What do you want from a dancer?

avatar for Playboikitty
Hey guys. I'm interested in what kind of experience you want from a dance, on stage, and in vip. I enjoy dancing but I have always worried that I'm too uptight. I don't mind a grab or a smack here or there but I know I would never do extras. At least not in the club. A sugar daddy maybe. If you could describe your ideal scenario you could probably save me from some awkward encounters where I have to ask what a customer likes. I'm blunt so please if you can, be blunt with me. Thanks guys!


avatar for nicespice
4 years ago
They wanna see you get to Tampa and pee on Minnow. ๐Ÿ˜
avatar for Playboikitty
4 years ago
Oh you know what, that's the most helpful thing anyone's said to me all year ๐Ÿคฃ I wonder if I have a shy bladder ๐Ÿค”
If you want to keep it low key, just take nicespice advice. If you really want to take things to the pro level, try this...


Minnnow always asks me for dances like that
What do I WANT from a dancer?
The athletic body of a college cheerleader. The dance moves on stage of JLo. If there is a pole, I want some Cirque du Soleil shit. All of this should be done in the nude while making eye contact with a big smile on her face.
Stones said it best, "Can't always get what you want, but if you try sometimes, you get what you need."
^ If a girl has the pole skills and athleticism that match up to Cirque Du Soleil, she needs to be auditioning for Cirque Du Soleil, not a strip club.
Actually, I have seen some pretty impressive moves over the years, but yeah, my post was meant to be tongue in cheek.
But what if there's a club called Club Du Soleil, which is owned by Cirque Du Soleil, where the physical requirements are the same, but the girls are still independant contractors with the opportunity to do shows internationally? ๐Ÿค”

From what I've looked up, their performers and staff average between $30k to $100k a year.
avatar for Playboikitty
4 years ago
@heaving thank you so much for such a fantastic description! You are my dream customer honestly. I love the connection too, it's my preference to talk and play cute on people's laps. It's more enriching for me. I don't dance because I need to, I dance because it's a new experience everytime. Maybe it's because I don't need the money? Idk. Thank you again for being so open about your likes ๐Ÿ˜„
avatar for Playboikitty
4 years ago
@desertscrub thank you for letting me know! It's just not that way in Orlando, we have abolished champagne rooms entirely (and I guess that's why we don't have alot of customers lol)

@justintolook what kinda Cirque du soleil shit we talking? I have a 3 foot over split and can flip my arms around my body while holding my hands together ๐Ÿ˜‚ I'm weirdly flexible but I've never shown it at the club cuz it looks horrifying ๐Ÿคฃ
avatar for Muddy
4 years ago


I wanna fuck you on stage

I wanna fuck you on the table

I wanna fuck you in VIP

I wanna fuck you on the bar

I wanna fuck you in the parking lot

I wanna fuck you behind the dumpster

I wanna fuck you at Motel 6

I wanna fuck you and all your stripper friends in the dressing room

I just wanna fuck if I'm being honest and you did say that's what you wanted. Any other answer any guy says on here is bullshit unless he's gay.
I am a simple pervert. A good stage presence will catch my eye, but I want a dancer who will fuck me in either a lap dance stall - or in vip. Iโ€™m not looking for a dancer who wants lots of cash to fuck.

Iโ€™m looking for a filthy girl with low standards - and good looks arenโ€™t important.
I'm starting to believe desertscrub's assertion that nicespice is a troll. Pbk, you ARE a VIP member, no ? If you read enough reviews, Muddy post sums it up. Assuming you're not a dude posing as a dancer, you should be able to figure out the tipping point between what a guy really wants, and what he'll settle for. Also, tuscl members aren't necessarily representative of average strip club customer.
I donโ€™t look for extras in a strip club. I do enjoy interacting with sexy young women. I enjoy high milage lap dances. (Fondling boobs and ass, sucking a nipple now and then). I enjoy sitting with a dancer chatting and drinking together. In my local clubs dancer drinks are $30. Half of which goes to the dancer. I donโ€™t mind buying a few drinks to reward a dancer for sitting with me.
You don't need to worry about ITC extras, or even much mileage, in air-dance Orlando.

