Putting Pounds on a Pretty Girl

avatar for Muddy
I see this SB sometimes. She is gorgeous, really. PYT. To the point where it’s an honor to be paying for this kind of pussy. It’s just while not anorexic thin like a lot of girls I see, she just doesn’t quite have the curves on here that I like. But I’m not just give up on it I’m gonna try to make it work. I just can’t think of a way to get the message across without sounding crazy. I thought about telling her “We need to get you fat” or “I think it would be better for the both of us if you gained some weight” I know it just not going to over well.

I thought about going the weight room jargon of “bulking up” at her but then again I don’t really want this. https://www.totalprosports.com/wp-conten…

So I figured let me just crowd source it. How many times can take her through a Golden Corral free for all before she catches on? Could I get kinky about it and say “I think you would look sexy as Wendy let’s go eat some to set the mood?” Look I’m on a god damn mission

I’m going to Burger King to make her the Burger Queen!

I’m goin In N Out to In N Out so I can be In N Out with this new fat ass girl all night long!

We’re moving from the Trailer Park to a castle, the White Castle 🏰 !

Some drinks at bars like Murphy’s and Flannigans, we will be drinking at McDonald’s!

Some people say Jenny Craig, No, I’m saying Rosie O’Donnell!


Now let me get a Hell Yeah!


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avatar for Warrior15
4 years ago
Eh, you are on a dangerous slope there Muddy. Most girls are really touchy about their weight. Either direction. If she is real thin, then she may be aware of it and tries to gain weight and can't. SB I am seeing now is 98 lbs. Her D cups look massive on those 98 lbs also. She eats as much as I do and just doesn't put on weight. That's partly because she is young. Her metabolism willl change later in life.
But you risk offending her if you start suggesting weight changes. JMHO.
avatar for rattdog
4 years ago
there are several ways you can approach this mud.

at this bar i hang out with i know three guys in the same situation as you. they're with a girl that has the face but does not have the desired curves. all three had them thickened out in over certain periods of time. i didn't ask any of the three how they persuaded them. some questions i feel shouldn't be asked.

i did find out how one of them did it. another guy witnessed one of the three guys with his girl at some diner. girl said, "i'm stuffed. i don't want anymore food. her guy goes"eeeeeaaat," and stuffs the food on a fork right into her mouth.

find a gym for your girl. pay for her membership. find a trainer for her. guve the trainer a few bucks and tell that trainer what type of exercise regiment can she follow to get those curves. chances are the training program won't be that hard - i've seen girls get those curves from working out for a half hour each time at the gym. they go maybe 3 times a week. so no worries - she won't turn into that bulked up example as you linked above.

if she likes football that will save you spending money for the gym membership. just buy a nerf football and throw 30-50 yard bombs to her. she can sprint her way to those curves.

avatar for dirtyburt
4 years ago
Just hang around for about 10 more years....... she will bulk up.
As I TOLD my ATF's.NEVER EVER worry about being too skinny or having too much money.I managed to stay that way after 60+ years and do not regret it a bit.
If your girl is not into exercise/ working out you won't convince her, unless she follows your lead.
Refrain from adding calories to her diet, or you may wind up with a Skinny Chick that has a Beer Gut and sagging tits.
Who the hell wants that?
avatar for Eve
4 years ago
This reminds me of an interesting local dude that's been on SA for years now and has contacted me occasionally in hopes that I reply.

After reading his profile (because his photos and tagline don't imply it. His username kkkinda does, but I forgot what it was), I learned that he was a foodie that has a kink for 'feederism', and offered pay in exchange for... well... his SB putting on the pounds for as long as she could. All he wanted to do was take her out to eat, cook for her, watch her eat, and see her plump up as a result. He didn't care how big or small she was to begin with. The more pounds she's willing to gain, the more he offered to pay. I think in the first PM he sent me 5 years ago, he said he'd give me $200 for every 10 pounds I could put on. LOL
avatar for dirtyburt
4 years ago
Damn It..Now I am really confused...........
@Muddy and others....... the fat ones come a dime a dozen. WHy do we want to push extra weight?? I have instituted a weight limit in all of my dancer partners.
Pleasantly turned as bunch down in NJ last night. I want to be comfortable and have acrobatics in my dances not smooshed,into the furniture..
avatar for shadowcat
4 years ago
Knock her up!
avatar for wallanon
4 years ago
"I want to be comfortable and have acrobatics in my dances not smooshed,into the furniture.."

