Are clubs just getting deader and deader over time?
>:( 🧚🏼♀️💃🏼 busy being a "psycho bitch" 🤣
I am just wondering from a customer point of view, are the clubs getting less busy over time? More busy? What are these locations that are getting more or less busy if you don't mind?
I definitely feel like mileage goes up over time and not down? (with rare exceptions)
I just wanna hear it from a customer pov as I feel you guys have less motivation to lie than those dancers/mgrs/staff that are working in the clubs or who used to work in the clubs...
I definitely feel like mileage goes up over time and not down? (with rare exceptions)
I just wanna hear it from a customer pov as I feel you guys have less motivation to lie than those dancers/mgrs/staff that are working in the clubs or who used to work in the clubs...
Two way touch Lerouge Lounge and Headquarters (Good for me) I was gonna make an article going in more detail about the whole borough but right now function is down.
Manhattan sounds good, but difficult w/ sharks???
PDX sounds okish, but seems like ya gotta hop club to club to find somewhere that fits. So that sounds exhausting.
Note also that I've seen strippers stay loyal to a club too.
I think Portland is a good city for strippers overall. There's less pressure to need to compete with extras and there's almost always a club you can work at. Plus the hustle is low and the business is consistent. Strip clubs are a normal everyday part of the community here.
Really? I had the impression that kind of stuff would be considered higher mileage there. And something like half the customers at Sunset didn’t bother touching. (Despite bouncers being totally cool with that behavior) And most of the customers who touched asked permission ahead of time.
—>“ If I was recommending a dancer go somewhere I would avoid the Sapphire (there 3 sapphires) on the Upper east side. “
If they are still doing their free house fee the first two weeks, that would be the first place I’d be trying to get hired at if I was in the area.
But ty for reminding me clubs are business as usual in a lot of places. I needed that...
^ @nicespice Yes. Really. And I don't consider myself lucky in the mileage that I get. In my experience that is my average. Also I know there's a higher level out here than what I get myself because I compare my notes with my fellow local PLs and I have personally stopped strippers from trying to do more to me.
To me what you experienced at Sunset was the low side of average. And over the last seven years going there I have been with about ten different dancers and have gotten that same mileage - heavy two way, no touching pussy. Same thing at numerous other clubs out here.
LOL the only other logical explanation is that my dashing good looks gets me better mileage than most. 😝
Last 5 years, clubs all over the country have had a big decrease in total $$$ made.
Still money, but it’s nothing like years ago!!
It does seem that there's more-mileage in clubs these days and I think that may be keeping the industry alive given how much competition there is for the sex-industry dollar (internet-porn: cam-sites; sugaring; internet-escorts,etc).
SCing is often an expensive endeavor and seems clubs have to offer good ROI in order to get wallets to loosen-up for the avg custy - for many PLs the more they can get in a club the more they are willing to spend - seems areas/cities with loose-enforcement SCs may be thriving and more # of SCs.
From a trusted source I've heard Vegas is a lot fucking worse moneywise than it used to be, and this information is coming from a perfect Vegas barbie...
That's interesting about south Florida... I've never had a huge interest in south Florida unless West Palm Beach counts. To my understanding WPB is also high mileage though.
I would say many SoFlo clubs have good foot-traffic but I am not sure this actually equates to good $$$-potential - I get the impression the SoFlo custies are not as good spenders as other areas - part of it may be SoFlo COL is pretty-high compared to wages/income in the area, and there are other things to do for fun that are less expensive than strip clubs - there also seems to be a lot of dancer competition in the area and the Cubans seem to often out-hustle and/or supposedly undercut the competition.
I don’t see strip clubs going anywhere just less of them. I think the clubs closing are just catching up to the spending customers right now a little bit. Also wasn’t there another topic I think it was a papi topic but a lot of the younger population are in debt and housing costs are so crazy in some of the big cities it’s hard to have a lot of spending money available with them. Maybe a better financial decision to jerk off.
But then you look at Florida, that’s like the land of the old people of its dying there too, then fuck maybe SCing is done for one day fuck I don’t know.
Borrowing a football analogy, they say when you've reached a certain level of mastery the game slows down. I'd say the same applies to the hobby, from either side. Is there anything more tedious than having to sit through someone trying to run a game on you that's actually a rerun you've seen a hundred times? Maybe the clubs aren't "deader" but they're less interesting now?
