
Comments by herbtcat (page 12)

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    4 years ago
    New Jersey
    Permission Needed?
    You are asking the wrong questions for the wrong reasons. You got married with an agreement on conduct under pre-COVID assumptions. Now those assumptions have changed and you made a new agreement which you realized you can't or wont honor. The question should be: do I renegotiate the agreement, or do I get out of the marriage? If you can't live up to your agreement, you already know "cheating" and lying will lead to bad things. You may not get "caught" early, but eventually the damage you cause by being deceptive will be serious. So you started with honesty. Stay with honesty. If you can't reach a new agreement you can live with without cheating or lying, then why are you still married? Stop being a pussy who wants to look like a good hubby but really is a lying asshole. Man up and be honest, then deal with the consequences. Respect her and get respect from her.
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    4 years ago
    Putting Pounds on a Pretty Girl
    Drop the controlling attitude. SB's are not possessions. Neither are wives, GF's, FWB's, nor random hookups. You don't own her body and trying to get her to conform to your ideal version is a sure way to eventually get dumped, and maybe beat her self-esteem into the ground. This problem is YOUR problem, Dude, not hers. YOU picked her, YOU agreed to be her SD. And every time YOU give her allowance YOU confirm that you are happy with your decision to be her SD. If you are not attracted to her, move on. There are literally thousands of women looking for an SD in every state in the US. Now IF she were to ask you (without prompting) to help her make a change in her life, that's the time for Daddy, as someone with more life experience than her, to step up and coach/guide/assist her in achieving her goals. Time to rethink your role and your goals, Mudds....
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    What do you want from a dancer?
    I want you to be in hopeless love & lust with me for 3, 10, 30, or 60 minutes, depending on the number and type of dance I get. Once you get into that mode, then just do what feels right and I'll enjoy it immensely. After the dance, I want you to leave me with the feeling you put it all out there for me, and let me take that fantasy home with me. On a more tactical level, please don't ask me for an extra tip after the dance beyond what was already agreed to. If I'm feeling it, I'll tip. But I've saved more funds than you might imagine when a dancer I was ABOUT to tip asked for - or demanded - one. That locks my wallet closed, permanently.
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    4 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Oh boy here we go...a big request for "help"
    Just to contribute a note on a side topic, which is only remotely related to the OP's post: Rule #1 in the Sugar Daddy world is: No money in advance - ever. Rule #2 in the Sugar Daddy world is: Read Rule #1 again. Rule #3 in the Sugar Daddy world is: It doesn't matter how HOT she is, or how many time she has already drained your balls, READ RULE #1! Glad I could help.
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    4 years ago
    Which is betterSeeking Arrangements or secret benefits?
    SA for the win every time. I've been sugar dating for 10+ years. IMPORTANT: Remember it's a DATING site, not an escort ad site. Do not use any escort-like terms and NEVER discuss any quid-pro-quo dynamics (payments, time/# hours, sex acts, cost for various acts, requests for nude pics, etc.) - ever! That's why people get booted. Establish an interest in meeting for dating, then move the discussion off site to text and you can take it from there. Be prepared to pay for the premium fees. Think of them as the cover fee to get into a SC and just work the fee into your sugar spend budget.
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    4 years ago
    I put your ATF on a winning team
    Why do women lie to men they love??
    1. Sad that you think "hookers or stripper hoes" can't be in a serious relationship. :( 2. The question is just as viable if you switch the genders, isn't it?
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Texas Stripper Lawsuit
    The clubs will lose or will end up settling for a 6 figure amount to each dancer. The lawyers are just following the playbooks established in California and other states for "contractor vs employee" suits. (Ex: Current cases in California for ride share and food delivery drivers - the so-called "Gig Economy") The clubs are at fault. Not for trying to cheat the dancers (although they do), but for being too stupid to adhere to federal and state laws on how to hire and manage independent contractors. There is a ton of legal precedent from contractor vs employee suits set over the last 30+ years. From these past cases, the club's lawyers should have provided a simple set of tests that the courts have used to determine if a worker is an employee or a contractor. The club owners either don't have or ignored those tests. So they will lose these lawsuits. Just like big tech companies did in the 2000's and like beauty salons did in the 1990's and like strip clubs did in Cali in the 2010s. And after all the smoke clears and these 4 dancers get their $100-$500k payouts, the clubs will change hiring practices and the result will be dancers making less money (some dancers in California have told me their net incomes dropped as much as 45% after being converted to employees). Then the best dancers will leave. Then the customers will be disappointed and will spend less. Then the clubs will lose money and will either - raise prices in a useless attempt to make customers pay for their mistakes, or - they will close. Then we all stop buying dances and start buying lube in 55 gallon drums.