If you really are 5'10", with natural triple DDDs, and horrifyingly flexible (double jointed?), then you can still go to a city with real strip clubs and make some big money. Las Vegas, New Orleans, and Tampa all have a huge strip club scene without being known for extras (some notable outliers in Tampa). You may even want to travel to NYC and find some Manhattan investment bankers with kinks. Avoid south Florida, Detroit, and City of Industry. Start reading the business section of online newspapers in Houston, New Orleans, Vegas, etc., and plan trips around trade shows and conventions.

If you are all you say you are, without being grossly fat or ugly, you could make six figures
Gammanu95 provides very useful insight - and covers many locations.

I recommend reading his post - and following his advice.
I don't want a hooker.

I'm not into stage shows.

And I'm not desperate to try to feel a girl up and grope her.

Just look great. Have conversation skills. Be genuine and don't give me an act. I don't mind air dances....i like watching her dance for me. Shake that ass in my face and let me slap it. Seeing her move is more attractive to me than being grinded on by a stranger for $ be able to hold your alcohol. To me it's just fun.

Remember a good dancer hustle means doing the least possible for the most $. Try to get as much as early in the shift. Set 2 smaller quotas. Before and after midnight. Sell8ng VIP vs trying to get tips.

No one looks up to extras girls. They're never the top tier of a club.

Choose a winning team based on its results not a career managers finessing skills
avatar for Playboikitty
4 years ago
@gammanu95 yeah 100% that's me. I think I'm nervous about travel dancing because I'm not sure what to expect in other cities. Everyone has told me to try Tampa, and I've been talking to 2001 odyssey, I should just bite the bullet man up and go lol. I appreciate your candor! It's been very helpful and helped me see myself in a customers eyes.
avatar for Playboikitty
4 years ago
@el dreamer thanks, it's nice to hear another customer appreciating the thing I love about dancing. Ive only had one customer ask for extras otc and he didn't tip me in the club so that was an easy gtfo from me ๐Ÿ˜‚

@fishhawk that's definitely not the case in Orlando. Dancers only get tips from customers. And we pay a pretty decent chunk of cash to the house. It makes no sense because we're not a popular strip club area.

@minnow I'm just new here, I haven't read around too much. Why would a dude pose as a dancer here it's just a discussion board lol.
I asked this because I'm a very straight forward person but still nervous about sales. I make most of my money on stage, so moving to a new city where privates are sold more is a bit scary. I've sold 3 privates since December last year, and they were all the same night in Daytona lol. It's just nice to get an idea of what customers are thinking about
For me. I want a dancer who is curvy, stunning eyes, beautiful smile and somewhat of a brain that can hold good conversation. I generally tip between $10 to $20 per each 30 minutes she sits with me and I buy all the drinks. If she wishes to go into private dance, then I expect much more for my money. I am not willing to pay the same price for equal service. Meaning, a $40 private lap dance lasting 5 minutes without extras is NOT WORTH my time. However, I am absolutely willing to pay $300 per hour for some fun extras. If I donโ€™t know the girl, then I test run for $150 /30 minutes and let her know that further time in VIP is all dependent upon her actions during the first round. I am not there to fall in love with her. Iโ€™m not there to save her. Iโ€™m not there to do anything that night except have fun, then leave. All phone numbers exchanged inside the strip club are deposited at the proper receptacle outside the strip club doors.

Long story short .... have fun with me.
Problem is you're asking TUSCL, and not a forum of average joe custies, and I believe TUSCL has spoken (https://youtu.be/K-VcMcHHoFg). Although it's kinda wholesome to see the few replies on here that aren't just "fuck me or gtfo".

Me... I just like to find dancers that aren't afraid to get comfortable with another woman. Sometimes that can be a challenge if the dancer is strictly hetero or tries to avoid female custies as much as she can, but I try to set a good example for other lady mongers.
What I want from a dancer is someone that knows how to have a good time and party like itโ€™s 2019 ๐Ÿ˜
Come on speak for yourselves most men don't troll strip clubs for hookers
^ Sounds like everyone is speaking for themselves to me, icey or should we call you Willie Sutton
No some are trying to create a false consensus.

