
Lookalike Strippers

Knight of the Round Table Dance
Friday, November 1, 2019 7:12 PM
I am all for strippers that look like someone famous or someone I've been attracted to, but when they look like and remind me of a family member, including in-laws, no matter how hot, I simply cannot get a dance from one. I met one in Albuquerque at TDs North that looked like a hot cousin of mine. I couldn't do it. I've also had a fave that reminded me of an ex-GF, my high school first crush. It was part of the reason she was a fave. What are your thoughts on strippers that look like someone you know? Does it matter to you?


  • herbtcat
    5 years ago
    This happened to me ay Christies in Phoenix. I was on a business trip and had a free evening before meeting clients the next day. Went in and after about 30 minutes I saw the ass of a super cute brunette spinner while she was bent over talking to a guy in a chair in front of me. Her ass, legs, back all looked really good and I was just waiting for the guy to pass and see her turn around so I could make eye contact and lock her down... She turned and our eyes locked, hers in curiosity, mine in panic! She was a near twin for my cousin who lived about 20 miles north of the PHX area, near Glendale... but my brain finally got some blood flowing and I realized I must be wrong; my cousin was only 4 years younger than me (I was about 43) and this girl was maybe 19-20... whew! I started to relax and then remembered my cousin has a daughter who just started college!! I tried to regain some composure - badly. By then she had mistaken my look of total fear as intertest from an uber-shy guy, so she sat down on my lap and started chatting... I finally got my head together (pun intended) and started chatting her back. After some small talk and a few gentle probing questions scattered into the mix I figured out she was indeed in college but was born back east. Whew!!! Still, the damage was done and I just could not close the deal and eventually let her slip away to other PL's. Several years later, I was in town for a family function and met the daughter. Chubby, EMO-ish type... go figure.
  • SirLapdancealot
    5 years ago
    @herbtcat That's the thing - once you get the thought in your head it's very difficult to undo it. Great story!
  • shadowcat
    5 years ago
    It wasn't her looks but rather her name was the same as my daughter's. I told her that I couldn't get a dance with her because of it. She said that I could call her anything that I liked. So I said how about "Bitch" and she replied "That'll work". So she got a couple of dances.
  • Clubber
    5 years ago
    I haven't had it happen, but I can't think it would concern me. Might actually like it.
  • SirLapdancealot
    5 years ago
    @Clubber what if she reminds you of your younger mother?
  • bran646
    5 years ago
    any stripper looking like my mom at any point would make me run for the hills. Any other look a likes I would have no problem with.
  • SirLapdancealot
    5 years ago
    Our very own nicespice *almost* reminds me of some friends of family and I'm totally fine with that. 🦄🥰
  • Clubber
    5 years ago
    SirLap, That would be a quagmire! Why, because seeing pictures of my elementary, high school and later mother's pictures, she was a beautiful woman! Must be where my good looks come from. But then my father was voted "Most handsome" in high school.
  • SirLapdancealot
    5 years ago
    @Clubber LOL what if she reminds you of your own female self? 🤯
  • georgmicrodong
    5 years ago
    @SirLapdancealot, like you, it depends on who she reminds me of. A relative, or close friend? Probably not be able to do it. A co-worker I barely know? Might be kinda hot. Celebrity I've lusted after? You betcha.
  • Clubber
    5 years ago
    SirLap, There is no female Clubber!
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    5 years ago
    For me... case-by-case basis. But I can see myself taking a pass based on such a thing.
  • stripperlover777
    6 months ago
    Wish I Could Have A Stripper Girlfriend. If I Had A Regular Girlfriend, I Would Have Her In The Stripper Way Instantly! High Heels, Fishnets, Exotic Hair Style, We Would Go To The Strip Clubs & Have The Attitude Of Stripper Life! # 1 Ways Of A Stripper ✔️ 💲
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