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    4 years ago
    Favs that turn into ROBs
    I one knew a ROB named Natalie back in 2004..... probably the most annoying person I've ever met. Even more annoying than Ardice who used to work at Godfathers in the Valley! Sadly she's still a ROB and she's at least 60. Anytime I see her at a club (she's been in all of them around LA and the Valley) I tell the manager that I won't spend any money in that club as long as she works there. Then I leave. Bleeeech!
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Depraved Deacon of Degeneracy
    Teeth Cleaning with a Happy Ending?
    "Diminutive" is one of my favorite words. Just saying. :)
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    4 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    Getting Stood Up.
    Whether she's an 8 or a 9, while you are balls deep in a dark room or booth, she's going to be a 10. Gives a whole new meaning to the old saying "One in the hand is worth 2 in the bush," doesn't it? Maybe we should paraphrase that to: "One in the bush is worth two on the text app." Anyway I agree with CJKent. No matter how hot she is, if you let her dictate your schedule, you will always be her consolation prize when a PL with a bigger... ahem!.. "wallet" bails on her... which is probably why she said "tonight" only at first. Then, Praise the Lord! A spot opened up the next day. Aren't you lucky? (The answer is no. She pwnd you.).
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Take care of me, so I can take care of you.
    Technology offers a solution - sort of. In the Los Angeles area, there are a few clubs (like Deja Vu and Wet Spot in the Valley) that have timed meters in each dance booth. The dancer can't/won't start until the minimum cash goes into the meter, and she will stop once time has expired. This solves some problems, but not all: Solves: - # of dances disputes - all sessions are time based, regardless of when a DJ cuts off or changes a song - Dancer called to the stage during your dance. The system tells the DJ she is busy and her spot is skipped while she's in a private dance. - No freeloader PL's who can't pay for multiple dances requested and delivered. Does not solve: - PL fails to pay additional tips for any additional service. These funds are still paid directly to the dancer, so the system is not aware and can't help protect either the dancer or the PL - Dancer fails to deliver any additional services promised beyond the dance itself. I now prefer the metered clubs as it reduces MUCH of risk of ROB's miscounting or air dances, as well as bouncers miscounting dances. I can always pay for the minimum when want to test drive a new dancer - usually one "dance" time segment and then bail if I don't like what I get. But it also means if I book a longer session, like a 30 minute VIP at Deja Vu ($150 most days) I will not get any refund back even if I decide I'm not happy after just the 1st minute. Once the cash goes in, it stays in. Of course, the clubs manipulate the official time that equals a "song." That's how Deja Vu offers "10 dollar Mondays" and "Twofer Tuesdays." They set the song length from around 3 minutes to around 90 seconds. So the PL still pays about the same amount for the same total time. And the clubs call this "lying." No. No that's not right. I call it lying. They call it "marketing!" This is also why I prefer to take my Favorites to a 30-minute dance VIP, and skip single songs in the booth. 30 minutes will (hopefully!) always be 30 minutes.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Any place that interests me.
    OT: Sirius/XM Hijacked By BLM ??
    Sun spots. Because Sol Lives Matter.
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    4 years ago
    Every woman's local ATM while in da club? How else they paying for their Boob jobs?
    Is it a good idea to try to get your partners to get bi-weekly testing
    Bi-weekly is the MAX time for porn stars. Some producers/actors actually ask for tests less than 7 days old. The labs used by the industry produce results next day, and if the client approves, the results are posted within a private network that other industry members can access using a QR code provided by the performer. I get tested every 4-6 weeks, even when I'm not active. I want to have a "fresh" test ready if I get an opportunity. I always ask my new partner to show me a recent test as well.
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    4 years ago
    Depraved Deacon of Degeneracy
    Tragic News From the Far Side
    Very sad indeed. My condolences to you and the rest of your family.
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    4 years ago
    Degenerate gambler and virgin
    Any good strip clubs y’all recommend In Los Angeles? Or is it best to hit Vegas?
    Hi @IceyLoco, Which club(s) are you talking about in LA and Anaheim (Orange county)? Nothing open in LA that I know of. At least not in the Valley, West LA or DTLA. In fact, I think LA County still has all clubs on lockdown. And "restaurants" can only operate for take out, delivery, or outdoor seating.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    OT - chinese coronavirus vaccine
    Once it is approved by reputable medical experts, AND when my personal physician tells me it's effective and safe, I will get it. That is what everyone should do. This is not a political issue.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Strip club price gouging.