To the question, where I club I see fewer causal customers but more regulars than I used to.
In terms of NE NJ - there are clubs that have decent business during the day - and then are very busy at night.
There are those other clubs where it’s just dead during the day. A few regulars and dancers on their phones.
I’d venture most busy clubs offer more dancers and more mileage (and groping). I’m respectful of dancer limits - and preferences - so I’m a bad example of what clubs allow.
But sounds like people are saying NE NJ/Manhattan are fine, Portland is fine, and South Florida is
apparently biz as usual.
I have a lot of strong opinions on the midwest club scene but will keep my mouth shut as I've already talked trash about it lol.
Sounds like I need to check out a few new places before I write off this job completely.
Hell yea. You could dance st Babydolls Dallas! They got strong mixed drinks!
1. The "average" guy just has less disposable cash to spend in a club. Unemployment is low, but the average wage for the available jobs is low and those with jobs are seeing smaller raises year after year. All while living expenses are going up. Lower disposable cash means less consumption of dances.
2. To compensate for lost per-person revenue, the "average" club is raising prices for everything, parking, cover, drinks, and dances. Higher prices mean reduced demand.
3. At the same time, the "average" community is less tolerant of clubs that provide extras, so the pressure on LE to increase enforcement activity is growing. Less "quality" of dancers and dancers means less demand for their services.
4. And the "mix" of customers is skewing away from older guys - who have cash. Younger PL's (particularly Millennials) are going to a club to "hang" with their friends - including their dancer friends - instead of going to get a lot of dances. So they buy a drink, chat up with each other, and maybe get one or two dances for the novelty of the experience, not to get off or LDK. They could (and probably do) get a similar experience for the same money at a hookah (that's smoke, not sex :p ) bar or a local Starbucks.
I have asked dancers about this and generally hear comments like: "I'm getting fewer dances per shift and my average take home after tip out is lower." In clubs near me, 5 years ago a dancer could usually take home $400-$1000 on an average shift. Today, it's more like $200-$500.
So it is nice to have the customer view of whether certain cities/areas are getting worse or about the same as they have always been.
So far I've gathered SF, LA, Baltimore have gone to hell from this discussion.
This is hard to gauge because so many girls are obviously lying with bad stripper math.
In low/medium COL areas, I am supposed to believe you make 1-2k a night...but you have trouble with rent, an iphone4s that is shattered as fuck and then will discuss how you've made so little today?
That isn't directed at blahblah, just saying the type of comments/alleged income I've heard girls say in clubs is laughable. I would hope the women here on tuscl are more honest when chatting together.
And I know there are some girls who can do very well consistently. But I totally agree that dancers and I assume owners/managers want to highlight the IDEA of making tons of money - at your own hours.
Some people will have that crazy day and then get the high again and believe "I could make $3k everyday! Disregard that I average $300..."
That aside, clubs feel less crowded compared to the past ~10 years. I'm mostly focusing on parts of Texas in that time.
I wasn't taking a jab at anyone with my $200-$500 is bad in LA comment.... I was just saying the cost of living there is too fucking god damn high for that kind of income. Stripping is taxing. Most strippers that work every week are really only going in 2-4 times a week. There are some outliers, but I seem to find most girls work around that often. Let's just take those #s to the middle of the road.. $350x3 times a week. Fuck you cannot fucking live in LA like that. Seriously! Not to mention nobody in their right mind would deal with that type of traffic for that money...
@PC agreed. Let's kick off an argument about how these 1% dancers are ruining the country for the 99%!! /s
Hell yea. You could dance st Babydolls Dallas! They got strong mixed drinks!
For the same reasons and additional ones, I've heard New York City is good; lots of financial executives who don't have a lot of time but have a shit ton of cash they can throw around. DC also has lots of politicians who probably want to remain discreet.
Im happy these rip off joints are struggling and going under and lazy entitled dancers incomes are adjusting to reality. The easy money days are over for women who expect to get paid 500+ a night for shaking their ass 5 feet away from their customers lol.
With that said....extras-friendly strip clubs will do just fine as will your vegas style strip-club/night club hybrid concepts.
For example, in my area, it definitely ebbs and flows, but on the whole the club scene is fairly strong. This area is growing by leaps and bounds and we have a ton of contractors, construction workers and others all looking for places to spend their hard earned dollars. It is certainly stronger than it was 3 or 4 years ago.