Was something getting smooshed as you typed that? Besides, if something isn't smooshed into the furniture when it's over then you didn't have enough fun.
avatar for NAAAASTY
4 years ago
For all of ya fatFetishFellas buy her a fat suit. or better yet buy yourself a fat suit, let her wear it and do whatever it is that turns you on w/ it but have her give it back to re-use before you try to ruin a perfectly fine skinny ;)

avatar for Cashman1234
4 years ago
I think this borders on being highly controlling. I understand you are paying to be with this girl, and you have preferences, so you should get what you want. But, I would recommend finding a girl who is already in the shape you want.

In my view - when a woman wants to change a guy - it usually ends poorly. I think paying a girl and trying get her to put on weight, is a poor idea. If the girl is not exclusive to you, other guys may enjoy her body as is.

Why not just find a beautiful girl who already has the thickness you desire?
avatar for skibum609
4 years ago
So 3 billion fat women on the planet isn't enough? We need one more obese woman, oops I mean "thick", unless a new retarded phrase for obese has been created.
avatar for Muddy
4 years ago
Na I ain't doin shit. But I will say I think 15-20 lbs would go a long way on this girl. Honestly.

@Eve that sounds like some great side booty to have for when you get the drunk munchies.
avatar for wallanon
4 years ago
I've decided this thread would be much improved if it was named "Putting the Pound on a Pretty Girl". That's a message I can get behind.
avatar for herbtcat
4 years ago
Drop the controlling attitude.

SB's are not possessions. Neither are wives, GF's, FWB's, nor random hookups. You don't own her body and trying to get her to conform to your ideal version is a sure way to eventually get dumped, and maybe beat her self-esteem into the ground.

This problem is YOUR problem, Dude, not hers. YOU picked her, YOU agreed to be her SD. And every time YOU give her allowance YOU confirm that you are happy with your decision to be her SD. If you are not attracted to her, move on. There are literally thousands of women looking for an SD in every state in the US.

Now IF she were to ask you (without prompting) to help her make a change in her life, that's the time for Daddy, as someone with more life experience than her, to step up and coach/guide/assist her in achieving her goals.

Time to rethink your role and your goals, Mudds....
avatar for Mate27
4 years ago
You should ask Icee how to handle this, since he’s an expert on e erythema g and a know it all righteous SJW.
avatar for wallanon
4 years ago
I just started treating everything Muddy posts as a joke. Was this a serious question?

Some of these skinny chicks look "just right" after they pop out a kid or two. I'd rather that than the girl who you know is going to plump up after the bun is done. So feel like playing who's the daddy to pack a few pounds on her? There's a hot waitress with some rockin tits I was waiting to bang until she turned 21, then some jackass had to go and knock her up. She looks like maybe she could maintain, but doesn't work out so it's a tossup.
avatar for Studme53
4 years ago
Can’t relate. I like slim chicks. To each his own. I wish (kind of, I guess) I liked chubs, there’s a ton (lol) of them out there. Sad.
avatar for Muddy
4 years ago
@Wal that's correct I'm fucking around just some wishful thinking on my part. Like I said though, if this girl just gained 20 lbs, oooh you would have something. Unless I'm fucking some kind of weird sex robot thing, I should not be hearing clankity clank when I am fucking. Some of these guys chase these skeletons and I just don't get it for the life of me.
avatar for Studme53
4 years ago
I heard the opposite - “this girl would be perfect if she lost 15 pounds - I’ll have her start running and working out with me” . That actually works sometimes because the girl is actually motivated to lose weight too.
I never known a girl who wanted to gain weight but couldn’t.
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