    I think the worst thing a club can do once it reopens is try to "chase" the revenue they lost during the closure by trying to get customers to pay more for the same (or less) service they got pre-pandemic. Consider the following: 1. Every customer that has ever visited that club has just learned that they can survive several months away from the club. 2. I'll paraphrase a bit and say "No club is an island." There will be more than one club that reopens and all will be competing for that first $20 bill spent. 3. Safety rules will remain during and after reopening, so the customers will need to put up with even more crap rules in the club. Who wants to pay even more for that? If I go back to my favorite club only to find dance prices doubled and VIP's doubled or tripled, I'll bail without looking back. No, the winning clubs will realize that they MUST drive TRAFFIC (not profits) into the club to sustain their business. The more people that come to the club, the closer to "business as usual" they will get. Once traffic level has normalized, clubs can tweak pricing, just like they always did pre-pandemic. To drive traffic they need to, at a minimum, keep prices at pre-COVID levels. But consider if a club actually lowered dance and drink prices? What if every day at a Deju Vu was like $10 Monday's or Two-Fer Tuesdays? Guys would line up at the door to get back in and buy laps. And I'll predict that those guys will spend MORE than they normally did before the lockdowns. After all, that cash has been accumulating in their pockets right next to their brightly glowing blue balls, which are just waiting for attention from a bevy of hotties in various states of nakedness.
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    4 years ago
    Houston, TX
    Houston Asian Strippers
    Frontier Airlines flight 245 departs Houston at 6:00 am and lands in San Francisco at 2:45 pm for $388. Have fun! :p
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    4 years ago
    Cool Cat in the Valley
    Ice cream
    @Cashman1234, Actually, it was all waste! (Ewwwwww......) :p
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    4 years ago
    Cool Cat in the Valley
    Ice cream
    @heaving, Kind of makes you re-think "31 Flavors", doesn't it? :p Top Baskin-Robbins Flavors (according to the Internet - which never lies): World-Class Chocolate Jamoca® Coffee Very Berry Strawberry Rocky Road French Vanilla Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Mint Chocolate Chip Chocolate Chip Pralines 'n Cream Rainbow Sherbet Mango Tango Strawberry Cheesecake Daiquiri Ice Hokey Pokey Raisin Cherries Jubilee Pink Bubblegum Cookies N' Cream Cotton Candy Scoops start at $10 on the floor, $20 in the booth. Licking encouraged... Napkins provided in a box marked "Kleenex"
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    4 years ago
    Cool Cat in the Valley
    Ice cream
    @Cashman1234, Last I heard, Bubbles was chillin in the cooler. She may come out for New Year's Eve (If NY Eve is dancing on 12/31).
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    4 years ago
    Cool Cat in the Valley
    Ice cream
    @Cashman1234, If I ask @whodey, he'd probably say Sprinkles is a better (tasting) dancer than Ice Cream. And is is correct. :p Sadly, Sprinkles was not in Da House last night. And the real lesson from all this: If you're gonna eat Ice Cream, use a spoon (and tip well).
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Cool Cat in the Valley
    Ice cream
    Ben & Jerry's Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough. Yumm.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Where there's a hole, there's a way. [HIATUS]
    When You Had A Great Time In A Poorly Reviewed Club
    Many years ago I found myself with a free evening during a business trip to Baltimore. I had read many reviews about clubs on "The Block" in the city and they were almost all the same: small grungy clubs, old dancers with leathered skin and bored faces and watered down drinks pushed every 10 minutes. I went to explore just for what I expected to be a tour of the seedy, underbelly of strip clubbing, and mostly that's what I saw. But then I happened to wander into one club in the middle of a block (can't remember the name). I had to head up a flight of stairs to get into the bar area and was greeted with the famous "Baltimore Handshake" by a 40-ish blond who could have come from Quasimodo's family reunion. After I got at stool at the bar - alone - I started to chat up the barmaid/house mom. For some reason she decided she liked me. Maybe it was because I tipped her the change from my twenty dollar bill for my $6 beer? Anyway, she decides to offer me something unexpected; a 21 year old brunette spinner who was on her 2nd day on The Block. "Why don't you take her to the back room for a while. She really wants to know how much fun she can have..." Well I did a double take, and just stared at this 103 lb. beauty smiling at me in her string bikini and looking demure and horny at the same time. "Umm... how much is a dance in the room?" I asked. The House Mom said it was $120 to take her back for 30 minutes and if I tip the dancer another $80 there were no limits. I was already dropping six $20's on the bar as she finished telling me the price when the dancer took my hand and led to me what I can only describe as a broom closet (including 2 brooms in a corner) with a 3 foot bench seat on the far wall. Fun was had. A lot of fun. I don't think I can over state how much fun was had. Anyway, I got laid. Tipped her a Benjy a left a very happy visitor to "Charm City."
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    San Antonio 2AMer.
    This type of stupidity creates a bigger risk of getting clubs shut down than any amount of extras. The only gun a PL should bring to a club is the kind with a purple muzzle. And that needs to stay holstered until he's ready to take his shot in the VIP. Ok, that's enough metaphors for today.