YouTube Stripper Cristina Villegas

avatar for jacej
I've been watching a some videos posted by YouTube stripper Cristina Villegas. Totally not my type with fake tits and ass, but some of the stuff she's put up there is pretty interesting, especially the "Day in the Life of a Stripper" vlogs. She apparently works at a club around Chicago. Anyone know which club she works at, or recognize any of the strip club decor in the very short glimpses of the floor area of the club to hazard a guess? She's got more extended clips of the dressing room areas than the main floor, probably due to the club prohibiting pics and video in the main area. Dunno if this is helpful, but she says the club is more of a "gentleman's club" than a strip club, and the club doesn't allow strippers to carry bags on the floor. Girls have to clip their money to garters using rubber bands. Wonder if that's to tamp down on drugs or extras if the girls don't have bags to carry drugs or condoms/wipes/etc.…


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avatar for jacej
5 years ago
Thanks, Funluv. Not tracking her down...not a stalker (really!). Just curious. She's never said where she works, and posters on other sites have asked too, but with no success.
avatar for herbtcat
5 years ago
"...but she says the club is more of a "gentleman's club" than a strip club"...

Reminds me of the commercial... "you a spirit and me a ghost"
avatar for wiffle shwaffle
wiffle shwaffle
5 years ago
I'm creating a YouTube channel that's going to be stripper based, too. My concept still sounds better lol.
avatar for wiffle shwaffle
wiffle shwaffle
5 years ago
(I don't want to talk about it yet because I don't want my ideas stolen )
avatar for minnow
5 years ago
Actually, I like "Moonshine Bonanza" better. She's the 1st YT stripper I'd seen over 3 years ago. Although "MB" isn't as hot as CV, she reviews clubs she's worked at, and is more down to earth and to the point. CV seems to be trying too hard to sound like Cardi B, and spends too much time talking/doing chick stuff that we're not interested in. I don't "gas" about the trials and tribulations of changing apartments, or what she bought shopping, etc. Bring on Moonshine and her down to earth/ to the point style.

I eagerly await Waffle's YT debut.
avatar for wiffle shwaffle
wiffle shwaffle
5 years ago
I'm hoping toward the middle of November. A friend and I are going over banner designs next week and she's going to help show me how to make thumbnails I think. I'll probably torrent a copy of Photoshop in the meantime until I can buy a license. I bought a high end webcam and got a sweet new MSI RX 480 graphics card for Diablo III as a hand-me-down. My lazy ass hasn't called to arrange internet access yet at my new apt though. I'll need a tech to come fix the plug because it's damaged and I've been afraid to commit to paying another monthly bill (but I'm going to have to).
avatar for jacej
5 years ago
@Waffle - I'm eagerly waiting your channel as well!

@minnow - Thanks for pointing me to MB. Her older stuff about strip clubs is more interesting (at least to me). Almost all of CV's posts about her nights show her making huge bank. MB's post about a night in the life of a stripper was great - she only made $70, and had to pay $30 for a cab to get home. Now THAT's real.…

avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
5 years ago
Waffle said "(I don't want to talk about it yet because I don't want my ideas stolen )"

I have a side gig where social media is a large component. Not YouTube yet, but I'll be incorporating YouTube into the mix before the New Year. The sad reality is that the moment you post the first video, someone will steal your idea. The trick is to execute your idea better than the fakers.

GIMP... I've used it. I don't find it very user friendly, but it's pretty good once you're accustomed to the interface.

Look at the price of either Photoshop and/or Lightroom as standalone products within the Adobe Creative Cloud Suite. Also, some people assume that they need Photoshop when all they really need is Lightroom, which is a less expensive solution.

The sole reason why I recommend not torrenting Photoshop is because I know a guy who did that, fully scanned the torrent and unpacked installer, and it still loaded his system with rootkit malware / viruses. The effort and cost to clean and recover his hard drive did not equal the promise of free software. It's just something to keep in mind.
avatar for jacej
5 years ago
I FIGURED IT OUT - FINALLY. Cristina Villegas's most recent video of her working an entire week had some dressing room footage, and on the wall of the dressing was a flyer advertising $20 Sunday dances. There was also a flyer advertising the Fury-Wilder fight, so it was a current video. The $20 Sunday dance flyer had the club name and logo on it. She works at Gold Room Chicago. (Video link to the exact spot on the video where the flyers can be seen:…) I can now rest in peace and stop wondering where she works. As noted above, she's not my type, but the intrigue of trying to figure out where she worked was just too much. Onto the next mystery to solve: Why do strippers have so much drama, and why can't they stop with the SS?
avatar for jacej
5 years ago
Doh - the link didn't parse correctly as TUSCL took the close parenthesis and made it part of the URL. Here's the working video exact time link:…
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
Nice detective work
avatar for jacej
5 years ago
@heaving - Well, there's definitely a lot of yarn-spinning by strippers of the various tragedies that they need money for - car died, medical bills to pay, about to be evicted, got robbed, etc. etc. etc. Anything to see if they can get some sympathy for from PLs so that they'll get money. But their real lives are sometimes just unbelievably crazy and dysfunctional. Why would anyone want to live like that? At some point, I'd think the girl would want some sort of semblance of normalcy/non-drama just so that she could get her shit together. I've talked to this one stripper over time where crazy shit just kept happening to her, and she told me these things not to get money out of me. It was just the way her life was. Freakin' nuts.
avatar for Cristobal
5 years ago
These Youtube Strippers (there was a previous discussion sort of on this topic) are finding a new type of PL, the YTPL (YouTube PL).

I understand the eye candy but for me nothing replaced the thrill of being in the club and enjoying a dancer or BG.

I rarely watch videos about SC/TJ,/etc because the experience is incomparable to even the best quality video but that is just me.
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