In a place like NYC, where strip club fortunes are very much tied to how the stock market is doing, the clubs are hopping now as the market has been booming since Trump was elected. But there was a time, not too many years ago, when the stock market hit the toilet and then stayed stagnant for quite some time. During this period, shit went to He;ll in a hand basket in the NYC clubs. Conversely, an hour north on 95, the CT clubs are suffering due to the departure of a lot of big employers and affluent residents.
I don't know have enough deep intel about specific areas to provide any useful advice other than a warning about Manhattan. Those girls making a killing in the Manhattan clubs are doing so by selling expensive VIP rooms. Sure they also sell $20 LDs, but those don't fatten your wallet when you start each shift $200 in the hole (house fees, DJ tip, House Mom, makeup girl, etc.). Muddy was right on the money about the cost of those VIP rooms and, at those prices, you'd better believe that guys expect to leave them a few cc's lighter. If contact is a problem for you, then you might want to seek out other options.
IMHO the bigger challenges involve: (1) population shifts of affluent residents which leave behind stationary clubs, such as what's happening in CT; and (2) local governments in some areas who are doing everything they shut them down and/or zone them out. But in places like FL and TX, which have both large population gains and more relaxed governmental bodies, they are still thriving. Indeed, just look at RCI Hospitality's most recent earnings reports, which serves a lot of growth markets and is reporting year over year growth in same club sales.
@papi omg I feel like that is a factor as well tbh just from talking to some of these younger morons. The older guys, even ones who have never been in a strip club before, know better than to say that sort of shit!
^I worked at one of their clubs recently. I overheard (from the dressing room) management talking about how the biz is slow- but I think they mean as in there's less customers coming in than in years past.
A lot of their sales are like retardedass fucking $1000 bottles. I wouldn't necessarily say every girl is doing well.
Ditto on *most* guys having higher expectations for selling private rooms.
I really only like working when there is very high customer volume vs dancers. So then I don't like your fucking ass- whatever I am getting money from someone else a minute later. I can't stand the air of desperation when it is slow.
Texas is hopping, but there seems to be a lot of ebb and flow with girls and managers moving between clubs. Austin is not bad when it comes to dance mileage and extras. Dallas and Houston have more to offer than Austin does, but I wouldn’t quite lump them in with Detroit and Miami either.
As for my part of the Midwest, I’m pretty sure the clubs around me will all be gone in 10 years. More and more young guys who aren’t the kind who have legitimate disposable income. More and more girls looking at their phone or drinking with their friends all night, hoping to God all they have to do is go on stage and a bunch of guys will “make it rain”.
If so, one has to ask, what is taking its place?
I feel that the issue is just alcohol. Public attitudes continue to sour on alcohol, and especially on drunken drivers.
I feel that the growth section of the industry is in the Membership Clubs.
Very hard to regulate. Mostly anything can go front room, back room, or walking a girl right out the front door.
My guess is clubs were busier during the golden days I never got to experience—but there are just enough spending customers coming in who are buying higher priced dances and VIPs.
As far as no touch, from the brief conversation I had with one dancer while I was applying to a club, I do suspect there’s money at the the two south Oregon clubs I’ve mentioned before. And dance prices are I believe $25-$35. Because those clubs are the only ones for many miles and she herself said so. Just gotta have patience with their excruciatingly slow hiring process. 😭
Like having to wait a couple of weeks for a text asking if I can come in for a dayshift, long after I had assumed I was just simply rejected with a bullshit answer. And at the other club, I didn’t even bother applying because I had to call at 7pm and ask to speak to a manager to *schedule* an audition.
Personally, compared to that bullshit I’d rather be allowing customers to grab my ass to their heart’s desire. But hey once you’re in, it’s probably a good spot, and that kind of whack hiring policies do probably help keep the potential high mileage hoes flooding those clubs.
I think little by little it is, and this is what industry insiders say.
My view is that this is because attitudes continue to sour about alcohol. But that there is a growth sector in the membership club type of strip club.
I do think the days of getting into a good gown club environment where you can provide some kind of low mileage GFE and hustle by selling champagne rooms where customers will just keep buying multiple hours on end. (Like apparently they used to back in the day) is going by the wayside.