If I were analyzing you id say you come across like a whiney sheltered neb but I won't go there
Do you assholes have to derail every fucking thread? Grow up and get some fucking lives, at least STFU.
Grandmanuts95 I bet lots of people wish youd stfu
===> "...that's definitely not the case in Orlando. Dancers only get tips from customers. And we pay a pretty decent chunk of cash to the house. It makes no sense because we're not a popular strip club area."

IME Orlando is where baby dancers to to learn to hustle in training wheel clubs and burnt out dancers go to semi-retire. People don't go to Orlando to party in clubs - they go there to visit Disney. Also, it's so restrictive compared to other parts of FL that locals who wish to see and do more can simply drive 45 minutes in almost any direction and have a much better time.
avatar for nicespice
4 years ago
โ€”>โ€œ@gammanu95 yeah 100% that's me. I think I'm nervous about travel dancing because I'm not sure what to expect in other cities. Everyone has told me to try Tampa, and I've been talking to 2001 odysseyโ€

Itโ€™s fun over in Tampa. Iโ€™d recommend. And you will probably sell way more than three private dances in one shift in several different clubs...even if youโ€™re just stoned and on your phone. Iโ€™d imagine youโ€™re trying to play at selling in hard mode over in Orlando.
Comments like that coming from gramma not very smart
What do I want from dancers? Sex, but if that isn't an option based on the club or the dancer there is still plenty of fun to be had.

Stage show - I am not big into the Cirque Du Soleil type stage shows most of the time. I prefer a more seductive, sultry and sensual performance and that's what is more likely to get me to buy a dance. However, the more active stage shows can be good if the fit into an overall theme that the girl has working for her. For instance, about 15 years ago I ended up spending quite a bit of money with a recently graduated college gymnast whose entire stage show (outfit, hair & makeup, music and moves) were based on her gymnastic performance routine.

Dances - Again I prefer the more sensual types of dances rather than non-stop fast paced twerking, but contact is key. I tend to avoid getting dances from a girl unless I am allowed to handle both her breasts and ass. It is also expected that she make significant contact with my dick over the pants and air dancers never see another dime from me. Pussy play, tit sucking and her reaching inside my pants are all welcome and will be greatly rewarded by tips but are not necessary for me to continue buying dances.

Private rooms - Strictly extras or what's the point? If it is going to be nothing but a longer regular dance why would I spend that much money on one girl when I could be spending time with a variety of ladies.
Eve, Iโ€™m a bit more tactful - but the truth comes out after a short conversation with a dancer.

Iโ€™m sure some dancers can make their studies in cosmetology school sound interesting.

But itโ€™s all background noise that I filter out until I hear โ€œLetโ€™s fuck.โ€ - then itโ€™s all background noise until I hear โ€œfor this much $โ€ - then Iโ€™ve got the data I need to make my decision.
I'm interested in what kind of experience you want from a dance?

Sensual and exciting. Not ranuchy
avatar for Jasdoit
4 years ago
I think sensuality and sexiness. How you move and present yourself. We want to feel like we are playing with a sex kitten, even if itโ€™s an illusion.
Oops, damn keyboard. Sensual and exciting. Not raunchy. (I usually state that my preference is for topless only. I won't try to touch your sex, I'm looking for a lap dance, not extras.)

A perfect dance (and I've had a few) starts out with a nice hug, then a bit of actual dancing, slowly (not too slowly) stripping down to your petty little thong while your hands teasingly outline your shapely body. (My hands are watching.) Then, once in my lap, my hands will teasingly outline your shapely body. I lOVE the gentle early touches, the slow warm up. At some point my hands will slide up to your breasts (I might whisper, May I?) and taking a deep breath, I'll commit their shape, weight, and warmth to memory; I love to run fingers slowly over nipples, while I rise under your steady, slow grind. Then you stand up, step away slightly, turn, and let me eye my good fortune.

