what this means, try a Google search for "I Love Lucy, chocolate factory."
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    CJKent (Banned)
    “The more a person needs to be right, the less certain he is...”
    “We need to create a system where equal right of all citizens to health, educati
    If you don't add LDK to that list you are a hypocrite!
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Depraved Deacon of Degeneracy
    The Difference Between Western and Asian Cultures
    So if you took a young, nubile Asian woman out for dinner, and her 4 young, nubile female Asian friends join you, will they all help out in pulling your fish "into the boat" when dinner is over? Please say yes! Please say yes! Please say yes! Please say yes! Please say yes! Please say yes! (Asking for a friend. :p)
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Do whales really help the club's earnings or do they break it?
    I think what the OP misses in his calculations is that tips spent on dancers are virtually irrelevant to the club, with the exception of those clubs who take a mandatory percentage or fixed cut of her tips as club revenue. What matters to a club when looking at total revenue is total spend per customer, or average spend per hour/visit. So the club gets revenue from things like parking valet fees, cover fees, food & drink fees, dance space fees (floor, bench, booth, room, etc.) per song or per unit of time, and perhaps fees from ATMs and from selling "club bucks" and club swag to suckers. So why is a Whale always good for a club? Because he consumes all of the above fee-generating services, and he consumes them at a rate much higher than a typical PL looking to get max service (dances, LDK, or extras) for the minimum price. The guy who, like me, buys the minimum number of drinks per hour and nothing else besides dances may only generate $20-$30 in revenue to the cub per visit, even if he (that is, I) spend $300-$500 on tips to a dancer. But a whale who will always use the valet, buy several drinks/bottles, possibly get multiple dances from multiple dancers or get very long VIPs at very high prices may generate $100-$1,000 in club revenue, in addition to the possibly hundreds to thousands in tips he gives to a dancer or dancers. In virtually every business on the planet, including the sex business, there is something called the "80/20 Rule." This rule says that 80% of a businesses' revenue comes from it's top 20% of customers. PL's are in the bottom 80% of customers Whales are the top 20% of customers
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Good SHOW, not enough TIME to enjoy
    I don't know why you would expect the club to NOT charge you for each song while you are in "the back". I've never been to this club, but I'll bet you if you asked the manger or bouncer what a dance in the back costs, they will tell you "$20 per song." Not "$20 per song UNLESS you are getting an illegal fuck - then additional songs are free." I'm also pretty sure the dancer is not splitting any of the $150 tip you gave her, beyond her usual tip out at the end of the shift. There is an important difference between a club with available extras, and a straight up brothel.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Giving the OTC girl a ride home
    The answer depends on level of trust. Trust leads to options like a taxi/Uber vs driving her somewhere (the club, home, or anywhere) - at either her or your expense. If you trust her, call an Uber and put her in it. Investing another $20-$40 to get her home only helps her want to visit you again. If you trust her less, give her enough cash for an Uber and let he figure it out. Using your Uber account to provide her a ride, risks her abusing it. She could divert the driver to virtually anywhere. If you do not trust her, drop her off where you picked her up.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Denied at the Bar
    So you got a spontaneous double CBJ and you think this place is boring?