That being said. I don’t think all clubs are devolving into whorehouses. Heck, I heard that Men’s Club San Anton is, at the very least, becoming a more expensive whorehouse? Ditto with complainers or Flight Club on this site. I’ll have to ask to confirm whether or not that trend is continuing.
But I know before the rise of champagne rooms, the clubs were a place where dancers took their outfits and stage sets more seriously. I think it’s coming back full circle with strip clubs increasingly adopting night club concepts. Casual customers go to clubs after hearing media notions of making it rain and popping bottles and it would do well to fulfill that party experience.
Maybe it’s the clubs I’ve been in, but lately I’ve been more motivated in wanting to actually get better at stage stuff. Just trying to figure out what class to sign up for in that.
After all, GFE experience stuff by a lonely average joe who wants a low key experience can probably use Seeking. Or for no touch GFE there is camming from sites like streammate.
For extras, there’s the escorts and clubs that are whorehouses. But I think there’s plenty of customers not seeking full service.
That being said, I think mileage is a cat that’s just out of the bag. Doesn’t help that it seems the white customer base is a shrinking trend. Idk if I’m just biased cause of my choice in customers/clubs or because of my own race but it seems Mexicans (especially the construction industry kind) and Indians/Asians (especially the software engineering kind) are the customers who spend the most easily.
And then it is hard in most places to open more clubs, zoning restrictions. This is what screws up San Francisco.
Still seems to me that the Membership Club is the growth area. These cannot sell alcohol, but they can go BYOB or No Alcohol.
These kinds of clubs tend to be max mileage, though they don't of course advertise this.
My county has dropped from 7 clubs to 5 clubs, and the buildings were demolished.
But we have an underground circuit which seems to keep on going. And the more underground it is, the more that goes on. The most underground will be something which does not even have any kind of a business license. No limits in a place like that, 'cause it is all already illegal anyway.
Interested to see what effect San Francisco's new DA makes. Could be that something which combines the best of both an AMP and a Strip Club goes. Or it could be something like the old Pink Diamonds, a Hooker Bar becoming like a strip club, and with a seamless interplay between Street Hookers and Bar Girl / Dancers.
New San Francisco DA:
Boudin descends from a long left-wing lineage. His great-great-uncle, Louis B. Boudin,[8] was a Marxist theoretician and author of a two-volume history of the Supreme Court's influence on American government, and his grandfather Leonard Boudin was an attorney who represented controversial clients such as Fidel Castro and Paul Robeson.…
Boudin was born in New York City.[1] His parents, Kathy Boudin and David Gilbert, were Weather Underground members.[2]
When Boudin was 14 months old, his parents were arrested for murder in their role as getaway car drivers in the Brink's robbery of 1981 in Rockland County, New York.[1][3] His mother was sentenced to 20 years to life[4] and his father to 75 years to life for the felony murders of two police officers and a security guard.[5] After his parents were incarcerated, Boudin was raised in Chicago by adoptive parents Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn, who, like his parents, had been members of the Weather Underground.[6] Kathy Boudin was released under parole supervision in 2003.[
Both parents Weather Underground Members. Both served time, father still serving time.
I wonder what his views are on P4P and strip club mileage and FRMOS's?
start right here:
Full movie good, book is better.
These are customers that probably went to cams/tube sites to some extent.
But even that said...extras are NOT necessary for having a good day from a PL. So I guess I sorta see it.
Our local clubs do have strictly enforced rules. But having been in places where it is not this way, I see what happens and I love it.
Unless there are uniform rules in an area, clubs will all go to higher and higher mileage. And if the patronage drops off, then they will get divier!!!!
Not going along with the extras concept though, I say that FRMOS, then Back Room FS are the way to go, followed by OTC.
We hear of some crack downs some places. But I believe that everywhere else the median mileage is creeping higher and higher each day.
:) :) :)
Seems like a royal pita unless you are local
So with the same number of customers spread across more clubs and a 1 hour shorter peak earning window, in 1 sense Tampa clubs have seemingly less customers. From my POV, SRO nights are no less crowded than that of several years ago. My take is that while Tampa may not be an easy money gold mine (except Bucs home games and college bowl games), it's not dead either.
Mons Venus may be your style, with being a lap dance factory kind of place. Extras don't happen there, but basic 2 way contact expected. MV well known for having flexible hours. Not sure about auditioning customs there, but at 2001 across the street, they do have provisions for dancer inquiries on their club website. Hth…..