Then come in for a forward hug; I love forward hugs, with mutual caressing of backs, scratching of back of neck, maybe touching or kissing of ears (I ask first) while thrilling at your steady movement on my lap. I freaking love breasts to face. I'll nuzzle, caress, and lightly kiss side boob, underboob, and cleavage. I'll kiss areola and (just barely) nipples. I won't suck them (not quite), just kiss (a funny line, and only I know exactly what's the difference). By now, if you haven't figured it out (from some non-verbal communication), I'll tell you that I like my nipples played with. If you're OK with that, we're in a higher gear now. It's like the game starting over, slow at first, ramping up to firm. My favorite thing in this game is having my shirt unbuttoned, nipples pressed into mine, with substantial nipple twisting while enduring the slow, soft rocking on my not soft spot.

When you tire of this position/movement we'll move to the standard buns in lap, with a long slow firm grind, while I caress your breasts, belly, thighs, and legs. Probably will play with your belly button. If I get too close, I'll ask you to slow down. I didn't come here for sex, just a sensual and exciting lap dance. Wow, you've been great. As the 3rd or 4th song ends, I'll thank you profusely, your looks, your dancing, your wonderfulness. You'll say something nice about me, or my hands, or my enjoyment. I'll pay and tip you some amount, say I hope to see you again.

We'll hug and walk out, our lives changed. I'll have an amazing memory, you'll be part way to your $ goal for this shift.

And Playboikitty, thanks for asking.
I want you to be in hopeless love & lust with me for 3, 10, 30, or 60 minutes, depending on the number and type of dance I get. Once you get into that mode, then just do what feels right and I'll enjoy it immensely. After the dance, I want you to leave me with the feeling you put it all out there for me, and let me take that fantasy home with me.

On a more tactical level, please don't ask me for an extra tip after the dance beyond what was already agreed to. If I'm feeling it, I'll tip. But I've saved more funds than you might imagine when a dancer I was ABOUT to tip asked for - or demanded - one. That locks my wallet closed, permanently.
I'm more on the average joe custie side as well. I've made a similar comment elsewhere, but I've always lived a decent distance from any clubs where extras were possible, so after driving multiple hours to get to a club that will even allow a 2-way topless lap dance, I'd prefer to maximize my time getting topless lap dances rather than be done in a half hour or something. If I lived closer to extras clubs and visiting them was something that happened more than twice a year I might feel differently about it, but all I'm really looking for is a sensual lap dance with a lot of 2nd base level mileage. However, I know I'm not TUSCL's core market so I do note in reviews where extras or OTC are regularly brought up by dancers, or areas where such things don't seem likely without additional effort.
avatar for NAAAASTY
4 years ago
Depends on how much money I'm willing to spend.

1. Looks. Must have requirement attracted to her at scale of 8+. Willing to get a couple dances if she's solely good looking $40
2. Fun, perky personality. As long as they're not air dances and she's not too quick to swipe away hands. I'll go a few more. $100
3. Increasing amount of skin to skin contact and the more grinding the better. ~$200
4. VIP. kissing, sucking, anything goes short of extras. $300+ at this time she's likely fave status
5. Anything more ITC or OTC price varies from level 4 to multiple x.

I love the tease and I love the chase. No regrets as long as I'm having fun.

First off, *never* be afraid to ask what a customer wants if there's any doubt at all in your mind. And be clear about whether or not you'll *do* what he (or she) wants when they do make it clear.

That said, it's almost pointless to ask on here what guys want. Almost all of them (including myself) will want sex of some kind, which you've already said you don't want to do. Which is fine, as long as you don't mislead anyone as to your limits.
I'll tell you what I want, what I really really want

Sorry, it was stuck in my head. Now, it's in yours.
avatar for rl27
4 years ago
Regardless of whether the club offers extras or not there are several things I look for.

Number one is looks. I have to be attractive to the dancer. In my case that's a slim fit body, nice proportionate breasts.

Right after this is attitude, personality and game. This can vary from dancer to dancer. With one dancer it can be a flirty, sensual and seductive attitude. While another dancer may just ooze sex out of every pore, and that a dance with her will be right at the edge of what the club allows.

Next is private dance skills. A dancer had better offer at least the typical dance at the club. If it's an extras club, then she better offer extras.

Finally, while not as import as the above three, conversation skills can be important. One of my current favorites has a down to earth tomboy attitude, and loves to talk sports. We can talk for a half hour on whatever the current games of the week are, before finally heading out to the private dance area.
" I have to be attractive to the dancer. ๐˜๐˜ฏ ๐˜ฎ๐˜บ ๐˜ค๐˜ข๐˜ด๐˜ฆ ๐˜ต๐˜ฉ๐˜ข๐˜ต'๐˜ด ๐˜ข ๐˜ด๐˜ญ๐˜ช๐˜ฎ ๐˜ง๐˜ช๐˜ต ๐˜ฃ๐˜ฐ๐˜ฅ๐˜บ, ๐˜ฏ๐˜ช๐˜ค๐˜ฆ ๐˜ฑ๐˜ณ๐˜ฐ๐˜ฑ๐˜ฐ๐˜ณ๐˜ต๐˜ช๐˜ฐ๐˜ฏ๐˜ข๐˜ต๐˜ฆ ๐˜ฃ๐˜ณ๐˜ฆ๐˜ข๐˜ด๐˜ต๐˜ด. "

Show me your tits.
Give me Hugh Jackman
Give me Billy Joel
Give me Frank Sinatra
Give me the Greek Isles
Tell me how interesting I am
Tell me how hot I am
Tell me how I have the biggest cock you've ever seen
Nibble my ears
Nibble my neck
Make me LDK so hard I'll think about it for the next three weeks

And never do this for any other man.
Blah - I donโ€™t get the Greek isles reference either.

Could it be anal?

GI? Gastro Intestinal?

GFE is girl friend experience - Girlfriend Interest?
avatar for wallanon
4 years ago
For naturally tall dancers with a shape I like, as a customer I like to know they can handle their weight. I like women who look like women, so if she's pushing 6 feet out of heels then that's different than a girl who's barely clearing 5 feet without heels. If I think a dancer is hot I'll give her one dance to show her moves, but I'm quick to call it if she's heavy and not getting the pressure right.
I can tell you what I donโ€™t want.

The start of this discussion is what would close up my wallet quickly.

avatar for wallanon
4 years ago
Oh yeah. From Playboikitty I'd like more photos posted. IG and Snapchat would work too. Don't do OnlyFans, but some of these other guys do.

Awkward encounters avoided. Everybody wins!
avatar for Player11
4 years ago
I had one tell the door girl โ€œhe belongs to me.โ€

She told me she was watching from dressing room and chose me.

We had some lappers then next day at notel $200 a session once a week. She would like modeling nude and bik (lots photos) then fuck. She could expertly put condoms on me and ride me to intense climax.
avatar for wallanon
4 years ago
If I didn't know better I'd say Player11 was a bot. What thread are you posting on, dude? lol
avatar for rl27
4 years ago
" I have to be attractive to the dancer. ๐˜๐˜ฏ ๐˜ฎ๐˜บ ๐˜ค๐˜ข๐˜ด๐˜ฆ ๐˜ต๐˜ฉ๐˜ข๐˜ต'๐˜ด ๐˜ข ๐˜ด๐˜ญ๐˜ช๐˜ฎ ๐˜ง๐˜ช๐˜ต ๐˜ฃ๐˜ฐ๐˜ฅ๐˜บ, ๐˜ฏ๐˜ช๐˜ค๐˜ฆ ๐˜ฑ๐˜ณ๐˜ฐ๐˜ฑ๐˜ฐ๐˜ณ๐˜ต๐˜ช๐˜ฐ๐˜ฏ๐˜ข๐˜ต๐˜ฆ ๐˜ฃ๐˜ณ๐˜ฆ๐˜ข๐˜ด๐˜ต๐˜ด. "
That's what I get writing a comment way late at night.
avatar for Playboikitty
4 years ago
@wallanon I figure my OF isnt X rated enough for these guys ๐Ÿ˜‚
avatar for kingcripple
4 years ago
My money back
avatar for Playboikitty
4 years ago
@heaving I don't think you understand how much I live for that humor, I'm so down ๐Ÿ˜‚
Generally what I want in no particular order are: extras, hot whispering in my ear, roaming hands, weird stories, genuine smiles and lots of laughter. If I can get any 3 I'm happy. I generally go for the sugar route as well because it's both safer and more enjoyable, plus the dancer keeps to keep everything. Most of my long term sugar babies have been dancers I've met at clubs over the years.
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